Chen Yufen's wedding is destined to become a good story in Liuzhi, and it will inevitably be used for chatting after dinner for a long time.

It's not that her wedding was a big show. If it's just talking about the show, it's the big show of some coal bosses that I often see on the Internet a few years later.

Chen Yufen herself is a young entrepreneur, very rich. In the province, the three siblings of the Chen family were the first billionaires. As for who is the first and who is the second, no one can make it clear. Outsiders I don't know the details.It can be said that the Chen family is currently the wealthiest family in the province, and this is the only case in China.

With such a rich family background, then of course the wedding of the century-old marriage will not be too casual and sloppy, it should be luxurious and unambiguous at all, but under Chen Qigang's request, it should not be too extravagant.

With Chen Qigang's current position, if he were replaced by someone else's family, the society would definitely make irresponsible remarks about their family's wealth acquisition.Our traditions have always been somewhat hostile to the rich. In addition, with the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in the 90s, corruption intensified, and people looked at the wealth of the rich with suspicious eyes. I think that kind of big wealth came from a wrong way.

Admittedly, it is undeniable that many super-rich people did use illegal or even illegal methods during the primitive accumulation stage, especially the collusion between government and businessmen to turn a large amount of state-owned assets into personal ownership, and quickly achieve the goal of wealth accumulation.

But for the Chen family, such almost joking remarks were unheard of, and their family's reputation in the local area was excellent.This is because on the one hand they pay taxes according to the regulations, especially when Chen Qigang was in the party and government, the local tax department of the three brothers and sisters in the family would announce the tax amount and items every year. People only need to go to the window of the tax bureau to see everything It's all clear and clear at a glance.In addition to abiding by laws and regulations, they have given the best wages and benefits to the employees they hired. They are completely on par with Chen Kangjie's subordinate companies. They not only give employees high salaries, but also find ways to provide them with training opportunities. , In terms of housing provident fund and insurance, it is more active than state-owned units.

Secondly, of course, it has something to do with Chen Qigang.Because of Chen Qigang's good image, ability and promise, and outstanding conduct, people also love their houses and blacks.

Chen Qigang has been in power in the district and the city for several years, trying every means to improve people's livelihood. Many things he does are from the perspective of people's livelihood, whether it is improving the urban environment, actively helping the development of state-owned enterprises, and solving the shortage of rural education resources and teachers. He has done a lot of work in terms of remuneration, increasing people's cultural and entertainment facilities, attracting investment, developing transportation and rural water and electricity transportation, especially the landing and operation of many large projects, so that the masses are very sure of his work.Just when it was rumored that he was going to be transferred, the province also received thousands of letters, all of which were petition letters asking him to stay in office. This incident really moved Chen Qigang for several days.

We often say that the people's eyes are discerning.For political leaders, there is no need to say whether you see good or bad. People can see and feel the changes in their own lives.Moreover, none of the colleagues who have worked with him can get through his relationship by giving gifts, so they spread it to ten, ten to hundreds, and the word of mouth is very good.

As for Chen Kangjie, many local people know about this relationship.Chen Kangjie is a model of young people with excellent morals and abilities. The local people will not think that his family will engage in such illegal activities, because among other things, Chen Kangjie alone can make his family have enough food and clothing.Moreover, under the instigation of Chen Kangjie, the three sisters and brothers also donated a lot of money to local charities, such as funding poor college students, donating to build nursing homes, funding orphan shelters and so on.

The special feature of Chen Yufen's wedding is actually reflected in its relatively high standard, and this is the part that makes people talk about it.

On the day of the wedding, the Mengting Hotel opened with 260 tables and eight tables. The hotel’s hall that was originally used to hold large conferences was turned into a wedding venue. Senior officials gathered, wealthy businessmen gathered, and ordinary people also came. Former neighbors, colleagues, and Chen Yufen’s classmates Friends, etc., there are dozens of tables in this part of the so-called middle and lower classes. Moreover, Chen Yufen also came up with a creative idea. He invited three hundred outstanding employees to her wedding. There are thirty tables.

Tan Changguo and Situ Kuo, the first and second leaders from the province, were here, and there were five or six other deputy ministerial officials. The leaders of several major teams in the city and the top officials in the district were all guests of honor.Du Mingkang from the Yangtze River Society did not come, but he also sent a letter. Huang Zhenhua, who had just been promoted to State Councilor, asked his secretary to replace him.In order to attend the wedding, Yao Zhe gave up a reception for a delegation in a certain city in central China.

<, He Huideng, Zhong Kefan, etc. and a large number of business friends from Chen Yuchang, Chen Yufen, and Chen Yuqiong all came to join in the show, but not everyone from Chen Kangjie's subordinate company bosses came.Most of the people who came here knew Chen Yufen personally, and some had special reasons, such as Ye Tangsen, who did not know Chen Yufen himself, but because he and Huang Zhenhua were relatives, and Huang Zhenhua could not be there due to work reasons, so he Instruct him to find an excuse to come too.

In order not to embarrass everyone, but also to maintain a good atmosphere as much as possible, ordinary people and these officials and businessmen at the banquet were arranged in two different areas. They were instructed to sit in different places, and all other drinks and drinks were treated exactly the same.And this time the Chen family still followed the old rules, welcome to congratulate, but don't accept gifts, there is no seat for receiving gifts at all, only some of them have special relationships, and the gifts are given by subordinates, but there is no cash in them.

Such measures are absolutely necessary.The Chen family did not lack that little money, and in turn had to put an end to the rumors that Chen Qigang took bribes by serving wine.

As for Pengcheng, no one came except Chen Qigang.It's not that no one over there knew about the married daughter of the Chen family, at least Pu Yan, the secretary-general of the municipal party committee, knew about it. It's just that Chen Kangjie didn't invite her and pretended to be fine, so they couldn't express it.

It is really a good match for officials and businessmen to sit together. In this private occasion, everyone put down their usual disguise and casually said what they are interested in.Officials learn about entrepreneurs' operations while seizing opportunities that may lead to investment.Entrepreneurs build mutual understanding through exchanges with officials, and get familiar with the character of the leader and future policies.

Chen Kangjie invited his friends and classmates to sit in six seats alone, forming a special small environment.It's just that Chen Kangjie couldn't sit with them from beginning to end. It's been a long time since they've seen each other. It's just a way to get everyone together. He also has to help the family to greet some guests.

Neither his parents nor his sister had any objection to Chen Kangjie occupying six tables.

The host of this wedding is an anchor of CCTV, who is well-known throughout the country. He was not invited by Chen Kangjie, but Chen Yufen himself.This female anchor once interviewed Chen Yufen, and also visited the Xuemeng company where she filmed her, so the two established a good work and personal relationship.

In order to ensure the safety and normal progress of the wedding, the District Public Security Bureau and the Municipal Armed Police Detachment dispatched a large number of police forces to monitor the surrounding area. Out of scruples and influence considerations, they could not be blatant and could only do it secretly.A large number of ordinary people gathered around the entrance of the hotel to watch the excitement were not disturbed. Although they had no relatives or friends with the Chen family, a large row of luxury cars and government cars with special license plates on the parking lot at the entrance of the hotel became their attraction. focus.

The music at the wedding scene was not played with a music tape, but a symphony orchestra specially arranged by Fan Wenxuan to play it, which was regarded as a gift from her.As the boss of an entertainment company, it is quite easy to do this, but the cost still has to be paid for by her.

When the second sister, accompanied by Lin Ling and other bridesmaids, stepped onto the rostrum decorated with colorful flowers at the front, more than 2000 people at the scene gave her the most sincere blessings with warm applause.

Chen Yufen, who is wearing a snow-white one-piece princess wedding dress, looks very beautiful today. The wedding dress was dragged back two meters along the ground, coupled with the white gauze scarf on her head and shoulders, the whole person is noble, dignified and colorful pressing.

He Wanrong and Lin Ling standing on both sides of her were wearing white dresses with bare feet and short sleeves. He Wanrong herself was an ice-clear beauty, her figure and face were all carefully sculpted, coupled with her status as a big star, attracted everyone except Chen Yufen kept throwing eyebrows at her.

As a bridesmaid, Lin Ling is actually charming and charming under her elaborate dress and decoration.It's just that she doesn't have He Wanrong's reputation, so she looks a little pale.Although she was always smiling when she appeared today, there was also a sad and envious look on her brows.

Others couldn't notice it, but Chen Kangjie could, and he knew why.

When Lin Ling caught him in the crowd, Chen Kangjie trembled suddenly.Lin Ling's eyes, like a pool of clear water, released the uninterrupted affection and affection. Chen Kangjie was so ashamed that he didn't dare to look at her, and lowered his head.

Turning his head and looking back, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min also looked at him with dim eyes at the same time. In their eyes, Chen Kangjie read a different kind of expectation and envy, but there was also a vague sense of loss and sadness implied in it.

Standing in the crowd, Chen Kangjie felt a little flustered, and was rarely at a loss. It was even more difficult for him to resist than many strangers who talked to him with surprise and reverence today.

The host started to speak between Chen Yufen and Wang Yi, and Chen Kangjie had to raise his head.

Just when he raised his head, Lin Ling gave him a coquettish smile, as if she was satisfied with Chen Kangjie's "willing to bow down" just now.Chen Kangjie's lack of masculinity made Lin Ling feel relieved and a little bit funny. Only when Chen Kangjie really had feelings for her would he be so "vulnerable".

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