rebirth of change

Chapter 1045 Relationship Binding

Two days after Chen Kangjie was released, the entire American society has completely returned to its previous calm, and his lawyers have also completed all their duties. The FBI compensation check of 5000 million U.S. dollars has been returned by Rachel.

Originally, the matter was completely over, everyone was busy with their own affairs, and there was no need for him to meet those lawyers again.

However, Chen Kangjie took the time to meet with the black lawyer Ms. Rahil alone. The meeting place was in a high-end cafe next to Monica Beach. He came here to inspect the construction of the movie "Titanic". By the way Take some time here to meet this woman Chen Kangjie is not unfamiliar with.

When Chen Kangjie saw Rahil for the first time, he was stunned. Although her image was not as charming as what he often saw on TV before rebirth, Chen Kangjie still recognized her at a glance.

Rahil is just an ordinary lawyer, at most she looks a little special in the white-dominated lawyer circle. It stands to reason that she cannot have such a great charm to attract Chen Kangjie.

However, some things are so miraculous that two people who were originally at odds were able to meet in this accident.The one who really attracted Chen Kangjie was actually Rahil's husband who had just been elected as a senator not long ago.Now he is not such a great celebrity, but ten years later, this guy will make history, he is Obama - the first black president in the history of the United States.When Chen Kangjie met Rahil, he came here because of this Obama.

"Ms. Rahil, please sit down, what do you want to drink?" Chen Kangjie had already booked the entire cafe, and when Rahil was introduced by Liu Deyi, Chen Kangjie was reading a newspaper.

"Thank you, just a cup of Italian coffee." Rachel sat down gracefully, holding the hem of her long skirt.

Without Chen Kangjie's order, Liu Deyi will order the waiter to prepare according to her request.

After the two exchanged a few simple greetings, Liu Deyi acted as the waiter himself, slowly placed the coffee that Lahiel needed in front of him, then moved to a place two tables away to sit down and rest, and at the same time obeyed Chen Kangjie's orders at any time .

"Long, thank you for inviting me to come to this beautiful beach. I was going back to Chicago today. The compensation amount from the authorities has arrived, and we have also received our reward." Lahil said so much, implying that he wanted to Knowing why Chen Kangjie only invited her here and what his purpose was, it was just difficult to ask directly, so he took a big turn.

As lawyers, not only can they get normal remuneration, they can also get a part of it as a reward when they get the compensation amount. Only in this way, these lawyers will do their best to win the lawsuit for their clients and strive for more Much compensation.

It is said that the compensation lawyers Chen Kangjie received did not have much credit, but Chen Kangjie still distributed 500 million US dollars to them according to the usual practice.

"Hehe, I invite you here. Apart from thanking you for your wit and great help, I also want to express my gratitude and respect to your husband." As he spoke, Chen Kangjie turned over the English newspaper he had read before, looking like a In the "Chicago Tribune" a few days ago, what he was reading happened to be the content of her husband's interview with Auba Niu, and a picture was distributed next to it.

"Oh, hehe, as a senator elected by the people, those are the opinions he should express," Rahil said shyly and modestly.

"That's true. I'm proud to have a politician like him in Congress. As an African-American, it's very respectable to achieve such an achievement. By the way, this is a gift from me. Please accept it for me," Chen Kangjie said as he took an exquisite gift box from the chair next to him and put it on the coffee table.

"No, no, no, long, he can't accept your gift, he..." Lahil cautiously refused, and pushed the gift box slightly towards Chen Kangjie.

"Ms. Rahil, please listen to me, please listen to me..." Chen Kangjie stopped Rahil's words and stared at her, "I know the laws of the United States. Senators cannot accept gifts casually Yes, it would be suspected of taking bribes. In fact, I also believe that your husband will not be such a person. This gift of mine is completely personal and not expensive. It is a Chinese calligraphy work written by myself. I dare Saying this is definitely within the scope of the law, haha."

Rahil immediately remained silent, he didn't expect Chen Kangjie to send such a gift, and then felt embarrassed by her rejection just now, with a reserved expression.

"Don't believe me? Then I'll open it for you to see." Chen Kangjie said while taking out a scroll from the gift box.

Liu Deyi, who saw the scene over there, hurried over to help.

Embarrassed, Rahil actually wanted to refuse, but Chen Kangjie had already taken out the scroll in advance, which made her swallow the words she wanted to refuse.Just in time, she thought for a moment, and admired Chen Kangjie's calligraphy works by the way.

Chen Kangjie has never participated in a similar competition since he participated in a calligraphy competition in elementary school and won the prize. The experience of that competition unexpectedly made him know Zhao Zhibang, a big man.However, Chen Kangjie has never stopped practicing calligraphy. As long as he is at home, he will write a few strokes when he is free.

Chen Kangjie is not a calligrapher, but he has an advantage as a martial artist, that is, the words he writes are very powerful, not to mention the strength of the paper, at least it is easy to feel a majestic and majestic aura in it.

It can be said that Rachel has no contact with Chinese calligraphy before, and her understanding of Chinese culture is also very weak. In her consistent imagination, Chen Kangjie is the representative and embodiment of Chinese culture.

When the scroll with a length of 1.8 meters is opened, the four vigorous and majestic characters of "carry on the past and open up the future" come into view.This is a nave, which can be hung in the office as a decoration.

Lahil didn't know these four Chinese characters, but she could feel that it was definitely a work of art from its elegant strokes and strong momentum. With the faint fragrance of ink entering the nostrils, the Buddha was accompanied by A strong Chinese culture rushes towards us, which makes people feel refreshed.

In order for Rahil to understand the meaning of these four words, Chen Kangjie gave her a detailed explanation and explanation.

Knowing that these four characters represent a kind of sustenance and wishes and expectations for greater achievements, to inherit the career of the predecessors and open up the future, Rahil gladly accepted Chen Kangjie's gift on behalf of her husband, and expressed her gratitude to Chen Kangjie's understanding went even deeper.

"Actually, my husband and I are both your fans. When he learned that I was going to act as your lawyer, he told me to ask for an autograph for you." After sitting down, Rahil took a sip of coffee gracefully, Said kindly.

Because of this gift from Chen Kangjie, the distance between the two of them was suddenly shortened. It was no longer a simple employment relationship, but more casual and more like friends. This happened to be the effect Chen Kangjie hoped to create.

"Hehe, then why have you never mentioned it?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Because you don't have time, every time I see you, the timing and atmosphere are not suitable, plus my professional habits, so I didn't mention it. But now it's all right, not only got your autograph, but it's still so big It’s unique and exquisite, he will be very happy to know,” Chen Kangjie explained.

"Hehe, that's good, I hope I didn't waste my hard work, haha, if I have the opportunity to go to Los Angeles, I will visit you at home." Chen Kangjie behaved very relaxed and casual, and no one would notice what he would bring. Purpose.

"Very good, very welcome, I believe this news will make him happier than that gift, then we will wait for you to come." Rahil sent out the invitation in a timely manner, and portrayed Auba Niu as a typical fan of Chen Kangjie.

"By the way, I want to ask you one thing, see if it's convenient for you." Chen Kangjie put away his smile and said with an extremely serious expression.

"Long, what's the matter? Please tell me, I will not refuse if I can help." Seeing the change in Chen Kangjie's expression, Rahil also became serious.

"It's like this. Didn't I promise to build a long fund, but I don't have a suitable person to help me manage it. You are a top student at Harvard University and a person in the legal profession. Therefore, I would like to invite you to be the director of my foundation. Chairman, help me to spend the money I donated in a reasonable way." This is an idea that Chen Kangjie came up with temporarily. It is just an ordinary personal relationship. Chen Kangjie feels that it is not enough to make the two sides close, so he wants to deal with it from the aspect of working relationship. Rahil strikes.

Obanniu and Chen Kangjie don't want to make up his mind, he still has to continue to follow his political path, but Rahil is a candidate that can be used completely.

"Long, no, no, I'm afraid it won't work. I'm not good at managing funds. Maybe you really need to find someone more professional." After hearing Chen Kangjie's invitation, Rahil immediately refused nervously.

"You don't have to refuse so quickly. It's not too late to refuse after listening to my idea. First of all, regarding the treatment, the treatment I will give will not be lower than that of you as a lawyer. I can guarantee your annual salary of 50 US dollars every year. .Secondly, the money I'm giving away won't just be $5000 million, maybe I'll give away most of what I get every year from music and movies and sports and commercials. It's not just limited to The rescue of victims in this wave of protests. I intend to expand the scope to fund the human rights movement in the United States, support minority groups, rescue African refugees, support medical research, promote global infant disease prevention, etc. I believe in this job It will be more meaningful than being a lawyer. As a lawyer, you maintain the dignity of the law and do charity. You benefit thousands of low-level people...." In order to keep her, Chen Kangjie took the trouble to carefully Present your thoughts to Rahil.

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