It wasn't until Chen Kangjie returned to China that he realized what the reason was.

Recently, the organization department had a talk with Chen Qigang. It was an organizational inspection. Chen Qigang did not show much surprise about his upcoming job transfer. Things, he was transferred to the coastal area before he finished his term this year, and he was somewhat reluctant and embarrassed.

As a party member, he had to obey the orders of the organization.

This time, Chen Qigang's transfer is obviously a bit of a breakthrough in promotion. It is equivalent to two steps forward. Not only has he crossed the border, he is also at the deputy ministerial level, and he is also at the deputy ministerial level with real power. Standing Committee.Faced with such a good thing, even if Chen Qigang was reluctant, he didn't have much resistance.

This was not the reason for calling him back. The reason was that during the conversation with the organization department, he had been instructed twice intentionally or unintentionally, asking him to urge Chen Kangjie to perform well as a CPPCC member.

"When did you become a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference?" Chen Qigang asked in surprise.

Chen Kangjie secretly thought that the higher-ups had finally taken action, and replied with a wry smile: "I only found out about half a month ago, and I haven't gone through the normal procedures yet, so I didn't know that it would reach your ears."

Obviously, Chen Kangjie's newly added political identity was linked to Chen Kangjie's job transfer.Those officials from the Organization Department clearly wanted to say, "Your son can't exercise his power well, and your promotion will be put on hold," but they still had to act grandiosely.

Chen Kangjie couldn't figure out why such a meaningless hook-up had to be done. He felt a little blocked, and really wanted to suggest to his father to give up this opportunity. If that was the case, he would also reject the political identity that fell from the sky.Many will find that status helpful and even pay a fortune to acquire it.But that was troublesome for Chen Kangjie, he didn't really want to put himself in a political environment.Although it is easy to be a member of the CPPCC, at worst, you can just bring your ears to the meeting, at most it is just clapping your hands and applauding perfunctorily, but this is not in line with Chen Kangjie's style.

As the saying goes, if you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government. Before Chen Kangjie was reborn, he hated those committee members and representatives who were doing nothing. He felt that they were sitting on a vegetarian diet, and they did not play their due role on behalf of the people. Or something to show off.If he really accepted to be a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, how could he learn from them?Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others. If you can't do well yourself, there is no need to criticize others.

However, to be honest, the position of secretary of the Pengcheng City Party Committee is really high in gold. In all the cities in the country, except for the municipalities directly under the Central Government, this position is definitely the city leader with the highest gold content. As long as you do a good job here, your future is limitless.Chen Kangjie really didn't want his father to make such a sacrifice for himself.

Since he didn't want to, it meant that Chen Kangjie had to make the sacrifice himself. Anyway, you can't have both, someone has to give in.

"This is an honor bestowed by the country. You must exercise your powers well so as to live up to the expectations of the party and the people. In the past two years, you have made some achievements and won glory for the country. Being a member of the CPPCC is also very representative ", Chen Qigang didn't know what Chen Kangjie was thinking at all, but instead encouraged him.

After pondering for a while, Chen Kangjie lowered his head in frustration, and said helplessly, "Okay then, be a monk for a day and beat the clock for a day."

"What are you talking about? Why are you so negative? Be active and don't let the common people scold you behind your back." Seeing that Chen Kangjie had no passion at all, Chen Qigang pulled his face down and said angrily to him.

"Okay, okay, sure. By the way, did you say when you'll be there?" Chen Kangjie didn't want to entangle the topic any more, so he quickly changed the subject.

"I don't know yet. The Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China hasn't issued a document yet, but I think it will come soon. It will probably be around the Lunar New Year." When mentioning his work, Chen Qigang stared at the national map on the wall, feeling a little melancholy.

"Dad, are you worried about the development of the work there?" Chen Kangjie followed his gaze, and the center fell on the small area in South China. He probably guessed what he was thinking, so he tentatively asked.

"I recently heard that the political ecology of Eastern Guangdong Province is a bit complicated. All forces in the country are trying to invest there. The competition is very fierce. It is not easy to gain a foothold." Chen Kangjie guessed right, and Chen Qigang's words revealed his There is no bottom.

For a long time, Chen Qigang has always worked in the province, and in the past few years in politics, the relationship between the upper and lower levels in the province has been well established. It is not that difficult to work, but it is just a little harder.Now it is necessary to change to a brand new region, suitable for an unfamiliar environment, especially the coastal economy is developed and the factions are complicated. It is impossible to say that he is not worried.

But as a politician, only by going through complicated struggles can he improve his political quality and broaden his horizons and thinking. If he stays in one place, his horizons will be limited, among other things.China is so vast, and the development conditions and folk customs in the southeast and northwest are very different. Only after training in different places can it be possible to have a stronger view of the overall situation.

"Actually, those are paper tigers. Pengcheng is a city with separate planning and is directly under the jurisdiction of the central government. You are the leader appointed by the central government. You have such great power. You just need to find a way to grasp this point and do a few more jobs. The first One, of course, is that Hong Kong is about to return to China. As an adjacent city, the security and stability of Pengcheng is particularly important. This is a major national issue, above all else. You can use this as a breakthrough, even if you are a little tougher, but what you hold high is the banner of security and stability , no one can say anything. As long as this is done well, not only will you have power, but you will also gain a lot of political achievements. Of course, as a window for China's economic construction and development, it is necessary to make some achievements in the economy. Therefore, the second , is to focus on economic construction. Although Pengcheng is a developed coastal area, the work rhythm and thinking may be different from ours, but it should not be unfamiliar to you, and your current work experience can also be used. On the one hand, grasp Infrastructure planning and construction, such as coastal roads, subways, parks, seaside wetlands, living area renovation and greening, etc., can not only control the occurrence of corruption, but the key is to enhance the image of the city and improve the investment environment. On the other hand, it is to vigorously introduce high-tech For scientific and technological projects, regard the production, R&D and sales of high-tech enterprises as your center. As for other processing industries, you can leave them to others. This area seems to be slow to take effect now, but over time, this is a solid political achievement, up and down Everyone can see it clearly, and at the same time, it can greatly improve the local welfare..." Chen Kangjie acted as a staff officer, pacing back and forth in front of Chen Qigang, and said seriously.

Ever since he heard that his father was going to work in Pengcheng, Chen Kangjie had been thinking about it for him.As for Pengcheng, Chen Kangjie has been working and living for several years and has a good understanding of the local area. He feels that as long as Chen Qigang can do a good job in these two areas in one term, he will be very good.

"You said seems that you have already got the bottom line and it's not too difficult." Chen Qigang stared at Chen Kangjie in astonishment, and said incredulously.

It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie has already created a lot of incredible things, and Chen Qigang shouldn't be so surprised anymore.But this is different from the past after all. This is the ruling party, managing a big city with millions of people. The difficulty is not the same as singing a song or writing an article.Chen Qigang has been worrying about this for the past two days. After looking through a lot of information about Pengcheng, he still can't figure it out.Unexpectedly, Chen Kangjie straightened out the mess with a few scissors.

"How difficult can it be? If you don't want to be strong, you are sitting in the top position and you don't plan to make money, so there is nothing to be afraid of. A person's energy is limited, so you can focus on the key points. At most, you can maintain it well." A stable and united situation. You were appointed by the central government, so they have to support you anyway. Dad, let it go, isn’t our place governed by you to prosper,” Chen Kangjie said casually.

"Ha ha", Chen Qigang smiled gratifiedly, "Xing Xing Xiangrong dare not say it, at least I am worthy of the party and the people, our city has grown and become clean, the financial revenue has also been greatly increased, and the wealth of urban residents The level has made great progress, but the conditions in our vast rural areas are still not so good. All the students go to school have been solved, but there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of sanitation, draft water, roads, radio and television, etc., especially the lack of wealth. The way to get rich", Chen Qigang showed a look of reluctance on his face as he spoke.

"Hey, iron-clad soldiers, Dad, even if you don't do it here, there will still be other people to do these things, why should you worry? Don't think that without you, no one will do those things Come on step by step," Chen Kangjie comforted him.

"Hey, by the way, you've been transferred, who will replace the team in the city?" Chen Kangjie asked suddenly while Chen Qigang was lighting a cigarette.

"I'm not sure about this. The province asked for my opinion. I recommended Mayor Gong. We have been working together for a while, and we know each other better. His ability is still good. It depends on how the province will arrange it." Chen Qigang replied with a puff of smoke.

"Gong Huaigu? Although this person is not aggressive enough, he is good at defending the city. The city has developed too fast in the past few years, so he needs to digest it." Chen Kangjie shook his head like a wise man.

"You bastard, do you ever comment on the mayor like this?" Chen Qigang criticized Chen Kangjie, perhaps because he felt that Chen Kangjie lacked manners.

"Hehe, he is the official of the parents, and we are the common people. Officials must accept the supervision of the common people and allow the public to discuss. Dad, your kind of thinking is not a good thing." Only then did he recommend him as the mayor, as long as he can actually implement the deployment and planning of the municipal party committee.

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