Chen Kangjie only returned to the city on July 7th, which was only two days away from the college entrance examination on July 7th.

Time was tight, so Chen Kangjie didn't contact his classmates or friends any more. Instead, he called his homeroom teacher Gao Xuemei to confirm his examination room and sent someone to get the admission ticket, and then he stayed alone in the suite of Mengting Hotel.

Both parents and Chen Jing have moved to Pengcheng. The eldest sister and the second sister are married in six, and the fourth and fifth sisters also went to Pengcheng to accompany their parents during the summer vacation in college. Although the third brother also has a house in the city, Chen Kangjie doesn't want to. Living there, the third brother, who has become a wealthy man, would take his girlfriend back from time to time. Chen Kangjie didn't want to be a one-kilowatt light bulb. Instead, he felt free to stay in the hotel alone.

The fourth sister graduated from Capital University last year. Because she participated in a scientific research group, she stayed in the school for an extra year. Because of the smooth progress of this research project, he was recommended by the school to study at the University of Cambridge in England for two years.

Chen Kangjie had been to England, so he told him some of the situation there, which was a gift from a long trip. In order to make the fourth sister live comfortably there, Chen Kangjie also asked someone to buy an apartment near the university for her to use. It's a little gift from myself.

After spending the summer vacation with Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin in Pengcheng, Chen Mei will fly from Hong Kong to England.

Chen Kangjie has indeed mastered all the basic knowledge, but when he is idle in the room, he still takes out the textbooks and the key points of the exam to review. With his super learning ability, he ran through the entire high school textbook in only one and a half days.

The University of Hong Kong agreed to take in Chen Kangjie. Even so, he couldn't make his grades look too embarrassing, and he still faced this big test of life with a correct attitude.

On July 7th, the national unified college entrance examination began. Chen Kangjie was assigned to the examination room 7 of the No. 22 Middle School in the city. This was completely random arrangement in random order. The education department did not give special treatment to him. In fact, Even Chen Kangjie didn't need any special treatment from them.

This day is of great significance to the middle school graduates who enter the college entrance examination room. According to the ancient division, ten years of hard study is for the present. To pass this hurdle means "Jinshi and the rank". If you can't pass this Kan, you can only hit back and start over.

The college entrance examination is a major event that the country has paid great attention to after the country put forward the strategy of respecting talents and respecting education. From top to bottom, almost everything has to make way for the three-day college entrance examination.In the urban area, all construction sites around the examination room were shut down, and vehicles passing by the school were prohibited from honking. In order to ensure that the school bus transporting candidates arrived at each examination room safely and on time, the traffic police department dispatched police cars to clear the way.

As a student, it is only today that he can get such special treatment. Chen Kangjie did not take the school bus to go to No. [-] Middle School, but it was far away. He went there by himself.

When he arrived at the gate of Fifth Middle School 15 minutes before the exam, the place was already crowded with parents and many reporters.

Some parents originally wanted to go back or do other things after sending their children to the school, but they learned from the reporter that Chen Kangjie was also in the examination room, so the parents stayed to see Chen Kangjie's demeanor.

Because it was the college entrance examination period, private cars were not allowed to enter the school. Chen Kangjie, with a normal mind, did not ask to break through this rule, but got off the car by himself at the school gate.

Seeing his appearance, countless parents and dozens of media reporters immediately flocked over. Fortunately, Xiong Ziqiang and the government's specially increased police force kept Chen Kangjie from falling into their hands.

"Chen Kangjie, may I ask how you feel to take part in today's college entrance examination?".

"Long, which school did you apply for?".

"Chen Kangjie, are you confident of winning the title of champion?".

. . . . . .

Although some people ordered this, the reporters still threw various questions at him through the security personnel amidst the cheers of the parents.Due to the crowded presence of these people, Chen Kangjie's speed of entering the school gate was greatly delayed.

While preventing the crowd from pushing, the security personnel kept explaining to everyone that there was not much time left for the exam, and asked everyone to step back and not disrupt the order of the exam.

The parents are ordinary people, so it is very easy to persuade them, but those reporters are not easy to deal with. They have tried everything possible to find out that Chen Kangjie is in this examination room, and some of them have come from thousands of miles. How can they just take a few random shots and leave?No matter what, they had to get a word or two from Chen Kangjie, so these people were the most crowded. The guards only blocked them because of their special identities, and they didn't dare to go too far with them.

"I don't have time to accept everyone's interviews now. If you delay the normal time of the college entrance examination, it will not end well." Chen Kangjie said loudly with a dull expression, which was a word to everyone.

After Chen Kangjie spoke, his security personnel no longer cared about anything, and pushed the blocked crowd out, and at this time more police personnel joined in, and soon cleared the passageway like Chen Kangjie's school entrance up.

Under the diligent leadership of the two staff members of the examination room, Chen Kangjie found the examination room 22 without any setbacks.

There are 24 students taking the exam in this examination room, four of them are from the same school as Chen Kangjie, and the other 19 are from various middle schools.

It is lucky and unlucky for these students to be able to take the college entrance examination, which is of great significance in life, in the same classroom as Chen Kangjie.

It can be said that apart from a few nerds, these peers are almost all fans of Chen Kangjie. No matter what his hobbies are, they can always find the shining point of his admiration from Chen Kangjie.

It is not easy to see Chen Kangjie at ordinary times, let alone sitting in the same classroom.Therefore, when Chen Kangjie entered the classroom with 3 minutes before the exam, everyone paid attention to him.After a brief moment of shock, the examinees suddenly started chattering.Even girls, while winking at Chen Kangjie, started pointing and discussing him with their acquaintances.

Chen Kangjie's seat was in the middle of the first row. He didn't pretend to be, and sat down on his own, ignoring other people's curiosity and surprise.He had to learn some immunity to similar situations, otherwise, he couldn't take care of it at all.

"Hey, hey, Chen Kangjie", Chen Kangjie ignored him, but he couldn't pretend he didn't know when someone called him from behind, and the other party even touched his back.

He turned around gracefully, and behind him was a slightly fat girl with a student's head upright, and a mole beside her nose. She wasn't ugly, but she wasn't beautiful either.

Chen Kangjie stared at him and didn't reply, but the meaning was already very clear, he just asked him why he called him.

"I didn't expect to be so close to you. I'm so excited. Can you... sign me?" The girl blushed, and her eyebrows fluttered like a nympho at first. But when it came to the back, he lowered his head in shame, deeply afraid of being rejected by Chen Kangjie.

"Where is the signature?" Chen Kangjie originally wanted to say "this time is not appropriate", but when he saw the girl who looked up and her eyes were full of expectation and enthusiasm, his heart softened and he declined the words swallowed.

With Chen Kangjie's consent, the girl quickly pulled out a small notebook from the desk, and handed it to Chen Kangjie seriously and respectfully with both hands.

Chen Kangjie twisted his body to take his notebook, let go of the first page, and wrote the words "I wish you success in the college entrance examination" in a fluttering manner, and signed and left the date at the back.

Seeing this unremarkable girl get Chen Kangjie's signature so easily, the other people who had been cautious and reserved before immediately let go, and came forward one after another, either intending to say a few words or want to learn from her. So, ask for a commemorative autograph.

It's a pity that they were unlucky, and the seat they were sitting in was not very good. Before they could speak, two invigilators had already walked into the classroom holding the test papers, and they could only return to their seats unwillingly.

The two invigilators cast their curious eyes on Chen Kangjie for a while before announcing the discipline of the examination room and distributing the test papers.

The first subject is Chinese. After getting the test paper, Chen Kangjie reviewed all the questions, and then started to answer without distraction. Simple matter now.

After the exam officially started, the two invigilators might be really interested in Chen Kangjie, and they always walked to Chen Kangjie from time to time to watch him answer the questions.It was also because he was in this examination room, so the leaders in charge of the examination and the leaders in charge of inspections in the city all walked in here halfway.

The current Chen Kangjie doesn't care who you come from, he just pretends that he hasn't seen anything, and puts all his attention on the test paper in front of him.Those leaders and teachers who patrolled the classroom saw Chen Kangjie's answer and said nothing, but they all nodded in praise. Even the deputy mayor in charge of education in the city didn't know whether Chen Kangjie's answer was correct or not. Just because of his good handwriting, he was completely convinced.

Chen Kangjie, who has experienced a lot of wind and wind, can be unaffected and can concentrate and concentrate, but others can't.Every time someone came in, they would look up and observe, and when most people were answering questions, they were more or less tied up by the thread of Chen Kangjie. In the gap between answering questions, everyone would naturally write a few words and just look at him , and some students even couldn't remember many simple things they usually learned because their minds were affected. On the contrary, Chen Kangjie's image was clear and tall.

When someone else had just answered half of the test paper, Chen Kangjie had already written the whole test paper to the brim.

After a rigorous inspection, Chen Kangjie became the first person to submit the test paper in the examination room of No. [-] Middle School.The two teachers were pleasantly surprised to get Chen Kangjie's test paper, regardless of whether it conformed to the rules or not, they chewed it together as if they got a beautiful essay, as if they didn't talk to other candidates.

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