rebirth of change

Chapter 1079 Shocking Conspiracy

In the first semester of the freshman year, the freshmen who just entered the school were fairly well-behaved. The enthusiasm for learning that they had in high school still maintained. Maybe two out of five.

Comparatively speaking, the learning atmosphere of the Technology and Business University is still very strong. Compared with a few years ago, it is simply a world of difference.The reason is that apart from the great improvement of the school's student resources and stricter school management, another factor is that everyone is competing for the school's scholarship.If you can get the first-class scholarship, you will basically solve your tuition fee problem completely, which is very attractive to children from ordinary families.Even with the second-class scholarship, my living expenses for one academic year are covered.

After dinner, the dozens of self-study rooms and the three halls of the library are basically full. Even those students who want to fall in love will regard these places as love fields, at least they can show to the opposite sex that they are studious good boy.

Relatively speaking, sophomores and juniors have less self-study. Many of them are bound by love, and some of them indulge in fun.There will be a lot of senior students in self-study, and most of them are people who want to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

Since there are many professional classes in the afternoon during the freshman year, Chen Kangjie is basically in school from Monday to Friday, and only leaves school on Saturday and Sunday to deal with his work. He said that the advertisements he received were based on this time.

Liu Deyi will notify him on Thursday if they need to go to other places to shoot locations. In that case, they can leave on Friday and come back before Monday morning.Chen Kangjie seldom goes to the self-study class, and even if he does, he just goes to the library to read books.

The other three boys in the same dormitory, after getting to know the girls in the fellowship dormitory, often meet up to go to self-study. As for whether they are together or separated, Chen Kangjie can't control much, anyway, he won't go.If there is no one in the dormitory, he will either call or read a book borrowed from the library.This made the relationship between him and his roommate not as close as expected. In fact, Chen Kangjie just had no interest in those girls.

20 days after entering the school, the National Day was ushered in.

Originally, Chen Kangjie was going to Mingzhu on this National Day. Fan Xuexi had been admitted to Fudan University in Mingzhu. He agreed to see her, and he went to Jinling casually to visit Deng Min of Jinling University.

But Chen Kangjie couldn't go, he had to go to Hong Kong.

After a month of preparation and accumulation, more and more hot money has entered the Hong Kong market, and they have made three or four tentative attacks on the Hong Kong foreign exchange market. They use financial futures to buy Hong Kong dollar futures and contracts for three or six months. Into the Hong Kong dollar, and then quickly sell short.As a result, the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate against the U.S. dollar fell to 3/6, which is known as an important psychological key point of the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate.Hong Kong's monetary authorities quickly fought back.To meet speculators by tightening monetary policy and raising interbank interest rates.The Hong Kong Monetary Authority raised interest rates on loans to banks, forcing banks to return excess positions, and speculators who borrowed money to sell Hong Kong dollars to buy U.S. dollars were discouraged by the extremely high speculative costs in the face of a tough situation.Therefore, in a short period of time,

That is to say, it took a week to restore calm to the Hong Kong market, and the speculators returned without success.

But everyone knows that these speculators will not evacuate so easily without getting a good return.Perhaps it won't be long before a more powerful and ferocious company will arrive, and it will be a fierce hand-to-hand combat.

The Hong Kong authorities may have predicted that they cannot rely on their own strength to deal with the next financial attack. After all, they only have 1000 billion US dollars in foreign exchange reserves. Under this severe situation, they asked the central government for help.

Some time ago, the central government has sent an assessment team composed of two economists and three central bank technical officials to Hong Kong.Later they came to the conclusion that the hot money hitting Hong Kong's financial market this time was at least 5000 billion U.S. dollars, and Hong Kong's strength alone would undoubtedly fail.

At this time, the mainland's foreign exchange reserves are only 800 billion US dollars. Even if they invest all of them, it is hard to say that they will have a chance of winning. What's more, it is impossible for the mainland to take out all the foreign exchange reserves.Otherwise, if there is a change, the consequences will be even more unimaginable. These foreign exchange reserves are crucial to stabilizing the domestic economy and foreign trade, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

Moreover, based on the provisions of the "Basic Law", the mainland cannot meddle in Hong Kong's internal affairs at will. Even if there is a request from the Hong Kong government, it will inevitably attract criticism, and it will definitely leave a dark political tail afterwards. Dissidents will definitely hype the mainland government's violation of the relevant provisions of the "Basic Law". This is a great political risk when Hong Kong has just returned to the motherland.

The high-level executives thought of Chen Kangjie under the desperation after being overwhelmed.Under the current situation, Chen Kangjie is the best candidate, and only he has the strength to help Hong Kong survive this hurdle.The mainland's economy must not be dragged down, and the theory of "Hong Kong's decline" must not be allowed to become a reality.

For this, Wei Zhonghua, the Prime Minister and Zhao Zhibang held a video conference with Chen Kangjie.Chen Kangjie didn't have time to go to the capital, and it was impossible for the three big shots to come to Qianzhou to meet him during the National Day, so that was the only way to go.

"The situation is very serious, Xiaojie, you must attach great importance to it, give full play to your talent and capital advantages, and help Hong Kong win this battle. At the same time, we will find ways to help you protect your identity," said When Wei Zhonghua said this, his face was solemn.

"After four consecutive probing attacks in the previous period, although the Hong Kong foreign exchange market has not moved fundamentally, the loss is not small. The Hong Kong government invested more than 200 billion U.S. dollars, but only returned 130 billion, with a loss of more than 80 billion. If the loss exceeds half, Hong Kong will inevitably It will lead to financial turmoil and social instability," the Prime Minister put down the documents in his hand and simply said to Chen Kangjie.

"Without the intervention of external forces, Hong Kong would lose more than half. Among Southeast Asian regions, Hong Kong's wealth is the most abundant. If Thailand is a piece of fat, Hong Kong is simply a roasted whole lamb. Faced with this temptation, opponents In other words, once Hong Kong falls, it may be worse than Thailand, and the financial industry is the pillar of Hong Kong. With so many banks, fund companies, securities companies, and a large number of shareholders, Hong Kong’s 1000 billion US dollars will definitely not be able to fill this big hole." Chen Kangjie saw a more serious situation, and he had to estimate the worst situation a little more seriously. Favors sell a little bigger.

Hearing what Chen Kangjie said was so serious, the three big bosses all looked gloomy, shocked and frightened.What is surprising is that the severity of the situation will exceed their expectations at any time. What is afraid is that if Hong Kong is really taken down, the whole country will be dragged into it.It is impossible for the mainland government to just watch Hong Kong's depression and decline, and will rescue it from a strategic height and the perspective of public opinion.

But the country is not that rich yet, there is a shortage of money everywhere, and there are still many foreign debts that need to be stabilized.The rescue of Hong Kong will not be effective if you invest too little money. If you invest too much, you will fall into a quagmire. The problem is that Hong Kong is a strategic place that has to be rescued. It is not only about our opening to the outside world, but also about us. international reputation.Once Hong Kong is in trouble, Hong Kong, a pluralistic society, will definitely fall into chaos. Many people will miss the British rule, which will destroy the great idea of ​​"one country, two systems".

This is a difficult issue related to the core interests of the country. Once one country, two systems is widely doubted, the impact will be far-reaching and incalculable. National security, peaceful reunification, revival, geopolitical peace, and national self-confidence will all be hit.

Among other things, it is still unknown whether Macau can return to China in two years. Moreover, there are still more than 2000 million compatriots in Baodao who are watching with open eyes. If they judge that this system has no advantages and practical value, then the entire Chinese nation will It is unknown how long the reunification will be postponed, and the fundamental confrontation brought about to protect one's own interests will continue forever.

Chen Kangjie even suspects that this financial turmoil caused by external forces is actually coming to Hong Kong, and this is their fundamental goal.

Just like a battle, the first attack on Southeast Asian countries with close economic and trade relations with Hong Kong is just to cut off the outlying strongholds.When these countries are hit, on the one hand, it can solve Hong Kong’s foreign aid, and more importantly, it can make Hong Kong’s funds in these places flee in large quantities and shrink back to the base camp, so that the enemy can launch a larger-scale war of encirclement and annihilation.

At this time, Chen Kangjie even thought of the siege and aid tactics used in the battle of Tang Gaozu Wude three to four years (AD 6 to 621) when Qin Wang Li Shimin led the Tang army to conquer Wang Shichong's Zheng Guodu Luoyang. Luoyang City was instead besieged to attack Dou Jiande's [-] troops who lured reinforcements.In the end, Dou Jiande's [-] army was wiped out, and Luoyang City was finally successfully captured by Li Shimin.

"This may be a shocking conspiracy." The more Chen Kangjie pondered, the more he felt that the Americans had really adopted the ancient tactic of besieging the city and fighting for aid behind the scenes.

"A shocking conspiracy?" Wei Zhonghua and the three of them asked at the same time.

Chen Kangjie organized his thinking, and slowly expressed his expected analysis. To his surprise, the three of them were not as surprised as he imagined.

As a top politician, of course one has to look at problems far-reaching.Before the teleconference with Chen Kangjie, the Politburo held several meetings and consultations, and they actually came to roughly similar conclusions.Of course, when such a judgment came out of Chen Kangjie's mouth, they were impressed and stressed.

The reason is that Chen Kangjie’s position and perspective are different from theirs. If their predictions are based on the relationship between major powers, then Chen Kangjie’s conclusions are based entirely on reality and technical details.In other words, Chen Kangjie's conclusion will be more credible, like a set of math problems, they are just guessing, but Chen Kangjie has calculated the steps.

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