rebirth of change

Chapter 1014 Extremely Crazy

"Jie Shao, the whole of Tokyo has entered a state of chaos. All subways have stopped operating, and Tokyo's Shinkansen to Yokohama has also stopped. We came from Sendai, and Utsunomiya is not allowed to enter. Traffic control has been implemented. From our inference It seems that Utsunomiya has also been affected. As for how serious the situation will be, we don't know for the time being. We are now in Kamakawa City outside Tokyo. The traffic from Kamakawa to Tokyo has been interrupted. The news from the local area is that the entire Honshu Island Both the central and western regions were not spared. Daban, Fuji, Yokohama, Tokyo, Nara, Utsunomiya, Hiroshima, Nagoya and other big cities have received reports of attacks to varying degrees. A rescue center has been set up, and a steady stream of wounded are being transported here from Tokyo, and it is said that the major hospitals in downtown Tokyo are already overcrowded...", Samidov told the first-hand information he got from the front line Chen Kangjie, from his anxious words, Chen Kangjie can feel how bad the local situation is.

In fact, when he learned that Utsunomiya was not spared, Chen Kangjie's heart sank. This city only ranked 37th in Japan. He didn't expect that lunatic myzh to play the game so big.Although all of this has a great relationship with him, and it is also the result he hopes to see, but when all this really comes, it is still completely beyond his expectations.If the scale is really that large, coupled with the lethality of the Ebola virus, it is estimated that the final casualties must be much more serious than the Great Kanto Earthquake. In such an earthquake, most of the damage was solid buildings, but this deadly spread Viruses cost the lives of tens of thousands of people, and the blow to people's confidence is immeasurable.

This is just the beginning, the virus is not like an earthquake.The earthquake only takes a short time, and the terrible moment will come and go quickly, and the erosion of the virus will last for a long time. Coupled with its contagiousness, this is completely like cutting flesh with a blunt knife. Seconds will bring infinite fear.Those patients don't know whether they can be cured at all, especially when they don't know the situation, and the doctor rushes to rescue and is silently taken away, the sense of powerless fear will quickly spread.

Although the matter happened on the land of another country, although all this was facilitated by him.But I still have to say that Chen Kangjie is nervous and under pressure now, and at the same time, there is also a little bit of fear.

"Okay, I see. The key is to pay attention to your own protection...don't enter the infected area to investigate the situation." After Samidov finished speaking, Chen Kangjie said in a low voice.

"Jie Shao, if we don't go in, how will we know the situation of myzh?" Samidov asked.

Chen Kangjie rubbed his temples with difficulty, and after pondering for a while, he said: "Leave him alone, that's not important anymore, at this time he might have already entered the field of vision of the Japanese Police Agency, you should take care of yourself ".

After thinking about it, Chen Kangjie decided not to have any further contact with myzh, and let him fend for himself.Originally, Chen Kangjie sent Samidov and the others to find out whether the guy was sure to launch an attack only in Japan, or whether it would also have a greater impact on China, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.Interfering in at this time may even be counterproductive.Moreover, China has not received relevant reports so far, which at least shows that the guy is still following the prior agreement to only create troubles in Japan, and has no tendency to internationalize it.

Weakly hanging up Samidov's phone, Chen Kangjie picked up the phone and called Di Qiuren again, telling him to pay attention to safety, to stop the work-related matters, and not to think about the loss.

Previously, Chen Kangjie thought that myzh would inform him before launching an attack, so that he could make some preparations in advance to avoid the loss of his own personnel and property. Now it seems that some losses are inevitable.

Then Chen Kangjie called Saburo Sato again.

"What? You are in the city center? You actually organized your brothers to participate in the rescue operation?" Chen Kangjie heard that Saburo Sato was doing good deeds like Lei Feng, and his whole body instantly stood up.

As for Saburo Sato, speaking of it, Chen Kangjie didn't really spend much time with him, and they only went back and forth a few times.But I have to say that Chen Kangjie is very satisfied with Saburo Sato. Since the establishment of the Loyalty Club, this guy has basically followed the rules set by Chen Kangjie. Moreover, Chen Kangjie is very satisfied with the development of the Loyalty Club. He has become powerful, and has had conflicts with many underworld societies in Japan, but he has never attacked the Chinese society. He has also used some soft methods to merge several small-scale Chinese societies into the Loyalty Society.

"Yes, this is a great opportunity to win people's hearts. We don't pay much, but we can win the favor of the people." Saburo Sato didn't notice the strangeness of Chen Kangjie to Chen Kangjie from the phone, and he talked proudly.

"Stop, stop immediately, and withdraw all your people... By the way, if you are a member who came into contact with the injured, you can't contact them first. Are you willing to die if you do good deeds?", Chen Kangjie Jumping like thunder, he said anxiously, completely in the tone of giving orders.

These are snobbish things that can be used in the future. If they are allowed to act recklessly like this, they will suffer great damage. If that happens, the gains will outweigh the losses.In fact, it was Saburo Sato and they didn’t know the actual situation. So far, the government has not released the news of what kind of chemical virus was attacked. If they knew it was Ebola virus, Saburo Sato would not be in danger if he was killed. .

"Sir, this..." Saburo Sato wanted to defend himself, but Chen Kangjie didn't give him this chance at all.

"Immediately, do it immediately, I don't have time to listen to your explanation now, by the way, have you ever touched the injured?".

"No, I've been setting up at the headquarters, and I'm planning to go to some sites to see it myself." Saburo Sato felt nervous, and finally felt that the situation might not be as simple as he imagined, so he immediately told the truth.

"It's fine if you don't have one, try to avoid the suburbs, that's all." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie hung up the phone.

Chen Kangjie made this call a bit late. When he made this call, thousands of members of the Loyalty Society, who have always done good deeds, have already devoted themselves to doing good deeds. They helped direct traffic, help and treat the wounded, There are also some who help maintain order in the hospital, and it can be said that they are the most serious disaster areas in the depths.

A week later, Chen Kangjie received a report from Sato Saburo that the number of members of the Loyalty Society had been infected as high as 2000, and people died one after another.These people have no protection or basic experience, and they rushed to the front line with their enthusiasm and an order from above. It's no wonder they didn't suffer a lot.

When Saburo Sato called Chen Kangjie to report, his spine felt chills. He couldn't predict what would happen without Chen Kangjie's resolute phone call. Not to mention the entire army was wiped out, but it was inevitable that his vitality would be severely injured. I myself will be deeply involved in it, or die, or become disabled.

Even with Chen Kangjie's belated warning, the Loyalty Society will still suffer a great loss in power while winning praise.

Chen Kangjie has been tense for the past few days. Ouyang Zhenhua is in Australia, and it is not appropriate for him to be too involved in this matter. Therefore, Chen Kangjie chooses to deal with it directly, and a lot of information is fed back from Japan every day.Every day Han Geng, Di Qiuren, Samidov, Saburo Sato and others would call him several times.

On the second day after the incident, the Japanese government has not yet determined what kind of chemical attack it was, but through surveillance video, the Japanese National Police Agency has locked down some suspects and issued a wanted order to the whole country.

On the third day, the news that Myzh was arrested in an apartment at the foot of Mount Fuji appeared on TV, and Chen Kangjie saw the news.

Seeing myzh with long hair and a big beard being escorted out of the apartment by several special police officers, he still looked proud and indifferent, with a calm expression and no fear or fear. Chen Kangjie had to really admire this lunatic, wouldn't he Do you understand that he is screwed?Even if such a big event happened, even if he had many disciples, could those things still change his fate?

Chen Kangjie even had an illusion now, this guy won't be so arrogant in the past few years that he really thinks he is God, right?

Chen Kangjie's delusion is really real, his appearance made myzh into extreme narcissism and madness, he really almost thinks that he is a god.Otherwise, how could someone give him such a large sum of money every year?How can you get what you want?Even the Ebola virus, which I had been wanting to obtain before, was obtained.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't ask Samidov and the others to investigate Myzh in detail, they still got a lot of information from the outside. Through these information, they knew why this accident was dozens of times larger than the historical scale. .

Due to the abundance of resources, the number of believers has grown rapidly, which greatly caused myzh's heart to expand uncontrollably, and his arrogance and madness almost reached the point of hysteria.

In the Japanese general election in 1996, the Truth Party led by Myzh suffered a disastrous defeat again, and neither the Senate election nor the House of Representatives election got a seat.As the saying goes, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. This kind of disappointment can often make people go to extremes. Myzh is like this. Before rebirth, he felt that the government blocked him, so he chose to release the sarin gas at Kasumigan, the Japanese government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Metropolitan Police Department, Supreme Court, etc. Departments are here.The main targets of that attack were state civil servants commuting to work by subway, particularly the police.

But this time the situation changed a lot. He felt that the Japanese people discriminated against him and prevented him from entering the political arena to lead everyone, so he chose to retaliate against the Japanese people.

After getting the pathogen of Ebola virus, myzh instructed to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to develop a larger number of viruses. This link took a lot of time, which caused the delay of the attack time and the scale will be so large fear.

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