rebirth of change

Chapter 1004 We Have No Malice

According to the information obtained, Hassan Dilo lives in a luxurious apartment in Estel Malm, a quiet high-end residential area in the east of Stockholm.It was not the first time for Chen Kangjie and the others to come to Stockholm. After coming out of Arlanda International Airport, they drove straight to Strmalm.

On the plane, Chen Kangjie had a brief conversation with Liu Deyi who was sitting next to him about his name.Anyway, there are very few people in the first class, except for two white people, they are all oriental faces like Chen Kangjie and the others.

"Do you have a nickname?" Chen Kangjie, who was originally sitting by the window, was admiring the cotton candy-like clouds outside the window, but suddenly he turned his head and asked Liu Deyi such a strange question, he was a little tired and was about to close his eyes Yang Shen Liu Deyi quickly straightened his body and pulled himself together.

"Ah? Young Master Jie, why do you think of asking this?" Liu Deyi's voice turned from high to low. At first he felt that Chen Kangjie's question was a bit abrupt, and he was a little confused, but later he thought His own nickname, Liu Deyi's expecting Ai Ai, actually lowered his head.

"Looking at you like this, you must have a nickname, and I'm a little embarrassed. Hehe, actually, I think it's a bit awkward to call you by your name directly. If you have a nickname, then I'll just call you your nickname." Come on, it looks like we are close." Seeing Liu Deyi's shy and reserved look, Chen Kangjie knew it right away.

"Oh. So, but... Young Master Jie, my nickname was given to me by my buddies when I was in school. It's not very appropriate for you." Chen Kangjie said it was to appear close relatives, and Liu Deyi suddenly felt Relax.But he still raised his brows and said to Chen Kangjie, with a twisted expression, showing a little shyness and embarrassment.

"Is it convenient or inconvenient? Let's talk about it, as long as your nickname is not something like Big Brother or Little Kiss, which will make people's skin crawl." Chen Kangjie patted Liu Deyi's arm and said encouragingly.

The more Liu Deyi didn't talk about it, the more Chen Kangjie wanted to know, human psychology is so interesting, curiosity will occupy the majority of daily life, or in other words, men also have the genes of women's gossip.

"I'm a big man, how could I have such a nickname! I said yes, but don't laugh at me." Liu Deyi straightened his body, leaned forward, and seemed to be planning to speak quietly.

"Sure, let's talk." No matter what conditions Liu Deyi raised, Chen Kangjie would agree, quite straightforwardly.

"Shaoyi", Liu Deyi looked left and right, seeing that no one was paying attention to them, he almost choked the words out of his throat, and after he finished speaking, his cheeks were covered with embarrassment.

"What? Yi Shao? Hehe, hehe, it seems that you were a son of a son when you were in school, and your best friend gave you such a cool nickname." Assistant actually had a similar title many years ago.

"Jie Shao, you should just call me by my name from now on. Except for my classmates, no one else knows my nickname, and I won't call it that way." Liu Deyi was embarrassed and embarrassed. As a subordinate, he knew very well that he This nickname is extremely unsuitable for Chen Kangjie. If people don't know it, they may even misunderstand, thinking that Chen Kangjie is a follower.

"Hehe, if you have a good nickname, you should carry it forward. Although I am not your classmate, we are all young people. If your classmate can call you that, so can I. In the future, I will call you Yi Shao," he said. When it was over, Chen Kangjie pinched his chin, nodded after pondering, "This nickname is a good one, and it sounds better than mine."

"Jie Shao, don't embarrass me. My nickname really doesn't suit you. I don't think there's anything wrong with you calling me Liu Deyi. It sounds pretty easy to me, really." Liu Deyi bitterly With a straight face, he said almost pleadingly.

"Yi Shao", after Chen Kangjie called out Liu Deyi's nickname, he couldn't help laughing again, Liu Deyi had a completely bitter face, and when he calmed down a little, Chen Kangjie continued: "Yi Shao, don't be hypocritical, Hehe, it's settled like this, I don't mind, what else do you mind?"

Liu Deyi wanted to say something more, but Chen Kangjie grabbed his hand, "Stop it, stop it, why bother, didn't you just want to sleep? Hurry up and take a nap, you have worked hard these two days up".

After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie stopped looking at Liu Deyi, and turned his gaze out of the window, as if what he just talked about had passed away.However, Liu Deyi winked and could still see Chen Kangjie's body shaking. There is no doubt that Chen Kangjie must be snickering.However, Liu Deyi had no choice but to lament that Master Jie was really playing a prank.

Brown-red walls, arched flying windows, and some quaint flowerpots on the slender iron windowsills outside the windows.It's a pity that nothing can be seen in the flower pots in the deep winter. This building has three floors. The mottled bricks at the door corners can tell that it has been old, but the dark door has been painted clean and bright.There is a small garden on both sides of the passage outside the door.However, the coldness of the deep winter still ruined the inside to a depression, and even the few small trees that were as tall as a person had lost all their leaves, looking like plucked hens, wilting and barren.Just after a light winter rain, the not-so-wide gravel road is wet, but it looks cleaner, but it will make people feel a bit more chilly.

Chen Kangjie stood outside Hassan Dilo's apartment and observed the environment here, and Liu Deyi knocked on the door for him.

With a "creak", one of the double doors was pulled open a gap.

A typical dark-skinned middle-aged Southeast Asian man poked half his head out, looked at Chen Kangjie and his group of uninvited visitors with a puzzled face, his yellow and white eyeballs kept rolling, as if he thought he could see the guests clearly in this way intention.

"Excuse me, does Mr. Hassan Delo live here?" Liu Deyi asked politely.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" The man did not answer Liu Deyi's question, but instead asked cautiously.

Liu Deyi couldn't answer this question, so he turned to look at Chen Kangjie in a questioning manner.

"We came from Singapore, the Lion City, and we want to talk to Mr. Hassan Delo about something," Chen Kangjie stepped forward and said proudly.

The reason why Chen Kangjie said he came from the Lion City is because the Lion City government has always adopted an ambiguous attitude towards Hassan Delo.If he said he came from another place, maybe the other party would be even more alert.

The man did not answer Chen Kangjie's words immediately, but stared at Chen Kangjie and the others again.He half-closed his eye sockets, which would make people feel a little lazy, but the look revealed by his eyes was full of brilliance, and he felt that he wanted to find something from Chen Kangjie's figure and behavior.

"I'm sorry, you've found the wrong place. There's no one named Hassan Dilo here." After speaking, the man was about to close the door.

However, after receiving a look from Chen Kangjie, Pang Hui rushed out quickly, holding the door that was about to close with the palm of his right hand.

The man seemed to know that Chen Kangjie and the others would use force, so he didn't seem too surprised, but his hideous expression told Chen Kangjie that he was very angry.

"Don't be nervous. We know that Mr. Hassan Dilo lives here. We have no malicious intentions. We just want to chat with Mr. Hassan Dilo about Bandazi's affairs. If possible, we will provide Some help within my ability," Chen Kangjie tugged on his windbreaker, completely ignoring the man's anger, and said lightly.

The man glared at Pang Hui viciously, then quickly retracted, and said to Chen Kangjie in a normal tone: "Wait a moment".

Chen Kangjie waved his hand, and Pang Hui took a step back, allowing the man to close the door.

After standing outside the door and waiting for nearly 3 minutes, the door opened again, and it was the man just now who opened the door, but this time the door was opened wider, and the man's turtleneck black sweater could be seen completely.

"Sir, please come in, but you can't have so many people," the man moved his body aside and said to Chen Kangjie.

"Brother Qiang and Brother Hui went in with me, and the others were waiting for me in the car." After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, he walked into the house first.

"Master Jie, then I..." Liu Deyi said as he moved closer to Chen Kangjie.

"Wait for me outside with them", Chen Kangjie didn't let him finish the sentence.

What Chen Kangjie and Hassan Di Luo wanted to talk about had nothing to do with Liu Deyi, so it was impossible to bring him in.Besides, he had just joined, and without careful observation, Chen Kangjie would still have reservations about his trust.

After entering the apartment, Chen Kangjie realized that there was a big difference between the inside and the outside. The hall on the first floor was huge and luxuriously decorated. The fire in the fireplace was burning vigorously, making the whole room warm and cozy.From the middle of the lobby on the first floor, there is a yellow-brown escalator spiraling to the upper floor. Chen Kangjie looks up and can see that the space of the lobby extends to the top of the second floor.

In addition to the man who opened the door just now, there were four similar men standing in the hall, their statures were rather burly, and their gazes fell on Chen Kangjie and the three of them with a strong sense of vigilance and precaution.

Chen Kangjie smiled at them and said nothing. As for why these people behaved like this, Chen Kangjie knew very well, but he didn't mind.

"Sir, please come upstairs with me, Mr. Luo Di is up there," the man who opened the door just now extended his right hand and politely said to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie just nodded, and followed him upstairs.It's just that Chen Kangjie didn't take the lead this time, but Pang Hui was in front, Xiong Ziqiang was behind, and Chen Kangjie walked calmly in the middle.

With the situation unknown, Xiong Ziqiang and the others had to be more cautious.

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