rebirth of change

Chapter 1093 Disaster Moved Northward

Since Chen Kangjie's command of Hong Kong's counterattack against financial attacks is highly confidential, Huang Zhenhua had to find a high-sounding excuse to meet with Chen Kangjie to discuss details.When he went to Qianzhou for inspection, he really put on some pretense. Accompanied by his old partners Tan Changguo and Situ Kuo, he first visited the construction progress of the high-tech city, then walked around the university town, and finally, he went to the water confluence near the fortification. The county visited a village.

On the second night, Huang Zhenhua called Chen Kangjie, and he didn't use the secretary's hand, just like last time, he made the call himself.

Although Huang Zhenhua will become Chen Kangjie's subordinate in a short period of time, it is impossible for Huang Zhenhua to come to the Technology and Business University to meet him. Even if he comes to inspect, there will be a large number of accompanying personnel from the province, city and school. There was no opportunity for a private conversation at all.

At nightfall, Chen Kangjie, accompanied by Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun, drove to the Second Guest House of the Provincial Party Committee. The last time Chen Kangjie took a walk with Huang Zhenhua here, and at that meeting, he manipulated He Baoguo and Liang Minkuan's regional swap, but Unexpectedly, He Baoguo came back, and Liang Minkuan was still working in Caiyun Province.

At this time, Berkshire has been directly governed smoothly, but the level has not been raised to the level of other municipalities directly under the central government, it has only been raised from the deputy provincial level to the provincial and ministerial level. ministerial level.

That night, Chen Kangjie and Huang Zhenhua did not take a walk in the yard, but had a private discussion in the room for more than two hours. The outside world had no way of knowing what they talked about.

In fact, if anyone from the outside world knew about it, they would be astonished. During the two hours, more than half of the time was Chen Kangjie explaining the details and key precautions to Huang Zhenhua.The superior-subordinate relationship really shines through.

There was no way around this, Chen Kangjie didn't have much time, and Huang Zhenhua was always busy, so only by going straight to the point and going straight to the point could he be clear and benefit the cooperation of the two.

Although Huang Zhenhua has reached the deputy national level, he also knows that Chen Kangjie is not an ordinary person, especially in the financial field. Any discomfort, on the contrary, he listened very seriously, but after listening to Chen Kangjie's explanation, Huang Zhenhua was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

Hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth were suddenly in the hands of Chen Kangjie. It can be said that this young man has held the lifeline of the country's development for several months.

"Xiaojie, I will cooperate closely with you in everything, but how sure are you?", at the end, Huang Zhenhua asked with a suspenseful heart.

"I'm not sure, everything is still unknown, how can there be any certainty, it depends on luck," Chen Kangjie replied with a serious face.

"Ah? Not sure?" Huang Zhenhua reacted a little too aggressively, completely out of fright.

"Hehe, I see you are scared, Uncle Huang, don't worry, you put your worries in your stomach, dare not say 90.00%, at least [-]% sure, otherwise, how could the central government entrust you and me with important tasks What about it? I dare not make fun of your official luck," Chen Kangjie laughed, gloating to resolve the misfortune.

"Let me just say, how could you not be sure?" Huang Zhenhua lost a mouthful, rubbing his chest and said, it seemed that he was really frightened just now.

During the inspection in Qianzhou, it took Huang Zhenhua only two days to return to the capital. Chen Kangjie hadn't got his mobile phone yet. When he got it, Huang Zhenhua would be able to call him at the critical moment.

Chen Kangjie has made all preparations here, but the plan has not changed quickly. The Hong Kong financial market has not had much movement for several months, and the stock price has remained above [-] points. Something went wrong.

For three consecutive months, the South Korean won has depreciated continuously, and the stock price has plummeted. In order to maintain its status as a member of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Bangziguo implemented financial liberalization in the early 90s, which provided opportunities for international speculators to enter its market. convenience.

By the end of 1997, South Korea's foreign exchange reserves were only an extremely pitiful US$19 billion.

There is no way around this. The economic form of Bangzi Country is very interesting. Although they are a free market economy, the government has the greatest influence on the economy, not the market.The government provides strong support to enterprises through banks, especially large enterprise groups. It can be said that their results are indeed not good. In just the past ten years, dozens of very influential chaebols have appeared in South Korea, and the stock market has also been pushed to a very high level by them. high altitude.

With the emergence of "prosperity", the national self-confidence and sense of honor have indeed been greatly enhanced. However, it also paved the way for this crisis.

When Thailand's financial market was hit and fell, the good days of Bangzi Country came to an end.International financial institutions have suspended financial support to Asian banks across the board, and the first to feel the difficulties are those that have close ties to companies.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, financial speculators entered the South Korean financial market one after another to sell short, and the South Korean financial market immediately became worse and suffered heavy losses. According to Di Qiuren’s report, South Korea’s foreign exchange reserves were emptied by 334 billion U.S. dollars. Part of it fell into Chen Kangjie's pocket.

On the news, Chen Kangjie saw that the South Korean government sent a government delegation to visit the United States to seek support from the United States.

But Chen Kangjie knew that it was impossible for the U.S. government to provide any support. They were the original driving force behind it. How could they stand up and fill the big hole they dug.

Two days later, the South Korean delegation returned without success, and the United States did not spend tens of billions of dollars to sponsor them just because they were allies.Four months ago, the Thai government also sought help from the United States during the most difficult period. The result was the same. They did not get a dime. The US government only sent a delegation of not too high a level to visit Thailand to give verbal comfort. Just a moment.

"Jie Shao, the operation against South Korea has initially ended." On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1998, Chen Kangjie, who was in the United States, met Di Qiuren again. Di Qiuren made a special trip to the United States to report to Chen Kangjie.

In the first semester of university in 1997, Chen Kangjie spent it in a dull and busy way.Seven days a week, Chen Kangjie spent the four and a half days very uneventfully, except for attending classes, he spent time in the library, or got together with Tan Jian and the others.In the other two and a half days, I was busy finishing those commercial shootings.

For these high-quality commercials, Chen Kangjie really almost used up his weekends, and he even flew abroad twice and outside the province three times, all because of the need for location.

During this period of time, although he didn't come up with any works to reward his fans, they were able to watch the commercials performed and shot by Chen Kangjie through the TV screen, which was better than nothing, and relieved some of their lovesickness.

The exam before the summer vacation was over, and Chen Kangjie flew to Los Angeles in a hurry. He had to use this spare time and climate to complete the rest of "Titanic". Although the Christmas movie box office peak has passed, Chen Kangjie firmly believes in this movie Still a blockbuster success.

Chen Kangjie just came back from the set. After taking a hot shower, he was a little tired and sat in front of Di Qiuren in a plush pajamas with coffee.

"Tell me, I've been very busy recently, so I haven't paid much attention to it," Chen Kangjie asked after taking a sip of his strong coffee, putting down his cup.

"South Korea has suffered unprecedented losses. There were more than 100 financial institutions in the country before, but now only half of them are left, and almost 150 have closed down. Almost every day, more than five financial institutions close their doors. As for enterprises The number of bankruptcies is even more astonishing. First, small and medium-sized enterprises, and later even large enterprises have encountered crises. Daewoo Group is estimated to be difficult to survive. At present, the debt ratio of listed companies in South Korea is approaching 13.00%. The situation is very bad. Since there is no Receiving aid from the United States, the South Korean government urgently established two institutions, one is a savings insurance company and the other is an asset management company. They plan to use the state finances as a guarantee to issue bonds to the society and plan to raise no less than 24 trillion won. Public funds are used to support the structural adjustment of financial institutions. At present, they have closed down 110 banks, and nearly [-] insurance companies, securities companies, and comprehensive financial companies in the second financial circle are being merged and liquidated. Enterprises The direct result of the bankruptcy is that the non-performing loan ratio of the bank has risen sharply, which has reached [-]%. It has reached [-]%. The closure of enterprises and financial institutions has caused the unemployment rate to rise sharply. Take ordinary bank jobs as an example, the employment competition rate exceeds [-] to [-]... ", from Di Qiuren Every number that comes out of the mouth is surprising.

"Could it be that the IMF is just sitting back and doing nothing? Or is South Korea not asking for help from the IMF?" Chen Kangjie reacted flatly to those sensitive numbers, and he really felt that it was too normal.

"Why don't you ask for help? And it's almost begging, but the IMF's money is not easy to get. They planned to ask the IMF for 580 billion U.S. dollars in aid, but it was greatly discounted. Last week, the IMF decided to provide the South Korean government with 215 billion U.S. dollars , and added many clauses, it is estimated that the Korean economy will be under the control of the imf for several years in the future, and it is also because the money is not enough that they will try to issue bonds to raise funds by themselves," Di Qiuren knows the inside story inside.

If you want to mix in this industry and get a lot of benefits, you must have the support of various talents.Just like Chen Kangjie's subordinate team, now there are not only economists, but also mathematicians, information analysis experts, and even financial intelligence officers.

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