rebirth of change

Chapter 1060 Visit to Chicago

Because Chen Kangjie was too busy, Ouyang Zhenhua came back after only staying in Los Angeles for one day.There are still more than half a month before the start of the university, and Chen Kangjie still has time to think about and deal with the matter of going to university.

On the set, Chen Kangjie was strict, repeating inappropriate shots over and over again, but Cameron, as the art director, could be described as cruel.

Later, Chen Kangjie proposed to take advantage of the warmer weather for the scene where the actors were immersed in the cold seawater, and Cameron firmly opposed it.

"This is absolutely impossible. Those few scenes must wait until the weather cools down in winter before they will have real effects. Otherwise, the audience will know at a glance that they are not in the cold sea water, and the air will not even be atomized. , will feel fake".

"Hey, we can use special effects to make up for it, at most it just increases the cost." Chen Kangjie was wearing sunglasses, sitting under a parasol by the sea, stretching out his hands towards Cameron and Leonardo, and he didn't care about the shooting expenses. Said.

Leonardo and Winslet secretly nodded to Chen Kangjie's "generosity" and "indulgence". They really wanted to act in this movie, but they definitely didn't want to be soaked in the freezing sea water for several days. Yes, it is a kind of suffering and torture.

"That doesn't work either. Special effects can be used for atomization, and the subtle expressions and behaviors of actors can also be used? It is difficult to express real artistic effects if the body is not placed in that cold environment, no matter how good the acting skills are. Only in Real emotions can only be expressed in a real environment, as a dedicated filmmaker, one must be able to accept a difficult environment, this is a milestone movie, don’t you want to make it really well?”, Kame Long crossed his legs and raised his head. What he said before was to Chen Kangjie, and what he said after was to Winslet and Leonardo.

After hearing Cameron's words, Winslet and Leonardo couldn't say anything, whether they wanted it or not, and could only express their thoughts with bitter faces and depressed expressions.

Chen Kangjie shot a sly gleam from his eyes, but his sunglasses blocked it, so no one else could see it.

This was Chen Kangjiebu's small situation. He actually planned to shoot those few scenes after winter. On the one hand, the effect would be much better, on the other hand, it was just to spare some time for him.

It's just that Chen Kangjie thought so, but he knew that it was cruel to ask the actors to act in the icy sea water. If he raised it himself, the actors would definitely call him cruel in their hearts.That's why during the intermission, he played a trick and plotted against Cameron in a natural state.

Cameron, an old guy, really doesn't have to admire him. In order to achieve the desired image effect, he not only dares to do it, but also dares to take risks.Because of this understanding, Chen Kangjie knew that he would definitely object to his proposal without discussing it.

If someone is a good person, someone has to be a bad person. In the crew, Chen Kangjie is the representative of the good person, and Cameron turned into a green leaf to set off the red flower.The crew members generally feel that Chen Kangjie is considerate and kind, while Cameron is a cruel old stubborn.But that's all. No one will doubt his character and ability. Anyway, his starting point is to make the movie better.

This time Chen Kangjie came to the United States, in addition to arranging tight film shootings, he had to do one more thing, which was to go to Chicago as a guest. The black female lawyer Rahil who invited him was predictable. His husband Auba The cow will not be absent either.

Rachel's family lives in the suburbs of Chicago, which belongs to a typical American middle-class family residential area. On both sides of the tree-lined driveway are white independent small buildings. A small garden of small size is isolated by a fence at the entrance. There will be a garage on the side of the house, and the garden will be covered with green grass. Some people will plant some flowers and small trees, and some people will move the cool seats outdoors.

The city of Chicago has a relatively high latitude and faces Lake Michigan in the east, so the climate is quite cool.Many Chinese people know that here is not only an important industrial and commercial city in the United States, but also because of the famous University of Chicago, "Chicago Tribune", and the family who did not follow the family plan in "Home Alone" that adults like. Just live here.

Chen Kangjie arrived here on a domestic flight in the United States. They booked the first-class cabin, and he took a special passage when leaving the airport. In addition, he made a disguise, so he was not recognized by anyone.

Walking out of the airport, I didn't expect that the Obaniu couple would drive to pick them up in person.

Seeing this senator with short hair and not particularly dark skin, Chen Kangjie seemed to have entered into an illusion, as if he was greeted by the President of the United States in person, which made him feel as if he was in another world.

"Long, hello, you are welcome to come to Chicago as a guest." Auba Niu, whose mouth rises obviously when he smiles, is the first to extend his right hand to Chen Kangjie.

"Mr. Senator, I didn't expect to see you here. It is a great honor for you to come home to entertain me in your busy schedule." Chen Kangjie generously extended his right hand.

After the two hands were held together, according to American etiquette, the two made a simple hug again.

"You don't need to call me a senator, just call me Obaniu." Aubaniu put aside his senator airs and said kindly to Chen Kangjie, "By the way, are you going to take your car or...".

At O'Hare International Airport, Miramax had already prepared three high-end Lincoln cars. It was precisely because of seeing those three cars and Chen Kangjie's bodyguards that Obaniu asked so tentatively.

Obaniu regarded Chen Kangjie's visit as completely personal, so he met with Chen Kangjie today as a simple and ordinary person.

"It's rare to enjoy the treatment of a senator as a driver. Hehe, I will sit behind you with Ms. Rachel. Your Chevrolet is quite spacious." He likes to associate with such people.

"It is said that the income of being a driver for you is much higher than that of me being a senator," Obama joked, and then led the way to his car.

Chen Kangjie chatted with Rahil and followed. As for his bodyguards, they got into the three prepared cars respectively, planning to have one in front and two behind.Before they came, they had already learned the detailed address of Auba Niu's house, and they had prepared three driving routes, so the car leading the way would not be ignorant of the road.

Aobaniu is a very talkative person. While driving, he chatted with Chen Kangjie and introduced the scenery and famous buildings along the way to Chen Kangjie. As expected, he came from Chicago and was quite familiar with this city.On the contrary, she was much more familiar with Chen Kangjie and at the same time sitting in the back Lahil became a lot more silent, quietly listening to Chen Kangjie and her husband chatting enthusiastically.

Being able to invite Chen Kangjie to visit also shows a problem, that is, the matter that Chen Kangjie entrusted Lahier to help Lahier manage the long fund is basically no problem. Obaniu has completely convinced his wife. Hill will settle the matter completely by the way.

After more than half an hour's drive, the convoy finally stopped at the gate of Auba Niu's house.It was noon at this time, and there were no pedestrians or vehicles on the road. Besides, now that Obaniu was a senator, it was not surprising that there were more cars and more people in front of his house. The mayor would come to his house from time to time.

Chen Kangjie will live here tonight.Aubaniu's small building has six bedrooms, Chen Kangjie can get one alone, his followers include Liu Deyi, so they can only share one guest room.

"Long, thank you for the gift you gave me last time. I like it very much. This is the first time I have had direct contact with Chinese culture. Because of your writing, I found that I fell in love with Chinese culture. I once consulted with a Chinese professor , They said that your handwriting is very artistic, isn’t traditional Chinese calligraphy easy?” In the living room, Aobaniu and Chen Kangjie sat face to face and chatted.

Rahil just sat down and chatted for 2 minutes after getting a drink and then left to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch.As for Chen Kangjie's followers, some were sitting in the garden at the entrance enjoying the cool air, while others were "visiting" in front of and behind the house.

"Thank you. If you like it, it's not too difficult. If you don't like it, it's really not easy. I learned calligraphy from my father, and I have been practicing it for ten years. It's just that the more I write, the more I write. Less time," Chen Kangjie said lightly.

"If I have the opportunity, I will definitely go to China for a visit and integrate myself into it."

"Then I must be very welcome. If you go, you will go to my hometown. There are beautiful mountains and rivers, a pleasant climate, and rich ethnic customs. However, it will not be me who will receive you at that time. You are a senator, and the government promises to Receiving you with a high standard reflects the close and friendly exchanges between the United States and China."

"No, no, no, political visits and private visits are two different things. If it's a political visit, maybe I don't have so much freedom. I don't want to have diplomatic followers wherever I go. If you can accommodate me, I will It's just a private visit and has nothing to do with politics," Obanniu said, waving his hand.

Chen Kangjie's pupils shrank, and he observed Obaniu carefully.

Auba Niu obviously only wanted to establish a personal friendship with Chen Kangjie, and showed great enthusiasm, and completely put aside the political factors that could be affected by his senator status. Why did he do this?

After thinking for a while, Chen Kangjie understood a little bit.At present, the differences between the United States and China are relatively tense. The top leaders of the United States deeply feel the threat brought by the rise of China. Not far behind, a series of unpleasant incidents will occur between China and the United States.Obaniu must have anticipated this possibility, so he did not want to be kidnapped by overall politics.

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