rebirth of change

Chapter 1109 Decisive Battle Moment

Chen Kangjie quickly pushed the stock index and futures index back to their original positions. Although this was just a simple reverse test, it lured out the opponent's strength.Chen Kangjie came to the conclusion that not only was the opponent not exhausted due to the previous consumption, but he still had a large surplus.

Perhaps it was Chen Kangjie's inductive effect, the opponent's strength was exposed, but his existence was also exposed, and his strength was also not small.However, whether the opponent knows that he, a college student, is making waves is another matter.

Chen Kangjie guessed that those speculators who rushed to the front line probably didn't know him, but President KLD and some senior officials of the US did.They may have known for a long time that Chen Kangjie would not stay out of the matter, and Chen Kangjie even thought to himself that while realizing the national grand strategy, the opponent also wanted to use this opportunity to wipe out Chen Kangjie. After all, Chen Kangjie had given kld a lot of embarrassment.

There is only one thing that Chen Kangjie dares to be firm, that is, even kld should not know how strong he is.That's why there are backup players, otherwise, they will directly suppress the stock index to below [-] points, and Chen Kangjie can't do it if he can't think of it, but they will also pay a very heavy price.

Just 5 minutes after Chen Kangjie returned to the original position of the stock index and futures index, the selling orders of speculators rushed in like a mountain.In the first 15 minutes, the turnover reached 39 billion Hong Kong dollars; in the second 15 minutes, the turnover was 50 billion Hong Kong dollars; in the third 15 minutes, another 70.9 billion Hong Kong dollars were traded. Within 15 minutes, the stock turnover was 92.5 billion Hong Kong dollars, approaching 15 billion.And 182 minutes before the market closed, the battle entered a fierce state, and the turnover reached 3 billion Hong Kong dollars!For Hong Kong Telecom stock alone, Chen Kangjie's buying order of HK$4 million was completed in less than [-] minutes.The tragic state stunned the "red vest" on the field.

On this day, Chen Kangjie spent 6 million Hong Kong dollars and entrusted 10 brokerage firms to chase and intercept 33 HSI constituent stocks.Financial predators broke through several times, but failed to do so.In the end, the Hang Seng Index closed at 7922 points, an increase of 58 points from the previous trading day, with a full-day turnover of HK$690 billion.This is the largest turnover since Hong Kong returned to China on July 97, 7.

The 27th passed safely, but tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. I don’t know how many people are thinking about tomorrow’s decisive battle.

Although there was class the next morning, Chen Kangjie did not return to school at night.The battle is imminent, no matter how confident he is, he cannot take it lightly.That night, in addition to having a meeting with his team to discuss, he also had to call Huang Zhenhua and Wei Zhonghua.

Chen Kangjie called Huang Zhenhua to cooperate with the negotiation on specific work. It is not that the central government and the SAR government do not need to do anything.And he took the initiative to call Wei Zhonghua, it was with the nature of reporting and reassuring.

Since entrusting the task to him, Chen Kangjie has never taken the initiative to report or communicate with him.During such a critical period, he knew that the big bosses in the central government were also paying attention, so he called at this time, in addition to reporting the current situation and his prediction, it was to give them a peace of mind. It's a matter of attitude.Even if Chen Kangjie is outside the system, he can disobey the usual rules, but he can't lose his attitude at critical moments.

"You have the confidence to repel the powerful enemy, so I am relieved. Because of this incident, your study has been delayed. I apologize on behalf of the central government and the country." Wei Zhonghua's voice on the phone was always heavy, and he would It didn't seem like I was in a hurry.

"Hehe, comrade leader, if you are sorry or not, don't say it. It's a trivial matter. Besides, your apology is also false. Why don't you come up with something real?" After the seriousness, Chen Kangjie returned to a relaxed state. In terms of status, Tong Wei Zhonghua made a joke, taking a small advantage along the way.

"Little devil, what do you need me to do? Let me tell you, if you really win this battle, you can ask me to do anything," Wei Zhonghua said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, I don't expect to get much benefit from you wise men. If you want money, you can't get it. If you want power, you won't give it to me. I just want to invite you to attend a ceremony in advance." , Chen Kangjie joked.

"You mean, attend the opening ceremony of the first semester of your university?" Wei Zhonghua really knew something about Chen Kangjie, and Chen Kangjie didn't say anything, so he guessed about it.

The private university that Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua planned to build in Liushuipan has almost been completed after two years.Previously, Liu Deyi was in charge of the project, and Zheng Yutong's company and the Municipal Construction Corporation were responsible for the construction. With sufficient funds, the construction progress was very fast. According to the design drawings, the teaching building, the laboratory building, the dormitory building, and the office building, The gymnasium, activity center, cafeteria and many other places started construction at the same time, and even the artificial lake in the school was excavated together.

Due to the presence of Ouyang Zhenhua, the municipal government led by Gong Huaigu and Qiu Yi cooperated a hundred times, and the demolition of the villagers was effortless. This is not because the government used force, but because the compensation greatly exceeded their expectations. .Local residents whose land has been occupied or whose houses have been demolished, in addition to receiving cash compensation ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions, have also built a resettlement community for them, and they can get no less than [-] square meters per capita. living area.In order to provide them with a source of income, Hongyuan Investment not only helped each family to obtain at least one employment quota, but also all the shops on the first floor of the community were owned by the demolished residents, so they could get at least one shop for each family.

In the 90s, such a compensation standard was considered to be second to none in China, and no one would be as generous as Chen Kangjie in this regard.Driven by this interest, the local residents rushed to relocate.

There was even a very funny scene.According to the previous plan, including mountainous land and forest land, the construction of the university only needs 5780 mu. However, their compensation was too tempting, and many local people, who were not included in the plan, approached the project office and asked for their land to be planned as well. inside.

After asking for instructions, Chen Kangjie added another 1530 mu of land with a swipe of a pen, and increased the demolition cost by more than 3 million yuan. In this way, the total area of ​​the school will reach 7310 mu, which is currently the largest university campus in the country.However, these newly added land will be built into open lawns, squares and parks, citizens can enter at will, and students can also use this site to hold other activities, such as square cultural festivals, square musicians, square calligraphy and painting exhibitions , Square Science and Technology Exhibition and so on.

According to the budget, the university's infrastructure expenditure will reach 258 billion yuan, using the most cutting-edge international construction technology and environmental protection technology, and the investment amount is shocking. This is not counting the purchase of teaching equipment. According to Chen Kangjie The idea is to build a high-quality research university with international advanced level.

"Thank you for your concern, the leader, you know all this?"

"You are making such a big noise, how can I not know? I think, when your university is put into use, Capital University will be eclipsed."

"I either don't do it, or I want to be first-class. The university will start recruiting the first batch of undergraduates in September this year. If you are free, you are welcome to attend the opening ceremony," Chen Kangjie said.

"Just because of your ambition, I can't refuse your request. It seems that I have to come whenever I have time. Well, I promise you." Wei Zhonghua on the other end of the phone shook his head and said.

"That's great, then please call the Ministry of Education to make their approval faster, haha, so we can do enrollment promotion," Chen Kangjie added as if he had succeeded.

"You are really using me as a subordinate. Well, I admit it too. It seems that I have to go through the formalities for you. We will definitely support education issues. By the way, is the university named? I think Heard rumors that it was going to be named after you?".

"That's nonsense, I'm not so narcissistic. Although I built the school, I didn't want to do that. It's just that Brother Ouyang Zengjin made that kind of proposal, but I rejected it on the spot. After much deliberation, I think Either it’s called Confucius University, or it’s called Southern University.”

"In my opinion, it should be called Nanfang University. Although Confucius is the greatest educator in our country, it is not appropriate to name such a modern university after him, unless you are a Chinese Academy of Chinese Studies." Wei Wei Zhonghua thought about it and suggested.

"Well, it's reasonable, it's reasonable, let's call it Southern University. By the way, when you have time, write down the name of the school." Chen Kangjie accepted it very readily.

"Why do I have a feeling of being enlightened? And they even assigned me tasks."

"Haha, Comrade Chairman, don't think so. It's a piece of cake for you. You assign tasks to me, and I didn't delay." Chen Kangjie was very happy. In fact, he chose the name of the school himself. It is Southern University.

"Then have you chosen the principal?" Wei Zhonghua asked with concern.

"Not yet. My intention is to hire the current president of Fudan University. I am in the process of negotiating with him and have not yet finalized. I think he is not only a scientist with a good reputation, but also a scholar who has an innovative understanding of educational concepts. I A good university must focus on students and teachers, encourage innovation, truly encourage new thinking, and be inclusive...", Chen Kangjie replied.

After hanging up the phone, both Chen Kangjie and Wei Zhonghua gained a sense of calm, and the atmosphere of the decisive battle dropped a lot. They both got an invisible energy from each other, which strengthened their confidence.

After several months of offensive and defensive, the decision will be made on April (Day), the winner will gain a lot, and the loser will suffer heavy losses. No one will back down, no one will back down, they will all come up with Use your full strength to defeat your opponent.

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