rebirth of change

Chapter 1059 The Change of the University

To be honest, even if the teacher who gave the test questions came to take the test, it would be difficult to get such a score, but Chen Kangjie achieved it.

The reason why Chen Kangjie was able to miraculously obtain a super high score that has never been seen before or since comes from two aspects.On the one hand, of course, it is because of his super learning ability and memory, and more importantly, he has seen the test papers for this exam, and he has also seen the standard answers released later, so as long as he fills in according to that, the correcting teacher wants to deduct Difficult to divide.

Only Chinese and English, two subjects with a slightly higher free play component, were deducted points. It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie's English is already very good, but the domestic exams are very strange. Many college students from English-speaking countries go to China to take the CET-[-] and CET-[-] exams. , basically will lose to domestic candidates, because domestic examinations often have only one standard answer, but in an English environment, there may be multiple suitable answers. How can foreigners who have not experienced cruel examinations survive almost every test? A Chinese who has been taking exams for a week.

Chinese Chen Kangjie got full marks in the composition project. His composition was written in classical Chinese from the beginning to the end, which quoted a lot of "The Analects of Confucius", "Book of Songs", "Tao Te Ching", "Warring States Policy" and "Zuo Zhuan" The original text and stories in the book were almost not fully understood by the teachers of the Chinese Department of the Normal University who revised the volume. Later, they found two professors who teach ancient Chinese to fully understand, but they could not find a reason for deducting points. , because they themselves are not able to write [-]-character essays in ancient Chinese in such a short period of time.

The reason why one point was deducted was because in the reading comprehension questions, Chen Kangjie's answer exceeded the content of the answer. The correcting teacher felt that this was not rigorous enough, so one point was deducted.

After learning of the score, No. [-] Middle School immediately hung a festive and colorful banner at the school gate to share the great news with the citizens, teachers and students.

While people are celebrating Chen Kangjie, all that remains is to see which school will be so lucky to admit him.

While people were waiting for the result that would make them excited and proud amidst numerous speculations, a scene that surprised them appeared. In the first batch of admissions, there was no name of Chen Kangjie.The No. 13 High School announced the list of the first batch of people who were admitted, all of which were the best universities in China. Among them, Chen Kangjie’s monitor, Yu Dandan, was selected by Capital University with a score [-] points higher than the admission mark, but it was strange that Chen Kangjie’s name was not there.

After waiting for a day, another admission list of 50 people was posted, but people still couldn't see Chen Kangjie's name on the happy wall at the school gate.

Not only the outsiders found it strange, but even the teachers and students of No. 70 Middle School were shocked.The order of admission is that the best schools are at the front, and the lower the ranking is, and the top [-] people are all admitted by key universities, and the second one is at the back. Could it be that Chen Kangjie will only be admitted by one university? Admission to the second college?

Only two people in the city knew of Chen Kangjie's voluntary choice, one was the class teacher, and the other was Gui Mingming, the former principal and now the director of the city's education bureau.People asked the two of them one after another to inquire about the situation, but both of them kept secrets and kept silent.

Without knowing it, gossip can arise.People began to speculate and believe in a possibility, that is, Chen Kangjie was escorted secretly, and the school he attended will not be announced, but will be kept as a secret for him to protect in real time.

As soon as this kind of rumor came into being, there was a huge market. No one would doubt its possibility, because Chen Kangjie was too special and his test scores were too high.

When the second admission list of the second batch of 213 people was announced and Chen Kangjie's name was still missing, people believed the highly credible rumor even more.

At this time, everyone who cares about Chen Kangjie is waiting and trying to find a way, especially the media reporters, who are trying their best to find out which university Chen Kangjie was admitted to, but they still haven't got it after all their efforts. The answer, everyone's heart itch.

Not knowing the answer is torture, but it is not necessarily easy for those who know the answer.For example, the Provincial Industrial and Commercial University, they knew that Chen Kangjie’s first choice was miraculously filled in for them, but they couldn’t issue an admission letter.Everyone knows that which university Chen Kangjie goes to will undoubtedly greatly promote and drive the reputation of this school.Not only was the president of the Technology and Business University unable to issue an admission letter to Chen Kangjie, he was also unable to tell the world that his first choice was to choose this rapidly rising western university.

Later, some universities could no longer sit still. Chen Kangjie, who was in the United States, heard that world-renowned universities such as Harvard University and the University of Tokyo expressed their willingness to accept Chen Kangjie to study without examination, and would provide first-class conditions.Even some key universities in China have joined in. Regardless of whether they can really recruit Chen Kangjie, there is no harm in joining in the fun anyway. Journalists need such news, and they will produce it without them, and universities also need to increase exposure to improve Popularity, for them, is something that both parties benefit from.

Whether the news is true or not, Chen Kangjie doesn't care, he is very busy.But the real news that came out immediately made Chen Kangjie have to care. Not only did he care, but it also disrupted his school steps and work rhythm.

The reason why this news is true is because the University of Hong Kong sent the news.

The South China Morning Post published a piece of news, which was disclosed by the University of Hong Kong. Chen Kangjie had chosen to study at the University of Hong Kong and would not choose to go to another school. The international finance major of the School of Finance even exposed the independent dormitory provided to Chen Kangjie.

As soon as this news came out, there was an uproar in the education circles and the press circles in China. They never thought that Chen Kangjie would choose the University of Hong Kong instead of some well-known university in China that was secretly recommended.

Because the content of the news is very detailed, and there is even the process of Chen Kangjie's client contacting the University of Hong Kong, most of the people who read it believe it.

For young people in Hong Kong, this is very exciting news. If Chen Kangjie really chooses to study at the University of Hong Kong, he will spend a lot of time in Hong Kong. This is good news for them. Everyone is closer. Increased the probability of meeting Chen Kangjie.

Upon receiving the news, Ouyang Zhenhua immediately contacted Chen Kangjie to report the situation, and then furiously called the University of Hong Kong to lose his temper.At the beginning, everyone said that this matter should be handled in a low-key manner and should not be publicized, but now it has indeed become known to the world.

Chen Kangjie was also filled with righteous indignation when he found out about this. Later, he learned that the University of Hong Kong was worried that he would be snatched away by other universities, so he wanted to create a fait accompli. Anyway, the domestic university enrollment has ended. After all, Ouyang Zhenhua has always been in contact with them , not Chen Kangjie himself.

Chen Kangjie really couldn't accept this kind of reason, and now he became unable to get off the tiger.

Although many universities have extended an olive branch to him, Chen Kangjie understands that he can choose the University of Hong Kong instead of Western universities abroad, which is determined by his identity.If Chen Kangjie chooses to study in a university in the United States, Europe or Japan, let alone whether he is willing or not, at least if he chooses, it will be a great damage to his image in China, and it will also become unfavorable to Chen Qigang .

Ordinary people would label him a lot, such as being unpatriotic, worshiping foreigners, forgetting his ancestors, and so on. Others may also say that it’s okay for Chen Qigang to teach his son, and give a good son to outsiders.Hong Kong has been returned to China, and it is regarded as the territory of China. No one can say anything about him studying here.

However, now the University of Hong Kong has revealed which major he will study in, which dormitory he will live in, and how Chen Kangjie will go to study. It is enough trouble for him to deal with fans every day. I really don’t understand those usually shrewd guys. Why would you do such a thoughtless thing now.

Going to the University of Hong Kong will be troublesome, so he can only choose a university in China to study.However, now that the university admissions have all ended, if he, Chen Kangjie, wants to choose a certain university, he can also enter, but he has to use his privileges to go through the back door.

If some privileges were used in advance, it would be nothing, at least no one would know.However, if he asks for special treatment now, some people will definitely criticize him. Besides, Chen Kangjie is already a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, so he must always pay attention to some influences.

Because of this matter, Ouyang Zhenhua personally went to Los Angeles to plead guilty.But he can't blame him completely for this matter. What can Chen Kangjie say?

"Mr. Jie, why don't you choose the University of Hong Kong? I'll talk to them again. At worst, change to another college and major." Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie walked on Monica Beach, and he suggested with his head down.

"Forget it, maybe Hong Kong is really too free. If I choose other colleges, maybe one day it will be exposed again. I have lost confidence in them. Besides, I really only want to study in the School of Finance. Study international finance," Chen Kangjie rolled up his trousers, walked in the white waves rushing to the shore, and threw a shell he picked up into the sea, saying heavily.

"Then what should we do? Or you don't need to come forward, I'll go to the top of the country, you go to the Capital University," Ouyang Zhenhua suggested graciously.

"To be honest, I don't like the environment in the capital city very much, and I don't have a good impression of the Capital University. Besides, if you really want to do it, I can just make a phone call. Why do you need to go to the capital city? Don't worry, don't worry about anything It's not a big deal, and it's not your fault." Chen Kangjie stopped, looked at the blue Pacific Ocean, and said lightly.

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