International speculators shifted the contract from April to May, and they wanted to make up for their losses with their strong financial strength.

It can be said that May is the contest between Chen Kangjie and international speculators with special backgrounds. Friday, May [-]st is International Labor Day, and the Hong Kong stock market is closed. Starting from May [-]th, the contest between Chen Kangjie and opponents with grand strategic goals will really begin Now, the opponent wants to suppress the index, but Chen Kangjie, on the contrary, has to raise the stock market steadily so that the opponent loses the opportunity.

The two sides invested hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars every day. Due to the protracted battle, there was no such large-scale use of funds as on April 28. However, regardless of that day, at least half of the time in May, the transaction volume hit a record high .Just like the Olympic games, maybe a certain record has not been broken for many years, but the world record has been broken many times in one game, which is commendable.

A protracted war is also a war of attrition. It depends on who is the first to exhaust the opponent's funds. In addition to planning and tactics, the competition depends more on basic strength. If this is missing, no matter how good the planning and tactics are is zero.Just like a battle between two armies, strategy and tactics are of course important, but if the strength is far apart, those are useless, so there is a saying: one force will lose ten.The strength is as solid as a rock, and I will just stand still with your wind from southeast to northwest.

In just ten days, as of Thursday, May [-], the two parties have invested more than one trillion Hong Kong dollars in the Hong Kong financial market.One side wants to suppress, and the other wants to lift up, so they are constantly increasing their strength.

Throughout September, the performance of the Hong Kong stock market can be regarded as thriving. It has always maintained an upward momentum, ranging from a few dozen points to a maximum of one or two hundred points. On the contrary, the New York market, which has always been the boss, has relatively large fluctuations, with constant ups and downs. .The same goes for other stock markets.

There are two reasons for this situation.First, from the very beginning, Chen Kangjie’s investment compared with his opponent’s was six to four. This is his adjusted tactic. He intends to make his opponent feel powerless and fearful from the very beginning.Since the funds invested are not proportional, the stock market will naturally maintain an upward trend.The opponents really felt this. After a month of defeat and fierce battle, they had lost confidence. Now Chen Kangjie directly gave them a feeling of being overwhelmed.If they feel that they have sufficient funds, then they feel from the market that their opponents are more adequate. They invested 200 billion, and their opponents invested 100 billion more in addition to accepting all orders.They invested 400 billion, and the opponent simply invested 600 billion.This approach is very damaging to people's confidence.

Second, such large-scale funds entering the Hong Kong financial market will inevitably divert funds from other markets.Those big investment banks and funds want to speculate in Hong Kong. Where do those funds come from? Of course, they come from the United States and Europe. Therefore, there will naturally be some insufficient transactions there.In addition, Chen Kangjie deliberately raised the Hong Kong stock market to maintain an upward curve. A large number of small and medium-sized investors naturally saw business opportunities to make money, so they also bought a large number of stocks, and the stock price rose faster in the later period.

Since May [-], the Hong Kong stock market has returned to the [-]-point mark, which makes the opponent feel weak.

The Hong Kong dollars sold by the speculators in the currency market every day were eaten by Chen Kangjie as ordered, without losing a cent.In just half a month, Chen Kangjie took in more than 500 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the price was not high. Calculated, as long as he released the money by then, it would be enough to make a lot of money.

"Comrade Xiaojie, how much financial strength do you still have?", wondering about Chen Kangjie's endless supply of funds, just heard the chief executive's report on his work in Beijing, and guard Zhonghua knew that Chen Kangjie must not be at school again, so he called him.

Last time, Chen Kangjie skipped class for one and a half consecutive days, but he did not receive any punishment or criticism after returning to school.It's no wonder that the counselor of their class was originally a trustworthy person carefully selected by Principal Yu Weimin. At the beginning, he gave special instructions to Chen Kangjie to be treated specially.

Principal Yu did not reveal Chen Kangjie's identity, and the counselors regarded Chen Kangjie as a relative of a high-ranking official. There are always some special groups in the school, and their family relationship determines that they can get some preferential treatment.When listening to the principal Yu's special explanation, the counselor thought that the surprise was Chen Kangjie's pseudonym, but when he saw Chen Kangjie, his "ugliness" wiped out all the counselor's surprise.

Recently, although the struggle between China and foreign countries in the financial market has not yet ended, and the daily investment is still quite large, the pressure from the government has not been so great.They have saved a difficult April, and the market information in May is getting better every day, and everyone will feel a lot less pressure.Moreover, after a period of buffering, the government quickly found some institutional solutions in the summary. These solutions can reduce the threat of speculators by half without spending much money on the government.

"Leader, why are you asking that?" Chen Kangjie asked cautiously.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I thought, the central government has only supported it for more than ten days, and you have supported it for more than ten days alone, I am a little worried that you will be weak in succession," Wei Zhonghua said about him.

"You're really right. I'm just not good at putting pressure on you. In fact, I can't last long. At the same time, I feel that the opponent's situation is going down day by day, so I didn't report it." Chen Kangjie said pretending to be calm .

"Oh? I'm just surprised. Last time you told me that you only had tens of billions of dollars and invested so much money everywhere. I'm surprised that you can still get so much money out now."

"It's not difficult to understand. The value of money lies in the investment. There was so much at that time, but I didn't let the money sleep. After a few years, it is normal to double the profit. Uncle Wei, you don't want to reward me for my merits, do you?" Chen Kangjie was serious and mischievous, but he didn't want Wei Zhonghua to get to the bottom of it.

"Reward you? Don't even think about it, I guess you may have more money than the treasury, so don't expect to get real benefits from me. No matter how much follow-up funds you have, I'm calling you to tell You, we have reached some consensus with the U.S., and there is no need to engage in these contests anymore. In three days, the Hong Kong government will issue some new regulations. By then, this battle will be over, and there is no need to increase the stock price in the past few days. It's too high, it's also to protect you," Wei Zhonghua said on the phone.

Ever since Chen Kangjie made the suggestion that the Fed might stand behind the scenes, the government has not been idle and has been negotiating with the US through different channels.Last month, the U.S. side also lied that it was an act of the market and had nothing to do with them, and would not have direct contact with the Chinese representatives.However, as soon as April 28 passed and suffered huge losses, the attitude of the United States changed a lot. Not only was it willing to contact China, but it also made some concessions in negotiations on China’s accession to the WTO and supported China’s bid to host the Olympics. etc.The two sides reached a consensus that the US funds can be withdrawn with reduced losses.

Taking into account the overall development of China and the United States, China agreed to this proposal.It's just that Chen Kangjie, a great hero, has to be scruples here, so Wei Zhonghua himself came forward to make the call.Besides, there must be Chen Kangjie's support, otherwise, if Chen Kangjie didn't stop, they would be useless.

"Oh...then I can't wait for it. It would be great if the government has a solution. I'm worried about exhaustion. If I can do this, it will be the best ending and everyone will be happy." Chen Kangjie hesitated for a while, I support and agree.

Chen Kangjie's refusal was also based on multiple considerations. On the one hand, he could keep and keep his own strength secret; Well, Chen Kangjie really doesn't have much chance of winning, they can definitely continue to bet on the contract.Once it becomes a real protracted war of attrition, unless Chen Kangjie really spends trillions of dollars, it will be of no benefit to Hong Kong.After all, he has made a lot of money now.

On May 588, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority promulgated new regulations on foreign exchange, securities trading and settlement, which greatly restricted the speculation of speculators. On that day, the Hang Seng Index soared [-] points, and the losses of international speculators further aggravated. This is good news. With the power of Chen Kangjie, there is also a little trick of Chen Kangjie.Since then, the Hong Kong stock market has remained at [-] points, neither rising nor falling.

The stock index futures for May is on the 29th. On this day, both buyers and sellers successfully delivered.In addition to the bank lending interest, international speculators ended up with a loss of more than 6000 trillion Hong Kong dollars.Of course, the ones who lost the most were not Soros and others standing in front of the stage. He himself lost 12 billion US dollars. The real loss was the funds from the Federal Reserve that entered through multiple roundabout channels.In any case, for Soros himself, this is the biggest failure of his financial investment career.

Those Hong Kong businessmen who participated in the investment based on Chen Kangjie's opinion before not only made back their previous losses, but also gained a lot.Take Xiang Yan as an example, because he invested heavily in buying stock index futures that he had never been involved in, he earned 67 billion Hong Kong dollars in addition to the losses in the stock market.He has been in business for nearly 30 years, and he has never made so much money, and it is only half a year.

Naturally, it was Chen Kangjie who made the most of the money, and Chen Kangjie's money was made by placing heavy bets in the futures market, exceeding one trillion Hong Kong dollars.The second is the SAR government. Not only did they earn tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars by buying Hong Kong dollars at a low price in the money market, they also held 1900 billion Hong Kong dollars in stocks in the end.

The money invested by the central government has also made money. They have made more than 600 billion Hong Kong dollars in profits, more than half of which is obtained by transferring the stocks they hold to the Hong Kong government.

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