rebirth of change

Chapter 1108 The last line of defense

"Huang Sisi, are you going to the cinema tonight?".

"That's right, you don't need to watch other movies, but Chen Kangjie's is a must. My cousin watched it two days ago and was moved to tears. She said it was an epic romance movie with a tragic ending, but it was very romantic and beautiful. ".

"Sisi, tell me, does this mean that Chen Kangjie is not in our school at all, or else he has no time to make movies or record songs. I have listened to that song "My Heart Will Eternal" hundreds of times , the melody and lyrics are really moving."

"Gong Min, you think the same as I do. I also suspect that he is not in our school at all. At most, he is just a name. You see, this semester, our school has so many foreign students, and they all come for him. But I haven’t heard of anyone finding him. It’s been more than half a year, and I’ve also asked many people, but I don’t know which college or class he is in. But it’s understandable, if he wants to sit in the classroom obediently, he must It's a very boring thing, and his talent should be to create unlimited outstanding works of art, anyway, Kang Jie's products must be fine products," said Huang Sisi, who is a little taller.

"It would be great if I could meet him. This year marks the [-]th anniversary of our school's establishment. If it was just a name, he might not have appeared in the celebration." Gong Min, who was shorter, sighed. Said without disappointment.

"You have a boyfriend and still think about spring? Hehe, the press said that he is the most difficult artist in the world to meet. Do you think it will be so easy for you to meet? If you can't see anyone, first appreciate his works Well, you must watch this movie, or you will regret it.”

"I want to go too, but the ticket price of RMB [-]... I think it's still a bit expensive, and I plan to wait."

"20 yuan is not too expensive. Did you know that the ticket price of this movie in the United States is [-] dollars, and it costs [-] Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong. If it is not convenient for you, why don't you ask your boyfriend to treat you."

"He and I both work-study, what a shame, we just chipped in to buy a CD player last month, and he has no money."

This was the conversation between two girls that Chen Kangjie overheard on his way to the multi-functional classroom to take the course "Western Economics" in the early morning of April 22.

Chen Kangjie returned to China after filming the film, and Jon Gordon led a lot of marketing work.The final cost of this film was as high as 700 million US dollars. In order to recover so much investment, the ticket price will naturally not be cheap.

However, 20 yuan per ticket is indeed a bit expensive for domestic people, especially for young people with no income.Of course, this does not affect the fullness of the major theaters after the film was released, and everyone who has watched this film seriously will not regret it.

Moreover, this movie often exceeds three hours, and it is currently the longest movie shown in China, breaking the traditional habit of domestic movies generally not exceeding two hours.The space occupied by movie theaters is doubled, and they also need higher ticket prices to be worthwhile.

Chen Kangjie has no objection to Jon Gordon and the others adopting a market-wide approach to operate the film. Since it is a commercial activity, it has to follow the laws of the market.

However, after listening to the conversation between the two female students, Chen Kangjie, who is busy with his busy schedule, still plans to make some concessions and adjustments, so that more people can watch such high-quality movies.

He is the boss at the top. He only needs to make a phone call to make a request. He doesn't need to handle the things he worries about and the specific affairs in person. Naturally, someone will coordinate and handle them.

After many coordinations and arrangements, it didn't take long for this movie to enter the campuses of universities and middle schools in China. In universities, students only need five yuan to watch it, and in middle schools, students only need to pay two yuan.This is the result of Chen Kangjie giving up a large part of his interests. In other words, Chen Kangjie is providing film subsidies to young Chen Kangjie.

As far as his personal affairs are concerned, Chen Kangjie can only do so little, and all his energy in his spare time is still concentrated in Hong Kong.

On April 22, global stock markets rebounded one after another, and international speculators weakened their attacks. Taking advantage of this good situation, the government raised the stock price to 7235 points in one go.

On this day, only 210 billion Hong Kong dollars were sold in the market, and the pressure from the SAR government eased a bit.

On April 23, foreign funds did not enter the market actively in the morning, which made the stock market continue to rise to 7501 points at noon.In the afternoon, the eight major foreign capitals also joined forces in the late market, causing the futures index to drop 0 points in the late market. The index weakened on the day and closed at 7301 points.

On April 24, the Hong Kong government gathered all its forces to carry out the largest intervention since entering the market.They intend to secure the victory in advance on this day, because they judged from the actions of their opponents in the previous two days that their strength has also been exhausted. Otherwise, they would not make such a small move and allow the government to slowly raise the stock price.

Therefore, the SAR government intends to raise the stock price above 7800 points in one fell swoop, and directly deter opponents with a domineering posture, so that they will retreat in the face of difficulties.

Their wish came true. On this day, the foreign exchange fund entered the market even weaker than the previous two days. The government invested 800 billion Hong Kong dollars in funds, which made the stock market rise by 563 points in one fell swoop, the largest increase since the financial crisis, and closed at 7864 points.

The ATV News in the evening said: "The government army adopts the strategy of making big advances and small retreats, fighting steadily and step by step, and pursues and intercepts speculators in all directions."

Since the 25th and 26th are weekends, the market will be closed, so there are only two days left for the speculators. This is why the government wants to push up the stock price in one fell swoop. Tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars can be used, as long as it persists until (day), Hong Kong can be said to have won.

Just when the government thought it could breathe a sigh of relief.The speculators who had rested for two days suddenly launched a large-scale attack on April 27, and took back the victory that could be obtained immediately.

Hong Kong's financial market is destined to be a roller coaster these days, with ups and downs becoming commonplace.

Facing the fierce attack launched by foreign capital, the government, which has little funds in its hands, seemed a little panicked and invested all the funds in its hands.They didn't expect that after three days of hiding, the opponent could launch such an attack. In the end, the Hong Kong government, which had run out of funds, could only watch the stock market drop sharply to 7482 points at noon, and the exchange rate approached the 7.5 mark, while continuing to ask for help.

"Xiaojie, it's too late if you don't take action anymore, you have to hurry up." Huang Zhenhua who called Chen Kangjie was already anxious.

He also couldn't help it. When the chief executive called him, his voice was crying, which showed how dire the situation was.Infected by the chief executive, Huang Zhenhua couldn't help being brought in.

At this time, Chen Kangjie really had to stand up. He was the third line of defense and the final bottom line.The strength of the Hong Kong government has been exhausted, and the opponent's full strength has not been fully seen. Everything can only be relied on by Chen Kangjie himself.

"Uncle Huang, don't be nervous, I won't let the market sink. I'm on my way to the office now. We had a class meeting in the afternoon, and I skipped class." Chen Kangjie said while sitting in the car, holding a mobile phone.

Before Huang Zhenhua called, Chen Kangjie's expert staff had already reported the seriousness of the situation to Chen Kangjie, so Chen Kangjie went straight outside the school after class, and he didn't even have time to answer Tan Jian's invitation to have lunch together.

"What time is it? What's the matter with the class meeting? Hurry up and deal with the current troubles, and don't worry about the school affairs. I will call Comrade Baoguo," Huang Zhenhua said eagerly.

"Well, no need, why panic about some small things, I will handle school affairs by myself, so you don't need to go to war with the old man, you'd better comfort the SAR government, I'm afraid they have the heart to jump off the building now It's gone." Chen Kangjie didn't want Huang Zhenhua's insertion to cause a storm in the city, and skipping classes in college is not a big deal.

When Chen Kangjie arrived at the office, he didn't have a meal in a hurry. After listening to his subordinates' report for half an hour, he called Ouyang Zhenhua, Han Geng, and Di Qiuren respectively, and arranged for a defense battle to the death for today and tomorrow. Not only must we hold on to the stock market and the exchange rate, but we must also increase it substantially.

The stock market will open at one o'clock in the afternoon, and there is not much time, so Chen Kangjie naturally has to hurry up.

However, after Chen Kangjie waited until the market opened, he found that the stock market stopped falling and remained stable, which surprised Chen Kangjie a little.

It stands to reason that the stock market will also be suppressed and fall in the afternoon. How could it be stabilized?

"Jie Shao, the opponent may be worried that the Hong Kong government will have a backup, so I plan to wait and see. Look, can we test it?" It lasted until three o'clock, and the stock market was stable. At this time, one of his assistants came Suggested in front of him.

"I think so too, but...we don't raise the stock price, but suppress it," said Chen Kangjie, staring at the computer, turning the pen with his right hand.

Regarding Chen Kangjie's thoughts, the assistant didn't turn the corner for a while, and was a little confused. How could Master Jie help the enemy to suppress him.But an elite is an elite after all, and he understood after thinking about it.

"Okay, Young Master Jie, you have a good idea, let's take a short sell and take a look," the assistant clapped his hands and said excitedly.

At 2:160 p.m., Chen Kangjie officially entered the market.He replaced the Hong Kong government, which had always played the role of buyer, and changed his face. He suddenly put away all buying orders for spot stocks and futures indexes, and took the initiative to short the Hang Seng Index futures, causing speculators to rush to follow suit.In just 300 minutes, the Hang Seng Index plunged [-] points, and the Hang Seng Index futures fell nearly [-] points.At this time, Chen Kangjie suddenly turned around and entered the market again to recover the lost ground, buying a large number of stocks and futures contracts, and pushing the stock index and futures index back to their original levels.

After this trial, Chen Kangjie's assistants all took a deep breath. The power of speculators should not be underestimated, and a fierce battle is imminent.The government was taken aback. When Huang Zhenhua knew that it was Chen Kangjie's probing behavior, he scolded him a few times on the phone, saying that he was almost heartbroken. Can't live.

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