After deciding on countermeasures, careful arrangements were made, and finally, under Fan Wenxuan's command, they acted quickly.

On the evening of April 4, almost all media reporters stationed in Los Angeles received an invitation to visit Miramax the next day. This was an excuse thought up to prevent news from leaking.

Since Chen Kangjie was not mentioned in the invitation, many reporters thought it was just a publicity move, so they didn't come.In the early morning of the next day, there were only dozens of people who arrived at the Miramax company on time, but Streisand and the "Los Angeles Times" who had been concerned about Chen Kangjie all sent people.

As soon as these keen reporters arrived at the company, they felt that the atmosphere on the scene was a bit strange. At least Li Li and other staff from the public relations department who were in charge of receiving them were not as enthusiastic as usual. They did not provide any information, nor did they say what the theme of today's visit was What, but they are in a waiting state after directly arranging them in the conference room.

More than ten minutes later, the already impatient reporters saw Fan Wenxuan and Jon Gordon hurried into the meeting room with a group of people. These people did not greet them with a smile as usual, but one by one With a solemn expression, all the reporters present could clearly feel that something unusual was about to happen.

Today's conference room has been specially decorated for the press conference.After Fan Wenxuan and the others sat down on both sides of the front, Jon Gordon, in a suit and leather shoes, walked straight to the podium, supported the edge of the podium with his hands, and scanned the venue before he began to speak formally.

"My friends from the press, the fact that I invite you here today is not a visit, but a press conference..." Jon Gordon said sternly.

"What press conference?", "Why is this happening?". . . . . .The reporters chattered as if they had been deceived.

"Quiet, please be quiet, please? Thank you, please be quiet." Jon Gordon raised his voice and pressed his hands down in the air.

After the venue became quiet again, Jon Gordon continued into the microphone: "This press conference is about Long. Unfortunately, I want to tell you that Long was captured by the FBI two days ago."

As soon as the news came out, it was like pouring a ladle of water into a boiling oil pan. The reporters immediately became excited, and the atmosphere suddenly became noisy.Although there were only dozens of reporters present today, the news released by Jon Gordon was too sudden and shocking. The reporters who caught the big news couldn't sit still. Some reporters took today's or as soy sauce, but They will be as excited as if they have been beaten with chicken blood.

At the beginning, the reporters sitting at the back didn't care about the order, they got up and squeezed forward. Before Jon Gordon was allowed to ask questions, the reporters had already asked a series of questions.

"Silence, silence, if everyone wants to know the truth, please be quiet," Jon Gordon put his mouth into the microphone and worked hard to maintain order at the scene.

It took a minute for the reporters who were already planning how to report this important news to calm down again. <'s special assistant, let him tell everyone what he saw two days ago." After Jon Gordon briefly introduced Liu Deyi, he stretched out his right hand to ask him to come on stage, and handed over the scene to him.

Liu Deyi was still very nervous when he sat down just now, he was worried that he could not describe the matter clearly in the desired direction, but when he got on the stage, he calmed down instead.The use of this method came from his own hands, and he knew that he would never allow any mistakes to be made.

"No, everyone in the press. I'm Darin. I've been working beside Long as his assistant since years ago. Three days ago, after attending a government meeting in China, Long rushed to Los Angeles non-stop. He He has always felt guilty that he has not dedicated his work to everyone for a while, so the purpose of his trip is to shoot a movie with the background of the sinking giant ship Titanic in 1912. However, on the morning of April 4, Long’s plane originally We were going to land at Ontario International Airport, but for some reason, we were suddenly asked to stop at Long Beach International Airport. When we transferred from Ontario International Airport to Long Beach Airport, we found that it was closed and the police cordoned off Let's go in. In a hurry, I ran to the second floor, only to see a scene that still makes me indignant. A large number of wolf-like FBI agents threatened Long and his entourage with guns without asking any questions. In the end, they handcuffed them and took them away. During this time, some people were beaten... I don't know why the FBI agents treated Long like that, just because he is a yellow race ?The United States claims to be an inclusive democratic country, and Long is not considered an adult from a legal point of view. From the beginning to the end, we have not seen those agents show arrest warrants or other documents. As a public figure I don’t even get the least respect, I don’t know what kind of law enforcement this is?” When Liu Deyi introduced the whole process, his expression was angry, and his tone was sad and passionate, which was able to arouse everyone’s emotions.

After finishing speaking, Liu Deyi walked down without waiting for the reporter who was taking notes seriously to ask questions.

Jon Gordon stepped onto the podium again like a host, "According to what we learned yesterday, they said that Long was involved in the bombing of the Olympic Park during the Atlanta Olympics. This accusation makes me feel incredible. Long is the Atlanta Olympics During this period, he stepped into the Olympic Games for the first time. He participated in three track and field events. The competition schedule was very tight. On the day of the incident, Long participated in several competitions and won two world championships. May I ask, how could he still have Time to commit some explosive crimes? More importantly, I believe that everyone does not doubt Long's future and wisdom. Let me ask, what reason does he have to do that? He is not crazy, and he has no hatred with the audience who cheered for him that day , why would he do that? It must be the most absurd thing in the world."

Jon Gordon spoke in a realistic and affectionate manner before inviting John Baker up to give you a further introduction.

After John Baker took the stage, he focused on the situation of their meeting with Chen Kangjie and the judgment they made from a legal point of view.First of all, John Baker characterized this matter as illogical, and secondly, its legality is also worthy of discussion and discussion.

As the so-called using people's money to eliminate disasters for others, now John Baker is Chen Kangjie's attorney. As a community of interests, of course, everything should be done with the protection of Chen Kangjie's interests as the top priority.Although they will get much more lawyer fees if they enter the court trial later, but if the previous performance is not good and the client is not satisfied, they can change lawyers at any time. In that case, not only will they not get money, but their reputation will also be damaged. .

Lawyers share a strong similarity with celebrities.At the very least, the greater the fame, the higher the income. If he failed to achieve success in dealing with Chen Kangjie and was fired in the end, it would be a big stain on John Baker and his reputation would be greatly damaged.On the contrary, if he helps Chen Kangjie get out of the predicament, then he will become famous, and more celebrities will come to him when they encounter lawsuits in the future, and the benefits will be immeasurable.

John Baker is very clear that there are countless lawyers in the United States who want to take this case that is likely to gain both fame and fortune. How can he pass up this opportunity.

Later, John Baker focused on describing one of their feelings. In addition to the fact that the person being interrogated was likely to be treated unfairly, the police officer in charge of this case obviously had a prejudice against Long. He guessed that the person should be a white supremacist By.

As a lawyer, John Baker couldn't possibly leave anything to say. His ambiguous statement was just speculation, and he could attack or defend.Even if someone refutes and has opinions, he can easily remain invincible. Anyway, it's just a guess, what can't be said?Moreover, the United States also advertises freedom of speech.

It's just that the reporters who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic will not care about the word "guess". They will treat it as a fact. What's more, the reporters who were able to come here all had great affection and appreciation for Chen Kangjie.

At this point, today's press conference is basically over.However, the enthusiasm of the reporters was too high. With such explosive and sensational news, everyone still wanted to know some inside information.As a last resort, after Jon Gordon answered three questions on his behalf, the reporters were coaxed and kicked out.

It has been rehearsed and planned in advance, and the core of Jon Gordon's answers to the questions revolves around the main axis planned before, and the reporter's questions did not go astray at all.

For this press conference, Fan Wenxuan and the others have indeed done enough work.For example, among the three people who arranged to speak, only Liu Deyi was Chinese, and he was also a witness.The other Jon Gordon and John Baker are both American and white.Moreover, if it is explained from a different angle, the persuasive power will be much stronger, and it will not make people think it is wishful thinking or prejudice.

The journalists who took the time to participate in this press conference today are bound to be excited and lucky.As soon as they left Miramax, they rushed to start their own reporting work.Before Streisand returned to the company, she had already called the Miramax company to release it in the form of a text message, and her news was immediately relayed by NBC.

The reporters of the "Los Angeles Times" began to write press releases in the car returning to the newspaper office, and strived to print and distribute them as soon as they arrived at the company.

In short, the arrest of Chen Kangjie by the FBI immediately triggered a news war, and the battlefield gradually shifted from Miramax to the FBI, which finally caused an uproar in the whole society. It was the first time that American society really felt it. Chen Kangjie's extraordinary influence.

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