rebirth of change

Chapter 1087 The Way of War

The result of the sea exercise ended in the victory of the island troops, but it also paid a heavy price. It did not look calm like the usual exercise. Four small boats, one rolled over, all the personnel fell into the water, and the other was killed. Severely wounded, two combatants "dead".Six of the fifteen crew members on board the cargo ship were "killed", three were injured, and six others were captured.

"Jie Shao, let's take a look at our island defense operations. Imagine that because the armed cargo ship was investigated, the enemy's large force launched a beach landing, and we want to block the enemy's landing, that is, the anti-landing operation." The helicopter did not stop, but Flying towards the beach, Zheng Jun explained in advance.

The combat force for beach landing is two to one, with 100 people on the defense side and 200 people on the landing side.

Of course, there will be no landing craft, amphibious tanks and other things on this scale of landing. Assault boats and helicopters are used for landing, while the defenders rely on terrain and some helicopters to start a fierce battle.

During the inspection at the airport just now, only jeeps and large trucks with heavy equipment on the road appeared. In fact, because this is an offshore island, there are far more equipment at sea than on the road.

At sea, in addition to freighters and transport ships, the troops also have assault boats, inflatable boats, etc., and there are many high-speed boats.

This exercise assumes that after the landing party approaches the island, [-] assault boats below will fight for the beach, and the standard combat team members on each boat range from eight to ten people.

Looking from the air in the distance, under the cover of five transport helicopters, the scene of twenty high-speed boats rushing to the beach is still spectacular.The aroused white waves are connected one by one, just like the blue sea being boiled.

The defenders didn't fire from a long distance, so apart from wasting bullets, the effect would not be too great.

It would be foolish for the defenders not to be on the beach, because there is no danger to defend, no way to cover themselves and avoid bullets.They chose a forest behind a width of more than 50 meters, so that in addition to using the thick trees and the boulders in between to avoid local attacking bullets, they can also use leaves and shrubs to hide their whereabouts.

Just as the boat was about to rush onto the beach, there were intensive gunshots, and the defenders fired intensively.

Fortunately, the gunpowder ammunition was not used, otherwise, many small boats might be blown up at this time if they were not densely packed with gun holes.

Relying on the high-speed inertia, the small boat still rushed to the beach for more than ten meters smoothly. With the advantage of numbers, if they can advance another thirty meters, then the defender will undoubtedly lose.

However, the defender obviously made some relevant preparations. Even when the time was tight, they still planted some "landmines" on the beach.

Although the number was not too large, four boats still encountered each other, and they were immediately blown up to "overturn".This is the result of imagination, because it is impossible to use real landmines for exercises, but the thick black smoke that rises does indicate that the four boats and the combatants on them are basically sacrificed or lost their combat effectiveness.As a related rule that has been used before acting, the four boats and the people on them can only stay in place, the "dead people" will not move, and the other people who are hit are also treated the same, except that the hands and feet are hit In addition to being able to resist, if the head and upper body are hit, they have to fall down consciously, which indicates that they have been killed.

To put it bluntly, this is very similar to the popular war game a few years later. Through that kind of simulation game, everyone can experience the fighting passion of the soldiers. Many units even regard organizing employees to participate in the war game as a new expansion activity, to exercise Team awareness as well as alertness and physical coordination of employees.

The way Zheng Jun and the others are currently adopting is very similar to the war game, but the level is much higher, the sense of reality is much stronger, and the pain of being hit by a bullet is more skin-to-skin.Smoke billowed from the beach and gunshots rang out.

Although the small boats that did not step on the "landmines" stopped, it was difficult for the attacking team members on the boats to cross the mine pool half a step, and the intensive firepower suppressed them firmly behind the assault boats.

The opponent is in the woods, covered by trees and stones, which is equivalent to being in the dark. These offensive players hiding behind the boat under the scorching sun feel that they are in the bright spot, and they are easy to target.They were not just being beaten, they also took out their guns to fight back, but they couldn't see the detailed location of the opponent's personnel, so the guns they fired were aimless. If they hit the opponent, it was mostly luck. kick in.

They also sent some personnel to form a stormtrooper to crawl forward, trying to think that they could get close to the woods by sticking to the ground and carry out mountain warfare.

However, the defenders have a better way. In addition to throwing "grenades", they also used the ammunition advantage to set up a "flame gun". The red smoke from the "flame gun" can envelope the crawling soldiers like flames. If it is true In the case of flames, these soldiers will either be burned to death or burnt, and they will definitely lose their combat effectiveness.

In the air, members of the covering helicopter fired fiercely into the woods from the air, but the helicopter that assisted in letting go of the island also came to the sky above the battle and fired violently at the local helicopter, squeezing the local helicopter to the ocean for air combat.

Chen Kangjie, who was about one kilometer away from the battlefield, was constantly scanning the battlefield with a telescope.

"It seems that although the attackers have a large number of people, they are completely under attack. Their casualties will obviously be much greater than those of the defenders. Now that the air support has been squeezed out, it is probably impossible for them to completely land on the island." , Chen Kangjie did not put down the telescope in his hand, but commented in his mouth.

Zheng Jun and Ouyang Zhenhua also observed every move on the battlefield with binoculars in hand.Although Ouyang Zhenhua didn't know much about war, he could see the general idea.

"Indeed, they were beaten so hard that they could barely hold their heads up. It's only been so long since the battle started, and they have already lost one-third of their casualties," Ouyang Zhenhua echoed Chen Kangjie.

Zheng Jun didn't speak immediately. He continued to observe for a while before saying, "This may not be the case. The war is changing rapidly, and anything may happen before the end."

Zheng Jun's words seemed to be much more cautious and persistent, and he didn't say anything dead.On the one hand, his words reflected the way of war, and on the other hand, it also showed that he had a better understanding of the two troops in the fierce battle below, especially their commanders.

Chen Kangjie put down the binoculars and looked at Zheng Jun. Zheng Jun had a serious face and was very confident in his own opinions and judgments.

After a while, Zheng Jun's judgment was verified.

Just when the attacker sent another team to launch a new round of attack and was blocked and wiped out, gunshots rang out from the left side of the defender, and their flanks were suddenly attacked. For a while, the forest became chaotic, the branches and leaves trembled, and there were obvious people Quick activity inside.

Faced with such a sudden change, the barrier and suppression on the beach in the defensive position immediately weakened. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the combatants behind the assault boat on the beach were all impulsive and launched a reckless onslaught.

"What's going on here?" It was not Chen Kangjie who asked this question in doubt, but Ouyang Zhenhua.

Of course, Chen Kangjie was also full of doubts, but he had to be more sensitive and didn't ask such simple questions directly. Instead, he searched for clues on the battlefield and combined various information to think.

According to Chen Kangjie's inspection of Christmas Island and the detailed map drawn, there are only two places around the island suitable for landing, one is the beach below, and the other is located in the north of the island, where there is also a beach suitable for landing, and the rest Either there are strange rocks, or cliffs. Of course, you can also land from the port, but there are people on duty there, and the equipment is better. If you don't invest heavy firepower, it is almost impossible to directly occupy the port.

The most important thing is that there are only [-] small boats assigned to the attacker, and the others are battlefield assessors and battlefield ambulances driving on the outer sea. Since all the attack ships have been invested, it is impossible for the attacker to be Log in elsewhere.

Chen Kangjie was a little puzzled. On the right side of the battlefield was a cliff more than [-] meters high. Could it be that the attacker sent a team to climb up from there?

In order to confirm his guess, Chen Kangjie asked the pilot to fly the helicopter around the sea on the opposite side of the cliff. Regarding Chen Kangjie's behavior, Zheng Jun only showed a slight smile on his face, and did not send any comments.

After arriving at the designated area, Chen Kangjie raised his binoculars to search in that area.

It didn't take long before everyone made a new discovery. There were two ropes hanging from the cliff, and there were more than [-] sets of diving equipment discarded on the rocks below.

"It seems that some people jumped into the sea while the boat was advancing, avoided observation by diving, and then climbed up this cliff that no one else thought of. As long as they can go up the mountain, it won't take long for them to appear in defense Fang's defensive position on the left side." After his guess was confirmed, Chen Kangjie made a statement and judgment.

"Yes, from the very beginning I noticed that there were less than 200 people on the small boats, but from the perspective of the defender, it was impossible to detect that's all. And in order to confuse the opponent, several full-staffed boats were arranged to rush ahead, and then In addition, their offense is not weak, so the defenders did not think that their purpose is actually to play a diversionary role, and the real idea is to cover these people from infiltrating from the side," Zheng Jun added.

"If you say this, doesn't it mean that the offensive team will definitely win? They already have a large number of players, and now the defensive team is caught off guard," Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

"That's not necessarily the case. It's still the same sentence. No one knows the outcome until the end. This is how real wars are. This is the biggest difference between our exercises and domestic military exercises." Zheng Jun still seemed cautious.

Due to unexpected incidents, the troops on the beach successfully entered the jungle, and the offensive and defensive warfare suddenly turned into a guerrilla warfare in the jungle and mountains.

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