In the early morning of April 28, the Hong Kong Observatory issued a thunderstorm warning. It is normal for thunderstorms to occur in Hong Kong after summer, but this time, the release of Buddha is a sign that April 28 will be an extraordinary day. It will be a day of change.

The settlement price of the Hang Seng Index futures is the average of the quotations of the Hang Seng Index every 5 minutes on this day. Therefore, to increase the settlement price, it is necessary to ensure that the Hang Seng Index is in a stable trend and cannot fluctuate.To achieve this goal, Chen Kangjie's army must not only do their best to defend to the death, it is best to let the index rise steadily, so that the opponent can suffer the greatest blow.

The financial market of this day is not only concerned by government officials and business elites, but also the hearts of millions of Hong Kong citizens, because from newspapers and TV, they already know that the success or failure of this day is actually closely related to their lives .If Hong Kong loses, the most direct reaction is that their quality of life will drop significantly in the future, not only because the government cannot provide more funds to solve people's livelihood problems, but also face the dilemma of unemployment and salary cuts.

Early in the morning, millions of Hong Kong people locked on the channel, their eyes fixed on the fast-beating Hang Seng Index, all of them were sweating, and their hearts were raised in their throats.

As the coach of the defensive team, Chen Kangjie got up at seven o'clock, went to the private gym for a workout, ate some breakfast, drank some milk, and sat in front of the computer screen with the team members.

All combat orders will be issued from here. There are thirteen telephones in Chen Kangjie's office, and there are three on Chen Kangjie's desk alone. Through these telephones, orders will be sent to traders one by one.

At 10 am, the decisive battle started.Chen Kangjie and the financial giants immediately started a fierce battle on "HSBC Holdings" and "Hong Kong Telecom".Speculators sold aggressively and overwhelmed the sea, while Chen Kangjie came to block them, covered them with water, and bought all of them.Only 5 minutes after the opening of the market, the turnover was as high as 65 billion Hong Kong dollars!At the same time, the Hong Kong government also set up a buying defense line on the 43 constituent stocks of the Hang Seng Index, defending across the board.

In response to today's fierce battle, Chen Kangjie has prepared more than 7000 billion Hong Kong dollars. On the one hand, this can help stabilize the foreign exchange market, and on the other hand, the money can be used comfortably.At the same time, he also set aside a reserve force of 4000 billion US dollars.

In order to suppress the stock market, the pressure on the speculators will increase every minute of time. Their investment is getting bigger and bigger, and Chen Kangjie's consumption is naturally increasing.

Before the market closed at 12:[-] noon, the battle intensified again. Many blue-chip stocks such as "Cheung Kong Enterprises" and "Chunghwa Telecom" were sold by speculators, and a large number of European funds entered the market.In the surging sea, Chen Kangjie holds the sky with one tree.Ordinary citizens may think that the government is fighting, because in order to stabilize the mood of the citizens and enhance the confidence of the market, the Hong Kong government has not informed the public that the funds have been exhausted.

On the contrary, international speculators have repeatedly told the media that the Hong Kong government is powerless to fight anymore, and they have no money left in their hands.At this time, in order to deal with the psychological warfare, the chief executive stood up and told white lies.

He made a televised speech on the morning of the [-]th, telling investors and ordinary citizens that the government not only still has money in its hands, but also has sufficient funds.As for where the money came from and how much it was, he didn't mention a word.

The chief executive's white lies are partly a last resort, and partly the result of the central government's communication.

Huang Zhenhua once called the Chief Executive. During the phone call, Huang Zhenhua told him clearly in a semi-commandative tone that not only could he not give up on this, but he should do everything possible to restore the decline.Huang Zhenhua said that the central government has mobilized a large amount of funds from various aspects and is ready to go, and clearly sent a signal that this is not his personal idea, but the collective idea of ​​the central government.

The chief executive couldn't figure out whether Huang Zhenhua's words were true or not, and he didn't quite understand how much money would enter the market.Just starting from his duties, he can't send out bad news, only positive ones.At the same time, I also hope that what Huang Zhenhua said will be true.

On the morning of April 28th, inside the chief executive's palace, the chief executive, his staff and important financial officials did nothing but pay attention to the market transactions and fluctuations.

Seeing that in the face of such a large sell-off and trading volume, the index not only did not decline, but also showed a momentum of continuous upper body.The chief executive and his subordinates no longer doubted Huang Zhenhua's words, and their gloomy hearts were rarely alive.Of course, before the market closes, we can't take it lightly, and it's only a moment to take a breath.

In Hong Kong, in the United States, in Europe, and in the mainland, there are a group of financial elites busy in many offices. Everyone looks serious and nervous. Seconds are critical for these people.

Turnover was at HK$909 billion at the close of afternoon trading in Hong Kong.Half a day of trading has already created history. Before that, the Hong Kong stock market had never had such a huge trading volume.

During the lunch break, ordinary people can have a short break, but for Chen Kangjie and those speculators, there is no rest at all.Taking advantage of this time difference, they are intensively analyzing the gains and losses in the morning, and adjusting their tactics to deal with the possibly more intense battles in the afternoon.

The market opened in the afternoon, and the situation became more severe.The sell-offs from speculators came rolling in. Chen Kangjie commanded the whole line to stick to it, and an average of 7.5 million yuan worth of stocks changed hands every minute.For those in the industry who are used to seeing big scenes, this is a shocking figure.

In fact, Chen Kangjie can also greatly increase the trading volume, so that the stock index will rise faster, because according to the team's prediction, after three o'clock, the selling volume of speculators will more than triple, that is, there will be at least 22 billion Hong Kong dollars in transactions per minute .

However, Chen Kangjie still implements a steady and steady strategy, and does not require an increase in volume, as long as all the other party's selling orders are taken into account.Because he always had a premonition that the opponent must have kept a hand, otherwise, the stock market would have crashed long ago. Chen Kangjie speculated that the opponent's attack volume would at least be several times larger than the current scale, if the Federal Reserve really participated.

In the end, it proved that Chen Kangjie's prediction was correct. Although before three o'clock, the sell-off continued unabated, and the trading volume continued to climb, while the Hang Seng Index and Futures Index remained above 7800 points.But after three o'clock, the speculators' selling seemed to have stepped on the brakes, and the trading volume suddenly dropped to 3.5 million US dollars per minute.

As the clock struck 4:7500 p.m., exactly as most expected.The Hong Kong stock market did not fall below 80 points, but was lifted above 8051 points by Chen Kangjie. The constantly beating Hang Seng Index, Futures Index, and turnover on the screen were finally locked at 1790), [-] points, and [-] billion respectively.

After a burst of joyful cheers, the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region announced on behalf of the government that the Hong Kong government had won the battle against international speculators and the defense of the Hong Kong stock market and the Hong Kong dollar.

This day is an unforgettable and thrilling day for many citizens. When people meet, they only talk about one thing, and that is the financial war.Moreover, many people even quoted the gossip to describe the details in order to enhance their identities.In the evening, all the bars in Lan Kwai Fong are full, and the consumers are all elites.They want to vent the pressure and tension that has been building up in their chests today in a bold and celebratory way.

In fact, in today's battle, apart from the seemingly huge figure of 1790 billion Hong Kong dollars and the brutal fighting, there is really nothing worthy of praise.At least, 80) points of the Hang Seng Index and 8051 points of the futures index are normal numbers.It seems that the index has been boosted by five or six hundred points. However, these figures were normal before the financial crisis. The Hang Seng Index even reached 1997 points in 14000. What can we boast about?

Of course, numbers are ordinary, but their significance is immeasurable.It allowed the Hong Kong stock market to gain a firm foothold, and made international speculators not only have no room for profit, but because their contracts have expired, they will inevitably suffer huge losses.

It didn't take long for this battle between dragons and tigers to be written into the financial textbooks of many countries around the world, and it has also become an important plot in many film and television dramas. , can't compare to the real splendor of that day.That kind of tension, that dripping fight is extremely difficult to reproduce, unless Chen Kangjie personally directs the real director and puts it on the screen.

But would Chen Kangjie do that?It's hard to say right now.

April 1998 (Day) was a heart-wrenching day for many speculators. They came with the results of sweeping Southeast Asia and the ambition of sweeping Hong Kong. The biggest failure is that they did not find out the existence and true strength of Chen Kangjie, and the Hong Kong government, which has always pursued a zero-intervention economic policy, actually carried 4 billion US dollars in foreign exchange reserves, and entered the stock market and foreign exchange market at the same time to carry out a large-scale defense war. Plus Regarding the investment behind Chen Kangjie, China has invested more than 1980 billion U.S. dollars in this battle.

(No. On this day, the international speculative funds came to the fore in an attempt to completely suppress the stock index, and Chen Kangjie accepted all the sales orders and defended the stock market. The transaction amount on this day reached 1790 billion Hong Kong dollars, setting a record for the highest single-day transaction in the Hong Kong market , for a long time in the future, there may not be such a day again.

However, the battle is not really over. Speculators are not willing to lose hundreds of billions of dollars, and none of these ambitious people are willing to lose.So they took a step to continue the fight.They believe that neither financial pressure nor public opinion pressure can sustain the SAR government and the central government for a long time, so they decided to transfer the contract from August to September, hoping to fight a protracted war with China.

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