Kate Winslet, who had already given up hope in the UK, suddenly became excited when she received a call from Roffman. For the role of Rose, he made arduous fights and efforts. When it came time to reply, he called Miramax again and again, hoping to consider her as a candidate, but unfortunately he was rejected because of his strong British English.

Kate Winslet also really wanted to ask Chen Kangjie directly for self-recommendation. The reason why he wanted to fight for this role was that apart from the fact that she liked it very much after reading the script, Chen Kangjie was also a factor. Unfortunately, she had no contact with Chen Kangjie at all. Way.

From the perspective of music, Chen Kangjie is already very attractive to Kate Winslet. Kate Winslet pays close attention to Chen Kangjie, and she has also studied it a little.Through observation and research, she found that as long as Chen Kangjie wanted to do, he basically achieved great success, including movies.So far, Chen Kangjie has only shot two films, but they are both extraordinary. They were shortlisted for Oscars when they debuted, and the second film has made outstanding achievements, winning multiple awards.

In the entertainment industry, it is actually very cruel. Small and well-known people gather in groups. If this large group of people wants to reach the top and become an international big name, the road is rough and bumpy. If there is no good opportunity, if there is no one to play It doesn't take long for many people to wither their special space.A precious opportunity is more important than a glamorous appearance and a sexy figure.

It is precisely based on this understanding, and the double liking for the role of Rose and Chen Kangjie, that Kate Winslet spared no effort to recommend herself. Unfortunately, his confidence was ruthlessly hit again and again, and in the end, even his own gave up. This seemingly absurd idea.

As the saying goes, there is no way out when there is no way out, and there is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.Just when Rose was planning to go back to continue acting in the stage play, Luo Fuman, who had always been refusing to her, actually called her in person and told her that it was Long who called her and wanted to see her.For Kate Winslet at that moment, a great sense of happiness filled her brain, making her feel ecstatic. She completely ignored why Chen Kangjie knew, and all she could think about was how to do it Win the favor of the youngest international director.

As for the handsome little boy Leonardo, he is in Los Angeles, and he has seen the information about the recruitment of actors released by Miramax. He is also very interested in the role of Jack. For this reason, he Also specially made careful preparations.

He failed to enter the interview session where Chen Kangjie directly participated. The reason was too strange and oolong. It was because he was too well prepared that he almost lost this precious opportunity. If Chen Kangjie was not reborn, this handsome guy It is not certain whether it will become popular in the world again.

Luo Fuman called Chen Kangjie the next day. They did receive Leonardo's information, but because his information was too much and too complicated, the company employees who initially selected it discarded it, and they didn't bother to spend a lot of time looking at it.

This reason and reason really made Chen Kangjie a little dumbfounded. He originally wanted the company to punish this irresponsible employee, but when he got Leonardo's information, he gave up this idea.Because this guy prepared more than 100 pages of information, starting directly from his primary school experience. If Chen Kangjie came to choose, he might also discard this acquaintance information that is a bit of a running account after reading the beginning. .

Once the two protagonists were found, the interview became a matter of course. Chen Kangjie met with these two alone at the same time.

Because of his past life experience, Chen Kangjie didn't talk to the two about any professional performance topics at all. He knew that both of them could be qualified for the role, but they were just like friends.

The two handsome men and beautiful women who had made full preparations again never expected that the interview would be conducted in such a way, but it was a good thing for them.At the beginning, both of them were a little cautious, but as the topics of life spread widely, the two of them became more relaxed.Chen Kangjie gradually realized that if the director wants to cooperate well with the actors, then he must try his best to make the relationship between the two parties as harmonious as possible. This can improve the efficiency of communication and stimulate the potential of the actors.

During the conversation, Kate Winslet has been deliberately controlling her voice, trying not to make her accent look too British.

"Kate, the casting director said that your accent is very British, but why don't you feel it now? Besides, although you have been trying to relax, I still find that you are a little reserved. I don't seem to be that difficult to get along with. Right?" Chen Kangjie kindly raised his question in a friendly atmosphere.

"Yes, except for a few words, I think we speak very similarly," Leonardo echoed.

Although the conversation atmosphere created by Chen Kangjie was very relaxed, Winslet was still a little apprehensive when he asked the question directly. She was worried that Chen Kangjie would use this as an argument like Luo Fuman, and she became embarrassed again.

"Long, just because of... just because of this... so I have been practicing American spoken English for the past few days, and I also know that this will be the demand of the market... I will try my best You can control yourself, don't worry... I can do it," said the 22-year-old Winslet, who was still a little young, and he wanted to show his determination, but it made people feel a little bit Not confident.

"Haha", Chen Kangjie looked at Winslet who was rubbing his thighs with his hands to stabilize himself as much as possible, and laughed so hard that she couldn't understand why, and even Leonardo was very suspicious.

Of course Chen Kangjie didn't go crazy, he just felt that Winslet didn't have to be like this.

"Actually, you don't need to cover up. That will affect and limit your performance. I have seen your performance in "Heavenly Creation", which is quite good. The British accent sounds good, anyway, everyone can understand it. This drama Rose in it was originally going to come to the United States from the UK, so it is normal to have a British accent. On the contrary, your British accent can better reflect the real background of history. Not only do I not need you to change your accent, I also hope you The more authentic the better, the nondescript. In fact, I used to speak English with a strong British accent. The English textbooks we used were in cooperation with the British publisher Longman Company. Our tapes are almost all British. The accent only gradually changed after coming to the United States more times," Chen Kangjie explained the reason for his laughter.

When Chen Kangjie said this, Winslet completely relaxed with relief, as if she was holding a huge boulder, and now the boulder has finally landed.

"Long, I think your English is better than mine. You must have read a lot of British books." After receiving encouragement and support from Chen Kangjie, Winslet complimented Chen Kangjie in turn.

"How did you see it?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"I also like to read your book. I found that many terms in it are typical British flavor."

Nonsense, Chen Kangjie was originally a plagiarist, and the original author himself is British, so of course he cannot do without that taste.Although both the UK and the US speak English, there are not only obvious differences in accent between them, but also some surprises in writing, especially in the use of slang and proverbs.After all, after nearly 300 years of self-innovation in the United States, many languages ​​have been simplified by them. This is in line with typical American culture, which is to be as simple as possible.

"Yes, I have read quite a few, such as the complete works of Shakespeare, Swift's "Gref's Travels", Richardson's "Pamela", Fielding's "The History of Tom Jones, an Outcast", etc., and even I have read Mallory's prose novel "The Death of King Arthur" in the 15th century. This is in the early days, and many of the ones I read later are from the United States," Chen Kangjie said with a little pride.

Only after rebirth, Chen Kangjie will have this ability. Before rebirth, even if he has read many world famous novels, it is impossible to read the original version, because his English level is too far apart.This is only possible with a super-strong mind after rebirth, but this is amazing enough.

"Long, no wonder you are so talented. Now I admire you even more. Compared to you, I realize that I am just a child, hehe." Leonardo couldn't help but admire Chen Kangjie's words.

Since the two protagonists are selected, the other main actors have not changed much. Only in order to meet Rose's needs, Francis Fisher, who plays the role of Rose's mother, needs to use more British accents in his accent. Fortunately The actress was also born in the UK, so it wasn't too difficult for him to make such a transition.

After careful consideration, James Cameron was hired by Chen Kangjie as the art director to participate in this big-budget film.For this appointment, Cameron, who is already an internationally renowned director, not only refused, but accepted it with pleasure. It seems that this movie that was originally his still has a deep attraction for him.

Just after Chen Kangjie went to the sea to train, Cameron assumed the role of executive director. Under Chen Kangjie's instruction, he organized more complete preparations in the early stage.

On May 25th, "Titanic" officially entered the shooting stage after a low-key and brief shooting ceremony. The giant ship set sail for the first scene, and a large parking lot near Monica Beach was chosen. The background used a super large The green screen, after special effects processing, people will really think that they are in an abandoned dock.

I have to admit that in terms of film shooting, American technology is the most advanced, and the processing of special effects is also the most meticulous. The cost of special effects processing for the scene will be as high as one million dollars.

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