rebirth of change

Chapter 1036 Discussing Countermeasures

This is just the beginning, just like a movement, once it is launched, it will not be so easy to end it.

"At least today, the majority of people are asking for the release of Chen Kangjie. As the government's suppression moves forward, the meaning is different. By the day, not many people collectively demanded the release of Chen Kangjie, and many cities in the United States fell into chaos. Among them, people pointed the finger at the government and the president.

The United States is a country where gun ownership is legal. The vast majority of families have guns. In the United States, whether it is a rifle or a pistol, on average, one person can get one.

In normal times, under normal control, I don't feel anything.But in this chaos, that's not the case.

On the whole, the protesters suffered a great loss in the clashes on 'Day'.The thinking of young people is very simple. If you suffer a loss, you must find your way back.Therefore (on this day, a large number of guns appeared on the streets, and there were strong voices in downtown Los Angeles. At the beginning, the military and police suffered heavy losses. Three policemen and five soldiers were shot down at the gate of the American courthouse. After being sent to the hospital, four people had died, and only three people were rescued.

Whether out of self-defense or out of anger, the military and police who have not been authorized have begun to use thermal weapons to fight back on a certain scale.

At this time, Valve hadn't developed a cs game yet, but the real version of the game had already been launched on the streets of Los Angeles and many cities in advance.The modern city instantly turned into a place for guerrilla warfare and street fighting. The whole social environment became turbulent, and everyone was in danger. They could not tell when they would be hit by a bullet that came out of nowhere.

At this time, the federal government headed by President Kld finally felt that something was wrong and was in a hurry.

There is no way they are not in a hurry. This kind of social chaos and economic downturn has not happened in the history of the United States for a long, long time. (On this day, the shooting incidents across the country resulted in 1002 deaths and 98 wounded, a horrendous number, which was greater than the losses they had fought in a single battle. The New York stock market fell by 30.00%. , the approval rate of President kld is even lower to the lowest point since he was elected president, less than [-]%.

Whether it's for himself or for the country, President KLD must immediately come up with a feasible solution. Now not only is the public's support for him declining, but the congressional criticism of him is getting louder and louder. Senator Both the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives have established independent investigation committees, which has put kld in a very passive position.

(On the evening of the [-]nd, kld held an emergency cabinet meeting at the White House. The Vice President, Minister of Defense, Minister of Justice, Secretary of State, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Transportation, Minister of Education, Minister of Labor and other cabinet members attended the meeting. The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the FBI and The director of the Central Intelligence Agency was present at the meeting.

"The situation is extremely urgent now. This meeting must come up with a feasible solution. If not, I don't know what our country will become tomorrow." Everyone sat down, and President KLD, who was in a bad mood, was in the conference room Standing on the top of his head, his palms propped on the edge of the brown-red conference table, his body leaned forward, a pair of blue eyes flickered with a gloomy light, and he said deeply as he glanced at the members of the cabinet.

The cabinet members sitting on both sides of the conference table all had complicated expressions, and each of them was a big man with hands and eyes open to the sky. At this time, they sat quietly, looking at each other, and some lowered their heads, as if they were counting the lines on the table. The ministers of education and labor are slightly better, and they can calm down. The minister of justice is the most stressed. He feels like he is sitting on pins and needles here today.The most relaxed person is the Minister of the Interior, who plans to attend today with only his ears.

FBI Director Declan Smith, who was watching the meeting, crossed his hands and stared down at his leather shoes, as if there were patterns on his black leather shoes. In fact, he did not dare to look at the President. Responsibility, among these people present, he is the biggest.

"Mr. President, for the current plan, the most important thing is to issue orders quickly so that the garrisons in various places can immediately participate in the maintenance of local law and order. For cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York, special treatment is required. I suggest that More Marines can be transferred from Pearl Harbor and other places," Secretary of Defense Bieber, who was on the left of the president, was the first to speak after seeing that everyone was silent.

"It is unwise to blindly suppress, and it does not solve the problem fundamentally. Only the right medicine can be given to the root cause. At present, many of our embassies and consulates abroad have been affected by the protests of the local people. This will affect the image of the United States. It is extremely unfavorable for the whole world to spread it. This morning, the foreign minister of China called me again and expressed their concern about the incident.” Kate Xinna, the female secretary of state who was sitting on the right under the vice president’s hands, looked at the president and said .

"At present, our pressure does not come from the outside, but domestically. The two consecutive days of protests and demonstrations have clearly gone out of control, causing a large number of casualties and property losses. Affected by this, my country's financial industry suffered heavy losses, and investors withdrew their funds one after another. Early this morning, the group of financiers in New York complained to me again, and even several major high-tech companies expressed their dissatisfaction, which will do great harm to our economy." The vice president tapped the desktop lightly with his right hand. Said not slowly.

"I already know all of this," President KLD nodded, and sat down heavily on the black armchair.

Then the Minister of Education and the Minister of Transportation reported some situations in their respective departments.In terms of transportation, the existing problems are not serious, mainly because the urban areas of big cities have been affected, and interstate highways and railways have basically remained normal. As for civil aviation, the number of passengers has dropped sharply due to the impact of violent conflicts.The problems in education are much more serious. More than half of the universities and middle schools are involved in it to varying degrees. Some schools went on strike directly, and some directly participated in demonstrations and protests and even violent confrontations. School order across the country was severely affected. serious challenge.

"Minister of the Interior, do you have any suggestions?" Among the cabinet officials present at the meeting, only the Minister of Justice and the Minister of the Interior have not yet spoken. Let's first look at what the Minister of the Interior thinks.

In many countries, the Ministry of the Interior is a government department with great power. Its business scope is quite extensive, and it is often linked to law enforcement agencies. The highest department of the law enforcement unit is the Ministry of the Interior.However, the U.S. Department of the Interior is a bit special. Its main responsibility is to protect and develop land resources on land owned by the U.S. federal government (including marine waters owned by the federal government). Including marine waters under federal jurisdiction) and other major management departments of minerals, petroleum and other resources, in fact, it is also an important economic department of the United States.During this period of time, the Minister of Commerce was in Europe to discuss trade cooperation and failed to attend the meeting, so the Minister of the Interior is considered to be the person most related to the US economy among the participants.

The Minister of the Interior considered not to speak today, but if the President asks, he can no longer be a mute.

"Mr. President, the impact of this large-scale protest on us has already been said by colleagues in front of me, so I will not repeat it. It is something that everyone can see. We all know that the root cause of this is caused by It was caused by the arrest of Long by the FBI, so... maybe we can only start with this person," the Minister of the Interior cleared his throat and said with only a little hesitation.

It's not that the people in front didn't see such an obvious key point of the problem. The reason why they didn't mention it was that it was President KLD himself who ordered the investigation of Chen Kangjie in the first place.In order to save his face, no one directly raised this point.

After hearing the Minister of the Interior's words, the Attorney General and the Director of the FBI suddenly raised their heads and stared at him with a slight sense of astonishment. The eyes of others also focused on him.

President KLD's face changed slightly, his eyes focused.

This suggestion from the Minister of the Interior can be said to be to the point, and it is also the most appropriate and understandable rhetoric, but KLD is still a little bit hesitant.But after taking two deep breaths, he finally didn't express any opinion.

"I agree with the suggestion of the Minister of the Interior. Our current support rate has dropped to the lowest point. If we don't face this issue directly, there will be more troubles. Mr. President, what do you think?" According to the assistant, he is the person who knows the details and the person who has great influence on the president.

"Elliott, Jody, I just asked you to investigate the relationship between Long and the bombing of the Atlanta Olympic Park. How did this happen?" President KLD's pupils shrank slightly, and after glancing at the National Security Affairs Assistant, he sighed After taking a deep breath, his eyes lit up, and he questioned the Attorney General and FBI Director Jody King in a bad tone.

That's what kld said at the beginning, he did not name Chen Kangjie to be arrested, but after the following did it, he didn't object, it was a tacit consent.But from time to time, as the chief executive of the administrative system, he now not only has to resolve the crisis, but also has to get himself out as much as possible, so someone must take charge of this matter.

When kld was questioning these two people, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George Pai, had the weirdest expression. He seemed very reserved and embarrassed, and his eyes kept looking at the president and the two interviewees.

Seeing kld's expression turned cold, George Pai was full of anxiety, because he was the one who initiated this incident. At the same time, he wanted to know how Elliott and Jody King would respond.

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