rebirth of change

Chapter 1056 The Last Middle School Time

After experiencing the first experience of being besieged, Chen Kangjie had no choice but to specialize, otherwise, he would be in trouble, the organization unit would also have a headache, and the order of the examination room might be affected.

Therefore, in the following exams, Chen Kangjie followed the advice and did not get off at the school gate. Instead, he drove directly into the school playground under the isolation of the police. He became the only freshman who could enjoy leadership treatment .In order to reduce trouble, he also set the time at a very precise position. Almost every exam entered the examination room 1 minute early, and the teacher who was assigned to invigilate the No. 22 examination room arrived 5 minutes early. order, avoiding Chen Kangjie being influenced by other candidates.

The two-and-a-half-day exam was completed in a blink of an eye. It should be said that the exam questions were not very difficult, at least for Chen Kangjie. He was the first to hand in every exam.

Chen Kangjie was the first to hand in the paper in the exam, which was actually good news for the students in the same examination room. At least after Chen Kangjie handed in the paper, they still had some time to answer the questions carefully, without having to focus on him from the beginning to the end.Fortunately for the invigilators, at least they were the first batch of people who could read Chen Kangjie's answer sheet.

Every teacher who got Chen Kangjie's test papers praised him for his neat handwriting and clear and clear answering ideas.

Although those curious reporters didn't meet Chen Kangjie face-to-face in the three days of the exam, they didn't give up and waited at the gate of No. [-] Middle School every day as usual.

They couldn't interview Chen Kangjie, but these reporters were not completely out of work. They tried every means to interview candidates and invigilators in the same examination room as him.Then find the gimmick they need.

Chen Kangjie didn't disappoint them very much. He was the first to hand in all the five exams. This is already the best selling point. What's more, they learned from some teachers who did not want to be named that Chen Kangjie's answers to the exam papers were perfect. Even if they were allowed to take the exam, it would be difficult to pass the exam to such a degree.Therefore, the reporters were speculating that Chen Kangjie should be the number one scholar in liberal arts in the province.

Given such a judgment, a northern newspaper published a column, asking readers to predict how many points Chen Kangjie would get, which school he would apply for, and how good the school he applied for would offer him.

Needless to say, this unique method is very popular. In three days, thousands of letters from readers have been received, and the newspaper publishes a part of the core content of the participating letters every day.

According to the statistics, 57% of the readers predicted that Chen Kangjie would choose Capital University, 40% believed that Shuimu University would be the first choice, and only [-]% believed that he should study abroad or go to a university in the province.It can be seen that although the universities in the province have become the first-class hardware facilities in China under the strong assistance and support of Chen Kangjie a few years ago, and even surpassed Capital University and Shuimu University in many aspects, Capital University and Shuimu University are already in the hearts of Chinese people. Has a very sacred status.

The reason why the support for Capital University is 17 percentage points higher than that of Shuimu University is based on the fact that Chen Kangjie studied liberal arts. As far as liberal arts are concerned, Capital University still has a high status. In fact, Shuimu University is already in economics. , management and other aspects are catching up, and many academic masters have been introduced.

In terms of score prediction, more than 70.00% of the people believed that he could exceed 700 points, and even 6% of the readers thought that he would get a perfect score that was unprecedented and unprecedented. In short, among all the participants, there was no Who would have thought that he would score less than 650 in the test.

There was a lot of variety as to how the university he attended would treat him.Some people said that all his tuition fees would be exempted, some said that he would be given the privilege of absenteeism at any time, some said that the school would provide him with independent accommodation conditions, some thought that Chen Kangjie would be taken to class with bodyguards, and some thought that the school would give him a special parking lot In the field, some people even thought that the military should designate the school he said he attended as an area where he could not enter or leave casually.Anyway, people tried their best to use their imaginations, and various opinions emerged one after another. In the end, they just felt that Chen Kangjie must be treated differently from what ordinary people said.

There is a root cause for this to happen.The idea of ​​privilege is deeply rooted in our culture and life. No one thinks that would be awkward. Chinese people always think that special people should be treated specially. Besides, Chen Kangjie has won great honor and pride for the country and the people. It should be so, if it is not so, they will not do it.

Of course, none of these people actually knew that Chen Kangjie had already made the decision to study at the University of Hong Kong, and he had already contacted the University of Hong Kong.At present, this is still in a state of confidentiality.

After a two-day break after the college entrance examination, all senior three students returned to school to fill in their volunteers and participate in some graduation ceremonies.

The college entrance examination at this time is not as humanized as it will be a few years later. Now candidates have to fill in the application form without knowing the score, unlike later, when they can see the score and then decide which university to study according to the score.

Because of this situation, dramatic situations often occur in the current college entrance examination.

When everyone fills in the application form, they are based on their estimated scores, but since it is an estimate, the accuracy will naturally not be [-]%.Here comes the problem. Some people feel good about themselves and think that their test scores will be very good. Therefore, they often choose some of the top universities in the country when they volunteer. However, when the scores are not reached, they not only lose the threshold of entering these universities, Even a lesser university will give up on them, and as a result, they can only go to some universities that are the key points but have a lot less reputation and strength.Others may feel that they did not do well in the exam, so the standard of volunteering has been lowered, but the scores they wait for are higher than expected, and they can only look at better universities with regret.

Naturally, none of these dramatic situations will happen to Chen Kangjie. He has already decided whether to go to the University of Hong Kong or not, and no university in China will reject him.

It has been a long time since Chen Kangjie appeared in the classroom. His difficult visit this time has aroused great repercussions among teachers and classmates. After all, after these two days, everyone really went their separate ways. This is the last middle school time .

In the seats of the classroom, many students chatted around Chen Kangjie. Due to the special time, the content of the chat was naturally related to this volunteer application.There are many students from other classes around the window.

In fact, as far as Chen Kangjie is concerned, he really does not think that there is a fundamental difference in the quality of teaching between a good university and a poor university. At least in a university, students' self-study will occupy the main part, and the teacher's teaching is not like that in middle school. have a decisive role.The difference may be slightly different, it should be the style of study.

Regarding the style of study, Chen Kangjie's understanding may be somewhat different from other people's.

Every university will have its own school motto, and the homogeneity is extremely serious, such as earnest practice, investigation of things, rigorousness, virtue, innovation, etc. In fact, these school mottos are decorations to a certain extent, because the school In teaching, many behaviors are divorced from the school motto, and many college students don't know their school motto at all. Even if they know it, it is difficult to explain the meaning clearly.That's probably what people pay little attention to a university's motto.

Let’s talk about history. Every university is different in terms of its establishment time, historical environment and geographical environment, and its natural history will be different.Originally, this was an important part worth inheriting and inheriting, but today’s domestic universities have become very homogeneous. Teaching methods, teaching concepts, subject settings, professional assessment, etc. are similar. The past history can only be seen in the school history museum. Besides, it has been discarded in the earthly torrent of interests.

Judging from these two perspectives, the style of study in domestic universities is similar.But why do some schools feel better and more talented, while others are much more mediocre.

Chen Kangjie thinks the biggest reason is that a good school gathers a large number of excellent and hard-working students. These students are all top elites who have passed the college entrance examination. Everyone is in the same school. Whether they like it or not, it will happen naturally. A competitive culture is formed under the promotion of the heart of comparison, which achieves the effect of mutual promotion. Anyway, most people refuse to admit defeat.This kind of realist thinking exists in almost every organization, and it is the biggest differentiating determinant of school ethos.

Many people say that universities are mainly due to the presence of masters. This is a good statement. If a university does not have a few professors and scholars who can do it, it will be very sad. Masters can indeed influence people through their own thoughts and actions. to some people.However, we have to see objectively that there are tens of thousands of people in a university, or even tens of thousands of people, how many can really get the guidance of some masters, and how many people can learn from the masters for a long time?

Most students are still on their own.In fact, the greatest master of every university is its library, which gathers the wisdom and knowledge of countless previous sages and contemporary elites. no the same.The school that the old chairman graduated from was only a little-known normal school at that time, but he read all kinds of books and applied what he learned, which enabled him to find the root cause of the country's destiny and the best solution to it in his later revolutionary career.

Just like when a well-known professor at Capital University asked his students, what is the purpose of your coming here, some students said it was to learn knowledge, and some students said it was to learn methods, but the professor said it was wrong.

After being questioned by the students, the professor told them that the main reason for you to come here is to broaden your horizons, which is more important than anything else. With your horizons, you will naturally learn the knowledge you want, and you will find what suits you. method.

Confucius said that there is no distinction between teaching and learning. This shows that there is not much difference between everyone at the starting line. There are students who are not good at learning in good universities, and there are students who are successful in learning in inferior universities. , everything depends on ourselves, and the direct relationship with the university itself is not as great as we imagined.

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