"Master Jie, why didn't you drink your first cup of coffee just now?" Xiong Ziqiang, sitting next to Chen Kangjie in the back seat of the car, asked Chen Kangjie curiously.

This question existed in his mind from the very beginning, and after hesitating for a long time, he still asked it.

"Hehe, if we drink it, we will be slaughtered by others now, and there is poison in it", Chen Kangjie said lightly, but it is not the case when these words fall into the ears of other people. Liu Deyi who sat in front and heard The mouth opened wide in surprise, enough to put an egg in.

In Liu Deyi's opinion, isn't Chen Kangjie a star?Why are they still facing the possibility of being poisoned by someone, moreover, who they met just now and what their purpose is, all these are lingering in his heart.

"Jie Shao, this...", Xiong Ziqiang was also very surprised.

"It's okay, it shouldn't be some deadly poison, maybe it's just trying to knock us unconscious, they thought that adding high-temperature milk to cover up the bland taste", Chen Kangjie rested his head on the armchair, slightly Said wearily.Negotiations are the most traumatic, especially ones that involve the death of many people.

Chen Kangjie's physical sensitivity has increased a lot now, all of which are due to his constant and diligent practice all year round. The martial arts scripture given to him by the old chief has now become his favorite treasure.

Hassan Dillo was cautious enough to intoxicate Chen Kangjie and the others when he was unclear about the situation. As long as the visitor drank a cup of coffee, he would basically tell all his secrets. It is a kind of small white petals in the place, which can be dried and ground into powder and then added to drinks. It has a light taste, and as long as it is covered by the smell of other objects, ordinary people cannot feel it.

It's a pity that Chen Kangjie has such a keen ability to distinguish. Chen Kangjie didn't drink, and Xiong Ziqiang and the others, as subordinates, didn't drink.

When Hassan Dilo realized that his plan had failed, he really valued Chen Kangjie, and did not use other spare tricks.Although Chen Kangjie showed no sign of anger from the beginning to the end, Mr. Di Luo knew that someone who could distinguish such subtle differences was definitely a top expert. In front of such an expert, talking well was more important than anything else.

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie did not stop in Stockholm, and returned to Liverpool directly after talking about the matter. There are still many jobs waiting for him.

After staying in Liverpool for more than half a month, I learned a lot of knowledge in my mind. After so many days, the employees of Canard Shipping Company did not disclose the relevant information of Chen Kangjie. Otherwise, how could Chen Kangjie be so quiet? Work.

However, a domestic call came, and Chen Kangjie had to go back. Before going back, there was one thing Chen Kangjie wanted to do.

When it comes to Liverpool, people who love football will know that there are two Premier League clubs here, but there is a cultural influence that is more profound, and that is the Beatles.John Lennon (arr), four members of the Beatles, were born and raised here.They started their acting career in Liverpool in 1956. Unfortunately, the soul John Lennon was shot down by his fans in front of the Dakota Building in New York on December 1980, 12, which made the record asy (double fantasy) a success. There was no sound.

Standing in front of an inconspicuous hut on the outskirts of the city, Chen Kangjie gently placed a bouquet of flowers on the steps in front of the door full of nostalgia.

This is the former residence of John Lennon. The house is a bit old, but it doesn’t look dilapidated. It seems that someone should take care of it. Under the rare sunlight in winter, the wall emits a silvery brilliance. It is next to Chen Kangjie’s flowers. There are sporadic bouquets of flowers that have not completely faded. It seems that other people or tourists come here to mourn.

John Lennon was only 40 years old when he died, which can be regarded as an untimely death. If he is still alive, how would he view the emergence of his long identity?While humming, Chen Kangjie was thinking vaguely.

Perhaps the fact that John Lennon's death was forcibly killed by fans affected Chen Kangjie, and a terrible question arose in his heart, would he suffer the same fate as him?The man who killed him was a man named Mark David Chapman. It is said that this man was not only a fanatic, but also mentally ill. Will he also meet such a man?Not long ago during his trip to Australia, Chen Kangjie had already deeply felt the fanaticism and madness of his fans. Could it be that they also thought others were not pleasing to their eyes, and deliberately wanted to kill themselves?

Originally, Chen Kangjie was not afraid of the cold, but after this unrealistic thought flashed through his mind, a chill emerged from his bones, as if he wanted to break through every pore, as eager as a devil to bring him from hell. In the world, he felt a sense of tremor all over his body.

Shaking his head, Chen Kangjie was taken aback by his thoughts, and he tried his best to behave calmly and normally.In broad daylight, why am I thinking about those things? Could it be that I have become weak and timid?

No, definitely not, Chen Kangjie kept telling himself in his heart, this must be some kind of hint from Mr. Lennon.

Taking a last look at the hut, Chen Kangjie turned around and saw two girls with black shoulders and black backpacks wearing cute colored woolen hats walking towards him arm in arm, holding a bouquet of yellow flowers in their hands.They originally talked with each other all the way, but when they came closer and saw Chen Kangjie and the others, they closed their mouths curiously, and kept looking at them with four big crystal blue eyes.

Perhaps they were just attracted by the battle in front of them. The three British Jaguar sedans that Chen Kangjie and the others drove were shining brightly in the warm sun, and Xiong Ziqiang and the others in black clothes straddled the car. Who would it be? Will pay more attention to it curiously.

Chen Kangjie didn't stop, and nimbly boarded the back seat of the car in the middle with the door opened. A few seconds later, the three cars started "booming" and sped away.

When the car passed the corner of the small street, Liu Deyi suddenly saw through the rearview mirror that the two girls were running and waving their hands at them, shouting something, but unfortunately they were too far away to hear them.

"Jie Shao, it seems that they recognized you," Liu Deyi reminded carefully.

"It's okay," Chen Kangjie waved his hands with a low head and didn't mind.

That night, after Chen Kangjie held a small farewell party with the employees of Canard Company and returned to the hotel, he turned on the TV and immediately saw the BBC news reporting his arrival in the UK.

"...According to the information we have, Long has already arrived in the UK. Why did he come this time? How long has he been here? We don't know anything. The only thing we can be sure of is that he should be in Liverpool It was two female fans who discovered his whereabouts. At noon today, they met to pay respects to Lennon and met Zi at the gate of Lennon's former residence. At that time, they didn't recognize that it was Long. They saw a man in front of the door. I only noticed it after reading the message card in the bouquet of flowers, but at that time Long had already left under the escort of the bodyguards." At this point in the music playing, a close-up shot of the small card mentioned appeared on the TV screen.

There was only a small line written on the card, "May you rest in peace in heaven", and Long's name was clearly displayed on the place where it was signed.

"When the media in China were discussing where Long disappeared, they never thought that he came to our UK. Could it be that his trip was to pay homage to the legendary John Lennon? My personal guess is , Long's music contains many songs with a British taste, and we can even see the shadow of the Beatles in some songs. It is not difficult to see that he is going to pay tribute to John Lennon today. Only for Knowing British culture very well, long can create such suitable music and literary works..." The news was still playing on the TV, and Chen Kangjie clicked the remote control to turn off the TV.

The reaction speed of these media is really fast, and the action has already been taken in such a short time.

In fact, if the two girls hadn't been prepared with the previous curiosity, they probably wouldn't have discovered Chen Kangjie. After all, under normal circumstances, people wouldn't look at the offerings that others sent. That would be impolite behavior. .

It's just that Chen Kangjie's travel style really attracted them. After they put down their own flowers, they saw another bunch of bright flowers placed in the same position, so they opened them curiously. They knew that the flowers must belong to those people just now. Sent.

Unexpectedly, they were taken aback at first glance, and then became inexplicably excited when they saw Long's signature.

The two of them did not enjoy such good news to themselves, so they called to inform the reporter.

Chen Kangjie can predict that tomorrow the British media will report this news overwhelmingly. The combination of two superstars in the music industry is really a good news gimmick.

Chen Kangjie didn't care about all this. Anyway, he would return to China early tomorrow morning, and he had assigned the rest of the work to the working group to continue meticulously.

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