rebirth of change

Chapter 1086 actual combat exercises

Since their training is compound, there is basically no difference between the military types. The most obvious difference is only two formations. medical team.

After the injuries that occurred in the rescue of Tuo Peixi last time, Zheng Jun and the others decided to add some professional medical personnel to the army no matter what.After deliberate solicitation, these people were finally brought in from China. Most of them also had military backgrounds, and half of them were majors in surgery.This is a reality that needs to be considered. Whether it is training or fighting, the most vulnerable injuries to them are trauma.

These people who can be regarded as technical troops are also different from those in China. They also have daily shooting and fighting training, so even if they encounter emergencies, they can also take up guns to resist.

It is a little regretful that there is a lack of female soldiers here, which makes this kind of army more masculine and less gentle, and it seems a bit monotonous.But it's easy to understand when you think about it, the officers and soldiers of the Republic stationed on the islands and reefs in the South China Sea are all male soldiers.

When these soldiers stepped forward in front of Chen Kangjie and their eyes slowly passed over his face, many people were surprised, they never thought that the commander Zheng Jun said was so young.Fortunately, Chen Kangjie changed his face, otherwise, if they knew that a famous superstar was directing them, their jaws would probably drop.

This army walks vigorously and vigorously, and the people standing next to them feel that the biggest difference from the domestic soldiers is that they seem to have blood on them, whether it is their gestures or their resolute eyes.Chen Kangjie suddenly thought of a person, Rambo in "First Blood", as long as he looks at you sharply, you can feel his eyes are like a knife, sharp and cold.

This kind of temperament that comes out naturally is not something that can be shown casually on purpose. It is only a characteristic that can only be seen after seeing blood and facing life and death calmly. Among the more than 500 people, perhaps not everyone participated in the battle, and not necessarily everyone killed someone.But Zheng Jun made up for it with his harsh and close-to-actual combat methods. Besides, the officers in this kind of army have basically participated in actual combat, and everyone has at least lost a few lives on their hands, thanks to them Together with Chen Kangjie, he fought fiercely against the separatist forces in the jungles of South Asia. That time, in order to rescue Tuo Peixi, it really gave the participants a good opportunity to exercise and improve.

At the end of the parade review, two groups of helicopters flew over roaringly in the sky, each group consisted of five helicopters. Ten meters away, within reach.

Just after the helicopter flew over, the next thing was the "heavy queue" composed of jeeps and large trucks. Without tanks, armored vehicles, and missiles, these ordinary things would be able to support the scene.

Although the things are ordinary, the driving effect is not bad. In addition to the neatness and meticulousness of the trucks, those jeeps will perform some stunts when they drive in front of Chen Kangjie, such as two-wheeled unilateral forward, S-shaped crossover, and the jeeps on the car. Soldiers also have to aim and shoot at the door of the car. This kind of sports design is a test of skill and training.

Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, who were watching, couldn't help applauding and congratulating them. It seems that they usually train hard, otherwise they wouldn't have such a wonderful effect. Four cars intersected, but there was no collision or scratch.

After the military parade of the exercise was over, the next step was an exercise close to actual combat. In order to allow them a relatively sufficient preparation time, Chen Kangjie gave them half an hour.

After drinking a glass of water in the lounge of the airport and resting for half an hour, Chen Kangjie and the others, accompanied by Zheng Jun, boarded a straight-eight naval transport helicopter.

In order to have a more intuitive and close observation, Zheng Jun arranged an aerial view, because the acting is performed on the sea, beach and mountain jungle, only from the air can the whole process of acting be captured by the eyes, which also reflects Zheng Jun's self-confidence.

With the loud roar of the propeller, the helicopter took off.

"Brother Zheng, there is something I want to ask first. If you are with us, who is in charge of your exercise director department?" With the helicopter rising, Chen Kangjie approached the window and asked loudly.

"Director department? What director department?" Zheng Jun responded loudly.

"Isn't there a director department for the exercises? Commanding, judging, supervising, setting rules, etc. Isn't that the same for domestic exercises? Haven't you participated in domestic exercises?" Chen Kangjie was curious.

"Hehe, I see, Master Jie, we don't have a director department. If there is one, everyone is a director, and everyone is a judge and supervisor. We don't have a red team and a blue team, only hostile For the two sides, winning is the ultimate goal and the key, as long as you can win, you can do whatever you want," Zheng Jun explained proudly.

"Haha", Chen Kangjie smiled and clapped his hands, "Okay, okay, that's how it should be. On the real battlefield, there are so many rules to follow. In order to win, no one will do anything. Domestic exercises are really boring. The red side wins, how can there be such a good thing? This kind of long-arranged result is simply self-deception, an exercise? Acting is almost the same, the soldiers on the field have become actors, and everyone is walking according to the prescribed routine. It’s no wonder that they can develop combat effectiveness. In peacetime, everyone says they are elite soldiers, but if a war really breaks out, I’m afraid they can only scold the other party for not obeying the rules after being captured. They obey the rules? I’m afraid they are crazy.” Chen Kangjie was excited Said.

It has been a long time since the exercises in the domestic military have been criticized, and it has not been once or twice.But for a good result, the dozens of large and small exercises held every year are actually like acting. It seems that everything is in order, and on the surface it is in full swing. In fact, there is nothing new. For many years, there is no innovation in tactics. , The methods have not been developed, and the middle and low-level commanders are all imprisoned in a cage, making it difficult to exert their personal initiative.

Chen Kangjie remembered that there was a TV series that told stories in the army, and it was also a military exercise. The commander of the blue team finally defeated the red team because of unconventional means, but he was punished because he violated the order of the director department and made The exercise did not move toward the stated goals.

How absurd this is, it's no wonder that that method can serve the purpose of tempering the army, as if everyone has become a frog at the bottom of a well, sleeping all day long on the credits of past glory, that's why some military commentators say that we China's combat effectiveness is at least 30 to [-] years behind that of the United States.

Chen Kangjie appreciated Zheng Jun's practice of beating the team in such a realistic way, and he was also relieved that he did not choose the wrong person.

"There will be no casualties, right?" Although Chen Kangjie praised their exercise method, Chen Kangjie still cared about those officers and soldiers.

"Injury is inevitable, and death will not occur under normal circumstances. The guns they use in the exercise are ordinary, but the bullets are changed. The hit will only make people feel painful and leave marks on the body, not It is life-threatening. Moreover, the damage caused by this method is not as great as that caused by their hand-to-hand combat. It is completely a real fight, haha." Thinking of many of his subordinates twisting together and fighting in groups, Zheng Jun couldn't bear it. Live snickering.

"That's good".

After a while, Chen Kangjie and his helicopter came over the beach not far from the pier. The exercise has already started. Today’s part at sea is to show that the troops stationed on the island intercepted a suspicious cargo ship. They asked to board the ship, but were refused. The incident of forcibly boarding the ship under the resistance of the other party.

Looking through the binoculars from the window of the engine room, it was suspicious and clear that four small boats were chasing a medium-sized cargo ship. When the small boat approached, someone on the cargo ship used a high-pressure water gun to stop it.

A small boat was inadvertently washed up and overturned immediately. In desperation, the soldiers on the other three boats immediately fought back with force. As for those who fell into the water, they could only swim ashore by themselves.

Of course, the use of high-pressure water guns cannot be the opponent of submachine guns and assault rifles. The "crew" on the cargo ship gave up the use of high-pressure water guns, but drew out pistols and rifles to fight back, so that the small boats still could not approach the cargo ship.

In order to climb close to the freighter, the soldiers on the boat fired multiple tear gas at the freighter, and opened the machine gun on the boat to suppress the firepower on the ship.

After more than ten minutes of dangerous fighting, another small boat finally approached the port side of the freighter under the control of the left and right sides of the other two small boats. After the hook at the top of the ship hooked the mast firmly on the side of the ship, the first fully armed and gloved combat team member pulled the rope with both hands and began to climb while the ship was moving.

The role of the first person is crucial. His task is to climb up, establish a defensive position, and protect the rope that provides the way forward.

Suddenly, Chen Kangjie saw that someone on the boat found the rope, and some of them bent over and approached this side with a knife. It seemed that his purpose was to cut the rope.

Chen Kangjie's heart suddenly rose. He was very worried about the combat team member who was still in the air. If the rope was cut, he would undoubtedly fall into the sea. Falling into the sea, anything can happen, but the steel ship next to it is still moving.

However, just as the resisting crew member reached the rope first, stood up and was about to slash at the rope, the combat team member in the air shot first, and the submachine gun in his right hand fired a bullet, hitting the enemy's chest, and the man was killed immediately. Knocked to the ground.

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