rebirth of change

Chapter 1013 Major Events in Japan

Chen Kangjie originally planned to stay in Liuzhi for a few days, on the one hand to spend more time with these friends, on the other hand, of course, to get closer to the elder sister's family, besides, Lin Ling also needs company.

However, when a major event happened in Japan, Chen Kangjie had to leave.Before leaving, he didn't even inspect those companies. He just had a hasty meal with his second sister and his new boyfriend, getting to know this future second brother-in-law in advance, and helping him as a consultant by the way.

In fact, when Chen Kangjie saw this person, he felt that the staff officer could be completely ignored.

He had previously thought that with such a big change in the family, it was impossible for the second sister to be able to get together with his husband before his rebirth, but everything was so mysterious.The second sister's boyfriend he saw turned out to be the same as before Chen Kangjie was reborn, named Wang Yi.

Of course, it's not that there is no change at all. Wang Yiren is still the same person, but his identity has changed a lot.

Before rebirth, Wang Yi was just an ordinary worker who graduated from a technical school, but now Wang Yi is a chemical engineer who graduated from a university, and his work unit is in the Provincial Quality Inspection Center.They were originally classmates in middle school, but it was unexpected that after so many years, they met again because of work and came together.

At the dinner table, according to Chen Yufen's tone, he wanted Wang Yi to resign to help her, but Wang Yi didn't immediately agree, and Chen Kangjie could tell that he still liked his second sister very much, but he was worried that others would say What he valued was his second sister's money, so he was a little hesitant.

Naturally, Chen Kangjie also wanted to facilitate their friendship between Qin and Jin, so that they could continue their relationship, but a few words relieved Wang Yi's worries, and at the same time strengthened the confidence of the second sister.

After leaving the six, Chen Kangjie did not return to the city, but went to the provincial capital and sat in his own office in the New World Center.

Turn on the TV in the office and lock the channel to NHK in Japan.

An important piece of news is being continuously broadcast in the news, and new content is added at any time.

The content of the news is that the whole of Japan has been attacked by chemical weapons today, and the most serious place is the Tokyo subway station.

"... During the rush hour this morning, a terrible chemical virus attack occurred at many transportation stations in Tokyo, in Asakusa, Ginza, Shibuya, Denencho, Jimbocho, Akasaka, Ueno, Kanda, Kudanxia, ​​etc. Large-scale outbreaks have occurred in many subway stations. According to the information obtained from the subway company, the number of stations where the accident occurred has reached [-]%, accounting for [-]% of the entire subway line. At present, the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department and the Ministry of Health and Welfare have both A state of emergency has been entered. It is initially estimated that the number of people affected will reach [-], and the number will even increase. These citizens have some concentrated pathological manifestations, mainly fever, headache, sore throat, weakness, etc. These people have been It was urgently transported to major hospitals such as the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Tokyo Institute of Medical Sciences, the Affiliated Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Tokyo Medical University, the Affiliated Hospital of Tokyo Tzukaikai Medical University, and the Showa University Hospital. From the camera behind me, you can see that the scene is miserable and peaceful. Chaos...", the reporter wearing a tight mask said here, his body moved away, and the camera lens moved away.

As the camera lens moved forward, Chen Kangjie did not see any bloody scenes, but the scene was still horrible. On the sidewalks and roads near the subway entrance, there were countless people squatting, crawling, or lying down, some of them were dying. Some vomited continuously, and the dirty saliva was scattered all over the ground.

The serious problem is that there are still a steady stream of wounded people being carried out of the subway passage. The rescuers are mainly firefighters. They wear thick chemical protective clothing and move clumsily.Those people who were supported or carried out could only find an open space to put them down, and they had to go in and continue to save people.

Ambulances roared in from a distance, and after picking up some wounded nearby, they immediately flew away in a whirlwind. They couldn't choose. There were no less than a hundred wounded lying down at the subway entrance of Ueno Station alone. .

In order to prevent secondary infection, the police pulled up isolation strips hundreds of meters away, and the whole scene was full of voices.The sound of ambulance calls, the groans of the wounded, and the calls and reprimands of the rescuers, one after another, can be heard endlessly.

The screen was then switched to another place.

"Everyone, I'm reporting live at Haneda Airport in Tokyo." A young and beautiful host appeared on the TV with a microphone in his hand. While maintaining his professionalism, his voice still seemed a bit sad. "This morning 08 :30, in the waiting hall of Haneda Airport, some passengers began to have adverse reactions such as vomiting, chest tightness, and sore throat. However, the situation at the scene is very serious. We learned from the police at the scene that there are still thousands of people with adverse reactions stranded at the airport. We learned before that the first batch of medical and police personnel who rushed to the scene also Similar symptoms have appeared. It is preliminarily estimated that they were attacked by chemicals from unknown persons, which seriously slowed down the rescue operation. The Ministry of Defense has ordered the 230st Chemical Protection Team of the Self-Defense Forces and the 101nd Self-Defense Forces stationed in Omiya, north of Tokyo We also know from the scene that in order to further reduce losses and find out the cause of the accident, Yutian Airport has been completely closed, and all inbound and outbound flights have been cancelled. Although the same situation did not happen at Tokyo International Airport, it is just to be on the safe side , all inbound and outbound flights have been cancelled, and closed inspections have been implemented. It can be said that the air traffic in the entire Tokyo is currently at a standstill... ".

Just at this moment, there was a loud booming sound in the air. With the camera lens raised, Chen Kangjie saw two ch-47ja "Chinook" transport helicopters approaching from the distant air. The plaster flag on the body is quite eye-catching against the background of the camouflage painting. It seems that the soldiers of the Japanese Self-Defense Force have put it into use.

It seems that in order to welcome the arrival of this large helicopter, the rescuers on the scene have made preparations in advance, and a large area has been vacated in the large parking lot in front of the airport terminal.

After the helicopter found the landing zone, it slowly approached, and finally the fuselage gave a heavy meal, and finally stopped.Before the two huge propellers stopped turning, the cabin door opened, and a dozen or so sergeants in white chemical protective suits were rushed out from the two helicopters, holding stretchers in their hands.These people are usually considered to be very powerful, but now they are covered by heavy chemical protective clothing and become bloated.

Chen Kangjie understood why the military sent this kind of helicopter.It is far away from the hospital in the urban area, and this helicopter can carry 16 stretchers at a time, that is, it can transport 32 wounded at a time. Two helicopters can transport [-] people at a time. Compared with ambulances That said, the efficiency is indeed much higher.

With the arrival of the helicopter, one by one moaning, the dying patients were hurriedly carried into the cabin of the helicopter. When it was full, the two planes took off with cameras and flew towards the distance at a fast speed.

Chen Kangjie has asked people to collect information locally in Japan. Before getting more detailed information, Chen Kangjie can only understand the progress of the situation and the scale of the spread through TV news.

At this time, the TV screen was switched to the live broadcast room, and the male announcer was sitting upright with a script in his hand.

"Just received the news that Prime Minister Hashimoto called a meeting of cabinet members at the prime minister's residence in Nagatacho to discuss countermeasures against the serial chemical attacks that occurred this morning. Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeshita, Minister of Defense Toshiki Muneno, and Minister of Health and Welfare Yoshinori Aso, Minister of Justice Takashi Motegi, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Kiji Miyazawa, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Haruta Haruta, Minister of the Environment Masaru Shimomura, and Chairman of the National Public Security Committee Toshimin Kishida all attended the meeting. The meeting lasted for an hour and a half. A few minutes ago, at the end of the cabinet meeting, in view of the complex and difficult situation facing the country, Prime Minister Hashimoto declared a state of emergency across the country. The central government will lead the rescue operation. At the same time, the Japanese National Police Agency has begun to investigate the cause of the accident. But no relevant details have been disclosed.” At this point, the host put down the manuscript in his hand and replaced it with another piece of paper.

"News came from the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Tokyo that a 64-year-old man who was sent to the hospital from Shibuya for treatment failed and died just 3 minutes ago, becoming the first victim of this severe attack," he said. , the host himself choked up a little out of control.

Chen Kangjie, who was sitting in the office, of course knew what was going on. Without a doubt, judging from these signs, it must be the attack launched by myzh.He has a criminal record in history, and that time he used sarin gas, mainly targeting the Tokyo subway.It's just that this incident was delayed compared to the original history, and the scale was much larger. It can be inferred from this that this pretender must have used the more lethal Ebola virus obtained from Africa.

It seems that this guy really didn't take himself seriously, and he didn't give any advance notice for such a big move, Chen Kangjie thought to himself.Chen Kangjie was full of guesses about all kinds of possibilities, how big would the real scale be?What are the consequences of its disruptive impact?And what the guy myzh is thinking at this time and so on.

In fact, Chen Kangjie has to thank myzh for his arrogance. If he really notified in advance, he would be found out sooner or later. If such a big thing happened, Japan would use all the power of the whole country to find the murderer, otherwise it would not be possible. Give an account to the people.

Just as Chen Kangjie was staring at the busy and chaotic scene of the Hospital Affiliated to the University of Tokyo, the phone on the desk rang. The call was from Samidov from Japan. The incident took place in the morning for more than ten minutes. Samidov They set off for Japan in an emergency. They flew around Sendai, and then from Sendai to Tokyo. More than six hours have passed.

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