rebirth of change

Chapter 1098 Open the curtain

In the capital, Mengting Hotel reserved a presidential suite for Chen Kangjie to use all year round, but he still bought several courtyard houses in the urban area. Among them, a large-scale courtyard house with three roads and five entrances in the northeast corner of the Forbidden City was kept by him for his own use. This was originally the residence of a governor in the Qing Dynasty.The courtyard is large and the layout is square and reasonable. There are seven south and seven north in the courtyard. There are front yard, back yard, east yard, west yard, main yard, side yard, cross yard, study yard, enclosure yard, etc. There are corridors in the yard connecting all places. , occupying a large area.Su-style painted, carved beams and painted buildings, simple and elegant.The house is bright and spacious.In order to show its identity, this courtyard uses a horoscope wall, inlaid with glass.

There are pomegranate trees, oleanders, golden osmanthus and silver osmanthus planted in the courtyard.Jasmine and impatiens are planted in the rectangular flowerbed under the steps. There is also a simple and simple fish tank in the backyard, in which twenty or thirty goldfish are raised. ", "Fu Lu Shou", "Immediately Fenghou", "Plum Blossom", "Peony", "Magpie", "Mouse Deer" and other carvings are very detailed and rich in content.In particular, the words "Immediately Fenghou" can be seen first as soon as you enter the main courtyard.

The discharge of domestic water in the courtyard is in the form of seepage pits. In order to adapt to the living in the new era and enjoyment of Chen Kangjie, the side rooms on both sides of the main house were converted into modern toilets and bathrooms.In short, except for the necessary parts, this villa-style courtyard house retains its original appearance as much as possible. Only some mottled and dilapidated parts have been properly repaired, but it is also carried out in accordance with the principle of repairing the old as before.

From a modern point of view, courtyard houses may not be as advanced and comfortable as modern villas, but living in them still feels very comfortable and free. Facing north and south, the ventilation and sunshine are very good, and the most important thing is that you can feel the atmosphere of history.

This courtyard was usually cleaned when Chen Kangjie was not in residence. This time when Chen Kangjie came, for the sake of security and confidentiality, the idlers were naturally on holiday, and Xiong Ziqiang and the others were responsible for the logistics services.

"This courtyard should be very expensive, right?" Lin Ling asked happily as she stepped in the main courtyard covered with a layer of snow. It was obvious that she liked it here.

"It's not expensive, it's only about 1000 million, but in another ten years, it's estimated that 8000 million won't be able to buy it," Chen Kangjie replied, grabbing a ball of snow in his palm.

"Wow, more than 1000 million is not expensive?" Lin Ling turned her head in surprise.

Chen Kangjie threw out the snowball that he had pinched in his hand, and it happened to hit the trunk of a pomegranate flower a few meters away, and the snow powder splashed everywhere.

"Of course, such courtyards are becoming less and less. With the construction and development of the city, they will be demolished in large numbers in the future, until things become rare and expensive. By then, a villa worth 1 million yuan will not be comparable to a courtyard. Therefore, if you want to invest in real estate, buying some courtyard houses is more cost-effective than anything else,” Chen Kangjie said in a businessman’s tone.

"Then haven't you invested a lot?"

"Hehe, there are not many. Now I just bought a few good and relatively complete lots. If possible, I also want to buy a few alleys. But my purpose is not just to invest and make money, but these are historical Buildings should be protected. The four sides of the courtyard are the four directions of east, west, north and south. Once the gate is closed, they are combined together. In ancient times, generations of a family often lived together in this way. This reflects our view of family affection. Living in such a In the house, the concept of family and family relationship will become very important. Unlike high-rise buildings, when the iron gate is closed, no one knows anyone. Like some houses, many households live together, forming a humanistic psychology, maintaining traditional culture, A living environment with harmonious relations between neighbors and outsiders. It forms a social network system with the family courtyard as the center, the neighbors as the main line, and the community area as the plane. In addition, the courtyard also has the meaning of wrapping together.” Chen Kangjie put his arms around Lin Ling’s waist affectionately said the explanation.

"As long as I stay with you, I seem to be able to discover the wonders in your body and mind at any time." After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Lin Ling said emotionally.

"Hehe, is that right? It's cold outside, let's go to the room and let you find out what's wonderful about me," Chen Kangjie teased seductively.

Lin Ling took two steps forward, broke away, and said shyly, "I don't want it, and I don't want to see what time it is, it's still broad daylight."

"Hehe, what are you afraid of? The truth will be revealed in broad daylight. Come on." Chen Kangjie looked like a nasty yamen, which was quite different from his usual image.

"Heck, don't, I don't want it." Afraid of being caught by Chen Kangjie, Lin Lingjiao smiled and ran away a few steps. Seeing that Chen Kangjie didn't come after him, she stopped and suggested, "Why don't we build a snowman? I haven't built a snowman in years."

If Chen Kangjie wanted to catch up with her, Lin Ling would not be able to hide. What he did was just teasing. Anyway, Xiong Ziqiang and the others lived in the south courtyard and would not come to the north courtyard. The two courtyards are connected by a hanging flower gate, but Without a summons, they would not come in to spoil the atmosphere, otherwise they would not know what to do.

In ancient times, the south room of this kind of courtyard house was usually the guest room and the residence of the servants. Usually, they were not allowed to enter the main courtyard casually.Of course, Chen Kangjie would not treat Xiong Ziqiang and the others as servants. If Lin Ling wasn't here, they must have lived in the East and West Wings.It's just that it's really inconvenient for them to break in at this moment.

Lin Ling likes this place because she can have a relatively large independent space, so that he can get along with Chen Kangjie without any worries. The three-meter-high wall separates the inside and the outside into two completely different worlds.

"Then we'll make a picture of you." It was rare for Lin Ling to be so happy, and Chen Kangjie naturally wouldn't go against her wishes.

The two men in leather gloves didn't use any tools, they gathered the snow in the yard with their hands and piled it up.

Fortunately, the yard is big enough, and the snow is not too small. The snow on the ground is more than ten centimeters thick. Otherwise, it is still difficult to pile up a snowman with the height of a real person.At the beginning, it was Chen Kangjie holding the snow and Lin Ling doing the construction, but her construction efficiency was not very high, and her lower body was shaped like a panda, which did not reflect her own beauty at all, let alone her upper body.

As a last resort, Chen Kangjie could only play in person, and Lin Ling changed roles to provide snow for Chen Kangjie.Chen Kangjie brought a small shovel from outside, first patted the snow tightly, and then removed the excess, at least not to make the snowman carved based on Lin Ling too bloated.

When Lin Ling was helping, she kept giggling, giggling, and pointing Chen Kangjie from time to time.It took an hour for Chen Kangjie to complete the lower body, but it seems that he has to cooperate with the upper body.

Lin Ling is not short, Chen Kangjie had to use a stool to cooperate.At this time, Chen Kangjie was like a sculptor, and Lin Ling was pulled to the side by him to stand as a model.

It took a total of more than two hours for Chen Kangjie to complete his first snow sculpture.To be honest, apart from her figure, her facial features are so-so, basically she can be said to be like any pretty girl.No matter how capable Chen Kangjie is, he has never been trained in carving, and some skills were learned from filming.

But when Lin Ling took off her hat and scarf and put them on the snowman, Chen Kangjie tore off two buttons from her clothes and glued them to make eyes, and Lin Ling painted her lips red with her own lipstick.

After these series of processing, a new version of "Lin Ling" carving is completed.Even though it didn't look like Lin Ling was very happy, her little face was flushed red from the cold, but she didn't feel cold at all, instead she felt warm all over her body.After dancing around the snowman he made twice, he ran back to the room to get the camera and asked Chen Kangjie to take pictures of them.

When I woke up the next morning, the weather was getting warmer.But when Chen Kangjie and Lin Ling walked out of the room holding hands, the snowman was still intact, Fangfo accompanied them like a third person who hadn't slept all night.

The few days in the capital with Chen Kangjie were Lin Ling's happiest time in recent years. Like ordinary couples, they climbed the Great Wall, visited the Forbidden City, and went to the Capital Grand Theater to watch a performance together. Before they were exhausted, the two also drove a small boat to visit Chuncheng Lake.

This is due to the fact that in winter, the two of them were tightly wrapped up and both wore hats. Even if Chen Kangjie was not easy to show, few people could recognize him, and no one would have thought that he would wear a He took a beautiful lady to the capital to play.

Playing during the day and lingering at night, in order to save time and go out to accompany Lin Ling, Chen Kangjie didn't even visit Huang Zhenhua, there was nothing wrong with him, he felt that he owed Lin Ling too much.

Happy time always flies by quickly, in the blink of an eye, five days have passed, and the two had to leave the capital city that left them with unforgettable memories.

Chen Yufen called and asked Lin Ling to go back to study and prepare for the product plan and marketing preparations after the beginning of the new year. Chen Kangjie also had to return to Zhucheng. In addition to the school opening soon, there were also changes in Hong Kong.

Throughout 1997, international speculators did not make any new moves in the Hong Kong market. They just carried out a few more tentative attacks. Chen Kangjie did not intervene in this level of feint, and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority responded independently. For more than two months, they Lost 15 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Those international speculators first put their actions in South Korea. Apart from Di Qiuren's intervention, they may also consider that they need to accumulate more strength to win Hong Kong in one fell swoop. Moreover, during the Spring Festival, the market is relatively strong, and international speculators also This edge needs to be avoided.

Just as the global Chinese New Year was coming to an end and the market was heading for the usual weakness, international speculators who had been planning for a long time began to attack the Hong Kong financial market. This real battle that lasted for several months finally kicked off the curtain of history.

As the commander of this financial battle, Chen Kangjie certainly couldn't stand on the sidelines. Even though he had already made a plan of action and communicated with Huang Zhenhua and Han Geng, he had to sit in charge in person to prevent accidents from happening.

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