Chapter 99 Ignorance at the beginning of love

"Chen Kangjie, what do you do during your vacation?"

On the first day of school, Deng Min came to the corner of the last row and asked Chen Kangjie who was reading some "weird characters".Zhang Qiang next to him stared intently at Chen Kangjie, he was also concerned about this issue.

"Hehe, Chen Kangjie must be studying during the holidays, the chubby guy sitting in front of Chen Kangjie excitedly answered for Chen Kangjie.

Little Fatty's name is Yang Cong, probably because his parents wanted him to be smart, he is fat, so he got this nickname.He was often threatened by Lin Wei in the past, and his pocket money was searched several times. Since Lin Wei was called by Ni Hu to the fifth and third class to be beaten, he has never been bullied by them again. I admire him very much, sometimes even more than Zhang Qiang.

After sending He Wanrong to the airport that day, when returning, Chen Kangjie went to the Xinhua Bookstore in the provincial capital and bought some teaching materials for learning Russian, Japanese and Korean. To learn a few more foreign languages, and he planned to go to the Soviet Union, so he cramped his feet temporarily to learn as much as he could.After learning these three subjects, he also plans to learn Arabic and Spanish. In addition to the English, French, and Latin he has mastered now, he will master eight foreign languages. This is Chen Kangjie's goal.

"Little Fatty's answer is correct, plus ten points," Chen Kangjie tapped Yang Cong's head with a pencil, and replied with a smile.

One sentence made Deng Min giggle and giggle non-stop.

The little chubby smiled and 'touched' his head, "Boss, don't hit me on the head anymore, it will be even more stupid."

Yang Cong's academic performance is not very good, and he has always blamed himself for not being smart enough. In fact, this kid is quite smart, at least when he is playing games.

"Your name is Yang Cong, how can you be stupid?" Zhang said emphatically.

"I think your name is Onion Head." Deng Min also joined in, giggling.

When Chen Kangjie heard the name Onion, he thought of Ren Xianqi in the movie "Star Language and Star Wish". Let's look at Xiaopangdun. The difference between him and Ren Xianqi is not 01:30, let's call him Xiaopangdun.

"Little Fatty, what did you do during the holidays?" Chen Kangjie also cared about his admirers.

"Boss, let me tell you, I can beat Contra." Yang Cong was inexplicably excited when he talked about the harvest of the holiday, as if playing the game well is something to be proud of.

"That's pretty amazing, but don't call me the boss, I'm not a gangster." Chen Kangjie praised him with a smile, and now there are many people calling him the boss, which made him a little tiresome.

After Lin Wei was dealt with that time, many people on campus regarded him as a small card. People like Zhang Qiang who had a good relationship liked to call him the boss. After Ma Wei and Chen Qiancheng heard about Chen Kangjie's deeds, they also called him the boss, which made Chen Kangjie very depressed.

"Boss, if I don't yell, someone will yell. The fat water won't flow into other people's fields." Little Fatty ignored Chen Kangjie's warning and still went his own way. Seeing that he couldn't control it, Chen Kangjie could only smile wryly and shook his head.

"Chen Kangjie, many people call you the boss now, and I've heard many girls talk about you," Deng Min said solemnly.

"Ah? Talking about me? Talking about what?" Chen Kangjie knew about being called the boss secretly by many people, but it was the first time Chen Kangjie knew about being talked about by a girl, so of course he had to ask.

"It's just..." Deng Min blushed and couldn't continue.

"Deng Min, why are people talking about the boss? Tell me quickly!" Zhang Qiang became anxious when he saw that Deng Min was timid and didn't say the key point for a long time.

"It's just talking about someone as powerful as Chen Kangjie, who would be his girlfriend?" Deng Min said the things that Chen Kangjie was talking about like a mosquito, and almost choked Chen Kangjie all of a sudden.

"Hahaha, I think it should be this, then who are you talking about will be the boss's girlfriend?" Zhang Qiang was very happy that Chen Kangjie was sought after by girls, and seemed to think it was the most interesting thing.

"You kid deserves a beating, right?" Chen Kangjie kicked Zhang Qiang's leg, threatening him.

"Hehe, I think they must think you are the boss's girlfriend, right? Deng Min", Yang Cong gloated over Zhang Qiang's bullying, but he just liked to talk, and he often guessed right.

When Deng Min heard it, although he was happy in his heart, his ears turned red, and he ran back to his seat a little embarrassed.

Zhang Qiang, who was let off by Chen Kangjie, pulled Xiaopangdun closer to his desk, and kept hitting him on the head with a pen.Little Fatty also has a real talent for acting, he is obviously not in pain, but he surrendered and begged for mercy.

"You must have been a traitor during the war years, kid." Chen Kangjie knocked hard, dropped a sentence, and let him go.

"Absolute traitor, look at him like that, he's about the same as that fat translator." Just now, Yang Cong gloated over his misfortune, but now that he has the opportunity, how can Zhang Qiang not grab and play with him.

"Didn't you see someone's fat translation, you surrendered your heart and became a good person just for a watermelon?" Yang Cong was not ashamed, but proud.

A sweat streamed down Chen Kangjie's forehead, and he was defeated by Yang Cong's dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

After a while, Qi Guifen came to the classroom with the test papers in her arms. As usual, she began to sing the scores and distribute the test papers.

This is almost always the case on the first day of each semester.

Chen Kangjie was the same as the half-term exam, ranking first with full marks.

"Deng Min, 184 points, No.5"

"Deng Min"

Qi Guifen called out to Deng Min twice, but she didn't stand up and walked up to the podium to get the test papers. She stabbed her with a pencil at the same table before she recovered.

Just now, in front of Chen Kangjie and Zhang Qiang, Yang Cong guessed that the girls were talking about her as Chen Kangjie's girlfriend, she was ashamed and angry, and ran back to her table.

Back at the table, Deng Min's heart skipped a beat, and his palms were so nervous that they were sweating.Will Chen Kangjie like me?Did Chen Kangjie have a girlfriend before?Will Chen Kangjie hate me?Chen Kangjie is so good, can I be worthy of him?Chen Kangjie is really handsome.Her mind was full of these thoughts, no wonder she didn't hear Qi Guifen calling her just now.

Deng Min reacted, blushed and ran up to the podium to tear down the test paper, then quickly ran back to the table, wishing to dig a hole to get in.

In fact, our Chen Kangjie has no idea at all now. With his mentality in his 30s, he has no interest in loli at this time. What Yang Cong said just now was just taken as a joke by her.Of course, Chen Kangjie also guessed the reason why Deng Min blushed and ran away, but it was just a ignorance at the beginning of love, which was normal. Chen Kangjie didn't take it to heart, took the test paper, and continued to learn his own Russian.

Throughout the morning, Deng Min didn't listen to the class very seriously, and didn't go out to play between classes. She was secretly happy that everyone regarded her as Chen Kangjie's girlfriend, and on the other hand, she was also worried that she didn't know what Chen Kangjie really thought.

Although he was lying on the table, he secretly pretended to glance at Chen Kangjie from time to time, and Chen Kangjie did not leave the table during class, continuing to work hard.Seeing Chen Kangjie's serious and solemn face, Deng Min felt that he was the cutest and most handsome person, whoever married him would surely die of happiness.

When school was over in the afternoon, Deng Min was dragged by several girls, laughing and joking, and from time to time, they glanced at Chen Kangjie with enthusiastic energy in their eyes, which made the adult Chen Kangjie feel a little embarrassed. Fortunately, at this time Chen Jing came to make a rescue.

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