rebirth of change

Chapter 101 Kidnapped

Chapter [-] Kidnapped

This morning, Chen Kangjie got up early as usual, ready to run to Peach Blossom Lake, and continue to practice Dragon Tiger Fist in a secluded place.

After putting on his sneakers and t-shirt, Chen Kangjie ran out of the house. Spring has just arrived at this time, the twilight is not yet clear, the sky is clear, many shining stars can be seen, and the sky is already turning red , the first ray of sunlight will soon pierce the atmosphere, shining on the revived earth.

Chen Kangjie jogged all the way into the path by the Peach Blossom Lake. On the way, Chen Kangjie also met two or three morning exercisers who got up early. In the distance, he could hear someone shouting and practicing his voice.

Running and running, I arrived at half of the periphery of Peach Blossom Lake, and a young man ran across the opposite side. He had short hair, a square face, a vigorous and even pace, and a moderate height of swinging arms. If you observe carefully, you should be able to judge the current situation. Over soldiers.Chen Kangjie runs on this road every day. He has never seen this person before. Chen Kangjie judges that he must be a newcomer. This person may be a soldier who has just been discharged from the army. He still maintains the habit of morning exercises. Anyway, people will join the ranks of morning exercises from time to time. Some of the people I saw often never showed up again because of job transfers.Chen Kangjie didn't care much about it.

Now the sky is still not clear, hazy, if the light is bright, you will find that the brows of this new runner are full of vigilance, a pair of electric eyes always 'shoot' at Chen Kangjie intentionally or unintentionally, along the way Following Chen Kangjie's path, it diverged to his surroundings.After the cheetah locks on the prey, it is said that this is the performance.

When this person was about to run to Chen Kangjie's side, Chen Kangjie began to feel that something was wrong. He felt that he was approaching danger, but he couldn't find what the problem was. Could this be the sixth sense of nothingness?It stands to reason that the surroundings are calm as usual, so how could such an ominous omen appear for no reason?It's really puzzling, it can't be related to this young man running towards him, right?However, there is nothing wrong with him from head to toe, he is completely dressed like an ordinary morning exerciser. Did he really read too many novels before rebirth?Just as he was about to run past him, Chen Kangjie was still shaking his head and laughing at his suspicion.

Suddenly, the moment the man missed Chen Kangjie's body, he swung his right hand and slashed at the back of Chen Kangjie's neck, intending to chop Chen Kangjie unconscious with a diagonal strike. Chen Kangjie could hear the slight rubbing sound of his palms sliding through the air.

Instinctively, Chen Kangjie turned sideways, wanting to avoid it, and surprise appeared on the calm face of the man for a moment. He didn't expect Chen Kangjie to have such a reaction ability, but he quickly returned to normal, with some contempt.In the eyes of the cheetah, no matter how good the antelope is at running, they cannot escape the clutching claws.

Because Chen Kangjie started late, and his physical development was not yet complete, and his actual combat experience was even more lacking, this time he dodged, but he didn't completely dodge the enemy's slash. pain.

I have already been attacked, and it is not in line with Chen Kangjie's character not to fight back.Resisting the stabbing pain in the back of his neck, Chen Kangjie kicked on his back. With this kick, Chen Kangjie used all his strength in order to ease the enemy's next attack and win the chance to escape.

The enemy didn't expect Chen Kangjie to fight back after being hit, so he immediately took countermeasures while being puzzled.The opponent aimed at Chen Kangjie's full-strength kick, and with a support of both hands, he took off most of his strength.Just as Chen Kangjie retracted the kicked leg, the opponent took a big step forward and turned to his side.

Chen Kangjie hit him with his left elbow, but unfortunately his body was too small. He intended to hit the opponent's chest, but ended up hitting the opponent's stomach. He just shrunk his lower abdomen and avoided it completely.The enemy didn't give Chen Kangjie another chance. Taking advantage of Chen Kangjie's body leaning forward and chopping with his inner palm, Chen Kang's stinging back of the neck just now felt even more hot.

Chen Kangjie's body softened all of a sudden, and just as Chen Kangjie was about to fall to the ground, the man caught him with his wrist, picked him up, jumped off the protective sill by the lake, and ran into a small building not far away. forest.

When Chen Kangjie woke up, he found himself tied to a chair in a small room, the light was very dark, and there was some musty smell coming out. It is estimated that this room has not been lived in for a long time, and there is no one on the ground. Furniture, only some messy firewood.

He wanted to break free from the shackles of the rope, but failed with all his strength. Chen Kangjie wanted to stand up and slam the chair into the wall to smash the chair, but before he could stand up, he found that his feet were also tied , unable to stand up at all, Chen Kangjie could only curse this capable wicked ghost in his heart.

Soon, the sound of someone talking came from outside the house.

"Brother, do you think this is okay?", the voice of a young man, there is still some worry and immaturity in the tone.

"I don't know if it will work, but what else can we do? We have found all the people we need to find, and no one has helped us. Why don't you just let me watch my mother die like this?" The voice was more majestic and thick, Chen Kangjie heard a lot of anger and helplessness.

"But mom knows we're doing this kind of thing, can she agree? I'm afraid she'll get angry and get worse."

"We can't tell her first, it's best not to tell her for the rest of our lives, even if she knows in the future, but the disease is cured, the wood is done"

Hearing this, Chen Kangjie seemed to know the reason why he was kidnapped. Hey, it seems that money really kills people.

"What about the kid over there? We can't hurt him." The young man's voice calmed down a bit, but there was still some worry mixed in.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt him. We are not real kidnappers. In the end, you let him go no matter what. I won't do anything that hurts nature. It's not that I'm desperate, and I don't want to be like this," said the thick voice. People, Chen Kangjie guessed that he knocked himself out, he had some skills.

Listening to their conversation, they didn't mean to murder him, and Chen Kangjie felt relieved. It seemed that they really only wanted money for the medical treatment of their mother, rather than kidnapping him for a special purpose.

With a 'squeak', the small wooden door was pushed open by a big hand, and two people came in.Before they came in, Chen Kangjie closed his eyes and pretended not to wake up.

The older man walked up to Chen Kangjie, looked at his chin, and clapped his hands.

"When you wake up, stop pretending," the older man said in a deep voice with Chen Kangjie behind his back expressionlessly.

"Brother, he has his eyes closed and he hasn't woken up yet." The younger brother was a little surprised, this person was still dizzy, how did the elder brother say he woke up?

"Ask him if he's awake or not. If you don't believe me, go and piss on his head to make sure he wakes up immediately," said the elder brother with a slightly 'obscene' smile.

"Okay, you won, I woke up, you're a rascal", Chen Kangjie heard that he was going to pee on his head, of course he had to wake up immediately, everyone obviously found that he was awake, if he pretended again, he would really suffer Soaking 'piss', it's really fucking not worth it.

"Look, isn't this really waking up?" The elder brother looked proud of his trick.

The younger brother also looked at his elder brother in disbelief, and then at Chen Kangjie. No matter how stupid he was at this time, he knew what his brother said was true, and the kid pretended to be dizzy.Both are cunning and cunning.

"Why did you kidnap me?" Chen Kangjie asked knowingly.

"Of course it's for the money. I heard that your family is very rich. Your brother and sister are all in business. It should be no problem with tens of thousands of dollars, right?" My brother's face turned cold now.

The younger brother watched the change in his elder brother's expression, standing there trembling a little, stretching out his palms and fists, as if he was afraid that his brother would do something stupid, and seemed to have something to say, but he had to hold back .

"There are tens of thousands of dollars, but this is kidnapping, which is a felony, and you will be sentenced to at least ten years." Chen Kangjie took a high-handed stance.

"I know this, you don't need to remind me, just write a note to your eldest sister, and we can go and get 5 yuan." As the elder brother, he acted as if he was determined by Chen Kangjie, and didn't mind Chen Kangjie's serious crime at all.

But his younger brother's forehead was sweating.

"Little brother, you go out first, I'll call you later." Seeing his younger brother like this, he really regretted letting him follow in. Didn't this make the other party feel guilty, so he kicked his brother out.

The younger brother looked nervously and worriedly at his elder brother, then at Chen Kangjie, hesitated for a while, and finally staggered out of the hut while remaining silent.

"Then what if I don't write it?" Chen Kangjie already knew that he would not hurt himself, so he wanted to play tricks on him.

"If you don't write it, I think you will be very sad. Few people can stand my coercion," said Xiang, bending over and staring at Chen Kangjie.

"Tiger stool? Chili water? Eighteen arhats? Big ham?" Chen Kangjie asked fearlessly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that you are not very old, and you know a lot. I know you know martial arts. It should be said that martial arts are quite good. It's a pity that you are small and lack actual combat experience. Otherwise, I might not be yours." opponent".

"Thank you for the compliment"

"But just now you said that those methods are used against adults, and they are quite backward. As for you, I am very civilized." The other party smiled and said slowly.

Although the other party was not vicious and still had a smile on his face, Chen Kangjie always felt that the means hidden behind this smile were more terrifying than those he said.

"What method? Let's use it." Although Chen Kangjie was worried, since he knew that his life would not be in danger, he didn't want to lose his momentum.

"For example, throw you into a cesspit to take a bath, brush your teeth with poop, or if you are hungry, give you some maggots as a staple food, it is very nutritious..." The other party smiled and said his super bloody method.

"Stop stop stop, you are ruthless, you win, I will write", although Chen Kangjie knew that he would not hurt himself, but what he said was very sad and hurt his stomach, almost made Chen Kangjie feel sick, but that guy seemed Still wanting to continue, Chen Kangjie quickly stopped him.

"It's good to cooperate with smart people," the man smiled and praised Chen Kangjie.

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