People are fighting, the three-year period has come

Chapter 302 The matter of the star field ends

Chapter 302 The matter of the star field ends

The faces of the three giants maintaining the star field changed, and they felt that the three thousand flames had broken through the seal
And there is also a message from the space bead inside, obviously, something happened inside!
But they still need to maintain the star field and cannot withdraw
"Elders of Danta, prepare to enter the star field!"

Xuankongzi gave a soft drink, and saw many figures appearing in the sky
"There is an accident in the star field, the three of us need to maintain the stability of the star field, you enter it to support!"

Xuankongzi said in a deep voice, and then increased the output of soul power, strengthening the star field again.

"Yes, President!"

The many Danta elders responded in unison, and then flew towards the space gate above the sky.

Before they could enter, Qiu Ling and the others hurriedly flew out of the space gate
boom! ! !
Accompanying it was an earth-shattering huge roar and explosion, which made the whole world tremble!
Huge pressure spread to the Big Three, forcing them to continue to increase their output and stabilize the star field

In the sky, cracks were clearly visible, and in these cracks, countless purple-black flames and silver-blue lightning overflowed, crackling.

At this moment, a terrifying wave of scorching heat came from the space gate like a surging wave.

Qiu Ling and those Danta elders were hit by this terrifying wave, and the powerful thrust made them fly backwards like kites with broken strings
If there were no hills to protect them, the top ten contestants in the alchemy would probably die under this terrifying heat wave
Even Qiu Ling was caught off guard by the scalding wave, blood spurted out of his mouth, and he was injured.

"what happened!?"

Seeing this situation, Tianleizi couldn't help shouting in the direction of the hill.

Stabilizing his body, Qiu Ling sent several people to a safe place before coming to the side of the Big Three and began to report the situation

Listening to Tianleizi's narration, the faces of the three giants became more and more ugly. When they heard that Xiao Yan was engulfed in the sea of ​​flames and hadn't come out yet, their expressions became even more ugly

As soon as the Pill Club ended, the champion was still alive and dead in the inner domain, which was a shame to Pill Pagoda, and Xiao Yan was still Yaochen's disciple, which made the Big Three even more furious!

"Hall of Souls! I want you to pay the price!"

After listening to Qiu Ling's description, the icy coldness in Xuanyi's eyes made the surroundings start to turn cold, and the surging killing intent was about to condense into substance.

Just when the three giants were angry, a condensed soul force burst out from the ring on Xuanyi's jade finger

That soul power slowly transformed into an old man with white hair and white beard in the air

After the old man appeared, he looked at the sky that was about to collapse, and then slowly said: "The matter of the Soul Palace will be discussed later, and it is not appropriate for the Pill Tower to conflict with the Soul Palace."

"Old guy, that's your disciple, why don't you worry at all, the Soul Palace has killed your disciple to death, why do you still look calm!"

Seeing the old man come out, Tianleizi was still so calm, he couldn't help but said angrily, this is totally different from the Yaochen he knew.
Unexpectedly, after listening to Tianleizi's angry reprimand, Yaochen was not angry, but smiled slightly: "Old man Lei, my disciple, how can I not worry, but he is fine, how can I worry?"


The Big Three were stunned, how could they be fine, they were engulfed by the three thousand flames, let alone Xiao Yan, a junior with the strength of the Dou Zong, even some five or six star Dou Zun powerhouses, they couldn't guarantee that they would survive.

"Don't worry, that kid, his life is at stake, not to mention that little guy Xiao Yu is here, Xiao Yan will be fine, the strange fire is too important to Xiao Yan, even if I was there at the time, I couldn't persuade him, but Since Xiao Yu had already said not to worry about it, with him around, it is very unlikely that something will happen to Xiao Yan.

And can I still make fun of my precious apprentice? "

Yao Chen nodded and said softly
Hearing that the Big Three didn't know what to say, Yao Chen, a master, was not in a hurry, what could they do.

"By the way, Qiu Ling, what about Mu Gu and the three Dou Zun of the Soul Palace?"

Thinking that not only did they not come out, they also didn't see the people in the Soul Palace, Xuan Kongzi couldn't help asking with a frown.

Hearing Xuankongzi's question, Qiu Ling told about the situation of the four people in Soul Hall

"Even if the four of them don't die in such a terrifying sea of ​​flames, they won't have a good time. With Xiao Yu's avatar dragging them along, they definitely won't be able to get out."

After listening to Yao Chen, he said

"As for Xiao Yan's situation, just ask Xiao Yu later."

It was said that the Big Three had no choice but to give up and start to stabilize the star field with all their strength.

The star field is now full of three thousand flames. If it collapses and those flames fall into the inner field, it will undoubtedly be a disaster, and they cannot help them relax.


After a day of stability, the star field finally stopped collapsing, and the Big Three were finally able to get out
The strange thing is that during this period of time, there was not a single person from the Soul Palace making trouble in the inner domain, which made the Big Three and Yao Chen very puzzled.

Based on their understanding of the Hall of Souls, it is impossible that only the four of Mu Gu participated in this turmoil

However, this is the fact, so they can only carefully investigate various places, but in the end they have not found anything

In addition, Xuan Yi also took Yao Chen and went to Xiao Mansion in person, intending to inquire about Xiao Yan's situation.


"President Xuanyi, please come in."

In the Xiao Manor, Xiao Yu was a little surprised to see Xuan Yi coming, he didn't know what this person came to see him for.

After welcoming him to the reception hall and sitting down, Xiao Yu asked:
"I don't know if President Xuanyi is looking for me. Is there something wrong?"

Before Xuanyi opened his mouth, Yaochen came out, looking at this young man from the Xiao family of the Jia Ma Empire, the latter was quite moved.

"Little guy, we meet again."

Seeing Yao Chen, Xiao Yu was surprised, shouldn't the former follow Xiao Yan?How could he escape from the ring of President Xuanyi?

But after being surprised, Xiao Yu cupped his hands and said with a smile: "So it's Yao Lao, long time no see."

"For reminiscing about the old days, I won't say much. I came here this time to ask about the situation of Xiao Yan."

Yao Lao didn't say much, and went straight to the point

In the star field, Xiao Yu is the last one left. I'm afraid only the former knows about Xiao Yan's situation. This is the purpose of Yao Chen's coming.

Hearing that Yao Chen came to inquire about Xiao Yan's situation, Xiao Yu didn't hide anything, just told the situation

It turned out that after the self-destruct of the clone, Xiao Yu's soul power attached to the clone was to enter the purple-black sea of ​​fire that filled the sky, looking for Xiao Yan.

After finding Xiao Yan, Xiao Yu confirmed the situation of the former. At that time, Xiao Yan was engaged in a soul confrontation with the origin of the Three Thousand Flames.
Soul confrontation is no different than other battles, it is an extremely dangerous battle, if it is not serious, the soul will be severely injured, and it will even cause the soul to disappear and die completely.

However, according to what Xiao Yu observed, Xiao Yan had the upper hand in this soul confrontation
Sanqian Yanhuo has experienced several severe injuries, its strength has weakened a lot, and its soul power has also weakened a lot
Xiao Yan's soul power had already reached the peak of the early stage of the spiritual realm, so he naturally had the strength to compete with the three thousand flames, coupled with the suppression of that ray of dragon energy, it was not unusual for Xiao Yan to gain the upper hand.

However, the glazed lotus heart fire that protected his body became extremely weak under the erosion of the purple black flame. If this continued, Xiao Yan's physical body would definitely be lost, so Xiao Yu turned the remaining soul power into A protective barrier, for Xiao Yan to resist those purple black flames.

After Xiao Yu's ray of soul power was exhausted, Xiao Yan finally completely suppressed the Three Thousand Flames, and because of Xiao Yan's ability to separate the glazed lotus heart, it bloomed again, forming a green flame cover that completely covered it. , so that the purple black flames cannot hurt him

Since then, Xiao Yu's ray of soul power has finally dissipated.


"So that's it. It seems that it shouldn't be difficult for that brat to subdue the Three Thousand Flames. We just need to wait."

After listening to Xiao Yu's narration, Yao Chen stroked his beard and nodded
The situation Xiao Yu mentioned can be explained, Xiao Yan has already begun to subdue the Three Thousand Flame Flame, and with the protection of the different fire, the danger is no longer serious.

Xuan Yi also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, she understood Yao Chen's temperament, if something happened to Xiao Yan, I'm afraid this old guy would go crazy, and he would be able to do such things as finding the Soul Palace to settle accounts by himself.

At this time, outside the hall, a purple-clothed woman relaxed her clenched fists. If something happened to Xiao Yan, she might really rush into the star field regardless.

After talking about Xiao Yan, Yao Chen also asked about the whereabouts of Mu Gu and the others, but looking at his murderous eyes, if Mu Gu and the others were still alive, I'm afraid this one would not let them go.

Xiao Yu told the story of Mu Gu and others being buried in the sea of ​​flames, but he did not say that his avatar self-destructed. Obviously, he still had some concerns, and he didn't want others to know that he killed the people in the Soul Palace. Xuan Yi
"Dead well, these bastards, even if they don't fall in the star field, the old man will personally give them a ride."

Hearing that Mu Gu and the others had died, there was a gleam of joy in Yao Lao's eyes, and everyone could hear the relief in the words.

After that, Yaochen and Xuanyi left, and the little doctor also bid farewell to Xiao Yu and left the Xiao Mansion.
According to this woman's character, she should live in the inner domain and wait for Xiao Yan to come out.

In the current Xiao Mansion, only Xiao Yu and Medusa are left.


The following days were quite peaceful. Apart from absorbing the remaining Zhan Zun's origin, Xiao Yu was doing alchemy, collecting pills and thunders to exercise his body.

In his free time, maybe because he was worried that Medusa would be bored, Xiao Yu would go to the former's residence and ask about the situation.

See if Medusa is short of anything, or needs any elixirs, and recharge the Thunder Flame seeds by the way
(End of this chapter)

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