rebirth of change

Chapter 1048 Thick family affection

Chen Kangjie originally planned to shoot the film for two months in the United States, and then after the college entrance examination plus the summer vacation, he would complete most of the film and hand over the post-production part to Cameron to help with the synthesis. One-fifth of the film was shot, and he had to return to China as soon as the actors and crew got in harmony.

There are a few things that require him to return to China, the first of which is that he is about to take the college entrance examination. Although he has always had good academic performance, his relatives and friends around him are still worried, and they call him one by one to urge him to go back, especially Chen Qigang. Ma Fangqin's tone was very strict, ordering him not to neglect his studies, even Zhao Zhibang had contacted him.

Another thing is that the second sister is going to get married, Chen Kangjie didn't expect them to be so soon.

In fact, it's not too soon. According to the previous history, Chen Yufen was married two years earlier.My sister's big wedding, Chen Kangjie has to be involved, even if the family is well-off now, there will be no shortage of dowry funds, Chen Yufen can solve it by herself, but such a happy event, whether it is in terms of etiquette or emotion, Chen Kangjie cannot be absent .

The third is that Chen Mei is going to study in the UK soon, so Chen Kangjie will have to bid farewell to Qi.

On June [-], when all middle schools were making final preparations for the upcoming college entrance examination, Chen Kangjie returned to China, leaving the affairs of the United States to Cameron and Luo Fuman for the time being.

Because Zhao Zhibang spoke first, Chen Kangjie did not return to Qianzhou directly, but stayed in the capital for a while.

Seeing Zhao Zhibang this time, Chen Kangjie was able to keenly perceive some extremely subtle changes in the relationship between the two. I no longer like it as much as before, and the lost part has become an elusive value, which is reflected in the fact that the jokes that may pop up at any time before seem to be blocked.

"Xiaojie, you are back, take the exam well, don't let us all down, I heard that you want to go to Hong Kong to go to university?" Sitting in Zhao Zhibang's study, he said to Chen Kangjie with a serious face.

"Yes, I think the education there should be more suitable for me. Besides, it will be much more convenient for me to visit my parents from Hong Kong. Brother Ouyang is already helping me with this, and the University of Hong Kong agrees in principle. Yes," Chen Kangjie sat down in a respectful manner, and replied modestly.

"Oh", Zhao Zhibang nodded, and looked out of the window through the simple hollow wooden window. The inside of the big house is full of vitality, with shaded trees, lush grass, colorful flowers carefully cared for, and blue waves on the lake.Just after a rare summer rain, there is a faint fragrance in the air.

"Secretary Zhonghua and Prime Minister will go to Hong Kong to attend the handover ceremony in two days. He invited you to go with him. What do you think?" Zhao Zhibang looked away, looked at Chen Kangjie peacefully, and said gently.

"Well... I'm not sure yet. I haven't returned home yet. I won't know if it's okay until I meet with my family. There are a lot of things going on at home recently." Chen Kangjie said hesitantly.

To be honest, Chen Kangjie really wants to witness this great historical moment in person. The return of Hong Kong is a very good comfort to the old man who has gone to Xian. Although he is no longer here, I believe he is still concerned about this matter.Before his rebirth, Chen Kangjie had no chance to go there. Now that the Supreme Head of State has issued an invitation, Chen Kangjie is very excited, but as he said, there are many things to come in, and he has to discuss with his family before he can know whether there is a suitable time.

"Well, I know your sister is going to get married, so I might not be able to go." Zhao Zhibang stood up from the sofa, walked to the bookcase, and took out a small square light red box from the middle drawer of the bookcase. Turning around, he handed the box to Chen Kangjie, "This is a small gift prepared by me and your Aunt Wu, please take it for us by the way."

On the one hand, Zhao Zhibang has no time, on the other hand, his current level does not allow him to attend many private events casually.It's just because of this special relationship with the Chen family, he had to express something when he knew the situation, otherwise it would be too unreasonable.As the saying goes, people should come if they are not polite.

Chen Kangjie was not pretentious. He stood up and leaned over to receive the gift with both hands, and opened it gently. Inside was a small crystal clear jade lock engraved with four seal characters of "Luan Feng He Ming", and on the back were two lifelike The phoenix bird, touched by fingers, is warm and cool, dare not say that it is priceless, and it should also belong to the top grade of jade.

"Thank you Uncle Zhao, I'll accept it for my sister, but unfortunately you can't go, you can't even have a glass of wine," Chen Kangjie replied maturely and politely.

"Hehe, there is a chance, when you get married someday, I will definitely go, and then I will drink enough," Zhao Zhibang said, pointing at Chen Kangjie with a smile.

Zhao Zhibang seemed to be in good spirits, but Chen Kangjie himself couldn't laugh.

Marriage, this is a problem that Chen Kangjie dare not think about at present, not to mention, it is still a problem that gives him a headache.The key is who to marry?Although he only went to Wushan with Lin Ling at present, there were still two people he couldn't let go of.He has always known that Fan Xuexi and Deng Min like him, and he himself likes them too. As for the current age and learning stage, everyone can't go any further. Besides, he has no idea.

Two lovely people, if he had to choose only one of them, it would undoubtedly seriously hurt the other.Men are all fraternal and would not mind having an extra girlfriend, but can both of them accept him at the same time so as to co-prosper and coexist?This issue has not been touched in depth.

Alas, thinking about these things gives Chen Kangjie a headache. The reason why he chose to go to school in Hong Kong is more or less evasive.If he was in China, if both of them went to the same university as him, there would be a lot of trouble.No matter how much Chen Kangjie controls himself, it is impossible not to fall in love during college.This is the most suitable environment and season for love. Otherwise, how could someone say that if you have not been in love in college, it is equivalent to not having studied in college. Chen Kangjie deeply agrees with this point of view.

Young people have grown up and matured, but have not yet fully stepped into the society. The love at this node is the purest, most memorable and most lethal.

"What happened to you some time ago, you can rely on your own strength to solve it alone, which is very gratifying, but for you, the future will also create pressure." Suddenly, Zhao Zhibang changed the topic.

Chen Kangjie raised his head in confusion, and looked at Zhao Zhibang blankly, wondering why he would suddenly bring up this matter that had passed for more than a month.

Zhao Zhibang didn't continue the above words, but started again, "We didn't come forward to speak for you directly, in fact, it was for your own good. If we stood up directly, it would be counterproductive, Secretary Zhonghua Let me tell you something."

Chen Kangjie became even more confused. It stands to reason that the highest level should put more pressure on the US side if they stand up to speak out. The better Chen Kangjie's situation is, the better.

During that time, Chen Kangjie was more or less angry that the domestic high-level officials did not exert more pressure on the US side. To be honest, he did not call the high-level officials immediately after it was released, because in his opinion , No matter from which angle, they should not leave themselves alone.

Now that he heard Zhao Zhibang's explanation, he knew that his superiors did it on purpose, but Chen Kangjie couldn't figure out why there was such a strategy.

"Why do you say that?" Chen Kangjie asked suspiciously.

Zhao Zhibang pondered for a while, he seemed to be hesitating, but in the end he still didn't give Chen Kangjie a more detailed explanation.

"I'll talk to you later when I have a chance, anyway, you need to know how to protect yourself better." Zhao Zhibang patted Chen Kangjie on the shoulder and said, then raised his left hand to look at his watch, and continued: "By the way, don't you want to protect yourself?" Hurry back? Let’s go, I should go to the Great Hall of the People for a meeting.” He actually ordered Chen Kangjie to be expelled.

If Zhao Zhibang didn't say anything, Chen Kangjie couldn't ask anymore.Besides, in Zhao Zhibang's current position, every minute and every second is really precious, and it's pretty good to be able to spare half an hour to chat with him.

Although Chen Qigang had already gone to work in Pengcheng, Chen Kangjie returned not anywhere, but six.

Due to the constraints of her career and her homeland, Chen Yufen plans to make her home here, and Ma Fangqin has already arrived from Pengcheng. Only Chen Qigang, who is busy with work, can't come for the time being. It is estimated that he will be able to spare time the day before the wedding. .

With the advancement and development of the industrial economy and high-tech industries, the current six are undergoing tremendous changes every day. Compared with the original, the entire small county has more than doubled in size, and the urban area can no longer accommodate so many children. population.Under the planning of Luo Zirong, a new city was planned in the east of the city, where two large-scale communities will be built, with a resident population of 10.

Chen Yufen, who is already a super rich woman, is no longer from Lower Riba. She chose a piece of land with an excellent location in the planned villa area on the back of the mountain to build a luxurious villa with a construction area of ​​more than 800 square meters, a garden, and a garage. , a swimming pool, etc. are all available, and this will be her newlywed home.

After a few months, especially when Chen Kangjie had the incident in the United States, when he met his family again, it was inevitable to sigh and ask for warmth. Ma Fangqin naturally babbled for a while, and Zhao Yuexiang came from the provincial capital , Chen Kangjie's ears were disturbed for an hour without being quiet.

However, Chen Kangjie did not appear impatient or displeased. Instead, he felt that it was the warmth of family and family. No matter what they said, he always faced it with a smile.

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