rebirth of change

Chapter 1028 Doomed defeat

At noon on April 4, the news that Chen Kangjie was rudely arrested by the FBI appeared in the important news of major media in the United States. In the evening, the news quickly spread to the whole world. Almost all media quoted the media who participated in the press conference in the morning related reports.

On this day, while the media was fully reporting, they did not make any comments, and they reported the content of the press conference truthfully.

As soon as the news came out, it was not the FBI that was hit first, but Miramax Corporation. In the evening, hundreds of reporters flocked to the door of Miramax Corporation. They asked the person who presented the situation in the morning to stand. Coming out for further explanation, faxes of various requests for individual interviews snowed in at Miramax.

None of these requests were answered, a ploy to steer them over to the FBI only if they were denied first.

Anyway, Chen Kangjie and the FBI were brought to the forefront overnight. On April 4, the White House and the State Department held a regular press conference, and the spokespersons were asked this question in different ways.

The spokesperson's statement is that they do not yet understand the situation and do not know whether the matter is true or false.Such an answer obviously did not satisfy the reporter, and critical voices began to appear.

Since no one from Miramax and Flying Entertainment came forward after a press conference, a considerable part of the anxious reporters began to shift the battlefield to the Federal Building in Los Angeles, and they needed an official department to explain the matter .

Charles was annoyed by the sudden revelation of the incident, which completely disrupted their arrangement.According to their thinking, Chen Kangjie's side is unlikely to disclose this matter to the media, at least not so quickly.In that case, they would have plenty of time to organize all the evidence and create some evidence. When Chen Kangjie was knocked down with the last stick, they would take the initiative to announce the matter, and Chen Kangjie would be ruined.

Now that this matter came out, Charles was caught off guard.Although the decision was made by the superiors, the specific executor was him, and he fought for it himself. If he could not handle it well at this time, then he might be the first one to act as the scapegoat.

On the afternoon and evening of the 23rd, Charles had already received a lot of calls, most of them from Washington. From the tone of the caller, it was not difficult to know that the higher-ups were a little anxious and passive.

At noon on the 24th, the ambassador of the Chinese embassy in Washington visited the State Department in person and asked the US to explain what was going on. They also sent officials from the Los Angeles Consulate General to the Federal Building in Los Angeles to ask to see Chen Kangjie.

Americans are usually very arrogant. The deputy secretary of state who met with the ambassador did not give any definite and credible explanation, but used the excuse that the judiciary and diplomacy were not under the control of each other.The diplomats sent to the Federal Building in Los Angeles also failed to meet Chen Kangjie. The US also knew that if Chen Kangjie were to meet with domestic diplomats at this time, things would become very complicated. They still wanted to treat this matter as a simple matter of justice. case to be dealt with.

In the end, Mr. Ambassador had no choice but to directly submit a statement of protest to the US side in anger, and when he was interviewed by reporters, he opened fire violently against the brutal actions of the US side without showing any mercy.

Under the siege of reporters, Charles sent an agent to express a simple opinion, that is, this matter is an independent criminal case, and they cannot announce too much before the case is clear. Guns and handcuffs were used. The agent did not give a positive answer, but said that they gave Long a considerable courtesy, and when facing criminals, the law gave them the right to take coercive measures. Law enforcement can do that.

The reporter immediately asked, what definite evidence did we have to make Long such a qualitative?The agent turned out to have no comment, and he was not authorized to do so, so he could not answer the question. <The reporter asked whether the male reporter would ask the question so directly because of racial discrimination.

Caught an opportunity for someone to stand up and deal with it, the reporters certainly wouldn't let it go easily. They all made an embarrassing request, that is, they asked to see Long himself.Everyone knew that as long as Long appeared on the screen, the news would be much more explosive, especially if he could say a few words casually, the effect would be even better.

At this stage, such requests may be made by journalists who know they will not be granted.Sure enough, they were rejected simply because Chen Kangjie was under investigation, he could not be disturbed by the media, and law enforcement agencies should not be harassed.

On the 23rd and 24th, the "Los Angeles Times", "New York Times", "Washington Post", "Chicago Tribune" and other American mainstream media all published special pages reporting the news of Chen Kangjie's arrest. Several review articles were published.

The "Chicago Tribune" published an exclusive interview with a black senator. The topic of the interview was racial discrimination. Now I turned the topic to Chen Kangjie's case.

"I am a lawyer myself. In the case of Long, obviously, this possibility cannot be ruled out. Judging from the existing evidence and doubts, it cannot be confirmed that Long is the planner and implementer of the bombing. Therefore, the FBI at most We can only ask Long to assist in the investigation of the case and explain the situation. We cannot detain him, let alone use violent measures against him. This runs counter to our spirit of the rule of law. Spirituality and the values ​​of equality for all are my duty, so, in my opinion, this is obviously an overuse of the fbi's power. My wife is one of the lawyers who provide services for long. She clearly told me that in their Meet BS, ABC, FOX and other major TV stations in the United States. This is the news that has attracted the most attention in the past two days. They interpreted this matter from different angles. ABC also conducted telephone surveys in 13 cities across the United States. 5230 citizens were asked what they thought of the arrest of Long. More than 90.00% of the people’s first answer was shock, and as many as 87.3% of the people expressed that they did not believe that Long would cause the bombing. When asked whether they believed that Long was a victim of racial discrimination, 60.00% of the people believed it.

NBC started from the Olympic Park bombing itself. As the broadcaster of the Olympic Games, they have a lot of information that others do not have.After researching and selecting a large amount of cumbersome information before and after the incident, they were able to find a short video that was only two seconds long.In this video, Chen Kangjie's image is blurry and not particularly clear, but he can vaguely recognize it.

In the video, Chen Kangjie is disheveled, bent over, and supporting a girl whose face is blocked by her hair on her left hand.Obviously, someone slipped past them when they were filming the scene. If that person knew that this person was Chen Kangjie, he would not let it go easily.

In response to this short piece of video material dug out through untold hardships, the nbc commentator only said a few words, "If Long planned the bombing, why did he come to the dangerous scene? Could it be that he wanted to blow himself up too? Is it? I prefer to believe that he was there that day to save people."

Relying on local advantages, American media can do all kinds of planning.Although the media of other countries in the world do not have this advantage, they can also have their own perspective while reposting a large number of American media reports.When the East Asian media supported Chen Kangjie, they did not forget to dig out a series of representative racial discrimination scandals that broke out in the United States in the past 40 years.

The French "Le Figaro" published a long newsletter report titled "If Long was a criminal, the world would be dark".This article lists all of Chen Kangjie's achievements that have been made public, and analyzes in detail the various possibilities of his crime. In the end, although they did not say with certainty that Chen Kangjie is not a criminal, the words at the end are very interesting.

"If long is a criminal, then we can no longer rule out the possibility that everyone in the world is a criminal. If long is really a criminal, then the world will lose the greatest fun, and the music we listen to every day will become blurred. The movies you see will be dimmed, the Olympic games will have no excitement, and the children will lose their fairy tales."

In the past two days, the US government and President KLD have had the hardest time. The people they are most afraid of seeing are reporters. When the incident of Chen Kangjie's arrest broke out, the pressure on them is like a heavy burden.Although not all media are on Chen Kangjie's side, whether it is newspapers or TV, they are criticized for 70.00%.Moreover, when the Chinese government summoned the U.S. ambassador to China, it made a serious protest and strong criticism for the first time. They demanded that the U.S. government must make a clear explanation at this time. At the same time, the two intergovernmental delegations Exchange visits have been cancelled.

Not to mention, there have been protests in front of the US consulates in Beijing, Mingzhu, and Hong Kong.If the protests in these places are due to Chen Kangjie's nationality, then the sporadic protests in Tokyo, Lion City, Frankfurt, Lyon, Amsterdam and other places have nothing to do with that. It is entirely Chen Kangjie's own factors. exert influence.

The U.S. government is in a dilemma. If they continue to detain and interrogate Chen Kangjie, the pressure they will face will continue.However, if Chen Kangjie is released, in addition to losing face, it will also affect the independent spirit of the rule of law in the United States. This is a very embarrassing contradiction.

Now the top management can only hope that the FBI can find more and more valuable clues and evidence. Only in this way can the government's reputation be maintained and Chen Kangjie can be discredited. Others can only keep their mouths shut.However, it was doomed to be a failure from the very beginning, because Chen Kangjie never caused the bombing.

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