Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 518 Chapter 452-453 What is a magical skill

Chapter 518 Chapter 452-453 What is a magical skill
As night fell, the stars shone brightly in the dark night.

Wuhun Hall, the depths of Douluo Hall.

Qian Renxue stood quietly, her eyes looked into the distance, it was an extremely dark passage, the depth of the passage was pitch black, and she couldn't see anything clearly.

Beside her was a very low-key young man in black. This young man was Qian Chongling.

"Xue'er, aren't you going to take a break? Are you going to start the seventh test now?"

A sudden voice came from Qian Chongling's mouth, breaking the tranquility of this moment.

Qian Renxue still had no expression on her face, if it wasn't for the golden lines between her brows that were gradually glowing, she would have been like a sculpture.

"Extending the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife. Sooner or later, we need to face it."

Qian Renxue gave Qian Chongling a hard look, and said helplessly.

It is true that the Nine Trials of Angels arranged by Qian Chongling has indeed greatly improved Qian Renxue's strength, not only the improvement of soul power, but also the double improvement of mood and physique.

This kind of improvement in all aspects has benefited Qian Renxue a lot.

However, the divine exams arranged by Qian Chongling were extremely difficult, and it was not easy to pass them.

In the end, Qian Renxue had already passed the sixth test, and she was only short of the last three tests before she could completely enter the god level.

You know, few people can resist the temptation to become a god.

Qian Zhongling nodded with a smile: "I am very pleased that you have such an awareness, then I will tell you the content of the seventh test."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his right hand and swung it down lightly. Suddenly, there was a wave of space, and a huge crystal screen appeared in front of Qian Renxue.

On the crystal screen, there is a huge picture.

In the picture, a woman with three pairs of golden wings behind her whose face cannot be seen clearly is suspended in mid-air, staring at the dark and ominous city below.

"Eternal Blazing Sun!"

With the woman's angry shout, the three pairs of golden wings on her back were suddenly dyed a touch of fiery red.

Endless light and heat erupted from the three pairs of fiery red wings, converging and condensing into three huge balls of light above her head.

Those three balls of light, like the real scorching sun, bloomed with endless brilliance.

"Six Wings Sword Dance: Brilliant and Eternal!"

As soon as the words fell, three extremely hot and violent energies were transmitted from the three blazing suns.

These energies were attracted by the golden long sword in the woman's hand, and endless brilliance and energy condensed on the sword, turning into a huge golden long sword.

Then, the huge golden long sword suddenly slashed towards the city below.

This sword, as if the sky was falling apart, brought destructive energy.


An earth-shattering sound spread along with terrifying shock waves.

Under this terrifying energy, the entire city instantly turned into fly ash and disappeared without a trace.

Qian Renxue looked at the picture on the crystal screen, her pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, her breathing became short of breath, and a surge of hot blood rushed straight to her forehead.

"Your seventh test is to comprehend the two divine skills of the ancestors, the Eternal Blazing Sun and the Dance of the Six-Winged Sword. The content on this crystal screen includes the cultivation process of the divine skills and the power of the divine skills."

Qian Zhongling said with a smile.

"The power of divine skills is so powerful!" Qian Renxue was a little surprised.

"Eternal Lieyang is a divine skill, but it is an auxiliary divine skill, and its power is not very strong. But once it is combined with the six-winged sword dance, the power will increase several times."

Qian Chongling nodded with a smile, and said: "Therefore, Eternal Blazing Sun and Six-Winged Sword Rondo Dance are very special magical skills. They complement each other, and you must comprehend their essence."

Qian Renxue nodded, but she had another question.

"Old ancestor, soul skills, self-created soul skills, divine skills, what is the difference between these three?"

Qian Renxue asked what was in her heart.

"What is a soul skill, I don't need to say more, you should understand."

Qian Zhongling glanced at her and said.

Qian Renxue smiled and nodded: "Then what's the difference between self-created soul skills and divine skills?"

"The difference? Self-created soul skills are essentially no different from divine skills!"

Qian Chongling said meaningfully.

"how can that be?"

Qian Renxue looked at Qian Chongling in surprise, she did not agree with Qian Chongling's point of view.

How can self-created soul skills be compared with divine skills? It's just a dream.

"Although it's a bit unbelievable, it's the truth. Soul masters create their own soul skills, and they need a lot of talent and understanding to be able to do it."

Qian Zhongling said with a smile: "And even if you successfully create your own soul skill, most soul masters will not be able to further perfect it and deduce it to the extreme."

"Therefore, the vast majority of self-created soul skills are not powerful, and can even be regarded as low-medium, let alone soul masters who can deduce their own soul skills to the extent that they can resist the ninth soul skill."

Taking a deep look at Qian Renxue, Qian Zhongling said earnestly, "But, what if you do it? What if your self-created soul skill is stronger than the soul master's ninth soul skill?"

"It's stronger than the ninth soul skill of a soul master?!"

There was a hint of surprise in Qian Renxue's beautiful eyes, and her heart beat violently in an instant.

At this moment, she finally understood what Qian Chongling said.

If you can push your self-created soul skill to the extreme, it is a divine skill!

In the simplest sentence, if your self-created soul ability can resist the ninth soul ability of the soul master, then no matter whether you have nine soul rings or not, you can be regarded as a Title Douluo.

For another example, if your self-created soul skills can compete with gods, then your self-created soul skills are equivalent to divine skills.

Of course, it's easy to say, but it's as difficult as it is to do it.

On the Douluo Continent, Qian Renxue has never heard of anyone who has done it, let alone a self-created soul skill that can rival the gods.

Qian Chongling looked at the sluggish Qian Renxue, with a slight arc on his mouth, and said, "So, in fact, the two great abilities of the ancestor gods were evolved from the self-created soul skills."

The excitement in Qian Renxue's heart gradually calmed down, and her face returned to calm.

"Old Ancestor, don't worry, I will definitely comprehend the two great skills of the Divine Ancestor as soon as possible!"

"very good!"

Qian Zhongling nodded in satisfaction, pointed to the extremely dark passage, and said, "This secret realm is a time-like secret realm, and the time flow rate between the secret realm and the outside world is ten to one."

"In other words, originally you had one year of assessment time, but in the secret realm, you have ten years to comprehend the divine skills."

"Xue'er understands!"

As soon as the words fell, Qian Renxue stepped into that secret realm with firm steps.

In the early morning of the next day, the new generation of Shrek Seven Monsters who were far away in the vast sea city, they left the city from the west gate of the vast sea city early in the morning, and went straight to the pier.

Hanhai City's piers are huge, there are more than [-] piers with a length of hundreds of meters stationed in the sea, and hundreds of sea ships are moored on the piers.

Tang San quickly found the sea ship, the one he and Dai Mubai rented the day before yesterday.

This is a brand new sea boat, the whole body of the ship is painted iron color, only the deck is decorated with red and white paint, it looks pretty good.

The iron-colored hull is said to be less likely to attract attacks from sea spirit beasts.

The length of the hull is 50 meters, and the width is also more than 20 meters. Although it is not big among sea ships, it is also quite large.

If you look carefully, you can find that under the subway gray paint on the outside of the hull, there is a thick layer of iron armor, which can protect the hull.

The reason why Tang San and Dai Mubai took a fancy to this ship was because its own defense ability was quite good.

Although it cost a lot of money to charter this boat, as long as it can reach Sea God Island smoothly, it will be worth it.

"Welcome to the Sea Demon."

As soon as everyone boarded the big ship along the deck, a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his 50s greeted them with a smile on his face and made a welcome gesture to them.

Under Haider's introduction, everyone knew that there were a total of eight crew members on the Sea Demon, including a captain, a first mate and six crew members.

The Sea Demon has three floors, two on the deck and one below.

As the party that spends money, Tang San and the others naturally lived on the two floors above the deck, and the crew lived below.

"Break the anchor and set off."

After all the personnel arrived, under Haider's order, the Sea Demon sailed away from the port and went straight into the sea.

At this time, the sun has risen from the east, shining the sparkling light on the sea.

Tang San, Xue Haizang and the others all stood on the second deck of the Sea Demon, looking at the charming scenery of the sea.

The winter sea breeze blows on the body, although it is a bit colder, it seems to have blown everyone's hearts open.

Even Tang San, who had been depressed all this time, seemed to have relaxed a lot at this moment.

As time passed, the day passed quickly, surrounded by endless sea water, and there was no trace of land anymore.

At noon the next day, Tang San stood on the deck and looked into the distance.

He roughly calculated that Sea Demon was heading in the right direction, and was approaching Sea God Island.

"Mr. Soul Master, according to the current voyage, we will need about eight days to reach our destination."

Haider came to Tang San's side, and said to him: "However, after continuing to sail for about half a day, you will enter the area where spirit beasts are active, and then I will rely on you all."

Tang San said calmly: "Captain Haider, if you encounter a powerful spirit beast while sailing, what will you do with it?"

Haider smiled slightly and said, "Under normal circumstances, spirit beasts rarely attack ships. Only a small number of ferocious and violent spirit beasts have records of actively attacking ships."

"And you can rest assured that a drug is applied to our ship. Soul beasts hate the smell of this drug very much, and generally they will not approach the ship."

"What if you accidentally angered a powerful spirit beast?" Tang San asked.

"The captain of a seagoing ship that dares to go far has a chart in his mind. With this chart, most of us can guarantee the safety of the passengers." Haider laughed.

"Oh? What is the chart?" Tang San asked curiously.

"The charts and habits of those powerful sea soul beasts are very similar, and sea soul beasts also have their own territory. Therefore, as long as we don't enter the territory of sea soul beasts, we won't offend them."

Speaking of this, Haider couldn't help showing a somewhat proud look on his face.

The corner of Tang San's mouth drew a strange smile, and said: "It seems that the captain still knows very well about spirit beasts."

Haider was slightly taken aback, and said: "No matter where you are, you must know more, so that you can live longer."

Don't you know a word?
The more you know, the sooner you die, the faster you die.

Tang San secretly said in his heart, but he didn't say much.

Time at sea always passes quickly, the sun rises in the east, and a new day has arrived.

In the early morning, the sea was filled with a layer of faint morning mist.

Today's breakfast is a standard sea breakfast, which is black bread, fish soup plus some salmon and caviar.

The breakfast has a lot of weight, but it was eaten up by everyone in just a short while.

"All full? Let's go to the deck to get some air!"

Ma Hongjun wiped his mouth and said to everyone.

"Come on, let's go to the deck and get some fresh air."

Everyone stood up, walked out of the room, and came to the deck.

As the sun rises from the east, the morning fog over the sea is gradually dissipating.

Captain Haider came over with a few crew members, with a strange smile on his face, and said, "Guests, how is the breakfast?"

Ma Hongjun stretched out his thumb and said, "It's pretty good, especially the caviar, which is very delicious."

Haider said proudly: "That's natural. What you eat is black caviar. If it is sold inland, it will be worth gold. However, the better feeling is yet to come. Counting the time, it is almost the same." .”

"It's almost time? What you said, wouldn't it be that some gadgets were added to today's breakfast?"

Don't even bother acting, Tang San sneered sternly.

"You guys? That's impossible! The cock crowing and five drums I played are enough to make people sleep for three days and three nights!"

Haider yelled angrily.

Although Tang San is a double-standard monster, a little bastard.

However, when it comes to poison, there are indeed few people in the entire Douluo Continent who are better than him.

Therefore, when Haider and the others drugged Tang San and the others, it could only be said that it was like playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong, which only increased laughter.

Tang San looked at him with some pity, and said lightly: "Actually, I noticed you when I went to sea on the first day, your two flaws are too obvious."

Haider was taken aback, and asked subconsciously: "What flaw do we have?"

Tang San sneered and said: "First, although I don't know what method you used to cover up your soul power, you all act vigorously, and your strength is obviously much stronger than ordinary people."

"Secondly, you captain, don't you think you know too much about soul masters and soul beasts?"

"Finally, I'll give you a word. The more you know, the faster you die. If you say too much, you will lose it!"

Tang San's eloquent tone undoubtedly enraged Haider thoroughly.

 Xiaopujie's new book will be recommended for the first round starting tomorrow, so you can follow it up if you have time.At present, the recommendations are all for follow-up reading, and it is easy to feed new books to death.


(End of this chapter)

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