rebirth of change

Chapter 1016 The old chief summoned

The Spring Festival in 1997 was not too peaceful for Chen Kangjie. He always paid attention to the development and impact of the attack on Japan.Since only the office in the New World Center can maintain confidential and unimpeded contact with the outside world, he spent most of his time there before the Spring Festival, and did not return home to spend the New Year with his family until New Year’s Eve. However, he stayed at home He only stayed until the fifth day of the first lunar month, and then returned to the provincial capital.

On the third day after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the school started.Chen Kangjie only went back to study and made a registration. On this day, many reporters gathered at the school gate again. They guessed that Chen Kangjie would definitely come to report. A teacher who just opened the back door quietly left.

1997 was destined to be an eventful year, and the huge wave of fear caused by myzh had just subsided, when Chen Kangjie received a call from Wei Zhonghua himself in the provincial capital, asking him to go to Beijing as soon as possible.

During the phone call, Wei Zhonghua didn't say what the reason was, but his voice was a little low and preoccupied.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Kangjie felt uneasy, wondering if his superiors found out what he was doing in Japan. If that is the case, there must be no good fruit to eat this time, and if not, he will be taught a lesson .No matter what his purpose and motivation are, whether it is good or bad, the superiors will not allow him to do such a big thing without telling him.

Can't think of a reason, Chen Kangjie originally wanted to call Zhao Zhibang to find out the news, but the phone call between the two of them made some unpleasantness last time, and finally Chen Kangjie gave up this idea.

It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.Chen Kangjie embarked on the journey to the capital with trepidation. The plane had just landed at the Capital Airport, and he had just stepped out of the cabin when someone greeted him immediately.

Chen Kangjie didn't arrange for someone to pick him up at all beforehand, and he still had doubts in his heart. After contacting him, he found out that he was from the General Office of the Central Committee.Seeing these people, Chen Kangjie confirmed his previous guess, otherwise, why would he send someone to pick him up.After figuring out this joint, Chen Kangjie also calmed down. He didn't ask the people who came to pick him up, and walked with them calmly. Anyway, the matter was already like this, and there was nothing he could do except face it normally.

Then after the convoy got off the airport expressway, Chen Kangjie discovered that the vehicle was not heading in the direction of Ouchi, but was going west through the city.Chen Kangjie's heart tightened, wouldn't this mean he was going to be locked up for interrogation?

"Comrade, may I ask, where are we going? Aren't we going to Da Nei?" Unable to bear it, Chen Kangjie finally asked the deputy director in front of him who he had just introduced as the general office.

"Not going to Da Nei, let's go to Xishan, Xishan Nursing Home," the broad-faced man in his fifties turned his head and replied blankly.

Xishan Sanatorium?Chen Kangjie's heart rose all of a sudden, and suddenly fell again, like a roller coaster.The expression on his face became numb, his eyes were dull, and there seemed to be a painful emotion showing.

Chen Kangjie knew why he was urgently called to Beijing. It wasn't that he had guessed that it was related to the accident in Japan, but that the old chief's health might be deteriorating.

During this period of time, Chen Kangjie's attention was all attracted by major events in Japan, and he had to plan countermeasures, especially to study how this event would affect his previous plans for Southeast Asia and make adjustments. In addition, the "Titanic" working group reported to him a lot of work, and under the busy schedule, he put the old man aside.Thinking of these things, Chen Kangjie felt sad, ashamed, and blamed himself.

When the car stopped in front of the old chief's villa, Chen Kangjie opened the door and ran straight in.

In the past, when he came here, it was relatively smooth to enter and exit. It doesn't mean that the security here is not strict. In fact, since he stepped into this villa area, there are already many sentries. It's just that he has a pass, so he can pass through unimpeded.But not today, before he got close, he was blocked by several tall and handsome men in black suits, preventing him from entering.

Just when Chen Kangjie was about to lose his temper, the deputy director of the general office who greeted him arrived, and they were able to enter after showing his ID and explanation.As for Chen Kangjie's entourage, of course they are not within the allowed range.

Stepping into the courtyard, there were many more people inside than when he came here before. Some people Chen Kangjie had never seen before, some looked like bodyguards, and some were obviously doctors. The white coats on them were obvious at a glance.

Seeing Chen Kangjie, those who were not here before were stunned. They didn't understand what Chen Kangjie was doing here at this time, but Chen Kangjie had a cold expression on his face. He ignored their surprise and was bored. Head forward and stride forward.

When they reached the end of the courtyard, Wei Zhonghua's secretary came up to him. The two knew each other before, but neither of them showed a friendly smile. After a brief greeting, Chen Kangjie followed him.

This time I went not to the usual old chief's living room, but to the other side from a corridor covered with pergolas.Along the way, there were guards with solemn expressions standing guard.At the top of the corridor, follow the stairs to the second floor. The distance is not long, only about seven to eighty meters, but it is very quiet, and it can even be described as chilling, especially when combined with those lifeless people. Withered vines, the atmosphere became more solidified and shrunk.

On the second floor on the side, Chen Kangjie had never been here before. After turning the marble stairs, an isolation door appeared in front of him. When he opened the isolation door, Chen Kangjie followed in. Wei Zhonghua's secretary took him to the left and entered into a Finally met a few acquaintances after the small lounge.

More than half of these acquaintances are the old chief's family members, including the old lady, his children and two grandchildren.Wei Zhonghua and Zhao Zhibang are also here, they are sitting on the sofa chair by the wall talking with the old lady, seeming to comfort her.

Chen Kangjie walked up to them in three or five steps, and asked anxiously and nervously, "Is something wrong with the old chief?".

He didn't have a prefix for this question, and it looked like he was asking Wei Zhonghua and the others, or the old chief's wife who was familiar with him.On the one hand, Chen Kangjie was really in a hurry, on the other hand, on such an occasion, he really didn't know who to ask.The old man is not comparable to ordinary people. His physical condition is not only a family matter, but also a state matter.

"Xiaojie sit here. He was in a coma yesterday. He got better this morning. He was put on oxygen and just rested." The old lady looked at Chen Kangjie with her kind eyes and called him to a chair next to him. After sitting down, he sighed and said in a low voice.From his eyes, Chen Kangjie saw a lot of blood, probably because he hadn't had a good rest in the past few days, and he must be very distressed.

"The chief woke up this morning and said he wanted to see you," Wei Zhonghua turned his head to stare at Chen Kangjie, and then added lightly after a few seconds.

"Oh, can I go and see him now?" Chen Kangjie asked nervously after nodding.

He could see that everyone was not in a good mood. Wei Zhonghua and Zhao Zhibang looked tired. He guessed that they must be running here while busy with work these days, coupled with the huge pressure.

"You'd better wait a while, the chief rarely takes a short break, so wait a minute," Zhao Zhibang, who was leaning on Wei Zhonghua's right hand, replied on his behalf.

Chen Kangjie knew it was for the old chief's good, but he was still a little frustrated, "I don't go to his bedside, which room he is in, I just need to go through the door and window."

From a public point of view, Chen Kangjie admires the old chief's wisdom and courage very much. The foundation for the prosperity and revitalization of the entire country can be said to be solidified by the old chief.The longer I have been with him, the more I can feel his broad mind and profound feelings for this country.Chen Kangjie once accompanied him on the southern tour. This old man used his softness to establish and strengthen the direction of the country's development in understated chats, and guided the ideological emancipation of the people across the country.This kind of superb skill and wisdom of four or two strokes of a thousand catties cannot be learned by ordinary people.

From a personal point of view, Chen Kangjie completely regarded him as a kind relative. From his instructions to send Tan Jun and the police to protect Chen Kangjie, one could feel his deep love for Chen Kangjie.The two people, one old and one young, usually communicate with each other, and there are no worldly rules. Basically, it is the style of a grandfather and a grandson. This has to make Chen Kangjie have a sincere relationship with him.

"Then you go, it's in the penultimate room in the corridor, Xiaomeng, take it with you." Perhaps touched by Chen Kangjie's words, when Wei Zhonghua and Zhao Zhibang didn't know how to respond, the old lady agreed, and also He instructed a lovely little nurse standing behind him to lead the way for Chen Kangjie.

After opening the door, Chen Kangjie lowered his head and took a deep breath, then raised his head to look at the environment here.

His mind was completely occupied by worry when he came here just now, so he didn't pay much attention. Now after looking around, he realized that this place has been completely turned into a hospital. The entire floor and walls have been specially treated to make it bright. According to people.The right-hand side of the staircase is closed by a full glass door. Through the glass, you can see that there are four rooms in the corridor and one outside, and there are only two rooms on the left of the corridor where he is now, except one is the lounge. In addition, there is a doctor's office.

"Chen Kangjie, come here, the inside is sterile, you have to go here to change clothes." Chen Kangjie walked to the glass door, and was about to reach out to push the door, when the nurse named Xiaomeng stopped him softly.

"You know me?" Chen Kangjie stopped, turned around and saw the nurse opened the door of the room outside the glass door, and asked in a daze.

"Of course I do, I'm also your fan," Nurse Xiaomeng said shyly with a red cloud on her cheek.

"Oh, look at my brain," he patted himself and smiled awkwardly.

Earlier, Chen Kangjie didn't realize that someone regarded him as a star, which made him almost forget his identity. Now that this shy little nurse said that, he realized that he didn't make a disguise today.

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