Douluo's life to the end

Chapter 519 Chapter 454-455 Purple Pearl?nonexistent

Chapter 519 Chapter 454-455 Purple Pearl?nonexistent

"This is the sea! You land spirit masters are just landlubbers, don't be too crazy! Kill them and let them know how powerful our sea spirit masters are!"

His face was torn apart, and Haider didn't continue to hide anything. He released his martial spirit while talking.

As soon as the words fell, the eight people headed by Haider released their martial spirits and spirit rings at the same time.

Beautiful soul rings emerged one by one, and the strength of Haider and the others was also exposed.

Haider is the soul king, and his first mate is the soul master. Among the other six people, there are two soul masters and four great soul masters.

Haider's idea is very simple. These people are all young people in their 20s. They say that Potian has a soul power of more than 30 levels, and they can completely take it down.

Looking at the incomparably rampant appearance of these people, Tang San said thoughtfully: "I have observed that if it is a soul master, as long as there are three of them, the ship can sail normally."

Generally speaking, when someone is speaking, they will basically not be attacked.

However, people like Haider are not included in this list.

When Tang San was speaking, these people rushed over without any martial ethics.

"Brother Xue, how about the two of us?"

Tang San didn't change his face, and asked Xue Haizang calmly.

"my pleasure!"

Xue Haizang said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, crystal blue light scattered on the deck, and incomparably tough blue and silver vines came out quietly.

The sharp chirping sound of an eagle pierced the sky, and a snow-white giant eagle several meters high appeared behind Xue Haizang.

Yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, five spirit rings emerged from Tang San's feet.

Xue Haizang on the other side has two yellow, two purple, two black, six spirit rings on his body.

A soul emperor, a soul king, and a total of eleven soul rings, each of which seemed to be mocking people like Haider.

In front of Tang San's own mother, even the ship's officer at the level of the soul sect could not move at all, let alone those soul masters and great soul masters.

With three yellows, two purples, and five soul rings, Haider doesn't even have the slightest desire to fight.

Because he was facing Xue Haizang at the level of Soul Emperor.

Obviously, they were planted today, and they were planted miserably.



The sound of several sharp objects piercing through flesh and blood came.

It was Xue Haizang's eagle claws that pierced the chests of the first officer and another crew member.

And the other few sounds were the sound of Tang San using the Blue Silver Overlord Spear to skewer the other three crew members.

They only need three survivors to allow the ship to continue sailing.

The other five guys who looked like crew members were actually pirates, so there was no reason for them to be spared.

The blue-black blue-silver vines swept up, throwing the five corpses into the sea, and burial in the belly of the fish would be their final belonging.

This battle without any suspense was over as soon as it started.

The two surviving crew members were already trembling, fearing that they would also be killed.

Tang San walked slowly in front of Haider, and said lightly: "I think we can have a good talk now."

Before the words finished, Tang San's right hand glowed with a white light, and he stretched out his hand to count on Haider's body.

Haider felt numb all over, as if the soul power in his body was blocked by something, and the five soul rings on his body suddenly disappeared at the same time.

Tang San's move is just like in martial arts TV dramas, using acupressure to seal the opponent's internal force.

In this way, the current Haider is just a little better than an ordinary person.

Immediately afterwards, Tang San unwrapped his mother, revealing Haider who was originally wrapped in vines.

Haider, whose legs were already weak from fright, knelt down on his knees and begged for mercy: "Please forgive me, I can say anything, as long as you don't kill me."

Seeing this, Tang San showed a very "elegant" smile, and said: "Captain Haider, I think you should be a member of a certain pirate group, so where is your captain?"

Hey, Xiao Wu is gone!

Tang San washed his face with tears all day long, and only Xiao Zuo and Xiao You were with him
Although, the biography of Sea God Shura is somewhat unreliable.

But Tang San still felt that he could have a negative distance communication with Purple Pearl.

After all, Xiao Wu was gone, he was in a panic.

Haider was taken aback for a moment, and asked back with some confusion: "Leader? I am the leader!"

Tang San showed a fierce look on his face, kicked it fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Let me ask you, where is the head of your Purple Pearl Pirates?"

Haider was dizzy for a while, and he was kicked and fell to the ground.

Seeing Tang San's ferocious expression and that terrifying aura, Haider said timidly: "I am the captain, my lord, I don't know what the Purple Pearl Pirates you are talking about."

Tang San looked down at him condescendingly, and said indifferently: "Aren't you recruited by Purple Pearl?"

"My lord, I really don't know who the purple pearl in your mouth is!"

Haider hugged Tang San's thigh weeping bitterly, and said sadly: "How about you tell me, my lord, the situation of Purple Pearl? Or did he/she change his name?"

Tang San pulled his thigh out of Haider's hand in disgust, and said: "Purple Pearl is a level 73 Soul Sage, about 37 years old, but well maintained, looks like a 20 A beautiful woman of many years."

After a slight pause, Tang San continued: "Also, in the past few years, Purple Pearl has recruited many pirate groups, and you are one of them."

Hearing this, Haider has already confirmed that the soul king in front of him should be suffering from hysteria, and he likes to think wildly.

"My lord, I really haven't heard of Zizhuzhu. There are quite a few pirate groups around here, but none of them have been recruited."

Although he was complaining in his heart, Haider still knew his current situation, so his words were very tactful.

Tang San:"."

I'm cracked, I just want to talk about biology and genetics with the female pirate He Zizhu.

However, just such a small wish, the thief is not willing to give it to me?

In desperation, Tang San could only say sorry to little Tang San in his heart, and could only continue to suffer.

"Then get up, I won't kill you, just send us to Sea God Island."

Tang San's voice suddenly became cold at this time, "Don't play tricks, you should feel that your spirit power has been sealed, and I have left a restriction on you, which can let you Life is better than death!"

"You three continue sailing. Although I don't know how to sail, I can still determine the approximate direction, so..."

In the second half of the sentence, Tang San didn't say much, but anyone with a discerning eye knew what he meant.

"Thank you, my lord!"

Haider breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly entered the cockpit with the two surviving crew members.

The Sea Demon continued to sail, but the original quiet and harmonious atmosphere on the ship had completely disappeared.

In the control room of the cockpit, Haider's face gradually distorted, full of ferocity and madness.

Happy life and fear death, this is the destiny and nature of all things.

He Haider is no exception.

Therefore, he is afraid of death, very afraid of death.

According to normal circumstances, in order to save their lives, Haider would definitely cooperate with Tang San and the others and send them to Sea God Island.

However, Haider's situation is abnormal.

Because, his son is dead!
Just now, Haider's own son, also his only son, was stabbed to death by Tang San with the Blue Silver Overlord Spear!

This only biological son is Haider's only hope.

Moreover, Haider's body has some problems, and he cannot have another son.

Otherwise, with his soul king's cultivation base, he is just over 50 years old, and it would be no problem to have another one.

Therefore, everything Haider has done these years is for this son.

He even made up his mind to grab a little more money and then grab a wife for his son.

After doing this, he can find a place to spend his old age in peace of mind.

It's just that everything that happened today ruined all his "plans".

His son, with a bang, is gone!

Haider's future, the future of their family, is gone!
"You killed my son, so I let you be buried with my son, isn't that fair!"

At this moment, Haider's eyes were already full of madness.

Another day passed, and the Sea Demon was still sailing, and Hyder and the remaining two crew members behaved very honestly.

Tang San has also been carefully watching the voyage, and he found that the approximate direction is not wrong.

Therefore, Tang San gradually felt relieved.

The night was getting darker, Tang San was in charge of the night watch tonight, leaning on the board of the boat, feeling the smell of the sea in the faint chill.

In the control room of the cabin, an oil lamp was lit.

Because the first mate died, Haider could only go into battle in person, and he didn't even have time to fish and rest.

In Haider in the control room, he could always feel Tang San's gaze.

However, Haider didn't pay much attention to it. He stared at the dark night, wondering what he was thinking.

Tang San on the deck suddenly shivered slightly, he actually felt a little cold.

As a soul master, not to mention cold and heat are not invading, but even Ning Rongrong doesn't feel this bit of chill.

For Tang San, it was like a breeze blowing on his face.

If something goes wrong, there must be evildoers!
An ominous premonition gradually appeared in Tang San's heart, as if something important had been forgotten by him.

What exactly did you forget?
Could there be danger coming?
Tang San frowned, turned around suddenly, and strode towards the control room.

"Captain Hyder."

Tang San knocked on the door of the control room a few times.

"My lord, do you have any orders?"

Haider saw that there was no problem with the course, so he did not continue to steer, opened the door of the control room, and said respectfully.

Tang San asked: "Is our course correct?"

Haider nodded and said, "Of course not. I sailed exactly according to the chart you gave me. This sea is called the Demonic Whale Sea. As long as I pass here, there are only a few days left before Sea God Island." .”

Demonic Whale Sea Area?

Hearing these four words, the ominous premonition in Tang San's heart became more and more intense, he said coldly: "Devil Whale Sea Territory? Why is it called that?"

Haider said indifferently: "Because, there is a magic whale living on the bottom of this sea area, so it has this name."

Hearing the words Demonic Whale and Sea Territory again, Tang San finally remembered that thing he had temporarily forgotten.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King!
A soul beast close to a million years old!
According to the records in Shura Sea God's Biography, when they met the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, their lives were hanging by a thread.

If it wasn't for the heart of the sea god, if it wasn't for good luck, they would have died long ago and couldn't die anymore.

Now, the Seagod's Heart is in Xue Haizang's hands.

Moreover, Tang San can guarantee that Xue Haizang will never use the Seagod's Heart.

If they really met the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, would Tang San and the others still survive?

Holding on to the last hope, Tang San squinted his eyes and asked: "Demonic Whale? It can't be a sea spirit beast, right?"

Haider nodded, and said: "That's right, this magic whale is indeed a sea soul beast, and it is a very powerful sea soul beast. .”

"It's just that it is lazy by nature, and generally only lurks on the bottom of the sea. When eating, it opens its mouth wide and devours sea creatures, which is enough to survive."

"Is this magic whale you mentioned blind in one eye?" Tang San frowned, still holding that thread of illusion that shouldn't be there.

Haider was stunned for a moment, and said in great surprise: "How do you know? The left eye of this magic whale is indeed blind, and it faces east in spring and autumn, and west in summer and winter in all four seasons of the year."

"Under normal circumstances, even if a ship passes through the sea area of ​​the magic whale, it will not be attacked by it as long as it sails in the direction where it is blind."

"It's winter now, its body is facing west, and its blind left eye is on the south side of its body. And our Sea Demon is about to sail from its north side."

Real hammer!
This demon whale is the million-year-old deep sea demon whale king!

Tang San was extremely regretful in his heart at this time, he would actually forget about the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

Could it be, because this thing was stabbed to death by him in the end, and it became his own spirit ring and spirit bone.

Therefore, I simply look down on this guy?

"Son of a bitch!"

Tang San cursed, kicked Haider flying, and hurriedly went up to steer, in order to change the course as soon as possible.

"Bah! It's too late, we've already entered the Demon Whale's waters, and just in case, I specially released several torpedoes to remind it."

"After all, this demon whale has such a good temper. I'm really afraid that if we pass by its eyes, it won't even look at it."

Haider spat out a mouthful of blood, with a ferocious smile on his face.

As soon as the words fell, muffled noises began to be heard from under the sea.

The sea, which was originally calm, also gradually became turbulent.

"Why are you doing this? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Tang San kicked Haider over, stepped on his chest, and questioned him.

"Afraid of death? Of course I'm afraid, but my son is dead, what's the point of me being alive?"

"Hahaha, my son was buried in the belly of a fish, and you will end up in the same way. Let my son be buried with him!"

Haider's smile became more and more crazy, and his sanity seemed to be a little unclear.

"Rip, Rip"

"Gollum, Gollum"

"crunch, crunch"

"Ugh, ahh"

(End of this chapter)

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