rebirth of change

Chapter 1107 White-hot stage

As the day draws closer, foreign financial giants are more and more likely to win, and their investment is also increasing, as if they have a steady stream of funds.

Monday, April 6660th.After the Hang Seng Index was suppressed to 8 points, the Hong Kong government organized Hong Kong capital and mainland capital to enter the market, and started a battle with rivals for the August stock index futures contract.Speculators want to suppress the index, while the Hong Kong government wants to hold on to the index, forcing speculators to fail to cash out their contracts before the end of August.After entering the market, the Hong Kong government bought a large number of August stock index futures contracts that international speculators sold short. They must push the stock index from 8 points to higher than the average opening price of 8 points for investment speculators to win.After the market closed that day, the Hong Kong government announced that it had used the foreign exchange fund and foreign exchange reserves provided by the country to intervene in the stock market and futures market.

On April 8, in order to maintain the Hong Kong dollar, the Hong Kong government brought huge foreign exchange funds into the stock market and futures market to directly and more intensely confront speculators.The Hong Kong government issued instructions to many securities firms in Hong Kong, such as Bank of China, Dolly, and Hesheng, to absorb a large number of blue-chip stocks in the Hang Seng Index, expressing that they must raise the stock index by 800 points in August at any cost.The aggressive intervention policies of the Hong Kong government and the central government dealt an unexpected and heavy blow to speculators.

Prior to this, some speculators expected that the SAR government would intervene in person when it couldn't stand it, so although they criticized the Hong Kong government's uncharacteristic behavior, they still had a bottom line in their hearts.

It's just that they didn't expect the central government to help Hong Kong desperately.If the mainland only ensures that the RMB does not depreciate, it is easier to say, but the reality is that the central government not only provides policies, but also actually provides money, and the amount is quite large.

The reason why they predict that the central government will not desperately rescue Hong Kong is because there is no 100% chance of winning on the one hand, and on the other hand, the risk is too great and the loss is too great.

The non-depreciation of the renminbi will directly lead to a decline in exports and an increase in imports. For China, which continues to maintain foreign exchange, it is not only unable to make profits, but also to lose tens of billions of renminbi.

However, taking out 1000 billion U.S. dollars to rescue the market will bring a series of debt risks and losses. If it is not handled properly, the accumulation of ten years will be wiped out in an instant, and the national economy will go back ten years.They thought that the default government would not go to such great lengths to fight mange.

Foreigners sometimes feel that they know us well and have studied us thoroughly.But misjudgments often happen.They like to calculate economic accounts, but they don't calculate national emotional accounts and historical responsibility accounts in detail.Of course, they don't quite understand Hong Kong's leverage on our great power strategy. If we just want to live in peace, it doesn't really matter if Hong Kong is prosperous or weak. It's a tiny place with a few million people, just like the Qing With a swipe of a pen, the government classified it as a foreign country.

However, it is not 100 years ago now. China has great ambitions from top to bottom. To regain the glory and achievements that have been enjoyed for a long time in history, we just don’t talk about it. On external occasions, we It always reiterates that we are still a rudimentary developing country, still very poor and backward.This is a wise strategy of keeping a low profile. In fact, our ideal of rejuvenation has been deeply buried in the hearts of every Chinese and has never gone away.

Concentrating on construction and development with one heart and one mind, this is our consistent attitude.This is for the sake of catching up and standing up as soon as possible. This does not mean that we are weak, and it does not mean that we will still trade the surrounding regions.

Hong Kong plays an indelible role in the long-term strategic development of the Republic, the great cause of the reunification of the motherland, and the future economic transformation of the Republic. Therefore, whether it is due to past emotions, current reality or longing for the future Planning and planning have all determined that Hong Kong must not decline. Not only must it not weaken, but it should be more prosperous and open than in the past.

Perhaps it was the central government's rampant attack that disrupted the planned deployment of the financial giants. In the next two days, there will be no large-scale transactions in the Hong Kong financial market, and everything will be deposited in a certain superficial stability.

In fact, this is a short period of peace before the rainstorm. When the opponent adjusts his deployment, a more violent attack will come, unless they are willing to retreat.

This is obviously impossible. There is no turning back when the construction starts, and it is hard to recover.If they return it now, not only will they lose a lot of money in interest on lending, but their futures have not yet been delivered, which is tantamount to actively giving money to the Hong Kong government.

News media all over the world are paying attention to this financial war.On April [-], Soros said in an interview with the Communist Party that they are confident that Hong Kong will lose this gamble, because this is the consensus of all investors.No matter how the SAR government struggles, the outcome is the same.

It was the first time a businessman had issued such an overt threat to a government that, apart from their arrogance, they were well-adjusted and replenished with new secret funds.Otherwise, Soros is not crazy, how could he speak so brazenly.

It was Soros who spoke, but he represented not only himself, but a force. They were warning the Chinese government in this way, not to act rashly, otherwise, they would face an abyss.

For this naked threat, according to Chen Kangjie's intention, Huang Zhenhua responded on behalf of the Chinese side.He solemnly warned those forces and individuals with ulterior motives not to try to use the tactics of more than half a century ago, because China today is no longer the weak country it used to be.No matter who it is, as long as they try to destroy the great situation of China's economic development or the stable and united social atmosphere, if they dare to reach out, they will definitely not end well, and in the end they can only eat the bitter fruit that they planted with their own hands.

This kind of verbal battle will naturally not have much effect. Attack and defense will not give up just because of someone's few words. After all, you still have to rely on your strength to speak. If you have strength, you can realize your rhetoric. It can only increase the laughing stock.

After some rhetorical confrontation, the struggle entered a white-hot stage.

The 644th and 7000th are the closing time. On the 67th, the global stock market plummeted. Several major financial securities centers such as New York, London, Tokyo, and Frankfurt all fell. Affected by the general environment and suppressed by international speculators, Hong Kong Heng The Shenzhen Index has been going down since the opening of the market, plunged [-] points, fell below [-] points again, and finally closed at [-] points.

On the same day, opponents continued to increase their selling of Hong Kong dollars, and the SAR government spent 678 billion Hong Kong dollars in funds.

Others may not be clear about it, but Chen Kangjie understands that the funds of the SAR government have basically been used up, and they are using the funds provided by the central government. Maybe it won't be long before he will go into battle by himself.

As the global stock market fell the day before, the Hong Kong stock market fell sharply, so people generally believe that the Hengshen Index will continue to fall on April 21, and even break through the final 6500-point threshold in one fell swoop.

Ouyang Zhenhua, who was in Hong Kong, couldn't help calling Chen Kangjie.

"Jie Shao, if the stock market drops below 6500 points, banks will go bankrupt within three days. Once a bank goes bankrupt in Hong Kong, the chain reaction is beyond our control. There will be a wave of bank runs, a sharp drop in the property market and sell-offs, and even more radical protests by the public. Response, shall we make an early move?"

"Wait a little longer, maybe... This will be a protracted battle. If we act too early, not only will we expose our strength, but we will not be able to catch people by surprise," Chen Kangjie said cautiously while hesitating.

Although the 28th of this month is the delivery period for stock index futures, and the outcome will be decided on that day, Chen Kangjie always feels that it will not be that simple.If it was just Soros and others, they could win all at once. However, after all, there is the shadow of the Federal Reserve behind it. If Chen Kangjie reveals his strength too early, there will be no other accidents if he fails to do so.

"But they can't stand it any longer. It's only nine days until (day). If the stock market falls below 6500 points before then, it may be too late for us to enter. It may even fall to 4000 points to destroy Edge", Ouyang Zhenhua said worriedly.

Ouyang Zhenhua, who is already a veteran of the battlefield, has never been so thrilled, except for the time he went to the Soviet Union with Chen Kangjie in 89.He has participated in many financial blocking battles, but those battlefields were all in other countries and regions.But this time it happened right under his nose, in the city he lives in and is familiar with. When he wakes up every day, whether it’s from employees, family members or the media, the information he gets is about Hong Kong’s financial market, and most of them are negative. .It made him know that Chen Kangjie was unlikely to lose, and he was afraid of heartache.

Perhaps, this is the biggest difference in mentality between the offensive side and the defensive side.The degree of concern will be different, and the angle of worry will also be different.

"The government can still persist, at least for three or four days. They understand better than us that the stock market cannot fall below 6500 points. Moreover, we don't know whether the opponent's financial strength will continue to flow, so I don't trust them. There will be endless funds, and we cannot be intimidated by their current momentum," Chen Kangjie insisted.

When Chen Kangjie arranged the second line of defense, he had other intentions.In addition to using them to prevent and consume the opponent's strength, it is also hoped to lure the opponent's full strength.Just like Fighting the Landlord, when the big and small kings come out, you will feel at ease, otherwise, you will always worry about being bombed.

"Well, everyone is waiting for your decision." Ouyang Zhenhua could only compromise and obey Chen Kangjie's decision. There is nothing to talk about.

As expected by Chen Kangjie, on the morning of April 21, when the stock market opened, it showed a downward trend.However, the government invested a lot of money. In the afternoon, not only the downward trend was stopped, but it also rose by 152 points at the close, closing at 6872 points.

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