"Chen Kangjie, if you put it this way, it doesn't seem to make much difference which school you go to." Liu Guozhang, who was sitting next to him, waited for Chen Kangjie to finish speaking, and immediately said in a dejected manner.

"That can't be said completely. It depends on your hobbies. Interests are very important. If someone who likes music asks him to learn sports, it will be a dead end. I think choosing a major is more important than choosing a school," Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

"It's a dead end for others, but it doesn't matter to you. You produce high-quality music frequently, and you always win championships in sports," Yao Yiyun praised Chen Kangjie enviously.

"It seems that I don't need to explain to the students how to fill in the volunteer application anymore. Chen Kangjie has already said everything I planned to say." At some time, the head teacher Gao Xuemei had already arrived in the classroom, and she said standing behind the crowd.

The head teacher arrived in the classroom, and the other students quickly dispersed and returned to their seats obediently.

Gao Xuemei still stood in front of Chen Kangjie's seat with a smile on her face.Looking at Chen Kangjie, who was sitting upright, with delicate features, Gao Xuemei was relieved, and her heart was full of emotion.

Chen Kangjie's talent is obvious to all, the key is that he is quite modest, basically he is not arrogant about his talents, and he has never been disrespectful or arrogant to his teachers.Originally, according to Chen Kangjie's intelligence and knowledge, he had no problem skipping a grade at all, but he didn't, and still kept following the progress of the class.

For every teacher, the greatest passion and gratification is undoubtedly to be able to cultivate outstanding disciples.Gao Xuemei knew that as a teacher, he did not impart much knowledge to Chen Kangjie, and his achievements and knowledge were all obtained by himself, but no matter what, she has been Chen Kangjie's class teacher for the past three years, and their status will be different from now on. It has been confirmed that Chen Kangjie can only be her student forever.

With such a student, which teacher is not proud or proud, let alone whether she can be famous in history, at least this experience will make her life very meaningful and memorable.Moreover, in the college entrance examination that has just been completed, Chen Kangjie is almost certain to be the champion in the province. Gao Xuemei has already inquired about Chen Kangjie's exam status from some teachers, and combined with his previous performance, the champion should not be too big in the bag. question.As for Chen Kangjie's future achievements, to be honest, Teacher Gao really didn't dare to think about it, and it was hard to think about it.

Whether it is on the spiritual level or on the real level, Chen Kangjie has brought Gao Xuemei a sense of satisfaction.It's a pity that they are about to separate. Whether they will meet again in the future is still unknown. Even if the busy Chen Kangjie wants to, it may be difficult for him to return to No. [-] Middle School to see everyone.

The complexion of the homeroom teacher whose thoughts were fluctuating gradually became solidified, and there was an unconcealable melancholy in the joy.

"Mr. Gao, you're too much of an award. I'm just chatting with my classmates." Seeing the head teacher standing in front of him, neither speaking nor leaving, Chen Kangjie pondered for a while and then found a gossip to break the deadlock.

"Oh...ah, huh, ok, good chat, good chat", Teacher Gao woke up from his contemplation, said a few words in embarrassment, then turned and walked towards the podium.

Standing on the podium, Teacher Gao paced back and forth twice. After calming down his mind, he put his hands on the edge of the podium, leaned over and said to the students in the classroom: "Today can be said to be the last day of our middle school. After today, you will be able to leap into the sea and let the birds fly in the sky. Today is also our most important class. The volunteers you fill in will determine your future development direction, and even It will affect your career achievements. I think most of our students have already heard Chen Kangjie’s discussion on the orientation of voluntary filling just now, so I will not elaborate on this aspect. Students only need to think about yours. Where are the points of interest and what kind of person do you want to be in the future? Just follow your heart!".

The whole class applauded the head teacher's speech in a rare way. Although Teacher Gao is still the head teacher, everyone's roles have changed a little now. The students are much more relaxed, or they are much more equal to each other. As before, I have a sense of defense and distance from the class teacher.

People's emotions are so strange. When facing parting, the emotional relationship will either become better or worse. It will become better because the connection points of interests will become less from now on. There is no need to worry and care about it. Getting worse is also the same reason, no longer worry and scruples.

Teacher Gao distributed the volunteer form, one for each person, each of which can be filled with three school volunteers and the corresponding three majors. First choice, this first choice is very important, and it is often an important reference index for university admissions. Most of the top-ranked universities will only admit students who choose their first choice, and the second and third choices in the back are usually The role of backup, here are basically two colleges and universities.

Today's class is not as usual, it is destined to be both relaxed and dignified, and at the same time it will be noisy.After getting the form, the classroom atmosphere became lively again.

I have to say that this is one of the failures of our education, that is to say, the educated students generally have poor independent thinking ability.Filling in the university that you want to go to most is originally a personal matter, but the students are still used to discussing, listening to other people's reference opinions, and even have a heart of comparison in it.

"Chen Kangjie, you don't need to read this information at all. For you, do you still have to choose? You can just fill in the Capital University." Liu Guozhang leaned his head on the desk, and pointed at the students who have recruited students in the province with the school issued The materials of nearly a thousand universities proudly said that the information in this white cover contains a brief introduction of these universities, the admission scores of last year, and the number of majors enrolled.

"Could it be that all three of my volunteers fill in Capital University?" Chen Kangjie said teasingly.

The two students sitting in front heard the conversation between Chen Kangjie and Liu Guozhang, and turned their faces at the same time. One of the girls said crisply, "The idea is good. For you, it is only interesting to fill in like this."

"Hehe, why do I feel like a nouveau riche, buying three bowls of soy milk, drinking one bowl, pouring two bowls", Chen Kangjie said with a narrow smile.

After laughing at himself, Chen Kangjie withdrew his smile and warned seriously, "You guys hurry up and think about your future direction and interests, don't worry about me."

"Hey, those are all false to me. I guess I can only have more than 300 points. I can't get on the second line. There are very few choices in front of me." Liu Guozhang sighed dejectedly, Said desperately.

"Then you should choose a major. If you really can't do it, at least you can go to the City Normal College, but your first choice is to fill in a provincial undergraduate degree. It will be bad if you make a wrong estimate." Chen Kangjie looked at Liu Guozhang's depressed appearance, it's not easy to talk about him, so I simply gave him a suggestion.

"It's all because you haven't been in school for so long, which made me have no enthusiasm for learning. I just sat at the back all day, alone, and I couldn't find someone to ask if I had any questions." Maybe it was because I failed the exam. It affected his mood so much that Liu Guozhang blamed Chen Kangjie for his failure in the exam.

Before Chen Kangjie could refute, someone helped him fight the injustice.

"I said that you are poor and blame Wuji, and you blame Shauji for eating and drinking. You can renege on this! Why don't you say it because you have been running to No. [-] Middle School recently. Who doesn't know that you have taken a fancy to someone who is a sophomore in No. [-] Middle School?" Girl, cut," the boy sitting in front obviously knew Liu Guozhang quite well, and disdainfully reprimanded him.

"Li Guiqing, you are not much better than me, you dare to expose my old background, you don't go to the middle school often, how can you see me?" Liu Guozhang regained his energy and raised his head from the table.

"It's okay, you guys stop making trouble, and think about your own choices quickly," Chen Kangjie waved to stop the two of them, and said with a wry smile.

At this time, after answering the questions of several students, Gao Xuemei, the head teacher, walked off the podium and walked towards Chen Kangjie.

"Chen Kangjie, which school do you plan to apply for? In our class, Yu Dandan, the class leader, has applied for Capital University, and the deputy class leader has applied for Shuimu University. I want to see your choice." Gao Xuemei didn't know that Chen Kangjie chose Hong Kong University, so she was kind and asked friendly.

Gao Xuemei guessed that Chen Kangjie would choose one of these two universities.The head teachers of their graduating classes hope that the students will not only do well in the exam, but also fill in the school report well, so that if they all hit the mark, it will not only obtain related benefits for them, but also a sense of satisfaction and pride.

"Mr. Gao, I haven't made up my mind yet. May I tell you later when I hand it in?" Chen Kangjie said slightly apologetically.

"Well, choose carefully, but I still think Capital University is suitable for you." Before turning around, Gao Xuemei still gave a leading suggestion.

During the volunteering for the two classes, I don't know how many people came to inquire about Chen Kangjie's whereabouts, but he kept silent.He understood that it was the concern and curiosity of his classmates, but the less people knew about his whereabouts, the better.

The voluntary form submitted cannot be empty. Chen Kangjie still has to fill in a few schools indiscriminately anyway, but he does not want the content he fills in to affect everyone. He knows that once he fills in a school, it is estimated that many students will Follow suit, even if that's not what they really think.

When he finally handed in the volunteer form, Chen Kangjie was the last one to hand it in, and he handed it to her when he walked out of the classroom with the head teacher.

When she saw that Chen Kangjie's first choice filled in the volunteer form was the Provincial Technology and Business University, and her second choice was Qianzhou University, Gao Xuemei was so surprised that she couldn't move. She really couldn't understand why Chen Kangjie made such a move. A surprising choice.

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