rebirth of change

Chapter 1058 Historic High Score

Chen Kangjie chose to fill in his volunteers in this way, most of which can be said to be perfunctory.The voluntary form cannot be empty, and the school has to pay for it.And Chen Kangjie already had a destination, so he would not be able to seriously fill in his application again, so he didn't fill in Capital University or Shuimu University.

On the contrary, when he saw those college materials and thought about it, he recalled his college days before his rebirth. It was a beautiful and simple youth memory, with many scenes and characters coming to mind.Because of this, he accidentally filled in the volunteer form the university he studied in his previous life and the familiar school he often went to. Anyway, this is a meaningless choice, so he treats it as a small prank.

"Chen this the school you want to go to?" Gao Xuemei was surprised, but at the same time she stopped and asked with hatred.

At this time, there are not only the students in this class, but also some students from other classes in the corridor outside the classroom.

Gao Xuemei's inquiry obviously aroused everyone's interest, and everyone who was staring at Chen Kangjie pricked up their ears, hoping to hear about Chen Kangjie's university whereabouts.

Chen Kangjie looked around and looked around, feeling that this is really not a place to talk about things, so he whispered to Teacher Gao cautiously, "Mr. Gao, let's go to your office to talk, see. . . . ".

After being reminded by Chen Kangjie, Gao Xuemei also felt that she was being abrupt, she paused, and took the lead towards her office with the stack of volunteer forms in her arms.

At present, the office environment for teachers in No. [-] Middle School has been greatly improved. After an office building was built behind the indoor gymnasium, four ordinary teachers have an office, and two class teachers can get one.

At the door of the office, Gao Xuemei opened the door and went in, but the head teacher of the senior one who shared the office with him was not there.

Gao Xuemei now locked the volunteer form in her file cabinet, and then returned to the simple reception area to sit and talk with Chen Kangjie.

"Chen Kangjie, why don't you go to a better prestigious school? Why do you choose colleges and universities in the province? Yes, in recent years, both the Industrial and Commercial University and Qianzhou University have developed rapidly, and the scale has expanded rapidly. It has also been greatly improved. The teaching facilities can also be said to be the most first-class in China. They have entered the category of key universities, but they still lag behind Capital University and Shuimu University in terms of background and influence. You... ", as soon as her butt hit the sofa, Gao Xuemei complained incomprehensibly, and she also hoped that she could make Chen Kangjie make changes.

"Mr. Gao, Mr. Gao, listen to me first." Chen Kangjie had to interrupt Gao Xuemei's words rudely. He really didn't know what he would say if he continued.

Gao Xuemei frowned and stopped talking, staring at Chen Kangjie with doubtful and serious eyes.

"Mr. Gao, I know that you care about me. I thank you for that. My wish was completely filled out at will, so it can't be taken seriously...".

"What? How can this be casual? It's such a serious matter, how could it not be taken seriously?" Gao Xuemei has become irritable due to her over-concern for Chen Kangjie. Before Chen Kangjie could fully explain, she stood up in a hurry. up.

"Hehe", Chen Kangjie was really dumbfounded, "Mr. Gao, in fact, I already have intentions in the university I am going to. No matter what volunteers I fill out, I will not go there to study."

Gao Xuemei understood Chen Kangjie's meaning a little bit, and her face became stunned, "Didn't you choose a domestic university?".

Chen Kangjie nodded, "Yes, I think I need a more free and independent learning environment, so I chose the University of Hong Kong, and I have already negotiated with the University of Hong Kong. It is just a formality for me to take the college entrance examination. No matter how much I score, When the semester starts, I will go to the University of Hong Kong to study, and the professional courses there are all taught in English, so I have no problem with that.”

"Oh, Hong Kong University, how does Hong Kong University compare to Capital University?" Even as the head teacher of the third year of senior high school, Gao Xuemei still lacks understanding of Hong Kong University like ordinary Chinese people. Anyway, the college entrance examination does not take foreign schools, and Hong Kong University is not as famous as Harvard and Cambridge. , it is reasonable to be ignored.

"I'm afraid it can't be compared. Although the Capital University is the first-class university in China, if you compare it with the world, there is still a certain distance between the Capital University and the University of Hong Kong. It is estimated that it will take more than ten or twenty years to catch up. ", Chen Kangjie answered realistically.

"Ah, if this is the case, it is really a good choice for you to choose the University of Hong Kong, then I hope you will study hard there and live a happy life." Hearing that the University of Hong Kong is better than the Capital University, Gao Xuemei immediately changed Be happy.

As long as the school Chen Kangjie chooses is better than Capital University, Gao Xuemei thinks it is worthy and supportive, otherwise, she will feel that it is an unwise behavior.

However, some things were so unexpected, Chen Kangjie wanted to try to take a brand new path, but it seemed that God was free to arrange and regulate, and Chen Kangjie finally returned to the track of his previous life because of certain things.

"Mr. Gao, I hope you can keep it a secret for me. I don't want to be disturbed too much during college. At present, only a very few people know that I chose HKU," Chen Kangjie added.

"Well, I get it, but now that the whole world knows you, did you enter Hong Kong University in a different way?" Gao Xuemei nodded in agreement and expressed doubts.

"Hehe, I can do this."

When leaving Gao Xuemei's office, Chen Kangjie met at the door the head teacher of Class One and One who was in the same office as her.As soon as the teacher met Chen Kangjiefu, her eyes widened in surprise and she took a step back. After Chen Kangjie politely bowed and left, she still stood there without recovering. It was the first time for students to meet face-to-face so closely.

On the second day after filling out the volunteer application, the students in the graduating class held a group photo for graduation, while the night before, Chen Kangjie wrote a guestbook for almost an entire night.

Graduation is coming soon, and the students left some words of miss and expectation to each other, which is important and worth remembering.Chen Kangjie was not in school for a long time before graduation, so he didn't have time to leave a message for his classmates, and he didn't buy a guestbook for students to fill in their thoughts about him.

Before the graduation photo was taken, Chen Kangjie also failed to get out of the ordinary. He bought a large exquisite message booklet and threw it to the students to write down what they wanted to say to Chen Kangjie.

Such an opportunity is really precious to those who like Chen Kangjie.Many students often leave a few words when they leave a message to some students who are not so close. The quote "There is no banquet that never ends" is the most quoted, and then leave a few words of blessing, and that's it. It's over.

However, when leaving messages to Chen Kangjie, whether it is Liu Guozhang, Yao Yiyun and others who have a good relationship with him, or other classmates who have a good relationship but get along well, they all write after careful consideration, and everyone writes a long paragraph. , Some people even wrote a full two pages.

Back at the hotel at night, Chen Kangjie lay on the bed and read the farewell words of these students quietly, feeling a warm current in his heart.

These classmates who are familiar with him, the emotions they express include the enthusiasm and confession like other fans, and the simplicity and sincerity of pure classmate friendship. Everyone expresses his heart to the fullest, and they all hope that Chen Kangjie can be forever Remember this person, this love.

The graduation photos were taken at the flag-raising square in front of the teaching building. All the teachers who had taught came, as did all the school leaders, even Gui Mingming, who had just been promoted to the director of the education bureau, came to participate.It is extremely difficult for them to have the opportunity to take a photo with Chen Kangjie. Who would let this opportunity pass by? Who can tell whether this photo will become an important historical witness in the future?

After taking a group photo with the whole class attended by the leader, Chen Kangjie was in a rare good mood, and he met the requirements of all the classmates to take a group photo alone. In front of the classmates, Chen Kangjie usually does not put on airs, and the last photo was taken with The class teacher Gao Xuemei completed it.

After the photo session, the students suggested holding a dinner party.Chen Kangjie didn't show up in the classroom for the last few months of the semester. In order to make up for his "non-fulfillment of responsibilities", Chen Kangjie invited everyone to have a happy meal and talk about everything. The place was in the big restaurant of Mengting Hotel.Now everyone knows that Chen Kangjie is not a poor man, he does not hide it, and the students also think that this is no big deal, anyway, Chen Kangjie is very rich, which makes everyone think that Chen Kangjie is kind and easy to get along with.

It can be said that by this time, Chen Kangjie's middle school life has really come to an end, and he will belong to the sacred ivory tower in the future.As for getting the acceptance letter, it has nothing to do with him, so after the party, he rushed to the United States to do his busy work without stopping.

After leaving for so long, Cameron deserves to be the original director of this movie. He spent a lot of time and energy on this movie that he is very interested in. He has carried out a lot of work on the basis of Chen Kangjie. , which made Chen Kangjie's subsequent work a lot easier.

On August 8th, when Chen Kangjie was busy filming the scene where Jack taught Rose to spit, the results of the domestic college entrance examination came out, and the admission work started at the same time.

Chen Kangjie really lived up to expectations, and won the province's liberal arts champion with a historic high score of 748 points. This score is also the highest score in the country. One point was deducted for the Chinese test paper, one point was deducted for English, and the rest of the mathematics, politics, and history papers were deducted. They are all full marks. Since the college entrance examination in the Republic, no one has achieved such a score. In the future, it is estimated that no one will get such a score. The answers he made are almost indistinguishable from the standard answers.

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