rebirth of change

Chapter 1092 Electronic Seal Security

"Yeah, before we met, I thought Yang Qian and the others were good girls, but later on, I felt that Yiqing was much better than them, although we didn't talk face to face," Chen Jundong said in a dazed way.

Chen Kangjie couldn't help smiling, "So it's just unrequited love, so there's no need for it." Chen Kangjie put his arm around his shoulders and continued, "Brother, see clearly for yourself, charge when it's time to charge, Let go when it's time to let go, your choice is in your hands."

Chen Kangjie's explanation made Chen Jundong feel more comfortable, and his depressed expression eased a lot.Chen Kangjie didn't bother him either, and left him alone on the roof to digest it for himself. No matter what others say, it's useless, the most important thing is to figure it out.

At noon on the third day after returning from Christmas Island, Chen Kangjie was taking a toilet in the toilet, and Chen Jundong yelled outside: "Chen Wen, your phone number".

Chen Kangjie thought to himself, shit, who is calling at this time, making me feel uneasy.

"Did you say who it was on the phone? If it's not important, let's wait," Chen Kangjie said angrily.

"I don't know either. He didn't say anything, and I didn't ask, but the voice should be that of an old man," Chen Jundong said to Chen Kangjie sticking on the toilet door.

old man?Chen Kangjie was a little puzzled, could it be his father who called?

Thinking of this, Chen Kangjie didn't dare to complain anymore, "Put the phone aside, wait for me for a minute, and I'll come out right away."

Chen Kangjie resisted the discomfort in his buttocks, tidied up indiscriminately, and hurriedly opened the door to answer the phone.


"Hehe, I'm sorry to bother you." The person on the phone said a joke with a hearty laugh, and his voice was calm and vicissitudes.

"Oh, so it's Uncle Huang." Hearing the voice, Chen Kangjie immediately knew it was Huang Zhenhua, and his mood dropped a little.

"What? It seems that you don't welcome hearing my voice. Do you think that Comrade Qi Gang made the call?"

"Uncle Huang, what is there to welcome or not? I really thought it was my father who made the call. Why? Uncle Huang is actually interested in calling me today."

"Now you are my leader, of course I want to find you, otherwise how can I complete the tasks assigned by the central government?" Huang Zhenhua continued to tease.

"Hehe, hehe, since that's the case, you still dare to disturb me, should you be punished?" Hearing what Huang Zhenhua said, Chen Kangjie seemed very happy.

Hearing that Chen Kangjie was talking on the phone with an old man in such a polite way, and joking in an easy-going tone, Chen Jundong and the other two roommates became interested and listened carefully.

"Haha, then you should be punished. I will come to Qianzhou for inspection in two days. When the time comes, I will treat you to the law. It will be regarded as punishment." Walk.

Chen Kangjie understands that during Huang Zhenhua's trip to Qianzhou, the local inspection of work is probably secondary, and the main thing is to meet him and make a good connection.

Seeing Chen Jundong and the others listening to him talking on the phone, Chen Kangjie glared at them. He picked up the phone, straightened the wires, went to the balcony, and closed the balcony door.

"Okay, I'll give you this face. Then you can ask the secretary to call me. By the way, why did you call me directly to my dormitory?".

"Where can I call if I don't call the dormitory? Only in the dormitory can I find you. Don't worry, I use a red security phone."

"Your phone is red, but mine is not."

"The phone number in your dormitory will not be leaked," Huang Zhenhua comforted.

But it was Huang Zhenhua's consolation that made Chen Kangjie uneasy. Why was Huang Zhenhua so sure that the phone in his dormitory would not be leaked?There is only one possibility, this phone is specially made and is absolutely monitored by relevant departments.

If this was the case, not only would there be no confidentiality for Chen Jundong and the others to call, even Chen Kangjie's superiors would know who he called and what he said.

Thinking of these, Chen Kangjie's heart skipped a beat.No, it is absolutely not allowed to be exposed naked to others, Chen Kangjie immediately thought.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Kangjie immediately walked out of the dormitory. He came to the duty room on the first floor, pretended to ask something, found Xiong Ziqiang who was on duty, and called Zhao Rundong on the phone he had left there.

At this time, Zhao Rundong is preparing a series of work for the upcoming new generation of flagship mobile phones of Anycall Communications Company. After Superstar has achieved success in the global market, Zhao Rundong and the others have paid more attention to the company's research and development. Their current strategy is to sell one generation and store one generation , R&D generation.

The upcoming phone is a dual-screen flip phone, and anycall is banking on the leading handset to gain greater global reach and market share.In particular, the living space of foreign goods in the country will be further reduced.

This was the first time Chen Kangjie called Zhao Rundong directly. He was a little surprised, but when Chen Kangjie asked Zhao Rundong to prepare a mobile phone for him, he returned to normal.

"Jie Shao, if you want to use a mobile phone, I recommend you a flip phone with bluetooth. This is our company's storage technology. It is planned to be used in the next generation of mobile phones and will be launched in three years." Chen Kangjie To use it, of course Zhao Rundong had to come up with the best things.

Chen Kangjie also used a mobile phone before, but he gave up after using it for a while, because he rarely had the opportunity to use his mobile phone when he was in middle school.Now that he is in college, he goes to school under a pseudonym and cannot be with Xiong Ziqiang and the others at any time, so Chen Kangjie feels that he needs to get another mobile phone with him.

Even though our economy and technology have made great achievements, mobile phones are still luxury goods at the moment, and not everyone can afford their prices and high phone bills.

However, with the passage of time, more and more people use mobile phones. Even on university campuses, some students with better family conditions have begun to use this electronic product, which is more advanced than CD players, but the number is still small. Very rare, unlike six or seven years later when most people have one.

"No, just follow the model you are about to launch on the market, and don't use the reserved technology on it. I don't want the results of your labor to be plagiarized because of me. However, anti-eavesdropping is necessary." Chen Kangjie insisted If you are low-key, you can't use something so conspicuous.Safety is what he wants most.

It's just that after Chen Kangjie used his mobile phone with him, it was impossible for him to keep a low profile like before. At least, he became the first student in the class to carry a mobile phone.

The revelation of anti-eavesdropping technology is not difficult. For decades, researchers from various countries have been continuously researching it. Not to mention the size of the civilian market, at least in the field of security, it is widely used by confidential government departments in various countries.Moreover, with the advancement of technology, eavesdropping and anti-eavesdropping have become both easy and difficult.

Saying it is easy means that as long as one party's technology can be one generation ahead of the opponent, it will become easy. Saying it is difficult is because the opponent will catch up in a relatively short period of time.This is not like ancient times, where a certain technology takes a long time to be absorbed due to its slow spread.

As one of the leading companies in the communication field, anycall naturally has some technologies in this area.

"Jie Shao, this is not difficult to do, but if you need real anti-eavesdropping, you have to change your mobile phone every month, and we need to upgrade it for you once a month," Zhao Rundong said.

"Just change it, I'll call someone to pick it up when it's done." For safety's sake, Chen Kangjie didn't care about that.

"Okay, Master Jie, but since you called, I also want to talk to you about something."

"What's the matter?"

"Look... our soon-to-be-launched mobile phone, can you endorse it?" Zhao Rundong euphemistically and directly put forward his request.

Now is no longer the era when wine is not afraid of deep alleys. To have good products, you also need to have good promotion and marketing methods, which can quickly increase the popularity and sales range of products.

"This... I'm afraid it will be difficult, and the time can't be arranged at all. Moreover, I hope you can focus on technology and the product itself. As long as your product experience is good and you always have a leading edge in technology, Pay attention to management. In fact, advertising or not is not very important. I hope you can produce products that will be sought after even without paid advertising. In that case, anycall company will truly enter the ranks of outstanding companies," Chen Kangjie said after a moment of hesitation.

As his own company, Chen Kangjie wanted to agree.After all, he advertises for foreign companies, so he can't give all the good soup and medicine to others.However, Chen Kangjie suddenly thought of a company, Apple. The products of this company rarely advertise, but they are popular all over the world with their products.Apple is not the only company like this. In the high-tech industry, there are many companies that do not advertise, but they focus on technology, management, innovation and teamwork, and they still stand proudly in the market for a long time.

On the contrary, there are many companies relying on advertising to stand out and obtain extremely high sales in a short period of time.This kind of explosive achievement will go to the head, and everyone will feel that they are already great, thus ignoring many more important tasks.In the end, such enterprises are often short-lived, and disappear after a few years.

In fact, not looking for a spokesperson does not mean that you really don't value advertising, it's just that the way of advertising is different.The cheapest and most effective way of advertising is to rely on word of mouth. Perhaps because this method seems so simple, many companies fail to do it well.It is extremely easy and extremely difficult. The easier things are, the more difficult they are. Whether it is design or research, just like Goldbach’s conjecture, it is just a sentence: any integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of three prime numbers.Such a simple sentence has baffled countless mathematicians for more than two centuries.

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