rebirth of change

Chapter 1035 Los Angeles War

In the news circles all over the world, CNN has always been known for its speed, courage, sensitivity, and powerful means. Sometimes they will do everything in order to obtain exclusive news and valuable news.Because of this, the news helicopter was able to appear over the Los Angeles Federal Building in such a timely manner, regardless of the strict orders of the authorities, which is a manifestation of their usual style. <Sent a powerful reporting team stationed around, closely watching every move on the scene.

When their people discovered that the duty helicopter on the roof of the Los Angeles Federal Building flew away and was replaced by a more powerful transport helicopter, they were keenly aware that there was an article in it.

The helicopter they used for news interviews was parked on the roof of a building two kilometers away. The director of the news department who was in charge of handling the report on the large-scale demonstrations in Los Angeles learned of the important situation and made a decision without much hesitation. It was decided to send a temporary reporting team to attack from the air, and it was still a live connection.Anyway, they decided that the authorities would never shoot down their plane with missiles.

The light on the roof of the building at night is not very good, but as a well-known international metropolis, the night lights of the shakeout machine are very bright. Street lights, landscape lights, daily lights in office areas and residential areas, and flashing neon lights are enough Turn this place into a city that never sleeps.

In the hazy optical fiber, as the camera lens zoomed in, although the expressions and expressions on the faces of the people could not be seen clearly, the general shapes and actions of Charles and Chen Kangjie on the top of the building were already clearly distinguishable.

At this time, the audience sitting in front of the TV could see through the TV that dozens of people on the roof of the Federal Building in Los Angeles were behaving in a panic. The passage door retracts.There was another person who stood out from the crowd and yelled at the camera lens for a while, but unfortunately the propeller of the helicopter was too loud, and he couldn't hear what he was saying. After a while, he turned around and danced to the people behind him.There is no doubt that this person is Charles who has become angry from embarrassment. < appeared and cursed. On the other hand, he ordered his subordinates to evacuate as soon as possible. It is impossible to forcefully leave now. They can only take down the interview helicopter of CNN before they can act.

It only took nearly 2 minutes for dozens of people on the roof to disappear, leaving only four solitary cold steel transport helicopters staying motionless on the top of the helicopter. <'s interview helicopter was forced away and then forced to land. <'s unique style, the picture just now, has already been transmitted to thousands of households through TV signals.

If it is said that Streisand's release of the three photos of Chen Kangjie's intentionally miserable performance pushed his supporters to the edge of a cliff, then the reckless behavior of the FBI really pushed them into the abyss.

The protesters in Los Angeles who had not yet dispersed were the first to react violently. They could not watch the TV at the scene and reacted slowly.Instead, it's Orlando, Florida, thousands of miles away.

A bar in the center of Orlando is holding a birthday party for a group of young people. When they are drinking happily, the TV above the bar in the bar is turned on. At first, only one person paid attention to the news. After being reminded, he paid attention to the news. more and more people.Maybe it was instigated by Jiu Jin, and this group of young people were almost all fans of Chen Kangjie, so trouble came.

The news had just ended, and it was unknown who initiated it first. After making a fuss in the bar, this group of young people rushed to the street frantically.Young people are the most impulsive group, especially when they are in groups. Once impulsive, it is not easy to stop. Instead, they will become more and more extreme and sexual under the influence and agitation of each other, and they will easily become unstable. the elements of.

When they rushed out of the bar, they just threw wine bottles, kicked trash cans, and yelled. It didn't take long for the vehicles parked on the side of the road to suffer, and it quickly developed from kicking the doors to smashing the cars.

After the police received the news, they immediately sent people to deal with it, but instead of calming down the incident, these police officers attracted more young people. Of course, there would inevitably be some social elements.Their clashes with the police exploded with little gestation, and they spiraled out of control.

Just this night, thousands of vehicles were smashed in downtown Oakland, 26 of which were burnt with alcohol, and 120 nine shops were attacked. Dozens of young people who appeared at the beginning finally induced the onslaught. Thousands of people take to the streets. This city is not big, with a population of only a few hundred thousand, but it is rich in tourism resources. Disneyland, Universal Studios, Sea World theme parks, etc. attract a large number of tourists every year. Almost half of them are out-of-town tourists.

These people boldly stormed the police station in Orlando after a bloody conflict occurred in the conflict between someone and the police.Hundreds of policemen in the whole city couldn't control the situation at all. The imposing crowd rushed into the office building of the police station and almost destroyed the inside. Eight police cars parked in front of the police station were set ablaze.

According to news reports the next day, the violent clashes that night resulted in 200 people being injured, some were hit by police rubber bullets, some were hit by batons, and some were scratched by sharp objects such as glass.The loss of the police is not necessarily much better. They have weapons, and so do the angry people. Stones, bricks, glass bottles, sticks, etc., are almost used for what they get. More than [-] policemen attacked with these primitive weapons Hang up the color.

They were well-trained, but they couldn't stand the crowd. Apart from having an advantage at the beginning, they were almost beaten. The entire city of Orlando fell into chaos that had never been seen in many years.

Starting from Orlando, this chaotic and out-of-control situation was like a spark that started a prairie fire, which was blown by Chen Kangjie and quickly swept across the United States.

The same thing happened in New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Chicago, Los Angeles and many other cities. Young people in a difficult atmosphere began to lose control, crowds gathered on the streets and began to cause trouble, and the police everywhere stepped up their vigilance and were still terrified.

'Day, there was already a large-scale parade to be held, plus these two things that added fuel to the fire, the scale and area of ​​the parade exceeded everyone's expectations. There were demonstrations in dozens of cities across the United States, except The aforementioned big cities.Young people from a large number of small and medium-sized cities such as Salt Lake City, Denver, Sacramento, Springfield, and Kansas City responded one after another. They either came to the government building or went to the local police headquarters to demonstrate.

There were more than 50 demonstrators in major cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Seattle, Boston, and San Francisco.

Different from the peaceful demonstrations on the 26th, the protests on the [-]th appeared to be much more violent and violent. Public facilities in many places were damaged to varying degrees, and fires and violent attacks emerged one after another.

Although the inducing city is Orlando, the most powerful and destructive city is Los Angeles.

More than [-] people participated in the 'Day parade and protest in this city. Although they were organized to a certain extent at the beginning, due to the participation of a large number of lawless youths, the situation on 'Day' has gradually escaped the control of the organizers.

Early on the morning of the [-]st, there were explosions and fires in Huntington Park, Vernon and Glendale in Los Angeles, followed by chaos that spread.The crowd gathered at the Federal Building in Los Angeles was no longer polite. They used prepared stones, glass bottles and other weapons to attack the riot police who blocked them from entering the building. The riot police used water cannons, rubber bullets, batons and other weapons to fight back.

In order to control the bad situation in Los Angeles, the battered federal authorities did not release Chen Kangjie on the spot, but mobilized [-] Nationalists and [-] Army and Marine Corps for support.

With the addition of so many troops, it stands to reason that the situation can be quickly suppressed.But because they were not authorized to use firearms, the demonstrators not only were not suppressed, but on the contrary aroused their fighting spirit even more.

Facing well-trained troops and police military vehicles with enhanced protection, the demonstrators did not flinch. They fought tenaciously, and the tide hit the military and police blockade line shielded by shields.The military and police used force to disperse and arrest the demonstrators, and the demonstrators fought back with uninterrupted throwing weapons. If a small group of military police encounters a large group of demonstrators, you can even see the military police being chased and running around. .

Anyway, after every conflict, the streets will be in a mess, with blood everywhere.

When confronting each other on the street, everyone is an enemy, but in the hospital, they are all patients.Dozens of hospitals in Los Angeles were suddenly overcrowded due to the occurrence of large-scale conflicts. On 'Day 700, in Los Angeles, the military and police arrested more than [-] violent demonstrators, and more than [-] people were injured in the conflicts. People were sent to hospital for treatment, and unfortunately four died, three demonstrators and one policeman.

Adams Avenue, Seventh Avenue, Broadway, Peak Avenue, Wilshire Avenue, Trinity Methodist Church, Bradbury Building and other places later broke out fires, some of which were caused by Molotov cocktails, some Some were deliberately set on fire after the store was looted. 911 received 236 fire calls that day.Basically, as long as the cars parked on the side of the street have no good results, more than 4000 cars were destroyed in one day, including 73 police cars and 6 military vehicles.

If you don't know the situation, watching it from the air, you would think that there is a war in Los Angeles. You can see military vehicles everywhere, there are smoke and fires everywhere, there are chases and fights everywhere, and there are fire trucks, police cars and ambulances all over your ears. The sound of howling.

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