rebirth of change

Chapter 100 Chen Kangjie's Madness

Chapter 100 Chen Kangjie's Madness

"Old Wen, come, come here, I have something to ask you"

Chen Jing forcibly pulled Chen Kangjie to the edge of the playground.

"Ju Yan, what's the matter, it's mysterious, tell me quickly," Chen Kangjie was very dissatisfied with the old lady's overbearing.

"What's the matter? You still have the nerve to ask me what's the matter?" Chen Jing put her hips on her hips, looking like a little shrew, full of anger.

"I don't ask you, which one should I ask? You pulled me here." Chen Kangjie was at a loss.

"Did you have a girlfriend in Elementary School? I've heard that it's Deng Min from your class." Chen Jing scolded Chen Kangjie seriously.

"What's all this? Who did you listen to?" Chen Kangjie couldn't understand why this shit spread faster than lasers. No wonder some people said that the biggest tool of public opinion is a woman's mouth.

"Don't care who I listened to, if you do this, what will Geng Guiying, Yu Lan, and Hou Yanzi do?" Chen Jing continued to be overbearing to the end as always.

"Wow, old lady, what is all this about? Why are you pulling out so much again? Don't blame me." Chen Kangjie was really speechless by his old sister, and felt that he was more wronged than Dou E.

"Hmph, don't pretend to be crazy, don't you know they like you?" Chen Jing asked.

"You are too tough, who stipulates that if someone likes me, I have to fall in love with her?" Chen Kangjie admired Chen Jing's logic, but he was crazy in his heart.

"Originally, you clearly know that they like you, and you treat them well. Doesn't that mean you accept them? Now you have one more, what's going on?" Chen Jing was still eloquent, but Chen Kangjie was really Desperately want to grab the wall.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, making trouble for no reason, what's the point of this, I'm going home", Chen Kangjie was so depressed that he knew he couldn't explain it clearly to her, so he just didn't bother to say it.

"Who is making trouble out of no reason, you philandering radish, stop for me." Seeing that Chen Kangjie was about to slip away, Chen Jing naturally quit, and she agreed to help her sister. This kid's attitude is obviously very uncooperative. How can this make me Explain, where to save face.

Chen Jing ran up and grabbed Chen Kangjie, not letting her go.

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I beat you up?" Chen Kangjie and Chen Jing were chatting on the playground, which attracted some curious students who passed by after school to stop and watch. Chen Kangjie was already in a bad mood by Chen Jing Wohuo, of course not amiable.

Now a small majority of people know Chen Kangjie's reputation, and there are quite a few people who know him. When they see him getting angry, they all shrank their necks and hurried past, pretending not to see him.

"Old sister, what do you really think? You just say it directly." Chen Kangjie was really defeated by Chen Jing's nonsense, and he could only raise the white flag without being beaten or scolded.

"I just want to help them ask what you want?" Chen Jing looked very bachelor, and kicked the ball back to Chen Kangjie with a volley.

"I don't have anything, the problem is," Chen Kangjie adopted Zhou Xingchi's French suffix tone, and whispered pleadingly.

"Then, what about Deng Min? What's going on?" Chen Jing was delighted when she saw Chen Kangjie was defeated and Yan Yue talked to her, but Deng Min, the key figure, didn't ask clearly.

"She's just a classmate of mine, she has nothing." Chen Kangjie lowered his head, as if he made a mistake. If you lose, you have to look like a loser. Chen Kangjie's attitude is very good.

"Oh", Chen Jing didn't know whether she was satisfied or dissatisfied with the answer, her face was expressionless, this 'oh' seemed to come out of conditioned reflex.

"Then I'm leaving." Chen Kangjie saw that he was almost done, so he quickly oiled the soles of his feet, turned around and prepared to run away.

"Wait, then how did I hear that she is your girlfriend now?" Chen Jing stepped up to block Chen Kangjie's way, and asked in a stern voice.

If she didn't make it clear, how could she let Chen Kangjie, a naughty boy, do it?

"Old sister, I beg you, let me go, how did I know how did you hear about it?" Chen Kangjie was so ravaged by Chen Jing that he was going crazy.

"You really don't know?" Chen Jing's tone eased, with a look of disbelief, he asked Chen Kangjie with a smile like looking at a little white rabbit.

"Of course it's true. It can't be truer. It's truer than gold. You should know that if I lie to anyone, I dare not lie to you." Chen Kangjie slapped his chest and said firmly.In fact, he really couldn't stand the ravages anymore.

At this time, Chen Kangjie suddenly thought of a person in his mind, that is Ouyang Feng played by Tony Leung in "East and West", and the person played by Jacky Cheung's Hong Qigong is neither human nor ghost, can't die, can't live , and finally there are two big sausages hanging on his mouth.Chen Kangjie felt that he was not much different from that Ouyang Feng now.

"Are you really sure you dare not lie to me? Are you sure you didn't lie to me?" Chen Jing refused to let go.

"Old sister, do you want me to believe you? I'd rather go up the mountain to fight tigers than lie to you." Chen Kangjie was angry and anxious, and he had to hold back. One can imagine his discomfort.

"I don't dare to judge you, let's go, go home." Chen Jing waved his little hand as if he had won a battle, and walked ahead leading Chen Kangjie on the way home.

Following behind, Chen Kangjie, who had finally escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, looked sluggish, with a completely bitter face.Today can be regarded as being severely ravaged once. For this sixth sister who is only one year older, Chen Kangjie can only throw stones to the sky after suffering a loss, and he is so mad that he has no choice.

"You go back first, I'll go back later." At the corner of the garden in the middle of the street, Chen Jing seemed to see something, and waved Chen Kangjie away.

Chen Kangjie was very strange, what happened today?Fortunately, he has good eyesight and good observation skills. This is indeed Tuo Zhihan's disciple. He found a few small heads under a tree more than 20 meters away. They are the people who were implicated in Chen Kangjie's questioning just now, Yu Lan , Geng Guiying and waiting for the United States.

It seems that they are here to wait for Chen Jing's interrogation report, so it's hard for them to come here after running two kilometers.Chen Kangjie was too lazy to take care of these uncontrollable things, so he shook his head helplessly and went home.

"How is it, does your old man have a girlfriend?" Yu Lan asked with concern.

"Don't worry, it's nothing like that, I'll take care of it as soon as I get out," Chen Jing said cheerfully, patting Yu Lan's shoulder like a big sister.

At the same time, the sound of three people's deep breathing was heard.

"Then, what's going on with that Deng Min?" Hou Yanzi was a little worried and asked additionally.

"It's just an ordinary classmate, don't believe those rumors, I'll keep an eye on him for you, don't worry, ah", Chen Jing has a lot of sense of accomplishment like a big sister, waving her finger at Fang Qiu to educate her little ones partner.

In this way, the three of them were finally completely relieved and turned their worries into joy.

"Let's go, let's go eat." Chen Jing took the third brother and sister, happily eating snacks.

When Chen Kangjie came home, he was depressed for a long time. He sat at the table in a daze. Did he get too close to the girl?But he didn't do anything out of the ordinary?It's just that I still regard them as good friends from my previous life. I have caused such trouble for no reason. Is it possible that I will really get along with them in the future?I don't care if there are many women, I can afford them anyway, but I have to like them too.Hey, I wonder how Li Tingyan is doing now?

Gradually, the figure that had been lost came to my mind again, with a voice and smile, lifelike, how is she doing now, should she go to school?Should I go to Deying some time to see her, will she be very cute when she was young?Hearing from her that she was not very happy when she was a child, do I have to do something?

But soon, Chen Kangjie shook his head. Even if he went, it would be difficult to change anything, and he might even scare her. After all, he couldn't stay there for a long time, and he could only be a passer-by when he went.

However, Chen Kangjie quickly thought of a stupid way. Her unhappiness when she was a child had something to do with the conditions of her family. Relatively comfortable environment.The more Chen Kangjie thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible, but who should he send?You have to be familiar with the place, and they all speak Hakka, so the person who will do this must be able to use Hakka in northern Guangdong.

After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Kangjie didn't think who was more suitable, so he could only pay attention to it in the future, and then search slowly, and he couldn't be in a hurry.

Just at this time Ma Fangqin came in and asked him to eat, and saw that Chen Kangjie was not reading as usual, but was staring at the wall in a daze, and hurriedly "touched" his forehead to see if he was sick, and Chen Kangjie said that he was not sick, but just thinking about it. After reading the contents of the book, I was relieved.

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