rebirth of change

Chapter 1029 Who is Rodney

On the afternoon of the 24th, the legal team will go to the Federal Building in Los Angeles to meet with Chen Kangjie and others.

Before going, the group held a small meeting in the company. This time, in addition to the routine meeting, they also made some arrangements after repeated discussions in advance.

"Ms. Rachel, have you mastered the method of using this camera?" Fan Wenxuan asked the black female lawyer reassuringly.

The United States is a developed country, and almost every household has a camera, so why would you ask this question?

This was Liu Deyi's idea. He felt that although the previous revelations had put a lot of pressure on the US officials, the pressure was obviously not enough, so he thought of a way to make these things visible. When Chen Kangjie's lawyer brought a miniature camera in, he tried to get some valuable information back.

Fortunately, Miramax is professional in this area. They put a miniature color camera into the briefcase of this female lawyer. There is a small hidden hole on the side of the briefcase, just like the previous bag. The design was meant to be that way, and that's where the camera looks.As for the shooting button, there is a wire along the middle of the strap and connected to the shrink buckle joint in the middle of the strap. As long as her hand is pressed there, the camera can start shooting.

"No problem, I've tried it many times," Rahil replied as he turned the backpack in front of him and patted it lightly.

"Mr. John Baker, I hope you can cooperate well, try to divert the attention of others as much as possible, and create more suitable opportunities for Ms. Lahill." John Baker exhorted.

"Miss Monica, I always feel that this method is a bit abrupt. We are suspected of leaking secrets in this way, especially if you plan to publish what you have obtained to the media." John Baker He lowered his head, looking a little unenthusiastic.

John Baker realized that the entrusting party did not intend to solve the problem completely through normal legal angles, and they played the role of spies to a certain extent.This greatly reduced their original functions. Even if Chen Kangjie could be successfully rescued, it might not bring them much sense of accomplishment. Therefore, John Baker resisted this method at first, but even if he accepted it later, The interest is not very high.

As a black man, Rahil is also a person of color, so she has sympathy for Chen Kangjie. Ever since she saw Chen Kangjie with her own eyes, she did not believe that he would do that, so he was supportive.Besides, their family and his husband like Chen Kangjie very much. Anyway, he and John Baker are not in the same law firm, and she can make decisions independently.

"Mr. John Baker, I hope you understand what our purpose is. If you want Long to stay in there for a long time, you can tell me. In order to rescue Long, we have already paid 180 million to your firm USD legal fees, and according to the agreement, if Long can come out safely, we will pay another 500 million USD. We are the client, and the agreement has already stated that you will do things according to the client’s requirements. If you choose to withdraw, yes Yes, I believe your firm will send other lawyers to do it, even if not, there are so many lawyers in the United States, who can’t do it? Besides, I didn’t let you break the law, so is it a crime?” John Baker’s attitude It made Fan Wenxuan very upset, so she didn't speak well, and she was full of momentum.

After finishing speaking, Fan Wenxuan's cold eyes turned away from John Baker and turned to Rachel.Although their behavior was not very well-behaved, it was not a violation of the law. Otherwise, Rachel, who was also a lawyer, would have objected long ago.Now they are an employer-employee relationship, and Fan Wenxuan is currently under the greatest pressure, how can she treat John Baker in a good mood, and put the employer's attitude in a correct manner.

Anyway, Fan Wenxuan is very clear that as long as you have money in the United States, you can find many people to do things, especially lawyers.In this society, lawyers have never been regarded as upright and moral people. Because of this, the profession of lawyers in the United States is really mixed. Some people envy them, and more people hate them.

In fact, Fan Wenxuan and the others had no choice but to do so, and there was no turning back.They have caused this matter to stir the entire media, and the FBI is under heavy pressure, and it is difficult to guarantee that they will not play their cards according to the rules.If some special means were not used to put more pressure on them, Chen Kangjie and the others might have a more difficult life, and it is not impossible for someone to be succumbed.

John Baker pondered for a long time, his face turning blue and the other pale, and he sighed, being forced to make this helpless choice.A person who knows the current affairs is a hero, and he has to do it for nothing else, even for the millions of dollars.It's just that at this time, he hopes that these methods will not work. Not only will it dampen Fan Wenxuan's spirit, but it will also give him room to develop, and at the same time, he will earn more and more money for the company and himself.

After getting ready, the lawyers drove out of Miramax in three cars and headed for the Federal Building in Los Angeles.

The reporters who had been guarding the entrance of the company saw that they were moving, and after they slammed the car body without any response, they hurriedly drove to follow.

In the parking lot of the Federal Building in Los Angeles, there is no doubt that the lawyers were chased and intercepted by reporters. The distance from the parking lot to the gate of the building was only 30 meters. Under the siege of the reporters, they walked for 3 minutes. Only then was it possible to break through.

The reporters threw all kinds of questions to the legal team. Some asked them the purpose of coming today, some asked about Chen Kangjie’s physical condition, some asked about the progress of the case, some asked their opinion on this matter, and some asked When will the truth come out.In short, they accepted dozens of questions for this short circuit.

It's a pity that they couldn't answer most of the questions, but John Baker, who was not too emotional, said a few words on his behalf as a last resort.

He said that he did not believe that Chen Kangjie was guilty. As for when the truth would be revealed, he would have to ask the FBI, which was their responsibility to investigate the case.As for Chen Kangjie's physical condition, he said that he would not know until he went in to see him again.They didn't answer any other questions. As an attorney, no matter how emotional he was, John Baker's position was unquestionable.

When they reached the gate of the Federal Building in Los Angeles, the reporters wanted to chase in, but they were all blocked by the police, and only the lawyers were able to enter after showing their IDs.In the past two days, in order to maintain order here, the Los Angeles police sent four police cars and more than a dozen police officers to station here 24 hours a day.

The meeting with Chen Kangjie this time was not in Charles's office, and Charles himself did not show up. Perhaps it was for retaliation. They met him in a detention room where Chen Kangjie was detained. Except for the iron fence in the middle, Chen Kangjie's hand The handcuffs were still on.

It stands to reason that the client should not be present at the scene when the client meets the lawyer.But today neither Chen Kangjie nor his lawyer received that kind of treatment. After the two detectives brought John Baker and Rahil to the detention room, they did not leave and kept guarding them, and only gave them 5 hateful minutes meeting time.

According to the procedure, John Baker asked Chen Kangjie some legal issues, such as asking him to describe the situation he experienced when the bombing happened, and the interrogation situation of FBI agents.These are all grandiose questions, even if the FBI is present, it doesn't matter, besides, John Baker thinks that the more important person who came this time is Rahil, not him.

Regardless of whether John Baker wanted it or not, he indirectly helped Rahil a lot.When he asked Chen Kangjie to answer, the two agents were indeed attracted by their attention, and they didn't care about her existence at all. Instead, they allowed her to take pictures of Chen Kangjie from a moving angle in a cautious manner. a photograph.

Compared with the last time we met, Chen Kangjie's situation looked worse. The clothes he hadn't changed for a few days had lost their original quality and became dirty and wrinkled. Black spots appeared on his usually clean face. Small stubble, the original uniform hairstyle became messy, and the color of his skin became yellowish and white due to not seeing the sun for many days. Only his deep eyes still shone with confidence.

Chen Kangjie sat or stood in his small cell with only six square meters, thinking deeply about answering John Baker's routine questions. Because there were two outsiders, his answers were quite satisfactory, without exaggeration or excessive complaints.

After answering four questions from John Baker, the two detectives said it was time and asked them to leave.

At this moment, Chen Kangjie suddenly grabbed the iron bars separating him with both hands, and asked Rahil a question out of nowhere.

"Miss Rachel, do you know Rodney King?".

"Ah? Oh... I think I've heard it before..." Lahile stopped in astonishment, for a moment she didn't understand why Chen Kangjie asked this question, and she suddenly didn't remember Rodney. Who is Jin, I just gave a vague answer out of instinctive impression.

The two detectives didn't pay much attention to Chen Kangjie's question because they were anxious to drive John Baker and Rahil away.

Rahil planned to ask Chen Kangjie why he mentioned such a person, but unfortunately the two FBI agents didn't give her this time, and pushed them out of the detention room.

On the car back, Rahil kept reminiscing about the question that Chen Kangjie suddenly asked when he was parting for the last time. She kept thinking about who that Rodney King was, but she never remembered, but she was sure that the name did hear it.

After Fan Wenxuan and others who had been waiting for them met John Baker and Rahil, they immediately asked about the detailed process of the meeting, and Rahil also reported on the last question Chen Kangjie asked. The camera in her bag also The first time it was taken out to develop photos.

Back in the hotel room at night, Rahil still couldn't let go of the question Chen Kangjie asked her. After consulting some information, she finally figured out who Rodney King was, but she was also frightened all night. sleep.

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