rebirth of change

Chapter 1049 A Different Kind of Hong Kong

According to Mr. Feng's divination date, July 7rd is auspicious, and the wedding will be held on this day.

Although the government advocates rejecting superstition, Chinese people will still carefully select auspicious dates for marriages. The pictures are good omens and good expectations. On this point, there is almost a consensus from top to bottom. Make the same selection.

Since the date is on July 7, Chen Kangjie has spare time to go to Hong Kong to attend the handover ceremony.Anyway, everything that should be prepared at home is almost ready, and the banquet is held at Mengting Hotel. For this reason, Dong Siying can be regarded as personally arranging the arrangements.

According to customs and sophistication, even if the new residence of the two couples is in a newly built luxury villa, on the wedding day, the bride has to be brought to Wang Yi's old house for worship and wedding ceremony, and will not return until three days after the wedding.

Wang Yi's hometown is also in Liuzhi, but it is more than 60 kilometers away from the urban area. In order to meet his relatives, a local most luxurious team of 97 Mercedes-Benz cars has also been prepared. These cars are not only from Chen Yufen's company, but the eldest sister His car and the third brother's car were also contributed. Master Kong Company, Mengting Tourism Group and Free Semiconductor Company all gave great help. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to get twelve identical Mercedes-Benz cars in [-].

The two brothers Chen Kangjie and Chen Yuchang, as well as the two sisters Chen Mei and Chen Jing are the main members of the send-off team, but this will only be effective on July 7.

"It seems that there is still plenty of time. You have almost done what you need to do. I want to leave for two days." (On the morning of the [-]nd, Chen Kangjie sat chatting with a large family in the garden of the second sister's villa.

"Why did you come back one day and leave again? Where are you going? It's outrageous," Chen Kangjie was the first to be criticized by Ma Fangqin as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Old Wen, you are not mean enough to do this. Although I have prepared for major events in the past two days, there are still a lot of trivial matters. I thought you could help me when you came back. Who would have thought that you would just want to slack off in just one day." Next to him, the third brother, who is full of famous brands, is also half-truthful and half-fake dissatisfaction with him.

"Lao Wen, you don't think you'll just slip away when my elder sister gets married?" The second sister followed up.

"Hehe, old lady, how can I? I'm not leaving today, and it's not that you won't come back before your marriage. That's right. Hong Kong will return to China on July 7. Secretary Wei Zhonghua invited me to watch the ceremony together, and I will go on the 1th. I'll be back on the first day," Chen Kangjie explained.

I heard that Wei Zhonghua invited him to participate in the Hong Kong handover ceremony with national and historical significance. Those who criticized him stopped talking, and even Ma Fangqin fell silent.

"But you are about to take the college entrance examination. Aren't you going to study hard at home these few days? You haven't been in school for several months, so don't fail the exam." Zhao Yuexiang hesitated a little, and lobbied Chen Kangjie for the exam.

"Godmother, it's okay. Although I'm not studying, I haven't missed my textbooks. Just review it again in the next two days. In fact, my trip this time has something to do with it. I plan to study at the University of Hong Kong, Ouyang Zhen." Hua has already taken care of everything for me, and this time, I will meet their principal and finalize the matter.” Chen Kangjie’s reason is more convincing than the previous ones. Regarding going to university, all the opposing voices disappeared at once.

In fact, there is no need for Chen Kangjie to meet at school. Under normal circumstances, there is an interview session, but Chen Kangjie's status and achievements are enough to avoid this link. His achievements have fully proved that he is qualified to enter the University of Hong Kong. Besides, Ouyang Zhenhua also donated [-] million Hong Kong dollars in scientific research funds to the University of Hong Kong. The road ahead has been completely unimpeded. After Chen Kangjie takes the college entrance examination, he will be able to enter the University of Hong Kong regardless of his test scores.

It was for this reason that Chen Kangjie didn't care much about the college entrance examination ten days later.

"By the way, when I get married, you plan to have nothing? Why didn't I hear that you wanted to give a gift?" Knowing that Chen Kangjie has always been rich and not short of money at all, Chen Yufen would be so "brazen" and blatantly extort money.

"How is it possible? Didn't I bring you a gift from the chief from the capital? Besides, the eldest sister and the third brother both gave you generous gifts. How can I do it empty-handed? I'm going this time to find time to give you Picking out gifts", Chen Kangjie would refer to his trip to Hong Kong no matter what he said.

As the most important historical event in the late century, the return of Hong Kong is extremely symbolic.Every son and daughter of China will express great concern. Chen Kangjie was able to attend the scene in person. To be honest, he really didn't want to let go of such an opportunity.

This land still condenses the wisdom and deep emotions of the old chief, but it is a pity that he passed away at this moment when success was in sight. Chen Kangjie's trip also represented some kind of sustenance of his old man.On the plane back from the capital, Chen Kangjie was thinking about this. He secretly wondered if his superiors invited him to go with him, whether there were considerations and meanings in this regard.

One of Chen Kangjie's reasons finally won him a pass to Hong Kong, but before he went, he had to really help with something.

For such a big happy event as marriage, it is natural to entertain guests and friends.Before Chen Kangjie arrived, the family had sent out hundreds of invitations, mainly to relatives in the family, classmates and friends of the second sister, some business partners, some neighbors who used to live and old colleagues of the father were also invited .

However, there are still some people who are not convenient for them to come forward, and Chen Qigang has to come to invite them.However, the return of Hong Kong is imminent, and Pengcheng, which is separated from Yihe River, can be said to be the forefront of dealing with this matter. Various affairs and security work are extremely heavy. Thousands of officers and soldiers of the Hong Kong Garrison alone are gathered there at this time. On the evening of the 6th, these outstanding Republican leaders will drive across the other side with high spirits, take over the defense, and demonstrate their sovereignty.

At this point in time, Chen Qigang only had four or five hours of rest every day, and he was overwhelmed with various affairs of the party, government and military, so he would not have the mind to come forward to handle private affairs.

At first, he also thought about keeping it simple, so that his colleagues in the officialdom should not disturb him, and he was more or less hesitant to invite his friends in the officialdom to a wedding.But in the end, it was He Baoguo who gave him a suggestion, he must be invited, otherwise he would leave Gao Sheng for a few months without saying anything about happy events, and his colleagues would have ideas.This kind of thinking has been passed down in our culture for thousands of years, and it is not so easy to get rid of it.

Chen Qigang didn't have time, so it is reasonable to say that He Baoguo is familiar with the officials in the province, so he can handle it for him, but he is not a close relative after all, if it is Chen Kangjie's marriage, it can barely be justified, after all, he has love for moths.

If the two elders can't do it, then there is only Chen Kangjie. He is more suitable than the rest of the family. He has dealt with the main leaders from the province, the city to the district.Moreover, Chen Kangjie has always handled affairs in a sophisticated and appropriate manner, which will not make people feel awkward.

After Chen Kangjie took over the task from his father, he immediately rushed to the provincial capital, starting with Tan Changguo and Situ Kuo to visit one by one. Whether they could come or not, at least they should be courteous.As a result, most of them said they would come. Even if they couldn't come, they explained the situation and asked people to bring gifts.

After visiting the big bosses in the province, Chen Kangjie rushed to the city again, first visited Gong Huaigu and Qiu Yi, and then visited the others.Because the wedding is held in the municipal area, most of the standing committee members of the city will be present except for the necessary personnel on duty. These people were once subordinates of He Baoguo and Chen Qigang, so no matter what the reasons are, absence is a It's a bit unreasonable.

As for the district, ordinary people in the party and government headed by Luo Zirong must give face. Not only do they have to give face, but they also have to work hard. After all, there are many leaders from provinces and cities present, and the reception arrangements and security guarantees cannot be sloppy. The work in this area is fully responsible for the work in the district.

In fact, this is a good thing for Luo Zirong and the others. In the political arena of China, subordinates always hope that more superiors can come to the places under their jurisdiction, so that they can show their performance in governance and development as much as possible.

As the saying goes, just talk without practicing fake moves, but just practice without talking about it is a foolish move.No matter who has made any achievements, they all hope to be seen by their superiors. Only in this way can their promotion path be smooth.In the previous society, the smell of wine was not afraid of deep alleys, but now it is changing, and the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

After spending two days completing the task assigned to him, Chen Kangjie flew to Hong Kong on his own at noon on the 30th. He was unwilling to transfer to the capital to take the special plane of the Supreme Leader.

This is the last time for Chen Kangjie to be at the corner of Kai Tak Airport in the city center. After his handover, all flights to Hong Kong starting from July 7 will be transferred to the international airport built with huge investment in Chek Lap Kok, Lantau Island.

Coming out of Kai Tak Airport, Chen Kangjie clearly felt a different kind of abnormal taste. The security of the airport has been improved a lot compared to usual, and the number of passengers seems to be less. There are many Mi Ziqi standards that can be seen at any time before. It has been greatly reduced. What is impressive is that a portrait of the Queen of England that could be seen on the wall of the exit has been taken down at some point.

The weather in Hong Kong today is a bit gloomy, and it feels like it will rain at any time. There are very few vehicles on the road from the airport to the city. Due to major incidents, traffic control has been carried out on many sections, but from time to time you can see police cars and duty on the roadside However, not even a British beret soldier can be seen. Instead, some bright red five-star red flags erected by businesses and the Bauhinia flag that has not yet been officially put into use can be seen on the side of the road.

Hong Kong tonight is destined to be the focal point of the world, and people all over the world are paying attention to the evolution of this historical moment.Almost all slightly larger media organizations sent teams of journalists to Hong Kong for interviews.

"Jie Shao, I thought you couldn't come. I was also invited to watch the ceremony tonight. The British prince and prime minister have already arrived and are staying at the Peninsula Hotel. That's where security is at the forefront." Ouyang Zhenhua, who welcomed Chen Kangjie, and He chatted in the car.

"Hey, they must be in a special mood, but they can't compare to us," Chen Kangjie said looking at the gloomy sky outside the window.

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