rebirth of change

Chapter 1015 Tragic Consequences

It took more than a month for myzh's retaliatory attack to calm down.

At first, many medical experts and chemists in Japan thought it was Marburg virus, and its symptoms had many similarities with Ebola virus.Just a few days after myzh was captured, the officials were unable to pry out much useful information from his mouth. It was not until Hideo Murai and other core members also came to the case that the officials knew that it was the first time that myzh was arrested in Japan. Ebola virus used.

Once this news was announced, not only Japan was shocked, but the whole world was in an uproar.

During this period of time, the news of Japan's biochemical attack occupied an important position in the news of all countries in the world.All major countries directly expressed their concern and condolences, including China, which sent a telegram of condolences to the Japanese government as soon as possible, expressing the sympathy and concern of the Chinese government and people for the sufferings of the Japanese people. To keep it secret, Chen Kangjie never mentioned this matter to the domestic high-level officials.

This kind of etiquette and humanitarian feelings in international exchanges should be expressed. No matter what you think in your heart, at least you should occupy the commanding heights of the moral position.Therefore, not only the domestic government made a symbolic statement, but even Chen Kangjie instructed Liu Deyi to cooperate with Fan Wenxuan to issue a notice through the press conference, and donated 1000 million US dollars to the Japanese health organization as relief funds for the injured.

This press conference was the first time that Liu Deyi appeared in the field of vision as Chen Kangjie's agent. He read Chen Kangjie's sympathy notice with great emotion and sadness. Chen Kangjie not only expressed his sympathy for the Japanese people, He also dedicated a section to express his concern for the Japanese fans, and sincerely warned them to take care of themselves, and believed that they could tide over the difficulties together.

According to official announcements, this attack was the largest attack suffered by Japan after the war, with 1823 dead and more than 9 injured.However, the information Chen Kangjie got from Samidov was not the same. They said that the government was hiding a lot of information in panic. The actual death should be more than 6000 people, and the number of injured people was at least 17. Among those people, there are 790 medical staff and fire rescue personnel. They have the most profound contact with patients and the deepest degree of infection.At least 2 of the injured were seriously injured. Such casualties are no less than a major battle being launched.

Such tragic consequences were caused by many factors.First of all, of course, it is myzh’s retaliation against the whole people. The time he chooses is the peak time of going to work in the morning, and the second is that the locations he chooses are all traffic centers or commercial centers where people are concentrated, such as Osaka. They choose not bus stations, but I chose Shinsaibashi, the busiest shopping area with a history of 380 years. The time is at ten o'clock in the morning. There are as many as 10 customers who come here every day. You can imagine how destructive it will be for them to choose here.It is said that thousands of people were infected in Shinsaibashi on the first day. The busiest shopping area in Osaka was completely closed for 45 days, causing heavy losses in both personnel and property.

Secondly, of course, the Ebola virus is extremely contagious and can be transmitted through blood, droplets, sweat and secretions. This feature makes the spread wide from the beginning, and many people are affected by it in the process of helping each other. The infection spreads from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred.

Third, the prevention and treatment of Ebola virus is extremely difficult. At the beginning, doctors used antiviral interferon and ribavirin, but none of them worked.These two drugs can also have some effect on other viruses, but when used on Ebola virus patients, there is no reaction at all.As a result, a large number of patients who had been sent to the hospital but could not receive effective treatment died helplessly. Most of them died of kidney failure and internal bleeding. In severe cases, many patients suffered from massive anal bleeding, which could not be stopped. In the end, he passed away in a horrible way.

When Chen Kangjie saw these pictures, he was shocked and a little disgusted. The destructive power of this virus made him feel a little terrified.

After experiencing the initial uneasiness, Chen Kangjie's mentality is very calm now.In order not to feel guilty, he also specially found a movie about Unit 731 to watch.

It can be said that the fate suffered by countless compatriots decades ago was several times more painful than theirs. The lamb was like a lamb who was poisoned by others, and the skin of the whole body was festered layer by layer. Being observed and studied as a guinea pig, no matter how much you howl, no matter how miserable you beg, or even beg the other party to help end your life, no one will feel a little bit of compassion.

Every poor Chinese, once they enter such a mysterious area, no one can get out, and they all turn into piles of bones and rotten flesh. They will suffer unprecedented torture and long, frightening and helpless waiting until their hearts are broken. Freedom comes from cessation and complete loss of muscle sensation.

Chen Kangjie knows that what is shown in the movie may not be one percent of the real situation. He is the director himself, and he knows that it is not difficult to artificially create such a situation.It's just that he can't imagine the real scene decades ago. He can only think that there is hell, a hell like a nightmare, and anyone who dares to go deep into it will feel horrified.

Chen Kangjie felt a lot more at ease, besides, he was not the direct perpetrator, he just acted as a booster.Maybe it was too deep impression on the Chinese people decades ago, maybe those tragic memories often appear in people's minds, so in the modern civilization today, there is still a remnant of blood debt in our bones.Chen Kangjie no longer feels guilty.

If Japan were Germany, perhaps Chen Kangjie would not be like this, or many Chinese people would no longer hold the hatred and resentment that should have disappeared.But Japan is Japan after all. This is a nation that does not reflect on history, and a nation that still has arrogance.For such a country, it must not be given a chance, otherwise, it is uncertain when history will repeat itself again.

Whether history will return again, or when it will return, Chen Kangjie doesn't know, he only knows that he must try his best to contain this huge potential possibility, so he does everything possible to weaken Japan's strength from different aspects. There is an old saying that no one is allowed to snore on the side of the couch. If we want to sleep well, we cannot leave a threat around us.

It took a week for Japanese medical experts to find a way to help treat Ebola patients.Balance electrolytes, repair damaged platelets, prevent bleeding, and maintain oxygen content in the blood. Although these may not be able to kill the Ebola virus fundamentally, they can indeed effectively control the deterioration of the disease. In addition, dialysis can help restore the body function.

It is also due to the advanced level of medical treatment in Japan. If it is in an ordinary country, the ending is doomed to bloodshed.But to treat so many people, the cost is really astronomical. Some people must receive long-term treatment, and the cost will be even more astonishing.

Combining the feedback from Samidov, Di Qiuren, and Han Geng, Chen Kangjie predicted that the myzh would cause at least hundreds of billions of dollars in economic losses to Japan. The Tokyo stock market and the Osaka stock market were suspended for a week, and the Tokyo subway stopped operating for 11 days. , Even now, many citizens are still afraid of taking the subway, and the attendance rate is pitifully low.The number of flights suspended at the two international airports in Tokyo has reached more than 5700, and the Japanese Shinkansen has not been opened for 7 days.

Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya and other big cities have recently experienced depression in the city center, and people are afraid to gather. Many people would rather stay at home than go to work.Affected by this incident, the number of tourists to Japan suddenly dropped by 70.00%. At this time when life is at stake, who would put their own lives at risk?Not to mention tourists, even business people have decreased by [-]% in the past one and a half months. Five, the managers of many large companies in the United States and Europe heard that they would go to Japan for business trips. They shook their heads collectively. The danger is too great.

The reduction is not just the number of people coming in. Since the outbreak of the accident in Japan, many countries and regions in North America, Europe, East Asia, etc. have imposed varying degrees of restrictions on the entry of Japanese people, fearing that they will bring the virus into their own countries and regions. City.In addition to personnel, inspection and quarantine of goods and products from Japan have also been strengthened, and some countries have even completely suspended personnel and cargo exchanges with Japan.It can be said that the whole world has turned pale when talking about Japan.

The direct economic losses are easy to calculate, but the indirect ones are hard to calculate, and it is not known how long this fear will last. Anyway, Chen Kangjie thinks that they will lose 1000 billion US dollars absolutely.The whole society was also extremely confused by myzh's masterpiece, and the national confidence was dealt a considerable blow.

Chen Kangjie, who has a close interest relationship with Japan, actually suffered a lot of losses, and it was all due to that lunatic myzh for not revealing the news in advance.Otherwise, not only will you not lose money, but you can also make a lot of money if you say it is not good.

Leaving aside the loss of personnel suffered by Zhongyi, Di Qiuren and Han Geng’s economic losses amounted to one billion. The sudden suspension of the two major stock markets left their assets too late to deal with, and the sharp drop in housing prices in Tokyo caused many The value of the property held has shrunk.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie can bear this loss. If he wants to take it, he must give it first. As for the real estate, he should not move it if it is a big deal, and digest it slowly later, which should reduce a lot of losses.

As long as Japan's national power can be further weakened, Chen Kangjie is willing to suffer from Yuchi.

In this matter of myzh, there was a little episode.His trial hasn't started so soon, but I don't know what he said to the Japanese government. Someone over there actually related the accident to China. A senior official who did not want to be named said that China instructed this action.

The capital officials naturally stood up to refute the rumors immediately, categorically refuted such absurd remarks, and solemnly stated that the Chinese government will never support terrorists and cult organizations.

Anyway, after a few times of verbal squabbling, this matter was settled, and there will be such an episode, perhaps because Chen Kangjie met myzh at the beginning and provided a lot of funds.It's just that Chen Kangjie expected this to happen, so he couldn't catch any clues, and even the name was "Mr. Fuck Japan".

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