rebirth of change

Chapter 1037 The Night Visitor

"Mr. President, I only found out after the fact." Attorney General Elliott's light words reflect how shrewd he is.

Elliott read a special taste from the flirtatious mood between the president and the national security affairs assistant. As a mature politician, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is a skill that must be mastered, otherwise, you may be ashamed at any time, especially in the at a disadvantage.

When the president assigned this mission, there were four people present, except for the president and the assistant for national security affairs, Elliott and Jody King.Elliott is one of the people who received the task, but he is not the specific executor. The specific executor is the FBI, that is, Jody King.

Now that things are so big, no matter whether Chen Kangjie is a criminal or not, in short, someone needs to take responsibility for the matter.

Jody King glared at Elliott, scolded the old fox unnaturally in his heart, and then stood up to answer the president's question.

"Mr. President, in fact, I was opposed to taking action against Long at the beginning. It is difficult to link him with the bombing based on such a little superficial evidence, so I did not order him to investigate him for a few months. Long came to the United States The most frequent city is Los Angeles. He came here to shoot a movie. After I accepted the task, I planned to send someone from Washington to deal with it, but the Los Angeles side rushed to do it, so as not to affect the internal unity and cooperation. , I nodded. But who would have thought that they did so outrageously, I just let them investigate secretly, without real evidence, how could they arrest people directly? After Long was arrested, I reported the development of the situation to Elliott every day Mr. reported, hey, we underestimated the influence of long on Americans", Elliott is smart, and Jody King is not stupid, he knows how to use strength to fight.

First of all, Jody King not only pushed the responsibility upward, but also pushed it downward. Anyway, the decision was made by the top, and the specific operation was done by the bottom. He, Jody King, was just an intermediate layer.Second, Jody King hasn't forgotten to bring in Elliot, who wants to put himself aside.If the arrest of Chen Kangjie was a mistake in the first place, then the refusal to release him later was a fundamental push. If the higher authorities knew that Chen Kangjie was arrested at the beginning and decided to release him, the matter would not have been so complicated and embarrassing.

The angry President KLD was pissed at what Jody King said, saying that he is the supreme leader. If he didn't know about this, it would be easy to handle, but he knew it from the beginning, and later The order not to release Chen Kangjie was issued from his office.

The person has already been arrested, and if he is released rashly without finding out what happened, he will become a laughing stock of others.The most important thing is that President KLD ordered the investigation of Chen Kangjie with special intentions. It was the National Security Affairs Assistant who suggested to him not to release Chen Kangjie temporarily. Only later did I know the reason.

"Jody, I've reported everything you reported to me to the president." Elliott didn't seem to mind being dragged in. After the sharpness in his eyes swept across Jody King's face, it quickly turned into With a helpless face, he turned to kld.

President kld wanted to get angry, but after he posted it, the chewing muscles on his cheeks twitched a few times, and he forcibly held back the idea of ​​patting the table.

Except for the vice president, everyone else here read special information from the few words that came and went, especially the rich expressions on everyone's faces, as if they were saying something more profound. .Everyone couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts. They clearly saw the trick, but they still had to pretend not to know it.

Only the vice president is clearly thinking about other things. He is not a direct participant in the matter, but he is an insider. As the president's assistant and partner, the second person in the executive body, he has great power.He is not only the first successor to the president, but also has the right and obligation to assist the president in handling national affairs, and can also participate in various major decision-making of the country. In terms of specific division of labor, the Secretary of State and Assistant for National Security Affairs are under his jurisdiction.With such a special status, it is quite normal to know the inside story.

"I think it's better to release Long because there is insufficient evidence," the vice president said calmly after glancing at the National Security Affairs Assistant, whose blue eyes were constantly wandering.

At this time, releasing Chen Kangjie has become a very clear choice. Everyone knows it well, but someone needs to point it out.As the president's partner, no matter what he thinks in his heart now, this is the time for him to stand up and share for the president.

"It's easy to catch, but it's hard to let go. The situation is so bad now. Even if he is let go, he won't say a word, and it won't help. We have to clean up the mess." The assistant for national security affairs took the vice president's words , said with a little worry.

"Mr. President, if you want to be released, of course you can't simply release him. We can make it a condition for him to help persuade supporters to return to their homes and schools. Only when he agrees to this condition can we return him to freedom. Although many cities now turmoil, but the biggest crowd is still his fans, and the hands of these people are still clean, at least there will be very few murders. As long as he can persuade these people, the rest of the matter can be easily solved." After the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Vice President put forward their suggestions for a solution, Elliott, who had obviously thought about the issue, immediately followed up with an explanation.

"How is he doing now?" After a short pause, Kld asked weakly, leaning his elbows on the table and resting his head on his right hand.

When kld asked the question, he didn't look directly at anyone, and he felt that his gaze was erratic. In addition, he didn't name names, and no one immediately stood up to answer his question.

Elliott was stunned for a while, before recollecting it, "The state is not bad, we didn't take excessive measures against him. After I knew this, I discussed with Jody so that they can't be rough on Long."

Elliott has been preparing for today from the very beginning, not that he has foresight, he is entirely a sense of self-protection to prevent problems before they happen.According to Chen Kangjie's achievements and status today, it is impossible for him to do such a thing. Since he does not believe that Chen Kangjie is the instigator, then Elliott feels that it will be a matter of time before he is released. If they treat ordinary crimes with If he treats Chen Kangjie in a molecular way, the end result is bound to be bad luck for him.

Jody King stared and said nothing. Judging from the current situation, he was also glad that he followed Elliott's suggestion and did not agree to Charles' request to use force on Chen Kangjie.

"Is he not in Los Angeles anymore?" President KLD asked again.

"Mr. President, he is not here anymore. To be on the safe side, I have ordered him to be transferred to an FBI training camp outside Oxnard," Jody King stood up and replied respectfully.

"Okay, that's good, Elliott, you fly to Oxnard immediately, handle this matter yourself, have a good talk with him, and make sure this incident is calmed down quickly, as long as his demands are not excessive, you You can agree to him. I have talked with him, this young man is very smart, he should be able to grasp his sense of propriety." If there are many nights and dreams, President KLD can authorize and delegate Elliott.This is a matter within the judicial system, and it is most appropriate to send him there.

"Okay, Mr. President, this is my job, and I will handle it well." Elliott stood upright like a soldier, and readily took over the task.

KLD then assigned tasks and requests to other cabinet members. Everyone should work together to resolve this crisis and restore the government's credibility.Before the situation is alleviated, the military still has to step up its efforts to provide assistance. According to the overall consideration of the Minister of Defense, the military will provide a maximum of 16 troops composed of the Army, Marine Corps, and National Army to help maintain local areas. Order, this is the maximum number of people that can be drawn from the mainland without affecting national security and the major tasks of the army.

(Day and night, a small business plane took off from Washington Dulles International Airport, and its destination was Oxnard on the east coast. The lobby group headed by Elliott and Jody King was on board. The purpose is to meet with Chen Kangjie and persuade him to help the government solve the problem.

Kld asked Elliott to be responsible for this matter. In order to relieve his pressure, Elliott managed to bring Jody King along.

The environment provided by Oxnard to Chen Kangjie and the others is much better. You can have an independent single room. In addition to the bed, there is also a bathroom in the room. Although there are guards with live ammunition in front of and behind the house, and the doors and windows are closed, the environment is really not good. Compared to Los Angeles, at least the place where Chen Kangjie lives can see the shade of trees and grass outside through the windows.And after arriving here, they were not interrogated again, they just couldn't leave the room, which was equivalent to house arrest.

Chen Kangjie knew that there would be such a change, and it must be because the American government authorities outside were under enormous pressure.That being the case, Chen Kangjie can eat and sleep well, and keep Qingsong in a good mood as much as possible. He can't go out for a run in the house, so he meditates, does push-ups, leg presses, boxing and so on.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie tried his best to exercise, the guards guarding him were not surprised. They thought, how can a person who can be a world champion not care about exercise.But when they secretly saw that Chen Kangjie could do push-ups for two hours at a stretch, and did it with one hand, they were still surprised, especially after Chen Kangjie got up, he didn't look tired or out of breath.These field agents who didn't have much dislike for Chen Kangjie originally had a lot of goodwill and admiration for him. If they didn't have orders, they would ask Chen Kangjie for his signature if they didn't think well.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, just as Chen Kangjie lay down, the iron gate was opened.

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