rebirth of change

Chapter 1066 New Identity

Chen Kangjie's blow really disappointed Donatella, but his stinging words inspired Donatella's stubborn spirit of not admitting defeat. In addition, her brother just passed away, so Donatella needs to cheer up , can't let the Versace company fall, which gives her a lot of strength.

Two months later, Donatella held a ready-to-wear show in Milan, where celebrities and critics thronged the runway looking for answers about how she could rise from her grief and continue the family business.Her clothes are so youthful, fresh and sexy.As Donatella, 40, draws moving ovations from the hard-to-please crowd, no one doubts that she has become the most important woman in the fashion world.

Of course, with the departure of Gianni Versace, the difficulties faced by Versace are not limited to this, they are also facing financial difficulties. For this reason, Chen Kangjie spent 3500 million US dollars to buy The villa where he lived.

In 1992, Versace was on vacation in South Beach, bought the house and its adjacent land for $300 million, and invested another $3300 million to build an additional building on the south side with an area of ​​about 560 square meters.Versace felt that there was no place to repair the swimming pool, so he bought the hotel next door with a lot of money, and demolished it within a day to make room for the swimming pool.The mansion overlooks the sea and has 35 rooms, including 10 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms.Each room has a unique theme, bold colors, and a large number of precious murals and mosaics on the walls, ceilings, and corridors.There are also many statues in the courtyard, and the specially built swimming pool is 16 meters long, inlaid with mosaics and 24k gold tiles.

Historically, this villa was originally sold to American telecommunications businessman Lofting at a price of 00 million US dollars.It's just that Chen Kangjie felt that the price was really too low, and he was suspected of taking advantage of others, so he asked Bob to sell it, which cost an extra 1500 million US dollars. However, this villa is really good, with a good location and beautiful scenery.

Versace still faces many difficulties. The company's sales performance has never risen since 1998. In the 21st century, sales have continued to decline. Since 01, there has been no profit.The death of Versace seems to have taken away all the good luck of this fashion kingdom. The company's listing plan fell through, and the Asian financial crisis severely damaged Versace's Asian business.On the contrary, the succession of global economic depression, 9? 11 terrorist attacks, sars and the crisis of the Iraq war made versace only struggling.

At this time, the entire luxury industry has undergone fundamental changes.Big capital groups such as lvmh, ppr, Richemont and other groups scrambled to acquire large and small luxury brands at the turn of the century: and arzotto group to take over their subsidiaries...Industry integration is accelerating, and capital operations and professional managers are replacing traditional and common family operations.

In order to ensure the pure family blood, Donatella and his brother Santo Versace (Santo Versace) worked hard to support them, but they always escaped danger every time. In this, the credit of Chen Kangjie is indispensable.

It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to meet all the advertisers, Fan Wenxuan and Liu Deyi will decide the rest, but the final commercial shooting date and content need to be approved by Chen Kangjie.They later selected Nestlé, GlaxoSmithKline, HSBC, Volkswagen and other companies to join in.The commercial shooting plan continued until the beginning of 98.

Originally, there were still quite a few commercials for foreign-funded enterprises to shoot, but Chen Kangjie could not favor one over the other, or even let the rich water flow to outsiders.Due to the participation of domestic coy electronic technology company, Warwick software company, Master Kong food company and free semiconductor company, Chen Kangjie must have to give up invitations from some foreign companies.

Even if it is an advertisement of a subsidiary company, Chen Kangjie still needs to charge money, but the price does not need to be so high. They only need to spend 5000 million RMB to invite Chen Kangjie to be the spokesperson, but their endorsement activities have to be later. Way, Chen Kangjie is too busy.

Through this series of advertising contracts, Chen Kangjie earned nearly [-] million U.S. dollars in remuneration, and according to his promise, the money would be put into the long fund.



At noon on September 9, after arriving at Zhucheng, Chen Kangjie went to see He Baoguo first.

At this time, He Baoguo, as the leader of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, independently owned an independent villa in the No. A middle-aged man with sparse skin, rough skin, a slightly upturned mouth, and a slightly fat body.

After being introduced by He Baoguo, Chen Kangjie knew that this man would be his leader for the next four years. He was Yu Weimin, secretary of the party committee and president of Gongshang University, and also the first batch of doctoral supervisors in the school, majoring in business administration.

In the quiet compound, after Chen Kangjie chatted with his godfather and godmother and Professor Yu Weimin in the living room, the three men went to He Baoguo's study to discuss serious matters.

"Xiaojie, this is your new file, take a look." As soon as he entered the study, He Baoguo took out a file bag from the drawer and handed it to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie bypassed the thread, opened the file bag and took out the file prepared for him. It turned out that his name was changed to Chen Wen, and his hometown was still in Qianzhou, but his family had changed to Eastern Guangdong Province, and his parents were civil servants. and businessmen.His college entrance examination results have also been revised, and his total score has been reduced by more than 100 points. However, in the school, he is still a student with high grades.

"I called you Chen Wen because you had the nickname 'Lao Wen' when you were a child. Your parents are civil servants and businessmen because your life can't be too shabby. Your test scores are cut because you don't want you to get too much attention. Even so, This file of yours is also confidential, and it has been filed by the National Security Bureau. In the school, no one except the principal Yu can view it. In the province, only Secretary Tan, Governor Situ, and I know about the situation. I don’t understand. The photo column is empty, you can use this photo or not,” He Baoguo explained from the side while Chen Kangjie was reading the information.

After Chen Kangjie read it and memorized it, he handed the file back to He Baoguo, and He Baoguo handed it over to Yu Weimin, "Principal Yu, I hope you can keep it safe."

"Governor He, don't worry, I will be careful," Yu Weimin said respectfully, and then watched Chen Kangjie carefully put the documents into his briefcase.

"Chen Kangjie...oh, no...Chen Wen..." Before he could get used to it all at once, Yu Weimin called Chen Kangjie's name wrong after putting away the documents, and he was so frightened that he hurried Watching He Baoguo cautiously, he corrected himself.

He Baoguo didn't show his displeasure, but just reminded him solemnly, "Principal Yu, I hope you don't call me wrong in the future."

"Sure, sure," Yu Weimin nodded hastily, avoiding He Baoguo's sharp eyes awkwardly, and turned to Chen Kangjie, "Student Chen Wen, according to your request, the organization will transfer you from the School of International Finance to the Department of International Economics and Trade." , the major is economics, and the class is Class 97 of International Economics and Trade of the 45th grade. The head of the department is a professor just hired from the School of Economics of Princeton University. The [-] students from the school come from [-] provinces..." In order to let Chen Kangjie understand the situation, Yu Weimin told Chen Kangjie the information he had carefully prepared. If Chen Kangjie hadn't stopped him, this deputy minister The professor may tell him the information of each student.

"Just now your godmother advised you not to live on campus, but to live at home. You disagree, and the school has prepared a separate single room for you as a dormitory." He Baoguo and Weimin finished speaking eloquently, and then looked at Chen Kangjie lovingly and said.

"It's obviously inappropriate for me to live in the provincial party committee compound, and it doesn't match my identity. If that's the case, wouldn't it be obvious who I am? As for the single-room dormitory arranged by the school, it's also inappropriate for me. I know, only young unmarried teachers can live there. If I live there, what will happen? No, no, let me live in a normal dormitory like ordinary students,” Chen Kangjie explained.

Yu Weimin's expression froze, but his heart was thumping.If Chen Kangjie chooses to live off-campus, or even in a dormitory specially prepared by the school, then he has no idea. If Chen Kangjie wants to live with other students casually, then Yu Weimin is worried, at least his safety cannot be guaranteed.

He Baoguo did not continue the topic just now, but diverted, "You said you want to live a simple student life, so how do you ensure that you won't be recognized by teachers and students?".

"Hehe, of course I have a solution. Don't forget, I'm filming in the United States. There are all kinds of clever makeup and disguise techniques in the industry. Others will not recognize it. Don't worry," Chen Kangjie said, patting his chest.

"Well, in this case, if you want to live in an ordinary dormitory, you can live in an ordinary dormitory, but you have to be careful. By the way, for your safety, your security personnel have been registered as ordinary faculty members in the school. Their identities can be school security guards, dormitory administrators, school staff, electricians, etc., so that they can provide protection for you when necessary," He Baoguo continued.

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