rebirth of change

Chapter 1034 CNN's means

The US Wall Street stock market, the foreign exchange market and the Chicago Board of Trade have not been very calm since the 24th, making it a bit frightening. <-> Especially the New York stock market, which fell 24% on the 25th, 26% on the [-]th, and [-]% on the [-]th. Investors lost a few dollars in two days. tens of billions of dollars.

It stands to reason that high-tech stocks are the most fashionable stocks at the moment, but since the 25th, the stocks of American high-tech companies represented by Microsoft, Intel and IBM have been sold off. Under their drag, the entire high-tech sector fell across the board. The stock price has been further lowered, and investors have begun to feel uneasy.

At first, everyone thought it was nothing, because the fluctuation of the stock market is a very normal thing, but for three consecutive days, as long as it is a normal person, it will start to be impatient.Various analysis reports emerged one after another. Some people said that it was affected by the further rise of oil prices, and some people said that the direction of the high-tech industry was not very clear. On the evening of the 26th, "New York Finance" got a conclusion that made everyone unimaginable and dubious. It is said that due to the drag of Chen Kangjie's arrest, the society began to become unstable, and investors would naturally feel insecure.

The crowd who continued to protest at the entrance of the Federal Building in Los Angeles has not dispersed, and they did not get the answers they hoped for before sunset. This made the people who had been emotionally stable before burning with anger. poster shouting loudly.

This demonstration was organized. It stands to reason that the organizers should try to control the "chaos" on the scene, but in fact it was the organizers who yelled the most.The police who maintained order at the scene became terrified. They were afraid that so many people would lose control, and it would not be possible for their 3000 people to maintain it.Rebirth: Changing the World 1034

However, the occurrence of two things completely made the situation out of control.

The first thing was that at 7:[-], Streisand released three more photos. In these three photos, Chen Kangjie, who was miserable and in pain, was completely unbearable and acceptable to his loyal fans.Their rationality and calmness were pushed directly to the edge of the cliff.

Another thing is to make the demonstrators lose their target, and also to reflect the toughness of the US "government". Los Angeles, the destination is Oxnard, a seaside city more than 100 kilometers away from Los Angeles.

At this time, the Federal Building in Los Angeles is surrounded by dense crowds of demonstrators. It is impossible to transfer by vehicles. The only available is the air passage. They plan to use four helicopters to transport Chen Kangjie and the others secretly. Oxnard A camp on the outskirts was ready to receive it.

After nightfall, for safety reasons, the Los Angeles authorities required all TV station helicopters flying in the air to land and implement air traffic control. Except for police and military aircraft and normal flights, other aerial vehicles were not allowed to take off before dawn.

The FBI planned to use this time to act. Taking advantage of the darkness, Chen Kangjie and the others were taken to the roof of the building in batches by a special elevator before they had dinner.

Standing on the top of the building, looking up at the faint stars, blowing the warm and cool evening breeze in mid-spring, although Chen Kangjie was not standing by the building, he could still see the dense crowd lined up in the distance downstairs, and they began to have a unified The whistling sound was clearly sent to the ears by Night Breeze.

To be honest, Chen Kangjie was a little proud and moved. There were such strangers in the United States who stood up to help him, support him, and support him. No matter how good his mood was, he would be moved to tremble.

Standing in front of Chen Kangjie, Charles lost his expression a few days ago.But Chen Kangjie never thought of taunting him, he didn't even want to talk to this person, and he didn't even look at him.

Not long after, Xiong Ziqiang and the others were brought up by the elevator. Like him, they were all handcuffed, the difference being that they were both shirtless.

After so many days, this was the first time Chen Kangjie saw these subordinates.Under the thin light, Chen Kangjie didn't see any obvious scars on their bodies. The muscles of their upper bodies were still quite strong, but most of them had shrunk cheeks, sunken eye sockets, messy beards, and unkempt faces.From this, it can be imagined that their life must be difficult. If it was only the appearance, Chen Kangjie didn't need to worry about them or blame himself.

"Brother Qiang, Brother Tan, are you alright?" Chen Kangjie let out a low voice sadly, he wanted to step forward to get closer, but was held back by two people, making it impossible for him to do so.

Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun in front were startled when they heard the sound, and when they raised their heads, they saw Chen Kangjie among the black-clothed agents not far away, and their eyes suddenly shone with extraordinary splendor.

"Master Jie, are you okay? Can you hold on?" Xiong Ziqiang cared more about Chen Kangjie than himself. He thought that Chen Kangjie had the same treatment as them, so he didn't answer, but instead asked directly.

"I'm fine, but you guys are suffering." Chen Kangjie's nose soured and he almost shed tears.

For the past two days, Chen Kangjie was thinking hard alone. What he figured out was that he was the one who was really going to be dealt with, and his subordinates were just implicated and used as tools.If it wasn't for working with Chen Kangjie and his special status, the FBI wouldn't pay attention to them in the Year of the Monkey.

At this time, Samidov and John.Jimmy's four SEALs were also brought up.

In terms of treatment, it seems that they are all about the same, even John.Jimmy and Pillard looked even worse. The four of them had the same physical features as the others, and bruises and bloodshot eyes and lips could be seen.

As soon as this incident happened, Chen Kangjie suspected John immediately.Jimmy and the others thought it was their fault. After all, they are not of my race, so their minds must be different.But after analyzing them one by one later, he didn't feel like it, and his heart was shaken.Seeing them suffering even more now, Chen Kangjie basically ruled out that simple thought.Rebirth: Changing the World 1034

"I'm sorry, Master Jay," John.Jimmy swayed his body to prop up and ran forward and raised his voice to Chen Kangjie from a long distance away.It's just that he was handcuffed behind his back, and the two big guys holding him were also strong, which made him uneasy.

Chen Kangjie raised his clasped hands and shook him, and said with relief, "It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong."

He knows John.What Jimmy was referring to was that they had said that they had been to the scene and destroyed the electrical equipment.In the hands of the FBI, they only stated this factually without any other nonsense. Chen Kangjie didn't think there was anything wrong with them. After all, there was nothing too big.

"When we were caught, we could actually resist and slip away, but we were afraid that it would backfire, so we were caught without a fight," John Jimmy said again explaining "sex".

It was the first time for Chen Kangjie to know about this situation. He was at a loss at first, but then he understood why after thinking about it.As people from the SEALs, how can they be caught so casually, especially when they know that Chen Kangjie was arrested in advance, if they resist, let alone whether they can be caught, even if they can, the people of the FBI Might have to take a good jug too.

They were worried that such reckless behavior might make Chen Kangjie a scapegoat and become more passive, so they caught him without any resistance.

Chen Kangjie froze for a moment, then nodded, his fiery eyes fixed on John.Jimmy and his brothers said emotionally: "Thank you for your hard work, as long as I can go out, I will repay you."

Charles didn't understand the conversation between Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang, but he and John.Jimmy's conversation with Charles was really heard.

Charles stepped up and stood in front of Chen Kangjie, blocking his and other people's sight, and said to Chen Kangjie with a cold expression, "What do you want to talk about, I will talk to you over there", paused, and turned away to look After looking at the newly transferred transport helicopters, he stretched out his right hand, and said teasingly, "Please, the treatment is a bit bad, so you can just let it go."

Chen Kangjie gave him a disgusted look, and said sarcastically, "Hmph, don't be complacent, the things I haven't done, it's useless for you to get anywhere, but you, hehe...".

In the end, Chen Kangjie just looked at Charles, laughing like a research institute staring at a poor mouse, and said nothing.

Charles was already in a bad mood, and he was even more upset when Chen Kangjie was so cold and hot. He stretched out his right hand to grab his clothes, pushed him to the right, stared at Chen Kangjie, and looked at him coldly. Those men ordered, "Take them away."

At this moment, a distant roar came into everyone's ears, buzzing, and the sound became louder and louder, and everyone's actions were stopped because of this.

"No, it's a helicopter," Charles' face suddenly changed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his head, and a helicopter appeared in everyone's field of vision with a flash of light. It was getting closer and closer, and Chen Kangjie could clearly see the three huge white "n" letters under the helicopter. .

"Damn it, these guys are all-pervasive." Charles trembled, his brows furrowed, and he cursed angrily.

At the doorway on the side of the helicopter, there was a small bright spot flickering. For the first time, Chen Kangjie truly admired N's means and boldness. At this moment, they were still relentlessly trying to obtain news materials.

In the past, Chen Kangjie hated the media, but this time he not only doesn't hate it, but also welcomes it, even though his current image is a bit shabby.

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