Chapter 303 The Origin of Creation
After the events of the Star Field ended, the Shengdan City once again returned to its former calm. Of course, this is compared to the time of the Danhui. The Shengdan City is still unusually prosperous and lively on weekdays.
But under this bustling surface, there is an undercurrent turbulent
I don't know when it started, there are many strange people in the city of Shengdan. These people are extremely hidden, and the aura on their bodies is as restrained as ordinary people.

These people sneaked into Shengdan silently, for some reason, they were all investigating the matter of the star field

Although Danta has relaxed his guard after this incident, Xuankongzi is still paying attention to any situation in Shengdan City in private
Afterwards, Xuan Kongzi secretly found out a person, this person is a member of the Soul Palace
When Xuan Kongzi wanted to use the method of searching for souls to see what the hell was going on in the Hall of Souls, there seemed to be some restrictions on this person, and when the former touched his soul, he blew himself up

He had no choice but to catch one more person back, this time he was prepared, the restriction was broken by Xuan Kongzi with a special method
He also knew the purpose of Soul Palace this time.
It turned out that it was the Dou Zun sent by the Soul Palace, not only the four people in the star field, but also seven people outside, preparing to create chaos and respond to Mu Gu and others.

But these seven people disappeared for no reason, and Mu Gu and others also fell into the star field

A certain important figure in the Soul Palace was furious, so he sent someone to investigate the whereabouts of the eleven elders of the Soul Palace
This shocked Xuankongzi and the others. They never expected that the Soul Palace would send eleven Dou Zun for this alchemy meeting.

They also didn't expect that besides the four of Mu Gu, there were seven Dou Zun who disappeared without a trace in the Holy Pill City.

Then what happened to these seven Dou Zun?Is it dead or alive?Where did you go?

This question is not only for the Hall of Souls, but also for Xuan Kongzi and others.

For this reason, Xuankongzi also started to search, but there was no clue at all, so he could only let it go

However, judging from the current situation, the seven Soul Palace Dou Zuns may be more dangerous than good. As for who the person behind them is, it has become a question.

And the instigator of this matter, at this time, does not know that Soul Palace and Danta are investigating him, so leisurely drinking the nectar of elixir

"Queen, how is it? The smell of this thing."

In the courtyard of the Xiao Mansion, Xiao Yu and Medusa were gathering together, appraising the elixir wine that Xiao Yu begged from Xiao Yan

Before, Medusa had been out of her small courtyard except when Zi Yan left, and she was practicing at all other times, so she basically didn't come out and walk around much.

In such a situation, even Xiao Yu couldn't help but sigh, it's really better than him

Today she miraculously came out for a walk, Xiao Yu also took this opportunity to stop her, and the two chatted in the compound

Of course, Xiao Yu was the one talking most of the time. After all, Medusa's cold and arrogant personality made it impossible to initiate conversations with others.

Looking at the expectant man in front of her, Medusa nodded slightly after taking a sip of the nectar, "Well, it's not bad, it's a treasure."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu smiled, he was really boring, only after Zi Yan left, Xiao Yu became very unaccustomed to the absence of the excitement of the past

I tried to find someone to talk to, but I couldn't find it.

If it were the days when he had just traveled here, Xiao Yu might not be so impatient with loneliness, but now he can't go back to the past
"If the queen likes it, I can give you some, and you can take it out and taste it in your spare time. It's a joy in life."

Xiao Yu said with a smile, then took out a jade bottle the size of a jug, and handed it to Medusa

Xiao Yan obtained a lot of elixir in the alchemy world, so even if he gave some to Medusa, Xiao Yu still had some.

The most important thing is that after getting a taste of this thing, Xiao Yu talked about how to mass-produce this thing
If you want to mass-produce Dansuiqiongjiang, you must first meet the conditions for producing Dansuiqiongjiang

This condition is definitely impossible for many people, but for Xiao Yu, it is not difficult

With the medicine garden he opened up with Tianyan Xuanyan, the harsh conditions for the production of Dansuiqiongjiang have been fully satisfied

In the medicine garden, there are not only the medicinal materials produced by Tianyan Xuanyan, but also the great barren fire that gathers the energy of the world. Under such extravagant conditions, the medicine garden has become a blessed place.

A month ago, in a hole dug by Xiao Yu in the medicine garden, a little bit of elixir nectar had already appeared. I believe that under the terrifying effect of the two source fires, it would not be long before the people in the pit The Dansui Qiongjiang can meet Xiao Yu's daily needs.

Anyway, I already owe Xiao Yu a lot, so Medusa is not pretentious, and the debt is not overwhelming, so she readily accepts it.
"By the way, queen, may I ask, how did you cultivate with that thunderfire seed? I was very curious before. When you awakened, queen, you obviously succeeded, but then it seems that you experienced another awakening of blood. Is it the reason for the Thunderfire seeds?
Of course, if this involves your privacy, Queen, you can pretend that I didn't ask. "

When he was suddenly free, Xiao Yu didn't know what to talk about, so he brought up this matter

When he was in the Tagore Desert before, Xiao Yu witnessed the whole process of Medusa's awakening, and he was also quite interested in the bloodline that needs to be cultivated with the Phantom World Thunder Flame, but it involved Medusa's It's a secret, so Xiao Yu never asked
He is not the kind of person who particularly likes to explore other people's secrets, just like others will not break the casserole about his secrets

Originally, he didn't expect Medusa to tell him, after all, he still understands Medusa's character now
Unexpectedly, Medusa was only silent for a moment, then said softly:
"That's right, I did awaken two bloodlines at that time, one is the ancestor of my snake spirit bloodline, and the other is the ancestor of my own snake-human bloodline."

"Awakening this bloodline is using your divine thunder fire.

When this bloodline was awakened, this king received the inheritance from the bloodline, and also learned some information about this bloodline. "

"This bloodline is called Hunyuan Creation Bloodline. There is not even a single word recorded in the history of the snake-human race, so this king speculates that it may be the bloodline of the ancestors of the snake-human race in ancient times."

"The bloodline of Hunyuan Creation is extremely powerful, even if this king awakens, it is only a case in case, so this king needs the help of your miraculous thunder and fire, and continue to dig."

About her own bloodline, Medusa basically said everything she could say, and she did not hide it from Xiao Yu. After all, the awakening of this bloodline depends on Xiao Yu

Medusa herself has great trust in Xiao Yu. In fact, she wanted to discuss this Hunyuan Creation Bloodline with Xiao Yu before.

After all, it was awakened by Xiao Yu's thunder and fire, maybe Xiao Yu knew something.

But with Medusa's haughty and cold personality, she couldn't bear to look for Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was very surprised when he heard this, he never thought that Medusa would really tell him this secret.

But in the next second, Xiao Yu was thinking about this bloodline

Hunyuan Creation Bloodline?
It sounds very high-end and atmospheric, and it gives people an extremely mysterious feeling

The ancient blood of the snake-human race?
I didn't have the impression of this kind of bloodline in the original book...

Hunyuan good fortune... Hunyuan good fortune...

Snake-human race... Fantasy World Lei Yan...

Xiao Yu thought about it, and seemed to have discovered a little bit of clues, the fingers holding the cup involuntarily rubbed on the glass surface of the cup.

Seeing that Xiao Yu was obviously in deep thought, Medusa didn't make a sound to disturb her, she looked at the former as if she knew something

This inevitably made Medusa a little nervous. Regarding her own bloodline, she has the greatest feeling, and she also knows how terrifying this bloodline is. After all, she still remembers the shocking scene when the bloodline was awakened. .

Thinking about it, Xiao Yu shifted his gaze to Medusa's beautiful face

Hehehe (*﹃) is so pretty...

Hmm... No!
Hunyuan good fortune? !
Snake people? !
A terrifying thought appeared in Xiao Yu's mind, making him stunned in place
After a while, seeing Xiao Yu still staring at her blankly, Medusa couldn't help being a little puzzled and a little uncomfortable

What is this guy looking at!
But any individual, being stared at by others, will feel uncomfortable

If it were someone else, I am afraid that Medusa's jade hand would have twisted his neck

But if this person is Xiao Yu, Medusa is not angry at all, instead she feels a little strange
Of course, looking at it all the time is definitely not enough. After a while, Medusa was seen by Xiao Yu as white and smooth like porcelain, and her crystal clear earlobes were a little red
Xiao Yu looked at her like a disciple, Medusa was rather ashamed and angry, and stared directly at the stunned wooden lump.

Under this stare, Xiao Yu also came back to his senses, and then glanced at Medusa again uncertainly, thinking that

it's impossible

Things from two worlds can’t be matched together, how can it be possible?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was outrageous, Xiao Yu frowned because of this, quite distressed

"Do you know anything about this king's blood?"

Seeing Xiao Yu's expression, Medusa calmed down and asked
Hearing Medusa's voice, Xiao Yu didn't answer immediately, but asked: "Maybe I know, but I'm not sure, so I want to ask the Queen, do you have any other information about this Hunyuan Creation Bloodline?"

Medusa was a little delighted when she heard the words, Xiao Yu really knew?

Immediately Medusa described the shocking scene she saw when she awakened her bloodline.

Listening to Medusa's description, Xiao Yu felt a turmoil in his heart
Human snake tail...

The boundless power of good fortune...

mending the canopy...

If Xiao Yu didn't know about this thing that Chinese people were familiar with, he would doubt whether he was a time traveler or not!
Trying to calm down, Xiao Yu looked at Medusa rather complicatedly, and now he is 80.00% sure of what the latter's bloodline is

"Nuwa mending the sky..."

(End of this chapter)

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