rebirth of change

Chapter 1101 Proposal 1

Valentine's Day is romantic. Not only are tens of thousands of young people who buy and sell flowers densely gathered on the four main roads in the center of the provincial city, but the simple western restaurants are also full. There are also shrewd students on the campuses of universities and colleges who are ready to cut flowers in advance. Good roses are sold, and the profit on this day can range from three times to more than ten times, which is very profitable.Under the background of the strong atmosphere of the people around, a shrewd person can take two or three hundred roses and they will be sold out in a blink of an eye, and it is almost no problem to earn living expenses for a month or two.Walking around the campus, you can see a girl holding flowers or other gifts within a few steps, which is quite a romantic atmosphere.

That night, Chen Jundong was the first person to return to the dormitory, better than Ge Zihao.When he came back, Chen Kangjie was writing with his head on his stomach.

After Chen Kangjie made several phone calls, he took out a stack of manuscripts and was drafting materials.The time for the two sessions is not far away. As a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Chen Kangjie must not only keep his ears and eyes open if he wants to fulfill his duties of participating in and discussing state affairs. It is best if he can come up with a valuable proposal report.

The scope of the proposal report can be very wide, including politics, economy, culture, technology, people's livelihood and other aspects.However, in order to improve the quality of a proposal and enhance its credibility and operability, a lot of research and preparation work is required.

The current status of Chen Kangjie is not convenient for doing research work in person. One is that time does not allow it, and the other is that his status cannot do real research by himself.If his interviewee knew that he was Chen Kangjie, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, he would be surrounded by spectators, let alone work.

Therefore, Chen Kangjie simply started from the place he said he was familiar with, which would save a lot of trouble.

Right now, what Chen Kangjie is most familiar with is the issue of education. He has always maintained his status as a student, and he has always been in school. If the experience before rebirth is added, he has stayed in school for more than [-] years. Of course I am familiar with this one.After thinking about it for a while, he planned to start from this aspect and come up with a proposal on education issues.

Many people pay attention to education, because they focus on fairness, the gap between urban and rural areas, the college entrance examination system, quality education, etc., but Chen Kangjie chose a direction that he is familiar with, the public is also familiar with, and at the same time, it is rarely brought up for discussion. The teaching subjects are set, among which foreign language education is considered a key point.

Foreign languages ​​are the same as mathematics, too many people learn them and don't use them.

Foreign languages ​​and mathematics are of course completely different subjects.If mathematics may have three functions: improving thinking ability, measuring IQ, and using mathematical knowledge, foreign languages ​​are inferior to mathematics in the first two functions.It is weaker than mathematics and Chinese in improving thinking ability and measuring IQ.In terms of intelligence, it seems to be similar to Chinese, but in terms of the depth of language mastery, especially in terms of writing ability, foreign languages ​​are far from mother tongues, and what can be measured in middle school foreign language learning is mainly memory.

Chen Kangjie's good foreign language is due to his super memory. He deeply remembers the scene where he spent a lot of time being memorized by English words every day before his rebirth.

However, in our consideration, foreign language learning and mathematics learning are similar in one dimension, that is, their future use is highly doubtful.Mathematics knowledge will be difficult to be used by most people in the future, because the mathematics knowledge learned is too advanced for most people's work and life, and what can be used is limited to the arithmetic knowledge of primary school.The inability to use a foreign language is the opposite. It is because they cannot pass the test, and this is probably a secondary reason. The more important reason is that most people do not need to use a foreign language in their future work and life.After such an argument, the necessity of foreign language learning is more suspicious than mathematics, because it does not have the function of mathematics to improve thinking ability and measure IQ.

The above comparisons were not dreamed up by Chen Kangjie. He got them after reading a lot of educational books and educational science research materials. Some experts specialize in comparative studies in this area.

In the end, only a few people have the opportunity to use a foreign language. Why does it become a compulsory course? Isn't this a companionship?This requires a detailed investigation to ascertain two facts.

First, how much time students spend on foreign language learning during junior high school, high school and college, and second, what proportion of the population uses a foreign language after graduation.

Chen Kangjie did not have detailed figures. In order to clarify this situation, he planned to entrust the Yangtze River Society to do such a survey.

Even if there is no detailed data, Chen Kangjie can judge from his feeling and his own experience that each student spends the most time on foreign language learning in junior high school, high school and college, even surpassing Chinese and mathematics.In middle school and college, when I wake up in the morning, I often hear many people reciting music words, but I rarely hear people reciting Tang poems and Song poems.

When he was in middle school before rebirth, Chen Kangjie spent an average of one hour a day on English learning. Among all subjects, this was the most time-consuming. There was no such pressure and enthusiasm for memorizing historical materials, political and historical materials.

Once upon a time, there was a famous saying in the society that "learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, and you will not be afraid to travel all over the world". However, after entering the 90s, this sentence has gradually been replaced by foreign languages.

In contrast, the 90s were not too much, in a few years.Foreign language education is going to be even more deformed. It turns out that elementary schools and kindergartens have started to teach English, and there are even many students whose foreign language is better than Chinese. How sad and shameful this is!Moreover, foreign language education has also formed a huge industry. From review materials, training to examinations, it has become a broad industry chain. Almost every city has foreign language training schools. A large proportion of learning reference materials in bookstores are foreign languages, and there are also A listed company specializing in English education has appeared. If you run a kindergarten, if it is not bilingual, it will not be of high grade.

Learning a foreign language is not a bad thing, just like that joke, if a mouse learns to bark like a dog, it can scare the cat.But it is absolutely not advisable for all the people to learn a foreign language and spend a lot of money to learn a foreign language.Even with the rise of globalization, our exchanges with countries around the world are getting closer and closer, Chen Kangjie does not support the fact that all people regard death as home and forget food and sleep in English learning.Because he is sure that not one out of ten people will use a foreign language as an essential tool in their future work.

The price is too high, and students spend too much time learning foreign languages, naturally they will not have much time to study Chinese, history and science.Chen Kangjie remembers watching a TV program in which a reporter interviewed a middle school student and asked him to talk about the history of the Qing Dynasty. As a result, what he said were all the same as in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge". It can be said that this student has almost no knowledge of the history of the Qing Dynasty. learn.

In addition, our postgraduate examinations, no matter what the major, unexpectedly require a high level of English proficiency, for example, the postgraduate entrance examination for Chinese language and literature, the postgraduate entrance examination for Chinese history, and even the postgraduate entrance examination for oracle bone inscriptions.I really don't understand, do these majors have anything to do with English?Is it necessary to read a large number of foreign language works to do research in this area?If this is the case, then it is the saddest of sorrows. Chinese people rely on foreigners to study their own things. They should definitely buy a piece of tofu and kill them.

At such a juncture, before English education becomes a torrent of disaster, Chen Kangjie intends to do his best. He is not trying to wipe out foreign language education, which is an overkill and unrealistic.But he wants to help it stop, make its development more reasonable, and make our education closer to society and needs.

He didn't want to see that many Chinese students had read "Hamlet", "Pride and Prejudice", and the foreign language version of "The Three Musketeers", but they hadn't read "Zuo Zhuan" or "Journey to the West" , "Feng Shen Yan Yi" and "Dream of Red Mansions".Take today's situation as an example, the proportion of middle school students who have read "Journey to the West" and "A Dream of Red Mansions" is very small, and there are very few students who have read "Zuo Zhuan" and "Book of Songs", not to mention in middle schools, even in universities. This is a kind of sinking, which is not good for the improvement of our country's soft power.

As the survey data has not yet come out, Chen Kangjie only needs to draw up his own framework and actionable proposals. The data will be added in at that time, just to enhance the credibility and persuasiveness of his proposal.

Chen Kangjie's general idea is that there is no need to cancel the English subject, just adjust its importance.

He suggested that at the junior high school stage, English subjects should be set as elective courses, and students can make choices according to their own hobbies, and the senior high school entrance examination should not be listed as an examination subject.Because if students choose to go to vocational high school or secondary technical school, the importance of English can be completely ruled out, which will reduce the burden on students a lot.In high school, it can be listed as a compulsory course, but the college entrance examination does not have to be linked to foreign languages.

Of course, if you really make fun of the English test, no matter how compulsory it is, it will be useless, and some schools will even cancel foreign languages ​​directly.Because under the current background of everyone's pursuit of enrollment rate, especially the rate of enrollment will be linked to the interests of teachers and leaders, they will not care about foreign languages.

Therefore, Chen Kangjie thought of a compromise solution, that is, if the school you are applying for is a key university or the major you are applying for is related to foreign languages, such as Western languages ​​and literature, such as international trade, such as Western economics, etc., then such candidates It is necessary to take the foreign language test, because it is very likely to have a great effect on their future study, research and work.

Through such adjustments and combinations, Chen Kangjie feels that the burden of foreign language learning can be greatly relieved for many students, allowing them to be liberated to a certain extent.Let them free up time to learn something more interesting and practical.

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