rebirth of change

Chapter 1007 One more fire

As the saying goes, if you don't get paid for nothing, you won't get paid if you don't benefit.Chen Kangjie and Hassan Dilo have no relatives and no reason, and they donate such a large amount of money for no reason. If there is no appeal, Hassan Dilo will not believe it anyway.

There is no free lunch in the world, this is the truth that everyone understands.Just now Hassan Dilo was over-excited and forgot this principle of handling things. Now that his excitement has weakened a bit, he immediately thought of the strangeness here.

Indeed, can Chen Kangjie have no purpose?It's not that he's really crazy. He gave away money to people everywhere. Even if he wanted to do charity to give back to the society, he didn't do it. To support the independent and separatist forces in other countries, it's just that he can't express his real purpose. Announce it.However, he also had to find a seemingly convincing reason, otherwise, there would be grievances inside, and the cooperation would not be smooth. In that case, the realization of Chen Kangjie's goal might be greatly compromised.

"You just want to know my purpose, right? It's very simple, I just want you to be independent, I hope you can become a country with full status." Chen Kangjie stood up, paced back and forth in the room twice, and stopped Footsteps, solemnly said to Mr. Dilo.

"Striving for independence is our belief and ideal. You mean that what you are doing is free aid? Don't you need to get any benefits in return?" Hassan Dilo calmed down and asked cautiously.

Obviously, Chen Kangjie's answer did not satisfy Hassan Dilo. In his opinion, it was not an answer at all.

"Hehe, of course not. You should know that no one would do anything that has no benefits, and I am no exception. I regard my behavior as an investment. I have invested capital, and naturally I need to get a return from it." ", Chen Kangjie shook his head and said.

"Can you tell me what you need to get in return? It seems that I have nothing to exchange now," Hassan Dilo asked with interest.

He looked very relaxed, but Chen Kangjie could still feel his seriousness and vigilance.

"I know that you can't give me anything of value now. My goal is in the future. It is much more useful for the handover person to make a fortune in the early stage than to hold the Buddha's feet when it comes to the end. The Bandaqi area is extremely rich in oil and gas resources Unfortunately, it is now controlled by the government, and the local law and order are chaotic. Therefore, my condition is that if you can successfully establish a political power, I want limited exploitation rights of local oil and gas resources." Chen Kangjie believes that the reason he gave should be able to convince the other party Believe in its validity.

"That is an act of betraying the interests of the country, I...".

"Then it's not your interests right now. It belongs to the Javanese, not to your Bandazi people. So there is no selling or not selling. If you can't establish a country, even if you want to sell you, you still have nothing to sell. The same resources , is also mining now, but what did you Bandaqi get? You didn’t get anything, and they were all taken away by the diggers. I spent so much to help you, just for the priority of mining rights, and you actually said that is Selling out national interests? Isn’t that absurd, not to mention that if I mine, you can still get tax revenue and employment.” In order to increase his persuasiveness, Chen Kangjie directly cut off Hassan Delo’s words and said in a contemptuous tone.

Chen Kangjie's words irritated Hassan Dilo's face, his face turned blue and then pale, his breathing fluctuated, and he felt depressed and uncomfortable.Undoubtedly, what Chen Kangjie said meant that Hassan Dilo could not tolerate any more fancy tricks.

After a while, Mr. Dillo recovered.Chen Kangjie didn't think that he could make someone unconscious with just a few words. If that was the case, it would be settled, so that he would not waste money and energy later on.

Picking up the water glass on the table and taking a sip, after a blush appeared on his wrinkled face, Hassan Dilo said to Chen Kangjie clearly: "Okay, I promise you, if we can really restore the country, It will give priority to allowing you to invest in the exploitation of local oil and gas resources."

"Then wish us a happy cooperation, oh, no, I should wish you success as soon as possible." Chen Kangjie walked to the desk and stretched out his right hand to Hassan Dilo across the desk.

Hassan Dilo's focused eyes covered Chen Kangjie, pursed his lips, and stretched out his broad palm to hold Chen Kangjie together.

Through the handshake, Chen Kangjie could feel that the strength in his hand was still quite strong, and there was no sign of getting old.In this way, Chen Kangjie is relieved, at least it shows that Mr. Di Luo still has the conditions to inspire his ambition and continue his value.

"Mr. Dilo, can you tell me your original intention of pursuing independence? Is it for the individual or for the nation?" On the contrary, he suddenly wanted to know what kind of thoughts these people who pursued independence were thinking.

Chen Kangjie's question made Hassan Dilo stupefied for a short while, and then he leaned on the back of the chair, raised his head slightly, and his expression was full of memories and deep thoughts.

"My great-grandfather was the anti-Dutch hero Zeke Ti Delo. All his life, in order to lead the Bandazi people to fight against the colonial rule of the Netherlands, he was displaced, struggled hard, and finally died on the battlefield. In 1873, the Dutch asked Before our election, we were originally an independent nation with our own country. We have worked hard and sacrificed for this generation after generation. After World War II, the Dutch colonists transferred us to Java along with other island countries. In fact, Java and the Outer Islands have always had no historical connection, and the various parts lack a sense of common destiny. Moreover, this transfer after World War II has not been recognized by other regions and ethnic groups. According to international law and the relevant United Nations regulations , this kind of transfer is illegal, and the country of Thousand Islands established on this basis is also illegal. After the Javanese came in, they firmly occupied the political, economic and military dominance of the entire Bandaqi, and we are completely in the A status of being discriminated against.” Speaking of this, Hassan Dilo took another sip of water slowly, and after putting down the glass, he began to recall and tell about the sad history, “From a religious point of view, we It is the real Islam, our regime should be inseparable from Islam, our independence struggle is for Allah and Allah... ".

Hassan Delo expounded the reason and purpose of their independence struggle from the aspects of personal emotion, national history, religious belief and realistic conditions.Listening to his slow and long narration, Chen Kangjie felt that he was really not an ordinary old man, but a political figure with certain deep beliefs.

"Have you ever reflected on the causes of your predicament? As a person with strategic thinking, it is impossible not to reflect on this aspect." Chen Kangjie asked him purely and calmly, as if he was doing some kind of academic research and discussion with him , has lost the original utilitarian color.

"Of course, the difficulty is that the international environment has changed. Today's international environment is much more peaceful, and everyone is pursuing peace and development. The soil of struggle and independence is gradually losing nutrients. It is becoming more and more difficult to complete historical tasks in this regard. Great. In the beginning, in order to win the support of the international community, we tried our best to downplay the purpose and propaganda of independence, and only wanted to fight for certain legal rights. But we received the support of the international community, but lost the enthusiasm of the people. The people felt that we were weak, They felt that what we were pursuing was not what they wanted. Later, we changed our strategy and began to promote independence, taking the pursuit of independence as our political goal. This change allowed us to gain the support of the people, but the international community gradually abandoned us , they believe that our goals are divorced from their political ethics and development aspirations. Hehe, we simply lose sight of the other, and every choice pushes us from one failure to another." Finally, Hassan Di Luo smiled wryly and shook his head.

Chen Kangjie could feel his loss and helplessness from the dimness in his eyes.It's like a child's seesaw, it's either high or low, and it's extremely unlikely to get peace in the middle. Whether there is anyone sitting on it or not, the seesaw we see always goes up and down.

Perhaps this is why they have struggled for decades without success.However, Chen Kangjie believes that there should be other reasons. Otherwise, how did Emperor Dongwen become the first new nation in the 21st century?If they can achieve independence, other islands and regions should also be able to do so.

Thinking of Emperor Dongwen, Chen Kangjie's thoughts came alive again, and he had something to say.

"I have an idea. In fact, you can join forces with other regions that have this idea to put more pressure on the central government, so that they can lose sight of one another and be exhausted. In that case, your chances of success will be greatly increased. In the past, you did not Don't you already have a common sense of destiny?" Chen Kangjie slyly came up with an idea.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Mr. Dilo slapped his thigh excitedly, and then he cooled down again, "But we don't have a certain bond of interests, so it's not easy to organize linkages. For so many years, everyone has fought on their own. It is not easy to find a way according to your own specific situation and to achieve unity.”

"As far as I know, there are several areas in the independent state that are rich in resources. If they can give me the best mining rights like you, I can also support them appropriately. Isn't this a bond of interest. You can come forward and organize them secretly, if it works, it will be very beneficial to all of us, and everyone will get what they need," said Chen Kangjie, who not only suggested ways, but even provided bargaining chips.

"Okay, if this is the case, big things should be accomplished. Although I don't get in touch with them very often, it should be possible to invite them out for a gathering." Mr. Di Luo's sinking heart was raised by Chen Kangjie again. stand up.

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