rebirth of change

Chapter 1017 The final farewell

In the changing room, Chen Kangjie and the little nurse put on white one-piece clothes and shoes from head to toe, a mask was placed on the mouth, and gloves were fitted on the hands. Except for the eyes, other body parts were not exposed. exposed to air.It feels a bit bloated, and only those researchers or medical staff in special wards can dress up like this on TV.

Although it was a little uncomfortable, especially the hat, the forehead was still being strangled, but in order not to have a negative impact on the old chief's health, Chen Kangjie could only cooperate obediently.

After everything was ready, Chen Kangjie followed Xiaomeng through the two isolation doors and entered the corridor on the other side.

Two doctors dressed similarly to them came up to them. Chen Kangjie couldn't see their faces clearly due to the tight wrappings, and they both wore glasses. The only difference was that one had bigger eyes and the other had smaller ones.However, Chen Kangjie absolutely believed that they must be the top authority in the domestic medical field, and even one of the best experts in the world, otherwise, it would be impossible to be here.

Now the old man's body is in an unstable state, so four doctors are always by his side.

After shaking hands with the two doctors, he followed them into the innermost room on the left without exchanging greetings.The ward where the old man lives is fully enclosed, and you can't see the inside from the door, but from the room you come in, you can clearly see the situation there. The walls of the two rooms are not masonry structures, but completely transparent Cheng Liang's large custom-made glass.

After entering the room, Chen Kangjie saw that there were two doctors inside, and several sophisticated medical instruments were placed in front of them.The two doctors inside were also attentively observing the old man's state and the physiological characteristics displayed by the instruments.Surveillance equipment is installed on the four corners of the room, presumably to record every precious process.

Chen Kangjie approached the glass, quietly looking at the other room with dark eyes.Over there, the old man was lying peacefully, with an oxygen breathing mask on his mouth, his whole body was covered by a white quilt, and there were some colored cables protruding from the edge of the quilt, which should be connected to the monitoring equipment wire.

Although he couldn't see his entire face clearly, Chen Kangjie still clearly observed that the old man had really lost a lot of weight, his cheekbones were raised high, his skin was pale, and he couldn't see the normal red charm.

Chen Kangjie felt sad for a while. Although people always have birth, old age, sickness and death, which is an inescapable natural law in the world, he still felt sad when he thought of the old man's life as a soldier.I feel that he should not lie there lifeless, but should continue to point out the country and wave it out.

He really wanted to cry, but his nose and throat were very blocked, and he couldn't vent his suppressed emotions, making him uncomfortable.

"Can you tell me, what's wrong with the old chief?" Rubbing his face in pain, Chen Kangjie turned his head and asked softly to the doctor next to him, for fear that his loud voice would affect the doctor next door. Kind old man.

The old man's condition is the top secret of the country, how can he leak it at will, but Chen Kangjie's ability to enter here at least shows that his identity must be special.The doctor was obsequious, not knowing whether he should say it or not, and finally looked at the other three people directly, and finally stared at the doctor with gold-rimmed glasses sitting by the window instructively.

The doctor stood up, walked to Chen Kangjie, looked at him intently for a moment, and then slowly uttered in a hoarse voice, "What I can tell you is that the main thing that affects the chief's health is the substantia nigra in the brain. Erythrocytosis, we have used coenzyme inhibitors before, the situation is not optimistic, electric shock therapy may be effective, but it is very dangerous and not easy to control... ".

The doctor did not tell Chen Kangjie what disease the old man had, but he gave Chen Kangjie a hint through the medicine he used.It's a pity that no matter how smart Chen Kangjie is, how could he understand these things?Simply confused.

"What kind of disease is this?" Chen Kangjie asked again with piercing eyes.

"I'm sorry, this... can't be said except by the top leadership of the country." The other party rejected Chen Kangjie's question awe-inspiringly.

He had already made his words so clear, Chen Kangjie had no choice but to shut up and stop asking this question.He had to admit that he didn't know anything about medicine, so even if people said it, he wouldn't know anything about it.Otherwise, it is simply impossible for the state to stand idly by.

Chen Kangjie stood in this room blankly and stared at it for a long time. Suddenly, the red siren in the room flashed piercingly.

Before Chen Kangjie could figure out what was going on, several doctors rushed out of the room and entered the old man's ward next door.

He turned around and wanted to follow, but he was blocked by Xiaomeng with a serious face at the door. Instead, the two nurses who came out of the room opposite them just now could go in.

Chen Kangjie, who was depressed and violent in his heart, struggled to control his emotions, but his rationality told him that he should not mess around here.

There was a sound of nurses coming in and out nervously. From their quick movements and serious expressions, Chen Kangjie saw that the situation was not optimistic.

After a while, Wei Zhonghua and the others put on their protective suits and came. Except for the people Chen Kangjie saw before, all the other giants also arrived.

Chen Kangjie didn't know that since yesterday, several giants had held a meeting, and the decision was that all the giants could not leave the capital for the next few days, except to deal with their own work, they just waited for it.If something unexpected happens to the old man, they will respond quickly, and they have even arranged for the number of people to start preparing for the worst-case scenario and actions.

"Xiaojie, how's the situation?" Wei Zhonghua eagerly asked the restless Chen Kangjie as soon as he entered the door.

"I don't know either. The siren sounded just now, and then...the doctors and nurses are all busy inside, presumably he is an auspicious old man." Chen Kangjie settled his restless figure, worried and dazed Said.

As soon as Chen Kangjie finished speaking, the old lady's tears were already rolling in her eyes.The two of them have a very close relationship, and she obviously understands what this means. It is estimated that the old man has reached another hell.

The old lady was unstable and kept falling. Fortunately, Wei Zhonghua and the old chief's youngest daughter supported her so that she did not fall.

Everyone is at such a moment, no matter whether they are usually strong or not, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

"Director Hong, Director Hong, how is it? How is my father?" Suddenly, the door of the old man's ward opened, and the eldest daughter of the old chief rushed forward, tightly grasping the arm of the doctor who opened the door and asked anxiously.

As soon as the doctor spoke, Chen Kangjie knew that he was the doctor he was talking to just now.The old man's family must have dealt with them often, so they could easily recognize these heavily armed doctors.

"Something is not good. Chief's blood pressure has been dropping, and brain activity has been greatly weakened..." Director Hong, whose forehead was full of sweat, said tremblingly under everyone's eager gaze.

"Then what should we do?" The old man's little daughter almost cried.

"We will try our best, but... we must prepare for the worst," Director Hong said with his eyes flickering, and Gu Pan gritted his teeth as if he had suddenly made up his mind.

At this moment, everyone present felt as if their bodies had sunk into an ice cellar. Chen Kangjie’s fingers couldn’t help shaking. The emotions that had been blocked just now seemed to be opened up. Tears poured down, and his whole body leaned against the wall. , looked extremely painful and sad.

After talking about the situation, Director Hong returned to the ward and continued to stick to his post.

In Chen Kangjie's blurred vision, the old man's family members also had moist eyes, and the old lady was supported to sit on a chair. There were tears in his eyes again.Her teardrops have fallen heavily in her heart drop by drop.

Several giants were whispering to each other, everyone had a solemn face, most of the time it was Wei Zhonghua who was talking, and the others nodded without hesitation, and only occasionally someone intervened.Don't even think about it, they must be discussing the affairs of the old man's death, and they are probably setting the tone and dividing the work at this moment.

Chen Kangjie didn't care about all of this, and he couldn't get involved. He only had one hope now, that the procedures and measures they discussed would not be used.

The old man said to the country that he was a magic needle for calming the sea, and to Chen Kangjie, he was a good teacher and helpful friend that people respect and love.Chen Kangjie knew that the old man must have a lot of unwillingness, and he must want to see more vicissitudes as a hero.He has long been open-minded and bearish on power, but Chen Kangjie believes that his feelings for the country and the people have never faded.

"Squeaky", the door of the old man's ward opened again, and Director Hong appeared in everyone's sight again. Wei Zhonghua and the others hurriedly ended their conversation and surrounded them. People were all anxiously waiting for Director Hong to let him out. news.

"The chief is temporarily awake, but the time may be very short. You can go in a few people. The chief seems to have something to say. By the way, Comrade Xiao Chen was asked to come in too." Director Hong wiped his forehead, almost collapsed Said.

At this time, there was no time to discuss, the old lady seemed to be in good spirits, and stood up from the chair. Under her leadership, several children of the old man and several giants filed in, and Chen Kangjie followed nervously at the end. .

Not to mention that the old man asked him to go too by name, even if he didn't, he would probably break in.This was almost the final farewell, and Chen Kangjie had to take a look, even if it was just a simple look.

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