In the morning, all the matters that Chen Kangjie dealt with were important matters within the group, especially in Southeast Asia.

After eating the lunch delivered by Liu Deyi, he could really focus on the relevant advertisements.Regarding the internal affairs of the group, Chen Kangjie didn't tell Liu Deyi directly, everything depended on his own observation, and Chen Kangjie didn't shy away from him, but he was also observing him in turn.As the closest person, it needs long-term observation.

"Did these advertising plans be made by Shuangai Advertising Company?", after Chen Kangjie finished reading an advertising document, he pressed the beeper to call Liu Deyi in and asked.

As Chen Kangjie's assistant, Liu Deyi has an independent desk at the door of Chen Kangjie's office. As long as Chen Kangjie works here, it will be his office.If Chen Kangjie is not in New World Tower, Liu Deyi can be very casual.

Opposite the Botanical Garden Campus of Technology and Business University, there is a newly developed high-end real estate called Wanjiang Community. Here, there is a small six-story building owned by Chen Kangjie. Liu Deyi independently owns a three-bedroom, one-living room with 108 square meters.This is not only his residence, but also his daily office. All the facilities inside are complete, and they are all specially installed. Xiong Ziqiang and the others live here with him.

"Yes, Mr. Zhu has arranged a team to be responsible for your advertisement," Liu Deyi replied standing up.

"Sit down and talk. Tell them later that this plan has to be redone. If this kind of plan is handed over to those big international companies, it will definitely be rejected. It's too petty. Anyway, they don't spend money, so why save money? What? Let them use their brains to conceive well, communicate with the advertising side more, and the content they make should be both Eastern and Western, so that they will have business next time," said Chen Kangjie, tapping the folder on his desk.

"They have communicated before, such as the Armani company, but they didn't have any complaints. They said that they would hand it over to you and shoot the commercials. They believe in your ability," Liu Deyi said plainly.

"They really think highly of me, and even became a shopkeeper." Chen Kangjie stood up with a wry smile, and walked to the window with his hands behind his back to look at the scenery in the distance.

"Who told you that you are an international director? They have figured it out. If the commercials you shoot don't have a good response, it will destroy your own brand." Liu Deyi stood up and followed, standing behind Chen Kangjie One meter away.

"Hey, well, they are smart, why did we take their money?" Chen Kangjie said with a sigh, looking at the green hills in the distance.

Chen Kangjie spent the whole afternoon in the office conceiving commercials for each manufacturer.In fact, he can negotiate with the planners of the advertising company, as there are more people and more strength.But he also knows that it may be difficult to achieve good results. As long as he puts forward his opinions and ideas, it is impossible for them to refute them, and it is very unlikely that there will be arguments. It is better to think quietly alone It really came, anyway, before he was reborn, he had seen many advertisements of these big companies, as long as he softened it, he should be able to use it directly.

In the evening, Chen Kangjie did not go back to school, but lived in a villa by the lake. Next to him, Xiong Ziqiang also had a smaller villa.I bought this after meeting Chen Kangjie.

In terms of geographical location and environment, this area is the best villa area for building a city. It is close to the high-tech city, besides the green lake, and there are green mountains in the distance.It can be said that it is quiet amidst the hustle and bustle. There are mountains, water, forests, and cities. There is no better location than this place.

After the villa area was built, it was not sold to the outside world. Many foreign owners who invested in the high-tech city wanted to buy it, but they couldn't find a place to buy it.The reason is that these villas are all for personal use, and the people who can live here, except for the executives of large companies under Chen Kangjie, are high-tech scientists. Some of them may not live here, but this is a good place for self-cultivation and vacation. The place.It was Chen Kangjie's instruction that Xiong Ziqiang was able to buy a set.

However, the staff around him don't have to worry about finding a room to live in here. Chen Kangjie's own villa can accommodate 30 people without any problem.

Xiong Ziqiang's mother and younger brother Xiong Zikai have both moved here, and their old house has been occupied by the district.With the expansion of the city, Gulong Township, which was originally ten kilometers outside the urban area, has been planned as a new urban area. The district will build a gymnasium, museum, and an exhibition center there.Xiong Ziqiang's old house was included in the scope of demolition. As a last resort, his mother had to move to the provincial capital.

Xiong Zikai had already graduated from Qianzhou University of Technology. After graduation, he was hired by Coy Company. He worked in the high-tech city. Therefore, Xiong Ziqiang gave him his own villa to live in, just in time for his mother to take over.Anyway, he doesn't usually play house very much. The environment here is very good, just for his mother to spend her old age in peace. He can't be by his side to take care of it, so he can only entrust it to his younger brother.

This is the first time for Chen Kangjie to stay in this villa by the big lake. The villa is mainly light yellow and white. The road from the garden entrance of the villa to the lake is built with wooden strips painted light yellow, because there is a wetland below. , so as to minimize the impact on the environment.The front is a garden and lawn, the side is a swimming pool and a court, and the back is a fitness center. The villa has four garages and four outdoor parking spaces, which can fully meet Chen Kangjie's needs. It took a group of more than 20 minutes to browse the villa. lock up.

"Brother Qiang, you can go back. It's rare for you to come back once, so just spend time with your aunt. It seems that there is nothing you can do here." Back in the lobby of the villa, Chen Kangjie reasonably wanted to drive Xiong Ziqiang back to him. Go to your own home.

"Jie Shao...".

"Come on, don't be hypocritical. I chose to live here tonight so that you can spend a day at home with peace of mind. Do you still want to reject my kindness?" Chen Kangjie waved his hands and said generously.

With that said, Xiong Ziqiang would not be able to stay.In fact, he really wanted to go back to see his mother, but he couldn't leave at will. Back then, his mother had warned him to serve Chen Kangjie with all his heart. He was the benefactor of their family, otherwise, her illness would not be cured. It is impossible for the younger brother Xiong Zikai to go to college. He himself is probably a prisoner if he is not wandering.

Xiong Ziqiang turned around and left. Chen Kangjie's inadvertent words made the people around him feel even more grateful and respectful to him.Although Chen Kangjie was targeting Xiong Ziqiang, they could feel that Chen Kangjie's kindness and benevolence were also targeting them, but Xiong Ziqiang became a representative.

Chen Kangjie went to his room to change clothes, and went to the restaurant downstairs to have dinner. When he reached the middle of the stairs, he saw Xiong Ziqiang and Xiong Ziqiang walking in with their mother.

"Brother Qiang, is this...?" Chen Kangjie walked down the stairs quickly and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Are you Xiaojie?", the white-haired, thin but not old bear mother asked Chen Kangjie hoarsely. The clothes she was wearing were still the old blue cloth clothes with slanted buttons, a typical image of rural old people .

"Ma'am, it's me, don't stand there, please sit down, come and sit down here," Chen Kangjie respectfully responded and greeted with the courtesy of a junior.

Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang got acquainted because of his mother, but this is their first real meeting.

Mother Xiong looked at Chen Kangjie lovingly and happily, and with his persuasion and Xiong Ziqiang's support, she sat down on the sofa in the reception area next to her.

"Our family is able to have today's life, it is thanks to you, here, auntie thank you very much", said Xiong mother was about to stand up and salute.

How could Chen Kangjie make her an old man like this, so hurry up and stand up first.

"Auntie, don't say that. If you say that, it will break me. Brother Qiang has been by my side all these years, and I don't have much time to serve you. It should be that I am sorry for you. You should sit down Well, if you have anything to say, let's sit down and talk," Chen Kangjie quickly resolved.

"Look at you, it sounds like it's your fault instead. How did this happen? Zikai, don't just stand there, thank him quickly. If it weren't for Xiaojie, where would you be today, where would our family be today?" , Chen Kangjie refused to let her express that Mother Xiong did not insist on embarrassing Chen Kangjie in front of so many people, but after he sat down firmly, he called Xiong Zikai to come forward to represent their family.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie, who was kidnapped back then, has grown into an adult and has achieved earth-shattering outstanding achievements, Xiong Zikai was filled with emotion. He was a little afraid to look at Chen Kangjie, and took two steps forward in a quiet manner. bowed to Chen Kangjie.

In order not to refute Mother Xiong's intentions, Chen Kangjie bowed peacefully before supporting Xiong Zikai.

Except for Liu Deyi, everyone has more or less heard about the process of Xiong Ziqiang and Chen Kangjie getting acquainted.When this scene appeared in front of them, every nose felt a little sour.

"You are a good person just like your father," Mother Xiong said sincerely after everything calmed down.

"Ma'am, have you met my father?"

"I have seen it more than once. In the past few years, he has visited our village several times to inspect and guide the work, and solved many problems for us. Only when we meet such a good official can we ordinary people live a good life. What a pity, He transferred away," Mother Xiong said emotionally.

Liu Deyi, who was quietly standing aside, heard that Chen Kangjie's father was an official for the first time. He felt that he didn't know enough about Chen Kangjie.

"Auntie, thank you for your praise. I will tell him another day. I believe he will be very happy. However, as far as I know, the leaders behind are also good," Chen Kangjie said happily.

After chatting for a while, Mother Xiong invited Chen Kangjie to go over to his house. She cooked some home-cooked dishes and invited Chen Kangjie to have a casual meal. This time, she came here mainly for this, to express her feelings.

Chen Kangjie naturally did not refuse, not only did he go, but the others followed.Xiong Ziqiang's mother cooked a table full of dishes, although they didn't look luxurious, but they tasted very appetizing, and only Chen Kangjie could eat this kind of native dishes at home, which made him feel a little nervous for a while. homesick.

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