If you make a list of these guests and ask Chen Kangjie who he wants to see the most tonight, it will undoubtedly be Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson is his real and real idol, not just before his rebirth. The most admired and favorite artist, even after rebirth, can't escape his magical attraction.

Before rebirth, Chen Kangjie accidentally went to a classmate's house to see a video tape about him for the first time, and he has never been able to get rid of his magic power since then.

Michael Jackson may not be the best singer in the world music scene, but this does not affect him becoming the well-deserved king of world entertainment, he is a real artist.The music he chooses is very suitable for him. He is the best artist who combines music, dance and mv, especially his dance and mv creativity. Don't forget it after watching it once. He is a super dancer of course.

Michael Jackson is a person with great personality and charisma. He is also a superstar full of kindness and love. He has brought warmth and strength to countless people.

Even though Chen Kangjie has made great achievements today, he still strides forward with incomparable reverence and admiration to meet this super idol whom he has silently admired for many years.

The real Michael Jackson maintains his usual style on the stage, big sunglasses, white top hat, black small suit with personality, pants still look a little short, white socks are clearly visible outside, full of wild and individual long hair bias Left, dangling from the brim of his top hat, only without his trademark shiny gloves, otherwise one would think he was headed to a show.

Surprisingly, when he saw Chen Kangjie, he took off his glasses and showed a shy smile, very sweet and cute.

He was the last guest to arrive, and Chen Kangjie, who knew the inside story, knew that he didn't intend to play big names, but that he had a problem with his skin.He suffers from both vitiligo and cutaneous lupus erythematosus, and cannot be exposed to ultraviolet rays, otherwise his condition will worsen and even lead to death. This is the real reason why his skin turns white and he has to wrap himself tightly every time he goes out.Because of this, he was constantly criticized, saying that he had plastic surgery and bleached himself because he discriminated against his black skin. In fact, that was really a misunderstanding.

"Michael, thank you for being my guest here... I am a little excited to see you, you are my real idol", Chen Kangjie pursed his lips, and said sincerely, his voice trembling a little, and what he said The excitement is palpable.

"Hehe", Michael Jackson laughed crisply, "You are also my idol, you are the most talented person I have ever seen."

Then the two men, who are 22 years apart in age, have different nationalities and skin colors, but are both super idols in the world, embraced tightly.

In terms of height, Chen Kangjie was about an inch taller than the original black man. When he embraced Michael Jackson, it was completely like a fan meeting an idol.Chen Kangjie can feel that the idol in his arms is thinner than he looks on TV, but he can dance such passionate dances and make powerful voices with so much energy, you are really incredible.

Before rebirth, Michael Jackson was like a god to Chen Kangjie. At that time, who would have imagined that they could hug each other so sympathetically.

After the separation, the corners of Chen Kangjie's eyes were soaked with tears, and he didn't feel it when they didn't meet each other. The moment he saw Michael Jackson, he realized that the reverence he felt a long time ago was still so deep.

"Long, this doesn't seem to be your style, hehe", Jackson's voice was soft, and he looked at Chen Kangjie softly, with a charming smile on his face all the time.

"No way, hehe, who told me to be your fan for so many years? By the way, you have to give me at least one autograph later. I promised a classmate that I will ask for his autograph for him when I see you." Chen Kangjie Shyly wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he said happily from the bottom of his heart.

"There is no problem with this. When I leave, I will give this hat to you, and you bring it to your friends." Michael Jackson was very generous, easy to talk, and readily accepted. Lu Xiang originally wanted his autographed photo. But if he can get certain hats worn by MJ, he should be regarded as the happiest MJ fan in China.

Surprisingly, Michael Jackson also had the same request, "You also have to give me some kind of gift to take away, you know, my son Prince is only two months old, and he is already your fan, listen He cries when I play my music, but he becomes very quiet when he listens to your music."

Chen Kangjie suddenly became dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that there would be fans who were more than two months old, but Chen Kangjie couldn't refuse the idol's request.

"Then I'll let you take away one of my signed posters first, and next time I'm a guest in your Dreamland, I'll prepare a real gift for him, what do you think?", Chen Kangjie really I didn't prepare in advance, and I didn't have any suitable items on me, so I had to make a compromise like this.

"Okay, very good," Michael Jackson looked very happy.

The two walked in from the villa door chatting side by side, and the stars who were chatting and beating each other stopped their conversations and approached the two of them to say hello.

In the entertainment industry, mj is very popular, coupled with the detached status of him and Chen Kangjie, the two naturally became the center of everyone.

This is a very strange scene. Surrounded by stars and moons, the two people are considered to be people of color, one is black and the other is yellow-skinned Chinese, but both of them have achieved achievements beyond the reach of others, thus jointly affecting the world. world entertainment trends.Michael Jackson focused on music and dance, while Chen Kangjie was involved in music, movies, sports and other aspects, and they all won the highest awards in their fields.

However, if you want to ask the people present whose future they are more optimistic about, there is no doubt that everyone will choose Chen Kangjie.After all, their age difference is more than 20 years. Michael Jackson, who is nearly 40 years old, has gone through his golden years, and his career will continue, but the next path should be downhill. This is not a subjective result. It is determined by objective laws.A person over 40 years old, his energy, his physical fitness, and even his creative enthusiasm are incomparable with those of a 20-year-old youth.

However, fans will not be alone, they will not lose their yearning and support in spirit, because long and Michael Jackson just formed an excellent step-by-step inheritance, 22 years, exactly the years of a generation, with Michael Jackson With the passage of time, Chen Kangjie will surely mention that he will become the king of the new world worshiped by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Moreover, the prototype of this sign has already appeared, and this wave of protests is the starting point.

"Long, I think if you hold a concert with Michael, the effect will be amazing, even if I don't play the game, I still have to find a way to get a ticket," Jordan said loudly standing in front of the two superstars.

"Hehe, don't forget, you are also Michael. If you are willing to join, it may be really amazing." Chen Kangjie did not directly respond to Jordan's very tempting suggestion to the world, but made a joke of him .

"I can't, I can't, I can't do stage performances," Michael Jordan waved his hands quickly.

"Long, you haven't held a concert yet? When will you start your world tour, not to mention the general audience, even I can't wait to see it through", the fresh and beautiful Nicole Kidman is holding Tom Cruise Arm, cheerfully interjected.

"I'm not ready yet. In fact, I'm quite afraid of the stage, but if there is such an opportunity, I will definitely ask you to join me. It's just that there probably won't be any in a short time. When I find time, I will spend more time with MJ on the stage." Wang will study hard and talk again." Chen Kangjie has already integrated into this circle, and the atmosphere of chatting has become casual and harmonious.

"Thank you, I am so honored, but... I really may not have time. I have a lot of things on hand now. At that time, I have to prepare for the entrance exam, but if I have the opportunity, I will definitely I'm very happy to be on the scene", Chen Kangjie was flattered and at the same time helpless, he was indeed getting busier, especially in 1997, probably his busiest season in recent years.

After everyone chatted nonchalantly for more than ten minutes, Liu Deyi informed that dinner was ready.

As the host, Chen Kangjie, as well as the half-hosts, Fan Wenxuan and Jon Gordon, quickly invited the guests into a large restaurant where banquets could be held.

In order to entertain these distinguished guests, under the leadership of the butler Audrey, a group of servants worked hard all day to come up with this table of exquisite French meals.

In the upper class of the United States, French food is the most popular dish.Chen Kangjie also wanted to have a table of real Chinese food before, but after thinking about it, he gave up and chose to do as the Romans do.Besides, he is short of manpower and authentic ingredients, and there is no way to produce high-quality Chinese food that can be eaten by so many people.

At the beginning of the banquet, Chen Kangjie first delivered a formal and sincere thank you speech.As the saying goes, courtesy is reciprocal, when people encounter setbacks, they stand up and speak for themselves as if looking back. He prepared this meal to express his gratitude, but he still has to say something.

At the same time, Chen Kangjie is also making friends and expanding his network. Being able to have a group of big stars as friends is a pleasing thing.

The dining table was long. Chen Kangjie and Michael Jackson sat at two ends, one east and the other west. Liu Deyi, who was polite and excited at the side, saw Chen Kangjie and Michael Jackson toast to invite him, and a miracle occurred in his mind. I generally think of two novel characters, Dongxie and Xidu described by Jin Yong.

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