rebirth of change

Chapter 1100 The Lover Chapter

February 2th is the beginning of the new semester of the university. On this day, many students have rushed to the school from all directions, because this day is Western Valentine's Day.For those who don't have a girlfriend or a crush, it's nothing, but for those who have a girlfriend or a crush, it's a big day.

In middle school, this Valentine’s Day was not accepted by many people, but in college, with the broadening of horizons and the absorption of Western culture, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Christmas and other representative Western festivals are popular in domestic universities. The campus is getting hotter and hotter.

Since it was the report day of the semester, Chen Kangjie had to come to the school to register even though he did not pay the tuition fee and did not go through the formalities, at least to show that he was not absent.

When Chen Kangjie arrived at the dormitory, all three of his roommates had already arrived. Among them, Ge Zihao had just got off the train and had just put down his luggage.

"Hehe, it's very tidy. How's your year going?" Chen Kangjie greeted the three of them when he pushed the door open.

"Hey, it's not the same, the change is that there are more lucky money", Chen Wenjie said casually while sitting on the bed folding the sweater he just took off.

After the Spring Festival, the weather in Zhucheng began to spring, and the temperature was no longer so cold. Many flowers on the campus were ready to bloom, young trees sprouted, and withered grass gradually turned green. Many people took off their bloated winter clothes and changed to light ones. spring clothes.

"Chen Wen, are you here by train or by plane? It seems that the train from eastern Guangdong arrives at night, and you have so little luggage." Ge Zihao didn't rush to open his backpack, but sat on the bed to rest, watching Seeing that Chen Kangjie only twisted a small handbag, he felt a little strange.

"Of course Chen Wen is on the plane, just because he took out his mobile phone, he is not someone who just takes the train casually," Chen Wenjie interjected, his words seemed a bit sour.

"Chen Wenjie, look at what you said. The mobile phone was given by a relative, so it doesn't mean anything. Actually, I came here yesterday, and I'm just staying at a relative's house." Chen Kangjie said implicitly, without directly responding to Ge Zihao's words.

Chen Jundong and Ge Zihao, who were silent beside him, both lived in the same city, but he came from Mingzhu yesterday, and his luggage had already been packed.

He took out the closet, took out a bunch of snacks from it and put them on the table in front of him, "This is the pearl specialty I brought to you, this is Gaoqiao muffin, this is Wufangzhai's cake, this kind is Anchovies, two packs per person."

Chen Wenjie stood up and walked over, picked up a bag of cakes and looked at them, "Two bags per person? No, it should be three bags per person."

"How could each person have three packs? I also only brought six packs, and you three will share it." Chen Jundong didn't understand Chen Wenjie's meaning.

But Chen Kangjie understood right away, "What he meant was that Ge Zihao was useless. He was going back to Pearl for the New Year just like you, so how could he still give him Pearl's specialties, which meant that he and I shared equally, haha, but this It is recommended that I accept".

Chen Wenjie glanced at Chen Kangjie appreciatively, and readily divided the presents into two, one was pushed to Chen Kangjie, and the other was taken away by himself.

"It's so embarrassing for you to do this, Chen Jundong is really, you come to school, why don't you ask me out, at least you can go together, besides, you don't tell me when you bring a gift", Ge Zihao was thrown aside , a little embarrassed, while criticizing Chen Kangjie and Chen Wenjie for taking food, he directed his criticism at Chen Jundong.

"I don't have your phone number, you didn't tell me when you left," Chen Jundong argued.

"Mouse, don't be wronged. This kind of thing is all up to you, how can you need someone to remind you?" Chen Wenjie opened the box of Gaoqiao muffins, took out a refreshing bite, and said to Chen Jundong .

"Speaking of others, what did you bring us?" Ge Zihao asked Chen Wenjie unconvinced.

"I'm not as stingy as you," Chen Wenjie said, and pulled out his suitcase from under the bed. After unzipping it, there was a full half box of special products from his hometown Fucheng, including Dongjiang fish and duck feet. , Linglong tea, jar meat, crispy and so on.

"Damn, you brought so many." Seeing so many delicious food, Ge Zihao's eyes straightened.

"Chen Wenjie, there are more than ten or twenty catties here, you are really willing to do it." Chen Jundong did not expect that Chen Wenjie would bring back so many special products.

"It's all 26 catties. For these things, I took a lot less luggage," Chen Wenjie said proudly.

"That's interesting, brothers, let's do it, what are you waiting for?" After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand first.

When Chen Kangjie started, Ge Zihao and Chen Jundong would not be idle, and they would divide up the special products brought by Chen Wenjie in a few clicks.Although Chen Wenjie didn't spare him a bit of scolding, his expression actually showed that he was actually very proud.

Chen Kangjie is not a glutton for these things, if he wants, he can send someone to buy them at any time.What he cared about was the camaraderie among classmates. Since he was so caring, he had to show some face and cooperate in his actions, otherwise there would be no atmosphere.

"Let me tell you first, I didn't bring anything with me, but I can treat everyone to dinner as compensation," Chen Kangjie said knowingly while chewing some spicy duck feet.

"Well, you can treat today, it's better to hit the sun than to choose a day," Ge Zihao said immediately.

"No problem, but I'm afraid that some people will disagree, huh, right?" After speaking, Chen Kangjie looked at Chen Wenjie intentionally and meaningfully.

"The timing is not good today, let's put it on your account in a few days," Chen Wenjie nodded.

"I also supported it for a few days", Chen Kangjie only thought that Chen Wenjie would not have time tonight, but he did not expect Chen Jundong to have the same attitude.

"Jundong, do you have an event tonight?" Chen Kangjie asked curiously.

"Well," Chen Jundong lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, brother, who is it?" Chen Kangjie stood up and lightly punched Chen Jundong and asked.

"Chen Wen, don't ask, I've been asking for a long time, and this kid didn't reveal a word," Chen Wenjie interjected.

"Chen Jundong, so you have a girlfriend, you should show it to the brothers tonight, otherwise it would be really meaningless." Ge Zihao leaned over and asked with his eyes wide open, propped up on the table, protruding a mouthful of shark fin.

"They're not girlfriends. What are you seeing? Don't gossip. You're just ordinary friends." Chen Jundong was forced into a little embarrassment.

From the look in Chen Jundong's eyes, Chen Kangjie understood a little bit, he probably invited that girl named Yiqing to dinner tonight.Being able to get this opportunity at this moment, it seems that this kid has made a lot of progress, even if he is not a girlfriend, the chance should not be small.

Chen Kangjie patted Chen Jundong's shoulder with his right hand, and encouraged him: "Brother, come on, I'm waiting for your good news."

"Chen Wenjie, who are you having dinner with tonight? That Yang Qian?" Turning around, Chen Kangjie asked, which also helped Chen Jundong change the subject.

"You guessed it right," Chen Wenjie snapped his fingers triumphantly, "I will try to take him down tonight."

"According to this, you are not going back to the dormitory to sleep tonight? You have to be careful, don't get caught by the police, hehe, it's a pity that the weather is still a bit cold, otherwise you can fight in the woods," Chen Kangjie teased road.

"Chen Wenjie, congratulations on your successful escape tonight. It's a pity that we have to continue to maintain the boy's golden body. If one day you need boy urine as a primer for medicine, remember to ask me and provide it to you for free," Ge Zihao also joked.

"Don't make fun of me, if that's the case, I'll treat you to dinner as a celebration." Chen Wenjie didn't blush, his heart didn't beat, showing the standard nature of a son-in-law.

"You two hungry wolves, now you have to go out and prepare gifts for tonight, Valentine's Day, you can't be empty-handed, at least, you have to prepare a bouquet of roses," Chen Kangjie suggested as a veteran.

"Aren't you going? You have no activities today?" Chen Wenjie asked Chen Kangjie and Ge Zihao.

"I didn't do any activities, so I just stayed in the dormitory," Chen Kangjie said calmly, lying on his bed.

"Chen Wen, I'll accompany you, I don't have any activities tonight," Ge Zihao said.

"Go away, I'm not gay, I'm a normal man," Chen Kangjie reprimanded Ge Zihao for his ambiguous words.

"Tch, I'm more of a normal man, at worst I'll go play PS at the school gate."

Not long after speaking, Chen Jundong and Chen Wenjie went out to choose the gift they were going to give tonight. Ge Zihao really got rid of playing ps games after packing his luggage, and he didn't come back for dinner.There was only Chen Kangjie in the dormitory.

However, he was not idle, and made long-distance calls for several hours in a row.As a boyfriend and prospective boyfriend, Chen Kangjie had to express something on Valentine's Day.

After talking on the phone with Lin Ling for half an hour, he called Fan Xuexi and Deng Min.

It's been a long time since I haven't seen each other, so I naturally said a lot of unfamiliar and familiar words, but because there has been no overly intimate behavior, there is a lack of some lingering words of love, and more of them are reminiscences and encouragement.

Chen Kangjie broke the appointment on National Day, and was jointly criticized by Fan Xuexi and Deng Min, which also made it impossible for Chen Kangjie to say the love words he wanted to say.

Just when everyone hung up the phone sadly, when Fan Xuexi and Deng Min thought that the first Valentine's Day in the university would be ordinary, Chen Kangjie gave them a small surprise. At the same time, the city will deliver two bouquets of 99 roses and a box of exquisite chocolates he ordered to them at the same time.

After dealing with the three women, he called some of his good friends to say hello, Chu Xiang, Zhang Qiang, Ma Wei, Yang Cong, Liu Jian and so on.

They were all admitted to universities, but in different regions. Ma Wei and Liu Jian went to City Teachers College, Zhang Qiang went to Nanhe College of Economics and Trade, Yang Cong was transferred to Caiyun College for Nationalities, only Chu Xiang went to Qianzhou University, and Chen Kangjie is in the same city.But Chen Kangjie was too busy, so he never went to play with him.

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